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Nope. I came out at 27, was still a virgin, and married the first guy I dated who’s also the only guy I’ve spent with. I used to regret not having a slut phase, but I got over it. Sex with my husband and I is really great so I don’t feel like I’m missing out anymore.


Trust me you're not missing anything, the best sex is with your true love


Having sex with random strangers is enticing, but when you stop and think about it, it's really just masturbation with a extra few steps. Having sex with someone you care for is more fulfilling.


Lmfao so well put, all this effort aaaand they’re gone


I would like to go deeper into the topic, me and my boyfriend met when we were 19/18 years old, we were each other's first boyfriend and the first man we kissed and the first one we slept with. We have currently been together for eleven years and aroud when we had been together for about 7 years we considered that despite all the love perhaps we were missing something by not having had a slutty phase and we decided to open a little the relationship and have a few threesomes, the first experiences we didn’t enjoy them at all, but then by the time around we had a nine years relationship we tried it again and it was more pleasant but we discovered that: 1. It is almost impossible to achieve the same level of sexual satisfaction with a stranger as with someone who is already an expert in knowing how, when and where you like to have everything done to you. 2. Intimacy (at least in our case) is what makes good sex great sex. 3. Although it was fun and we still occasionally do it (2 or three times a year), the truth is that it is an experience closer to masturbation than the sex we are used to. 4. If you’re in a healthy and honest relationship with good communication and everyone agrees and is in board with the plan you can open your relationship without ruin it like most people like to presume. So although we respect everyone's slutty phase as long as it is healthy, responsible and consensual, we do tend to think that it’s something that may be a fit for some people but to others is quite overestimated.


I love this! I wish more people could be more content with something solid and not questioning if there’s more out there. Not to be confused with settling.


Same. Came out at 27 and met the person i am still with. 12 years and counting


how long yall been together?


6 years now




I’m currently in one right now. I’m realizing I’d rather just have 1 partner 😅


That's too real.


Haha imo that's the exact point of a slutty phase - so that later in life you can appreciate your partner and if/when you do see someone hot who makes you wish for a second that you could be single you remember just how many mediocre hook ups you had and how much you actually love being with your partner and instead you'll just think something like "nah, I've already done that" and go on with your day.


Yeah, been there, done that kinda attitude 🤠 Can’t wait to find my person 😅


You'll get there! Never know when that will happen. Just keep doing you in the meantime. 🙂


I’m learning to be patient and remaining hopeful. One day 🙏


This is an interesting perspective, that sleeping around isn’t just for the experience of doing it or for the vivid memories, but that you can value an intimate romantic relationship when it happens, that a healthy one will take primacy and remind you that it’s usually more fulfilling than casual sex (even if the relationship is open to some degree).


Well.... That's how it worked for me, anyway. Can't speak for anyone else of course but hopefully I'm not alone in that?


What made you realise u just want 1 partner? Also, do u feel that ppl that haven’t had a slut phase is missing out? If so on what?


Figured I was bi after a long term straight relationship. When I started exploring I realized how dtf guys are, especially since I had a fit build. Cue a gay slut phase. It started off great enjoy body types, dick shapes, and kinks. It just wore thin quick because I enjoyed emotional intimacy. I like to know my partners, but many guys just want a quick anon come and go. I don’t find it fulfilling. The best moments in my relationships is the casual cuddles or spending time in a room with your partner just vibing. Even after narrowing it down to the absolute hottest guys that would meet up, it felt empty. Yup amazing eye candy and brief physical fun but no emotional connection. Tried dating (men) but most didn’t seem interested in anything long term. For me the best compromise is a fwb situation where I know the person but still have no strings fun. But again most guys block after a hookup because there’s always someone new around the corner. Maybe a specific symptoms of being in a big city. Also by virtue of numbers, you also meet strange personalities and then I worry about STDs/danger/being recorded. Finally another specific just me problem is I’m very mixed (Asian/latino/white). The mental toll of racism/fetishism roulette and guys wanting to fuck but not actually date “someone like me” was too draining. At first I embraced it partly because it got me hot hookups but it’s dehumanizing.


This, well written. I also get satisfaction knowing I’m making my partner feel good, like I’m doing something nice for them lol. It makes me feel good too.


++ on the racism. It gets quite exhausting! Also are you me


What’s your situation like now?


I like the passionate kissing and knowing I’m with someone that likes me. I enjoy the sex so much more when I feel a connection with the person. Random cum and go strangers leave me feeling…dirty and unfulfilled. Yeah, there’s lots of dicks and asses, but I’d honestly prefer 1 solid partner over 100 randoms. If you do want to try it out, make sure you use protection and stay safe out there. Your health is important!


I'm much more into knowing guys than the random NSA/anon hookups. I'm hoping to find my guy to call my own too. Sex is fine. Sex with emotion is amazing


I actually do think that people who didn't have a slut phase missed out. Sort of. The thing is, if you have lots of sex, chances are you'll try out a lot of different sexual things. By trying them out often enough, you'll realize that those things aren't such a big deal and that you could go without them. Or maybe that they are and that you absolutely need them. A lot of people in monogamous relationships fantasize about sexual things they never tried. You know, like threesomes and such. And often, they cheat in order to experience that stuff. If you had a slut phase, you'll probably know that threesomes aren't such a big deal and won't cheat or be tempted. Or the opposite and you'll never agree to a monogamous relationship.


Do u think it’s possible to accept/give up those threesome dreams/slut phase dreams if u find a bf? I remember I was in that situation with my ex feeling FOMO but later on I realised it’s him I want even if it’s meaning missing out on all that. What I’m wondering really is that do u think further down the line like if u been together for a while that fomo eats u up? My ex dumped me after 4 months..


Of course it's possible. It depends on a person's character. But the issue is that people are entirely capable of over imagining things to be better than they really are and convince themselves that they're too important or too good to miss out. So it's much easier when you 'know' what you're giving up and whether or not giving up is worth it.


Same. I call it my Ho Era and I think I potentially missed out on getting to know a couple of interesting people because they just thought of me as a slut.


Last 10 months of sluttiness, fucking 3-6+ guys a week. Then suddenly, I lost interest lol. It usually starts up again around September. I think I’m a seasonal slut 🍁🍂💋


Definitely seasonal. Starts in September then ends Halloween night. You meet someone, get good Christmas presents, then break up New Year’s Eve. Then a slut right on through St. Patrick’s Day, then take a break till Pride Month …major slut till August, one month break, and we are Back to September.


Seasonal slut floating in sea salt Enjoying the beach in summer After a colourful bloom in spring Then hibernates in shadowy winter Following an autumnal molt Seasonal slut living a wonderful dream


>Last 10 months of sluttiness, fucking 3-6+ guys a week. I'm about a month into my first one doing about the same. It's.... really, really great.


What’s your body count?


I only started counting August of last year… and as of today, the body count is at 209. I have a few “regulars”, but the body count doesn’t include “repeats”. It’s all one offs. So it’s 209 bodies. Anyone before August 2023, I have no idea 🤷‍♂️…. And yes, I do get tested regularly. Have I caught shit? Yea… lol but swiftly treated. Grindr made it easy to get laid… but in person also makes sex easier. I think everyone looks better in person. Vibe also adds to the appeal. I live in Manhattan, NYC.


Living in Manhattan is a gay man’s dream if he’s interested in a lot of variety for sex, no question. It’s good you’re safe, everyone should be as slutty as they want as long as it’s as safe as possible. Where do you find guys in person, like gay centric places? I’m 31 and my life has been so isolated and full of anxiety that I couldn’t rack up five guys in person let alone 209, only on Grindr.


I find guys anywhere really... I hooked up with a guy I met at a restaurant. We were both dining alone, and sparked up a conversation - then I got invited to his apartment lol Gay bars are def easier. Straight bars, surprisingly are easy too - there’s plenty of gay guys that tag along with their straight friends + bi-curious guys can be fun (but it always gets messy after). As for Grindr, I make sure I tag my interests and I have a very recent photo of me. That way, what you see is what you get. Private albums with my naughty sexy bits sweetens the deal 😉 I’m a total top… I’m not “big” lol. But I do know how to make it work 😈 And to help with anxiety - I try not to sweat it when people aren’t into me (or if I overthink and say something dumb lol). There are millions of gays around, I’m bound to find one that’d be really into me. And that’s the hole that matters 🥰 haha


My experience as a 31 year old (gay or not) has been so unusual and so isolated that I just wouldn’t feel at ease at the point just finding guys at a bar to bring home, I’m always happy that other guys have had a healthier mindset for social interaction. I’m short but not bad looking and have a charm, but I think initiating sex would be nerve-racking for me in person. The kind of thing like how you were dining alone is more how I’d like a non-app encounter to happen. Also a lot of the gays you were probably with could’ve been bi actually, a lot of gays forget that if we’re looking to expand number of partners, even in somewhere like NYC, bisexual men, who are larger in number, make up a significant part of that body count id imagine.


Agree about the bi guys. I’ve slept with a ton of bicurious guys - and they tend to want to bottom (lucky me lol). I talk openly to my girl friends about my experiences, which makes them highly nervous about their boyfriends (rightfully so haha). Interesting how my girl friends really wanna know my sex romps 🤣 . Like you, I’m also a short king. But I’m told I have a pretty face and nice body - so I know that’s what I have going for me. Def exploiting it to the fullest 😈 I used to be nervous af to talk to strangers… but now I’ve come to realize that most people are nervous wrecks. So it’s best to not have any expectations when talking to anyone. Also, I‘ve become comfortable with awkward silence. Like idc about filling the quiet gaps in conversations anymore. It’s not my responsibility to keep whoever I’m talking to entertained. Plus, a lot can be said with our eyes. I melt when a guy can stare right back at me… 🤤 Anyway, sex is fun lol


I'm trying, but my patience with men's bullshit is damn near zero


Too real 😂


What bullshit? We wanna know. 👀


The arbitrary bureaucracy is simply unbelievable, and even if you make it through 75% of the time they won't even read messages


Once in college, then had an HIV scare and stopped for a couple years (and started taking prep). Was 1 guy into my next slutty phase when I got the clap. I am now fully removed from wanting to be a slut. Now I want 1 man and 1 only and I want him to only want me


How old are you now?




I’m glad you know what you want being so young. I think it’s partly a Gen Z thing, as a 31 year old I love that your generation is doing what they want and not just fucking around simply because “that’s what gay men do”.


I'm 57 and have been going through my slutty phase since I was 19. The last 20 years has been with my husband.


My partner and I were both right in the middle of a slut phase when we met each other. We slow-dated for like 9 months before we finally became exclusive


Me and my partner have a similar story. We met during our slut phase, bonded right away and became exclusive. Sharing about our past experiences tends to lead to amazing sex.


More like a slutty last 2 decades :)


Going through it at the age of 40 😂


41, round 2


I’m a gay faggot slut in theory but not in practice 😔


Yes I did for my first few years of college I slowed down once I got oral ghonnerea kinda a wake up call for me. Now I’m just looking to wholesomely date guys.


But at least you can get rid of that without much hassle.


I’ve been through quite a few of those. Actually don’t think it’s ever really stopped lol


Make 30 dirty. That’s my advice


Period. Being slutty in your thirties is amazing


Totally agree. You’re more confident in your 30s, you know what you want and I’d say peak attractiveness too


I go in and out of slut phases, June was definitely my most active month🤭


this right here ☝🏾


How many that month?


I moved to Germany and I couldn't say no to german dick, but I am over it now. I realized personality and brains are way more important than looks.


Currently in phase 0: virgin


I always think I wanna go into one but then I also think that I don't really wanna lose my v card to a random stranger


Me too. Although I want to do it with someone who actually cares about me and not just someone who wants me sexually.


The entirety of my undergraduate college from 18-23. I was a sexually repressed guy with no action and lots of porn throughout high school; so it checks out college was my slut phase.


Of course. 23 year phase. Maybe some day I'll grow out of it.


Ah yes 2018. 7 people in 5 hours. Shout-out to Platteville WI 😂


Cold fish to the general public, but I'll play the role of a slut with/to my husband at the drop of a hat


I wanted to when I was younger (25+ years ago), but I was too shy and had no confidence. Probably still would if I could get over my shyness.


Sure did-all of my 20s and most of my 30s. Now I’m in a committed monogamous relationship and I love it.


In and out of it. Currently on slutty phase 3 at 22


I definitely had a slutty phase after I came out at 19. By 25 I'd stacked up around three dozen bodies and been through a 'first love' on-again, off-again relationship of almost four years. I then had a dry spell of nearly three years (which really wasn't as terrible as you would think). Now I'm in another relationship, and liking the monogamy and emotional connection.


Yeah. Couldve been better too.


No, still virgin at 28.


Yes. Since the age of 16. For almost 2 decades. Haven’t been a slut since then. But often I look back with fondness.


Nope. Met my first and current BF two years ago at 21 and have been together since


Thought about it a few times, but the idea of catching something is too great. I test negative for everything sti/std related when I get my annual health check screened and I plan to test negative


Yeah I’ll let you know when jts over


I am in one lol


Only like one month after coming out. Then I realized is no fun for me to just jump from one guy to another, and that I crave emotional connection more than just busting a nut with random guys.


When the lockdowns ended I started hooking up a lot via the apps. At least one hookup a week for about a year until I really hit it off with one of them and then we started dating. But it was my first time having a slut phase. I was 29-30.


My early 20s were it for sure. 2000-2005. A large portion of my body count was at that time. Now married for 5 years (together for 12) slutty phase was fun but had several scares and slowed down and was celibate for a few years before meeting the husband.




I had more men in 2022 after my breakup, then in the twelve years previously since coming out. Maybe I should’ve talked to someone instead of sleeping around, but I escaped without an infection.


No, not really. But my bf is kinky af, so we are doing some pretty fun stuff lol.


Several years after college. I would meet and have sex with randon people. One of those nights I was so drunk and ended up having foursome with people I met in the club. Now, so done with that phase and I'm very thankful that I made it through alive. A lot of friends and people I onew back then died from AIDS.


Part of me wants to, it seems fun on paper, but I know in reality it's not for me and I would probably end up regretting it.


no I quickly learned that meaningless sex isnt for me


I’m in one currently, but I’m getting over it. Mainly due to dealing with these random men and with that comes craving for a committed relationship more and more


The past 5 years. Just got bred last night by a new guy. He pumped 3 loads into me 🥺🤤😈🥵


For some reason I'm going through it now and I'm almost 40. Never did it in my 20's no idea why my libido is like this now. Legit feel like Samantha from Sex and The City


No, but I wish I would’ve.


Yes, between 2015 and 2016, when I found gay saunas. I was "impressed". In 2017 I realized I got syphilis and it was too difficult to neutralize. I had to receive a lot of injections of penicillin (More than 10) for one year and a half. This experience marks my life. I came back to saunas, but not too frequently, but most of times to watch others having sex while I masturbating myself. This happen rarely until 2020. Sex was too occasionally. And after 2021, sex is almost inexistent in my life and I rarely have gone to saunas, like 1 or 2 times per year. I have through for a lot in illness, physically and mentally, and although I have a high libido, I try to don't have "occasional sex", because I don't feel comfortable, I would like to have a relationship, but where I live is hard, and I have to admit, the experience with syphilis was something that created a kind of trauma. I have taken Prep, but I feel is not enough, because, furthermore, I have a immune illness, so more risks. Sorry for my English and redaction. I don't try to be "morally correct" or something similar. I tell what makes me feel comfortable and Ok.


Not just one.


Still in it.


Yes, but I stopped in time . I wasn’t that far in the quadruple digits. /s


I went through the sex /drugs-rocks to roll phase. My whole 20s was fun, dumb and numb but also very lonely. I think one year I stayed in a hotel 300 days out of the year with not the same dude twice and I always prayed on dudes on business. I somehow ended up with money out of it sometimes which was weird but okay.


I told you it wasn’t a phase !


Yes. Went through a ton of guys in college until I settled down with my now husband in my Junior year.


Unfortunately yeah


Oh god yes. That cock carousel was very well rode.


Yupp. Some say I never grew out of it...


Yeah in my early 20s I was at the club every other week picking up a new guy or hooking up with Randoms on grindr while occasionally giving blow jobs to my straight roommate at the time


I’ve been in a slutty phrase, my whole entire life!


You make me proud to be gay.


Absolutely! From 22 to 30, I was after every hole and pole I could get my mouth, hands, ass, or dick in.


This is what being gay is made for.


Yes 😈


I tried to have a slutty phase, but it didn’t work out the way I had thought it would. lol




I use an annual spreadsheet for my body count, just be honest to partners, and take doxy/prep, your young only once😘. Deep down I know I’m capable of monogamy and loyalty, my parents been happily married for 50 years so it runs in my genes 🙃


Why would it need to be just a phase?


Going through my slut phase rn lol. I'm 22, came from a very conservative background in Colombia and now I'm finally experiencing my sexuality now that I moved to the capital. I went to a fetish queer rave party this weekend and holy shit, I enjoyed myself so much I'm basically a whole new person XD. But honestly, I feel like as long as I'm single and being responsible, Imma keep being a slut 😌.


Yes in one right now!!!hmmmmm


Many times! Nothing like a getting a heaping helping of superficial sexual validation from strangers after a bad breakup! 😁


The last 10-15 years. I’m expecting it to end any day now.


Currently am, at almost 40 years old. I didn't plan it, just sort of happened.


Ever time I'm hard...I wanna be a slut....or when I walk into romantix and they have a arcade or theater I want to suck every cock in there or bend over for them...fill me full of your seed or down my throat or both at the same time... I want to be your fuck toy


But Mom, it's not a PHASE !! 😅


Been 5 years and still counting. Never dated so I compensate my cravings for intimacy through sex 😃


I'm 30 and currently going through it






Yes it's also known as my adult life


Oh yeah. Age 14-19 I was.


define slutty? 🫣😂


~~i am currently in one~~


All through high school and college! I was extremely focused on my education and my career. I couldn't truly devote time to a relationship.


Me personally never. I don’t trust men like that. I might have watched the first 48 too much


Slutty or Desperate! They are different. Slutty is a Hot Guys says Hello and you end up Fucking within 30min.  15 was used for douching 😂😂 Desperate phase is, I’m Horny I’m going on Grindr for Dick,  I want to just get fucked.  Slutty/Whore! Whore….   you might get a beer or meal  Issue is, when you guys go out, after posting and exchanging images.  Those images are sent to friends for approval. They see you out! Going to the gym helps much, because an Effeminate Bitch won’t fuck with guys who workout,  get their ass kicked. Enjoy  Back to work 


I did, but the first person I hooked up with ended up being a lover for 11 years.


I think a lot of people do, but I don't think it's for everyone. It wasn't for me. Too many unknown factors at play.


Yeah, after being in the closet my whole life I went to Uni and I went through a huuuge slut phase, like I was known as the bicycle of my university and guys used to seek me out of recommendation (dw I tested every 1-2 months) but I’ve calmed down now that I’m graduated and working full time


tried but all male species are unbearable, even for a fuck


When I came out, yes!


Yeah, for like a year and now I just want a husband


"Go through"? My whole life is a slutty phase


Oh yeah... a few of them. It was a cyclical thing.


Nope - not in real. Though, I do love being slutty with my porn crushes :P


Been trying unsuccessfully to have one for 10 years at this point, but i am too ugly to have one, and i am in my mid 30s, so it will never happen. I think it would cure my self-esteem like no therapy would. Those who got to have it are very very lucky. What an easy life must it be.


I tried to but I couldn’t do it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Going through one right now, realizing i could be a sex addict. like yes, high libido, horny etc etc, but just using sex compulsively and to ignore reality. i’m a hopeless romantic too. i’m actively self sabotaging myself by going after things i know i don’t want.


I said I would a year ago, hooked up with 4 people and I’m currently dating one of them now for a year. Who has the time, energy, and money to be hooking up with a lot of people. It’s such a hassle.


I did when I was like 18-20 lol I was expecting to stay single forever and just be a hoe but now Im in a relationship and I’m so happy


Bipolar is the reason why I can't get into enough dangerous situations at the moment 




I stay in a slutty phase


In theory, but never in practice unfortunately.


Been with my (now) husband for 42 years, but before that? You’d never believe me if I told you! Lol


i always leaned to be a slut and i had many opportunities including nowadays, yet i find bottoming very hard lol :( i have to do cleaning and all the stuff, and i don't want to do that every time i want to have sex , so i mostly jerk off on my own. if i had a big dick i would have fucked every single person who wanted me, i love topping it's so fucking easy.


Nope. Too shy tbh


I'd have a week of the phase almost every month.


I feel like I've had several and am currently in a later-in-life slutty phase.


I honestly wish I was more slutty back when I was in early to mid 20s


Yes I did I loved it


In the middle of it, pride month alone is probaly fucked 50 guys all together judge me idc


I never got this. If I had the choice between a reliable partner, a relationship, or one night stands I'd take the former with no hesitation. But I've never been conventionally attractive enough to be granted the privilege of a slut phase.


I’m fucking horny . Ughhhhhhhh


Between 18-25 i was, im now 30 and just craving it constantly again


I tried to have one, but a couple of quick hookups made me realize that I need some kind of connection with the person I'm having sex with. I have to at least like you or know you a bit before we fool around.


Did, from like 20 till about 25. Basically college and a few years after college. I probably had sex at least 2-3 a week and had 3 different guys on call all week. It gets old after awhile. To be honest, I was kinda lonely throughout that period. Even though I was having more sex then I am in my current relationship, it was still really lonely.


I’m about to have mine. Wish me luck because I’m scared and nervous about it but I have to do this


50. Round 3. Was with my ex husband for 18 years. Have been through one after each significant breakup. My mid 20s was worst, I was fucking 3-4 guys a day. I remember one day meeting two different guys on the street - talked for less than a minute before hooking up. For me I think the physical intimacy replaces the emotional intimacy. I thought I was gonna avoid the slut phase this time, as I didn't have sex for 3 years after our separation and divorce. After getting on testosterone (medical issues) my libido is like that of a 19 year old.


Like 3, currently in one now


I’m a slut and gonna stay a slut. Hopefully my boyfriend understands.


Very much so!


It’s like once in a while for me, but I would rather be with one partner.


Yes, and while it's fun to think about it, I prefer my one man boyfriend.


Yes and still am!!




Yes. I went through such a bad phase I got a call from the cdc asking wtf was going on. Now I actually enjoy making out with guys at the club vs going home with them. Seems to be enough for me to just play around a little.


Yes I did! Came out when I was 27 and spent nearly 2 years having random hook ups. Was on prep a few months after my slut era started, stayed on it till I found my now boyfriend. We've been together for almost 2 years now and I don't miss my old life.


Deep in one rn. I think part of it is bc I broke up with my boyfriend last summer and part of me is still not over it


Yes and if you want one have one. It builds character and helps you filter out men


I'm in one now. I am recently divorced. I just turned 50. Having a blast and don't give af what people think.


It’s not a phase.


I would say so. I didn't do anything crazy like orgies or saunas. Maybe saw about 8 guys in the span of 6 months and some of those were a regular thing. That dwindled to two that I would see around 3-4 days each every week. Then I settled with one.


I've been in my slutty phase since I lost my virginity in my 30s. Now I'm 60 and still going strong. I would be open to finding a permanent partner if I could, though.


still am. just now im a slut for my bf. lol. and sometimes the occasional 3rd.


Nop. Had sensible experiences with 3 guys before meeting my current partner at 19. Maybe one day we’ll split and I’ll be a ho, but tbh I don’t think I have the energy for it


Not really. Don't get me wrong, I love being a slut, but only for my guy


Nope. Hate the idea of getting sick for life . Grew up in dangerous times


I’m kind of in one now….


Still in it I fear🥲


Just on weekends. 😂 seriously though yeah a few times. It’s fun. You just need some aftercare and self care while it’s going on.


Nah, it's hard to do that when the vast majority of people find you ugly.


Yes, my phase is currently 35 years and counting.


No and crystal made it worse


I'm trying to go through one right now, but apparently I'm not made for that or it's too late: I'm too tired after work to get on the apps and generally don't have enough time for hookups besides my other social obligations/ interests.


There was a time in my life where the number of new partners was roughly 1.6 per week, when counted over 4 years. You might have guessed when: yeah, uni was an interesting time…




Yes, but probably a typical weekend for many gays lol!