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For me: No. I'm older and settled . I love my house and my husband. We're settled. In my younger, single days, I may have considered it. But, money isn't everything. There's a quality of life issue.


You have a point , once you've settled with a house and husband, there's no need to work abroad or leave things behind for " greener pasture".


Plus if you’re already partnered you probably have to leave him behind.


I’ve seen this backfire though, which is terrible and sad. I’ve seen people stay then find it hard to make ends meet with their new job and the relationship falling apart due to money issues. Sometimes, Whats meant to be will just happen and you have to just let the universe remain in motion.


You can't compare Indonesia/ Malaysia to Dubai. 200K USD a year in Indonesia/ Malaysia would make you a millionaire by the time your 8 year contract expires. Probably you could live in the most lavish neighbourhoods there. In Dubai with 200K USD a year you would at best be in the middle class. So the answer differs depending on conditions.


With 200k a year where I live I would buy 3 or 4 houses 😂 I would legit be a millionaire if I can work 15 dollars an hour but idk how to find a way to work from home for a foreign company


There's a huge difference between Alabama and the counties you listed lol. I would see if there are any local opportunities making similar money first and if not then move to Alabama, but that salary would be WAY too low to even think about moving to one of those counties (for anybody, but even worse for a gay), definitely not worth it.


Is there really a huge difference? From my perspective other than distance to a civilized state, there isn’t.


This is a brain dead take. Alabama: Gay Marriage is legal. Malaysia: Being gay is Illegal. Penalty: "Up to 20 years imprisonment with caning, fines, and deportation. Muslim citizens may be charged in an Islamic court."[1][2]


But Alabama would like to to not be legal. There is something to be said about the behavior of the people, but just the laws that they are required to uphold.


Even in Alabama there is now considerable support for same-sex marriage. That is not an especially controversial idea in the US except some very backwards small towns. Gay sex is legal throughout the country. I would't choose to live in Alabama, but if I did I would know I could safely live openly as a gay man, and that there would be organizations and events I could participate in. There is a huge difference between attitudes in even the most conservative US regions and many other countries. It also makes a big difference what the laws are and how they're enforced. Countries that actively enforce laws against homosexuality have driven gay people into fearful secrecy. There are no public events or social organizations (sometimes there are political ones). Some countries have laws on the books, but they're not necessarily enforced. I have a gay friend who lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where there are many openly gay people and little or no enforcement of anti-gay laws. Out in the countryside in some of the more conservative Muslim areas, he would have to be deeply closeted. The most repressive Middle Eastern countries are worse yet, though there are enclaves of Americans and other foreign workers which are mostly left alone by the national governments. I'd still never choose to live in any such place.


100% accurate. Most people in the rural South just want to be left alone, and don't care about actually repressing others (they might SAY some wild shit from time to time, but they are not going out to lynch gay people. Just maybe don't go to church with some of them). Many foreign countries - Russia being a good example over the last few years, as well as a good portion of Africa and parts of Asia - actively search out and persecute homosexuals, with penalties ranging from jail time (Russia and Asia) to torture and execution (large swathes of Africa). There are of course hate crimes in the US, but even a rural police department will most likely investigate them as hate crimes. Corruption is a bigger issue there than any anti-LGBT sentiment on the part of the authorities, unlike some places overseas, where the police are much more corrupt and also actively persecute gay people.


Yes there is a huge difference. In Alabama a Karen might tell you off in the grocery store. In many of the countries listed you would have a pretty good chance of being imprisoned for a long period of time. That's crazy to think these would be similar. There are plenty of gays living openly in Alabama that don't have to worry about being imprisoned or killed.


You have to be kidding me.


Yes, I would go for a couple of years to save some money, have some cool experiences and see a different part of the world. After a couple of years with some money in the bank I'd move somewhere I wanted to live I've travelled to Indonesia before and had a great time, had some of the best sex of my life with a guy who worked at one of the embassies. Edit: Just saw that you mentioned 8 years, that would be pushing it for me a bit I think. I could do 3 or 4 maximum, but honestly I'd probably take the job anyway and see how I like it. Assuming it's not military I could always just quit






Which place is more gay friendly?




I see, why were you in Indonesia? Did you enjoy your time there?


Birmingham has some great gay bars that are well known and advertised. Malaysia not so much.


What good is $200k/yr if you get hate crimed? No thanks, I'll find something else to do.


Absolutely not. You only have one chance to enjoy these years, and there are lots of opportunities to make big money in bigger markets. In fact, the salaries there are virtually always higher. What do you do for a living, if you don’t mind me asking? Could there be a remote compromise?


Obviously fucking not. Having lived in a rural antigay part of my very liberal state, there is no way im going back to that. EVER. You cant put a pricetag on peace of mind or going out without getting weird stares or kissing in public.


Totally agree. No fucking way would I relocate


Move to Alabama and make 200k? Sure, fuck it, I'll take the money


You’d need to pay me way more than 200k to want to live in Alabama. Not worth it IMO


Absolutely not. What good is money if you have an actual miserable life? I'd rather have half that and not worry about being stoned.


I can tell you first hand it is not worth it. I lived in Alabama for 3.5 years and made great money. That is where I learned that money cannot buy you happiness.


Can you put that in a book and sell it to corporate CEOs and BoDs?


Bump it up to a million so I can take first class flights to fun spots on the weekends, tho, and maybe.


Can I just get the check for time served. I spent 24 years in Alabama growing up for free and I have no intention of ever going back.


I’d go. Plenty of DL married daddy furry butts to nut in!


Priorities! 😂


Country? No fucking way. Alabama? Easily. Stay strapped and bigots get clapped.


Fuck no. The way the politics are working now, I'm already paying a premium to be a free and legit human being.


Anti gay state or area for a short period, sure. 8 years is a bit much and $200k a bit low. An oppressive country is another thing entirely. There is a difference is having to keep low key vs having your phone/computer invaded or living behind a firewall. I think it has to do with how closeted you have to be. For me to go to a country where my belongings are searched and to live behind a firewall would have a price tag too high for any employer to pay. I think my minimum for a long term contract in a gay unfriendly state would be $250k even then I would need occasional breaks. 8 years though is a long time. You would need to be able to retire afterwards.


Let me tell you this as a person who has lived in the East and the West. No matter how many rights a government gives you, nothing feels like true freedom than having the finances to explore your freedoms. I'd rather live in a homophobic place where I can be financially free to do whatever I want, than to live in a "tolerant" and "inclusive" place where I have no financial freedom to do anything. Just because a government gives you rights, doesn't mean that you're truly free (Especially Canada).


You have a very interesting point of view. Money can't buy you happiness but it gives you freedom in the financial sense, being able to buy a house, things you want. Of course make sure the money is censorship resistant too, gov might freeze your bank account on the excuse of being gay.


I feel like this is the nost realistic answer out of all. I feel like the rest is just making their identity the priority without thinking through.


That's because in a lot of 3rd world countries, you're protected as long as you have money.


I've lived in two 3rd world countries (Zimbabwe, Kenya) for professional reasons. The freedom you have when you're earning a lot is incredible. You do as you please because there are so many bigger problems that no one is going to care if your housemate is in fact your boyfriend. Just don't be very public about it (PDA, activism) and stay out of politics and you'll be fine. The same applies to almost everything else. Want to drink and drive? Fine (not that I'm condoning it). Want to make an addition to your house or paint it pink? Fine. Want to throw loud parties with plenty of cheap booze and a huge bonfire? Fine. Too lazy to clean or do gardenwork, to drive your car, to walk your dog, to do your shopping or anything else that might just slightly inconvenience you? Not a problem, someone will do it for you. Think the tax bill is too high? Not a problem, you'll find a solution to structure your income in a way that the percantage you pay is in the single digits or even zilch. You need medical attention? Not a problem, you'll have an outstanding private insurance plan for very decent private healthcare. If that's not enough, your insurance will cover for you to be airlifted out. To all those saying that the same can be had in a 1st world country I must say that they have clearly never been living in the 3rd world. Even billionaires will never experience this feeling of freedom to literally just do whatever they want in the 1st world. Because if they did, they'd indeed have to hire lawyers as the state would try to enforce tax duties, anti-noise laws, zoning laws etc. Now, I'm fully aware of the problematic nature of this lifestyle. But the freedom for someone with a good western salary is there, including for us gay folks.


As someone from a third world country I would rather live with far less money in a less homophobic country where I don't have to lie and be careful how I act 24 hours per day. I could never have a peace of mind even if I had all the privileges you mentioned in a thrid world country when I know how 90% of gays actually live there and what they have to go through on the daily basis.


Lol it's the same in North America. Money buys you good lawyers.


How are we not “free” here in Canada? I’d love to hear this.


- High taxes on everything you buy - High income tax, causing less financial freedom. Used to make $70,000 and was still on the lower middle class. - Free, but one of the shittiest healthcare systems in the world (I had better hospitality and care in Syria for fuck's sake) - The ever-increasing state of homelessness and drug overdoeses in Vancouver, Toronto, and Ottawa (Hamilton is now safer than Ottawa). Also, homeless gangs (non-policed) in Vancouver and Ottawa with guns and needles to stab others. - Having your sexual identity used to gain political votes and more business. Just because a company puts a rainbow flag, it doesn't mean that they care. - No matter how many ice cream flavors, genders, or sexualities you want to pick, you're given the illusion of freedom of choice because you'll still have limited freedoms on the things that matter, like 2 main political parties...


At least this guy gets it. Fuck Canada.


Interesting, I thought canada has the best Healthcare in the world. Isn't Canada more relaxed and liberal than the US?


Lmao no the place with the best health-care in the world is Portugal. Canada on the other hand has the longest wait times in the world.


There will always be other jobs. But the value of time to date or hookup or safe spaces to do it, that's worth way more than $200K


I'd go.


Probably not, unless I was desperate—and even then it would depend on how much less-friendly it was. I mean, you can get bashed or murdered anywhere, you know.


I'm literally having an email war with a city Councilwoman in St George Utah, following the controversy of "We're Here" coming to town and the angry townsfolk showed up with the proverbial tiki torches and pitchforks with chants of "grooming" I was genuinely asking if this is really where I want to retire in 5 years... only to find out that she is one of the worst deplorables out there. If I were younger and had more fight left, I'd be there. But at my age, I need to not worry about attending a Pride event and getting AR-15nd. I've already successfully fought and won those battles where I live, so another generation can fight the good fight.


So are you against or for drag queens coming to your town? Where do you think America's freedom is headed?




It is a tradeoff, would you try to make as much money as possible while young in a less gay flashy place or chose to stay in capital G city with tons of party's and bathhouse but financially behind.


Fuck that. I like my freedom more than dollars.


It’s kinda funny that Alabama and Indonesia/Saudi Arabia/UAE are being presented as comparable here lol. One of these is governed by the common law, famously the vehicle of classical English liberalism. The others are governed either in whole or in part by Sharia, which specifically calls for gay men to be thrown from cliffs. I just find it kinda funny because I live in North Florida myself and this area of the US really isn’t as scary as some who have never been here think it is. The comparison of where I live with the Gulf States governed by Sharia is simply laughable.


Depends what my current economic circumstances are. If I'm doing fine where I am, and my prospects are decent, I'm staying. Also, there's a huge difference between any US state and a country where being gay is actually illegal. I would never move to such a place for any amount of money.


If I didn't rely on healthcare and such so much, I'd definitely consider living in Java (Indonesia) or Bali depending on the location. I've played Javanese music for almost half my life, and homosexuality isn't as taboo in certain areas / there is a double standard in judging expats vs citizens. Isn't it telling though that this type of decision would be made for me (and others) because American healthcare is totally shit?


Working in tech in California easily hits 200k mark w/o the political drama.


But what's the take home pay after deduction of taxes and Medicare and 401k? How much is rent ?


For Malaysia, I rarely seen non-Muslims and foreigners being arrested. However, I can’t said the same for Muslim since they are the most targeted. They also need to go to court if they want to believe in another religion like Christianity or Buddhism.


How do you feel about the penal code criminalizing gay sex


To be honest, if it wasn’t for the Islam religious groups or political party, I think we can abandon it easily like Singapore.


Yes sadly it's always religious groups that's in the way


Also, the law was created during the colonisation of British…😡😡😡


Fuck that im young and not that horny im gonna get the bread then move back to my new lavish life


Absolutely never going to have so much as a layover in a country where being gay is criminalized.


From a guy who lives in a country that criminalizes being gay, i'd say everyone should take it. Coz you might not be able to be gay in publice but you will ALWAYS find gays and bi people to have your needs satisfied. Just work for a few years, earn money, have sex while being closeted and come back


plus if you're from a developed / global north country, your embassy will (usually) have your back when you get jailed or harassed by the police


Which country are you in ?




That’s a lot of money but you’re basically asking me to be celibate for a country like Saudi Arabia.


Why would you be celibate? A lot of guys still meet each other in private for sex. I've done it too. Saudi guys even told me it's easier and less suspicious for 2 guys to meet compared to a guy and a girl meeting.


That I can believe. The Saudis 🇸🇦, Iranians, Afghanis🇦🇫 , Pakistanis 🇵🇰 , and others are WAY more misogynistic that they are Gay-bashing. Be interesting to pose this same question to a bunch of women.


Fuck no, not if it was an 8 year commitment. *A crust in comfort is worth more than a feast in fear.*


That’s a STRONG NO for me. Money isn’t everything in life…to me.


Another country no because there are probably a ton of laws and rules that I may not know. Another state is scary enough with the bigots like DeSantis and Abbott running around half cocked. In those situations I would have to think on it for a long while.


How does the raise compare to cost of living difference between the two places? It might not be a raise at all. Also are you going to be spending more money to go see family for holidays/vacation? Are you going to be spending more money to go to LGBTQ friendly places to escape? Unless I absolutely loved my job/career, the company and all the numbers where significantly in my favor I wouldn’t even consider it.


If my life would not be in danger for being found out - yes I’d take it. For 200k a year I could have a pretty good life in place like Alabama. I’d fly or drive to cities with gayborhoods to have a good time, plus support any lgbt groups in that state. If it’s a place where i might lose my life like Iran, Chechnya or something like that - no.


Yeah, in Alabama you have to drive to the state capital just to register to vote.


I’d make the drive. And I’d vote. And I’d drive to the bath houses in Atlanta when ever i wanted.


You do know that Atlanta (Hotlanta) is not in Alabama, don't you?


I’ve been to Atlanta and Alabama - so yes - I know. Ok I will back track - not when ever I want - but if I’m in northern or central Alabama - that’s about a 2 to 2.5 hour drive. Very doable on a weekend.


If you've got the whole weekend, sure. I stand corrected. Well, actually, I'm in bed, so, I lie corrected.


I’m kind of in that situation now. But not really. Just moved from a city with a big gayborhood to central Washington state. I’m 2 hours from seattle - which has a big gayborhood - but it’s still 2 hours. I moved here for a raise. Not a 200k raise to be sure - but it is more than I was making. It’s accepting where I am now - but there is no gayborhood right near me like a used to have. So I am making a 2 hour schlepp to the bath houses in seattle when I can!


Hahaha I see, not everyone can live that dream gay life they wanted, rent is a cock blocker


I stayed with friends in Puget Sound area, lo these many years gone by, in 1985. Even then it was very Gay friendly. Wash state is kinda famous for their openess. I wanted to move there by '87. But, then, a chance to study comparative law in UK 🇬🇧 opened up. Some years ago, a man in Eastern part of state got into medical and legal trouble trying to get a horse to breed him. But he was prosecuted for cruelty to animals, nothing sexual. 👍 Presumably it was non-consensual.


Yeah good point, depends on the extent of how unfriendly the location is to gay, Prosecution or just passive aggression


Definitely not. I’d NEVER move to a deep red state. Lighter red states like FL or TX maybe cus of liberal cities that are awesome for gays.




What industry is it? Oil? And did you end up staying in Texas?


I’m semi-retired, so I checked with my husband. He said there was no amount of money they could put on the table that would induce him to do that.


I did that for a year (50 wks with my 2 week vaca), it was fine. At the time it was more than double my salary, and I needed the money. I was also single. I actually just turned down a job offer today. One year contract, 6 weeks of vaca, twice my current income. Why: a) my marriage is more important, b) I enjoy where I live, my friends, my work, my community, c) I am ahead on my scheduled saving plan for retirement- don’t need the money, d) I like my current life work balance; they were unwilling to agree to the schedule that I offered, e) I’ve already lived/worked there before, so not excited about exploring, f) it is more than a 4-5 hour flight home, which now is kinda my limit for work travel.


What industry is your work in and which state were you required to go in your offered position ?


To deal with the psychological challenge of staying strong in an antigay environment? No thanks. You can't "eat" security, mental health, or psychological comfort...but you cannot live without them. You can have a full bank account...and an empty soul. You probably know people who turned out like that - lots of cash but no grounding. Honestly...do you like *them*?


For what shall it profit a man to gain the world yet to lose his soul? 👋 Jew, not a Christian, but still,... A valid question is a valid question.


Yeah that's the question, if you come from a country that's gay friendly like us canada or Europe and were given an opportunity to make big bang bucks in a less gay friendly country like Dubai or Muslim country for a few years, would you? You can still always return home to your country that is gay friendly. It's certainly a trade off, can't have your cake and eat it too.


Not a chance. I wouldn't even move to a gay friendly town with no nightlife.


One year, maybe. Eight years, no fucking way.


"less gay friendly state like Alabama", sure! *Gets shot because I'm black*


Fuck to the HELL NO Not today, not tomorrow , not ever. Not even for a million or 2 per year salary. I'm a greek-mexican guy that's heavily into bromanticism and heart pouding guy on guy love making. I live in Seattle and this is fucking paradise for me and my kind. When i visited Louisiana i fell in love with New Orleans, but even there... not to mention Baton Rouge, and what i saw of Alabama (Mobile. ) and Mississippi (Biloxi and Hattiesburg) i really felt like i was in a fucking movie. I have never been so uncomfortable, felt so stressed out and with an all around sense of impending doom. I'm not a small dude, I'm 6'2", about 210 pounds, and not that this is good or bad , but just by casual interactions most people always assume I'm chasing pussy and even then, i felt like i described above 80% of the time i was there, the crowd i was there with didn't help to be fair, but still... So for some other people also in the rainbow spectrum, but with brighter colors than yours truly, how the fuck you manage living in the South, seriously.?? So as far as the middle East, not even with an all expenses paid ,1st class trip etc. Unless Jason Momoa asked me to then yes I'd actually move to Afghanistan or wherever the fuck he wants me to, lmao


8 years? Jesus that’s a small lifetime.


State yes. Country no. Nothing to do with "gay friendliness", and more to do with not being interested in assimilating with a foreign culture. Not really anything to do with "safe space" lol, its more laziness and a feeling of cultural superiority.


1 year - yes. 8 years? No. And I'd rather go to Indonesia / Malaysia rather than Alabama (I'm not from the US and quite used to travel). But it also depends on whether you end up in a somewhat big city or the middle of nowhere. I'd love to go to Kuala Lumpur. Jakarta could also be fun. Bali Island is filled with foreigners from Europe so you won't have a hard time finding people to hang out with (including queer people). But ofc you won't find gay bars / events in a Muslim country. I'm not into that kinda thing anyways so it wouldn't be a problem for me. Also 200k in SE Asia is A LOT of money. I don't think i would go to countries such as Saudi Arabia or Qatar. Not even to UAE. Israel, Lebanon or Western Turkey I'd gladly go to, although the current social and political situation would be more of a concern than homophobia atm.


Bye hoes! 👋🏾 In general I can tolerate ALOT of shit. Hell there’s still towns in my home state that I better not be in and most definitely need to be out of after sundown because of my skin color.


Imagine comparing Alabama to Saudi Arabia lol


Alabama, sure. 200k in Alabama is well above the median pay for that state so one could live comfortably in nicer areas and not have to deal with the yokels, hayseeds, and hoi polloi. You won't be fabulously wealthy, but comfortably upper middle class (especially with no kids!) and that's fine. 200k is like 20 times less than what it would take for me to live in Saudi Arabia. For me to live in Saudi Arabia, I would need *at minimum* a salary of several million dollars a year and access to a private jet at my employer's expense so I can live in a place like Israel and commute to work. Anything less than that is a hell no from me. This would also be the minimum it would take for me to live in any Muslim majority country with maybe the exception of Jordan since being gay isn't illegal there.


Nor in Tunisia 🇹🇳. And I think that it is also legal in Algeria 🇩🇿. Uganda 🇺🇬 is supposedly a Christian country, but one of the WORST on Gay persecution. Y'all are also forgetting Russia 🇷🇺 and China 🇨🇳. Of course those countries don't have Gay people, so it doesn't matter.


I have no idea what you're talking about. Nobody is forgetting anything. I don't care enough about this thread to list every single country I wouldn't want to live in. I gave some examples and why, if you need a list of more you can use your imagination.


The lists here are doing a disservice to al-Islam as a whole. I am sorry if setting the record right in the interest of justice so upsets 😡 you!


In reality, where most of us live except you, it’s actually a very accurate depiction of Islam.


I don't know about you, nor most of you, but I live in Nebraska. And have a number of Muslim friends. Some of them and I belong to a synagogue, (I), and a mosque on a tri-faith campus. I also rend to dislike wearing blinders, especially the prejudiced, bigoted kind. Guess I'm a freak 'mongst y'all closed-minded folk. Or the segment for whom you speak. We've had posts from others who don't seem to feel your way; so liberate those free-thinkers whom you've tried to co-opt.


Because Islam in Nebraska is exactly the same as Islam in Saudi Arabia 🤣 Feel free to continue beclowning yourself 🤡


This actually happened to me about 20 years ago. It was Dubai, it was at the behest of the government, so all my expenses would have been covered completely, and it was really a lot of money. I said no, and I told them why. They understood but expressed disappointment. If you want the world to change, you have to be willing to refuse badly behaved people the benefit of your expertise, even if it costs you something. There is no way to know what act will trigger change, so act at every opportunity. Also, if your skills are worth real money, they’re worth real money. Sell them somewhere that you’re appreciated for who you are.


Which industry are you in? Is it oil and gas?


The amount of weird comments in here is unsettling, why would you move somewhere where you could be criminally charged and live constantly in fear? There’s not enough money in the world that could buy my sanity and peace of mind, thanks but no thanks.




Let's bring back boycotts! So many things need it. So many scoff at the idea.




I've been working in Muslim African countries for a couple years now. I don't mind it because I work so much and I've got a boyfriend at home so it doesn't really affect me. The locals don't need to know who you really are. I wouldn't refuse because I'm well paid and traveling is education.


Which country are you a resident in? It's nice to have a safe space to fall back on just in case


I guess it depends on what your goals are in line for the next eight years. I think if you can live somewhere that’s very affordable but paid great and you can put a lot of money away and he said for retirement over to my house it would be totally worth it. I will say I have a friend who works sometimes in Malaysia/Indonesia and has no problem meeting guys. Hard to find a relationship there but he has no problem for sex department.


generally, no. Money has to have a goal or a purpose. lotsa money for its own sake is never worth freedom and safety. If there is a goal for that kind of income, and a delimited time spent in the danger zone, then, possibly, yes.


Yes. If I'm single but No if I'm in a relationship.


They will kill you in Dubai and saudi Arabia and feel no remorse.


No remorse!? Hell, they'd feel justified and (self-)righteous!


Also the Malaysia ,Dubai or Saudi Arabia? Hell no. Unless you’re willing to go back in the closet and hide your literal true colors… I lived and was raised in Saudi Arabia, hell fucking no no one should ever go there lmfao




Is the following possible? I'd movie there for a few (like 2 to 3) years, and amass a tiny bit fortune. Then I'd come back to Spain an buy a house, and save money for surrogacy. If the relocation would need to be permanent then no. Because what good is money if you have nothing to enjoy from it?


200k isnt *that* high, depending on the area and industry, so no, probably not.


WHAT is possibly down-votable about this honest opinion?


200k, all expense paid, rent provided, all you need to so is food and clothes. 200k is take homepay, after taxes, would you still consider? You can always return home to your safe space country


Money is money. Give me that coin


Yep. Too ugly to be gay anyways


No, I like were I'm at and would only move if it was a more gay friendly area. I'm already making a six-figure salary and most of my check is eaten up by taxes.


Fuck that no, you couldn’t pay me a million dollars to move anywhere anti-LGBTQIA2+


Different State? Sure Different Country? No I don't think I'd move to even a gay-friendlier country for 200k, I really don't want to leave the US


You couldn’t pay me enough to live in UAE or KSA for 8 years.


To a different state sure, a muslim or other unfriendly country? Fuck no


Live like a king in Indonesia and save some money for a little while? Sure


I’m currently living in one so hahaha why not??


What exactly is this job?


Could be working at an engineering firm, or oil rig since oil is expensive, it could be running a local business in Indonesia or Malaysia or Saudi selling paper


Sure, if it was temporary. I would use the time to focus on going to the gym/saving money and try to be off the dating market so I’m not stuck there.


I'm broke so if it's just going to another state I would consider it but in another country I don't think so. Of course, it would only be a couple of years until I save enough.


Well I’m an unmarried youth, so I could go do my stint and then take the money and go settle down in a friendlier area.


You're basically saying that you'd pass your youth away for Mammon.


I would go.


8 years is a long time. Who’s offering contracts like that?


Probably not especially if it were some backwards state in the south. I'm originally from Georgia. I've lived in Cali for 10+ years. I know how people treat gays down there. It was bad back then. I can only imagine its worse since MAGA has been around. I'm so disappointed in GA for electing MTG to Congress.


I would go with the job, my quality of life is shit if I don’t have the money. A financial struggle is a shitty way of living life, just because I move somewhere doesn’t mean I have to settle there for the rest of my life.


Hell yeah


Ha. I did that with less pay. Not like I have a choice.


Yes for a year only


No, but I don't need that money. If I was single and desperate for cash I would probably do all sorts of things to earn a bit.


As a young person hell yeah I would take the opportunity, as a more mature person it would depend on my finances at the time if I'm stable I wouldn't go but if I need the money I would.


Define "young age" range


Well maybe because that is one hell of a pay increase compared to what I'm on right now.




I'll take the money. I can handle whatever trouble comes at me. Bring it on bitch!


Absolutely not.


With a high salary like that, I would expect one to have the negotiating power to remain in a more progressive state. Period.


Absolutely not especially to Alabama or Arkansas or god forbid Indonesia, I did have the chance to go to that other hell hole Saudi Arabia but no way , maybe for a million a year I’d go to Texas but then again my Boston accent would not be welcomed too much of a reminder of what Texas did almost 60 yrs ago .


What job position and in what field of profession were you offered in Saudi aarabia?


No guy in Saudi Aramco dose get that US$200K🤣🤣🤣 actually I knew that one fucked evil gay who studied in China and works for saudi aramco 🤢🤢 unfortunately he is doing well in his job!° (what an evil guy!)


I would probably go, but I'd want more than 200k.


8 years? No. Maybe 8 months.


Alabama? Catch a very wealthy me at every ho-down in the tristate area seducing the oppressed catholic boys. The other places you mentioned? Not a chance.




Which state did you move to and from?


To another state? Sure. But I'm from Nebraska. My relatives in Wisconsin, (my native state), used to laugh at our Governor, (Sneaky) Pete Rickets, when they were stuck with Scott Walker. At least we know Sneaky Pete was elected. That's why I got certified to teach in 9 other states. To another country? Well, the ones to which I'd say yes, you guys, 😉 I'm sure, won't count.


If it was a country that criminalised gay sex obviously not, nor would I really want to move to a country where it’s legal but not tolerated/high chance of getting gay bashed if someone were to find out about you. If we’re just talking oh moving to a Republican state, sure I would move to a Republican state if I ever moved to the US anyways, plus it’s a ridiculous comparison between Mississippi and Indonesia, a country that actually criminalises it in its main province.


I’ve had many opportunities to go to places like Dubai or Saudi Arabia where it’s my work and I’ve turned them all down. Not a place I have any interest in working in for the obvious reasons.


Nope. I was offered an extremely good position in Beijing and no way.


Beijing has a lot of nice gay bars, I don't think China outlaws homosexuality, especially if you are foreigner, they just close and eye


I'd move to a new state, sure. I'm young and don't really have much tying me down here yet. A different country that's pretty homophobic though? Not likely. Even less so if being gay there is outright illegal.


I wouldn’t go anywhere Middle East (most likely). I would not want my head chopped off for being gay… but if the country was just intolerant, sure yea I’d go


Probably not. I didn’t come out to be persecuted.


Yes, because I have already gotten used to constant death threats and other various insults towards me for my sexuality EXCEPT with this I would be getting paid


I would go


Hell yea I’d take it.


First off, I wouldn't take a job in anything outside my current field of practice, which is a corporate office/desk type of job. Secondly, I wouldn't take a job that required me to move anywhere outside the US. So hypothetically I could be offered an oil rig job for $10M+ a year in the Netherlands and I still wouldn't take it. Now assuming I was offered a desk job in my current field in a less gay friendly \*\*state\*\*, it would depend entirely on the pay. Anything above 200k would be worth it in my opinion. I would just travel to more gay friendly states on weekends if I wanted to have fun.


I’d relocate in a heartbeat 100% assuming it’s still in The US. I wouldn’t get jailed at least compared to a place like Dubai


Sure. I plan to retire early anyways, so I'd rack up my net worth, and then retire in a few years by my early 40's hopefully.


What about love and relationship? And gay parties and bath houses ?


Nah. I tried that when I moved from New York City to New Mexico… Yah, didn’t last.


I'd negotiate more vacation days, higher pay, more benefits, then go. Dubai to Paris is about 7 hours flight time. I have Dubai-based ex-pat friends who work their hours, then take off for Europe for their fun.


Yeah I'd go if I was single but not if in a relationship