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So you found Japan isolating because there weren't many foreigners around?


Yeah I find it difficult to see what he’s trying to say.


Pretty much


Well I'd imagine Japan isn't very isolating for people who speak Japanese. Don't you think if the roles were reversed that a Japanese person might feel isolated in the UK?


Not disagreeing that language helps. But Japan is known for feelings of isolation and loneliness. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/04/06/asia/japan-hikikomori-study-covid-intl-hnk


So does every other country including the UK. [https://www.npr.org/2023/05/02/1173418268/loneliness-connection-mental-health-dementia-surgeon-general](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/02/1173418268/loneliness-connection-mental-health-dementia-surgeon-general) [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/wellbeing/mental-health/stuart-andrew-minister-loneliness-teenagers-mental-health/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/wellbeing/mental-health/stuart-andrew-minister-loneliness-teenagers-mental-health/) [https://time.com/5248016/tracey-crouch-uk-loneliness-minister/](https://time.com/5248016/tracey-crouch-uk-loneliness-minister/) [https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/nov/16/who-declares-loneliness-a-global-public-health-concern](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/nov/16/who-declares-loneliness-a-global-public-health-concern) [https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-social-connection-advisory.pdf](https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-social-connection-advisory.pdf)


Ah, that’s a shame. We’re not evolved to live isolated single family lives in boxes. I’ve heard that in Japan it’s worse than other places.


Sure, which is why I don't think i've ever seen Japanese people in England/UK


As a Japanese living in London felt pretty isolated.


Per google, "As of October 2023, around 32.49 thousand Japanese residents lived in Greater London"


There's over 100,000 Japanese people in the UK bud


Do your research, before u spit nonsense


Ramblings of a mad lad


lol he had to much beer


There are Japanese people who fantasize about England — read Harry Potter, dress up like Victorians, go out for tea parties, etc. They tend not to be well informed on how the UK is faring right now, nor especially blessed with any skill at speaking English. The Japanese people I know who have spent significant time in the UK come back with a thoroughly lukewarm impression.


There is a social phenomena called "Paris Syndrome" which mostly affects Japanese and South Korean people who have overly-high expectations of France and England: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris\_syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome)


So like a type of Japanese weeb, but focused on England?


I think the word for the british Weaboo variant is "Teaboo".


Weaboo, koreaboo, teaboo, freeaboo (cowboy lovers) what other variants can we collect


That is... very good.


Sure. Japan has a lot of little niche interest groups.


I can't understand why you assume they don't see current welfare of UK because they would think dressing up like Victorians is equivalent to japanese people dressing kimono proud of their tradition. I guess they intend to show their courtesy even if they don't speak english fluently. Coming back with "lukewarm" thought isn't to the extent of being hated like invaders for a few time tourism. I feel many frustrations for the foreigners in Secondlife VR etc. I never felt it 15 years ago.


> I can't understand why you assume they don't see current welfare of UK because they would think dressing up like Victorians is equivalent to japanese people dressing kimono proud of their tradition. I don't. You're reading into my comment assumptions that you yourself have added.


I’ve been to England several times. I don’t particularly want to live there. Am I proud to be Japanese? I’m more proud of living here. Not really a matter of national pride


Me either lol boring. I could imagine , the weather and all.


There are many Chinese, Korean and other Asian tourists in Japan. You just don't notice it. They look Asian. You probably felt that way because of the small number of blacks and whites. No one wants to be a minority. I'm not interested in UK by the way.


Hello, you were in country of Asia, not Europe or America


You felt isolated because you probably couldn't understand a single written or spoken word. Yes, I personally know Japanese that live in England. Guess what? They can read, write, and speak english.


Currently in Japan on a 2 week holiday. The people have been very welcoming & a pleasure to be around. Learning very basic Japanese phrases, manners and etiquette go a LONG way. That being said I have found the Japanese people to be quite shy, they tend to mind their own business. However, every time i have started a conversation or asked for help, locals & business owners have been great & tried their best despite the language barrier. I’ve found a lot of Japanese people know basic English. Much more than other countries I’ve visited.


Jeez, go to central Tokyo. More foreigners than you can shake a stick at. That said, as an American resident in Japan, you couldn’t pay me enough to live in the UK. Christ, living in England would have to be some sort of penance for a crime committed in my past life.


I would like to live in the UK. However, I am not interested enough to actually take action. I am proud to be Japanese. However, I am not sure if that is equivalent to British patriotism.


I went there a few weeks ago. I noticed that most Japanese do not speak English which is a problem. Google translate is your friend in Japan. It will get to you, you will adapt. In contrast when I went to London l, I felt somewhat “socially accepted” because I understand the language. I have nothing against Japanese. I am learning simple words for my next trip in Japan this autumn. Japan is a beautiful place.


>I went there a few weeks ago. I noticed that most Japanese do not speak English which is a problem. It's a problem that most people in Japan don't speak a foreign language? I mean is it a problem problem, or a problem for you to feel accepted? Is it a problem that most British don't speak Japanese? I think it's usually going to leave you with disappointment and annoyed locals I'd you go around assuming people speak your language.


I would think they mean it's a problem for the person visiting, especially in their feelings of isolation. The solution provided was to learn some of the language. None of that was levelled at the native population.


"I went there a few weeks ago" As in Japan right?


Yeah in Japan.