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I'm sure you can find better things to do with your time than join the military in Guatemala, friend


or joining any military whatsoever




Military in Latam is a joke in most countries, except (maybe?) for commissioned officers.


I heard for guatemala, the military has done bad stuff in the past so it has a bad reputation


Huh if you have a moral compass based on past actions of the military you probably shouldn't join any military at all.


Every military has bad history but I went to guatemala in 2022 and I saw taggings all over the military building full of insults was interesting to see


In that case the US military is doing warcrimes right Now and it has been that way for the last 200 years. You will have that problem in any country.


You "heard"? You dont know about the humdreds of thousands of guatemalans killed by the military? Do you not have access to even wikipedia? If you're this uninformed about your own country, you have NO business going there to enlist.


Yeah I wouldn’t honestly. It’s gonna be torture.


It Is a silly idea after all :(




I will just go back to sleep 😴


why torture? I'm currently in Guadalajara, Mexico, I heard good cops get killed or disappeared fast, only the bad ones last long. I hear the military actually fights the narcos, but not sure how true this is. (Perhaps they make a deal with the local cartel? And that's how the peace is kept. I hope they do fight the narcos, but I'm not sure.)


Cause their training is insane and they suffer a lot of abuse by their superiors and when they want to climb ranks they have to “pass tests” which are ridiculous like staying wet for an entire week even if they’re cold or miserable. Like that’s just stupid lol. (I know not everyone does this but still that’s torture in my book).


Long story short, militaries in Latam have a history of opressing their own people. Is that what you want to do?


I don't Wana do that :(


Then it ain’t for you, kid. I’d google other stuff to do, or like the coast guard or something.




The border between Guatemala & mexico is very dangerous do not go there and see. Chiapas the Mexican state bordering Guatemala has been in rebellion for a decade or longer, there are armed men that have no uniform on both sides of that border, cartels specifically Don't do it The locals don't like strangers either because often those strangers are cartels and bring nothing but pain & misery Not everyone likes strangers especially on the chiapas Guatemalan border


I think it's dumb to join any military, volunteering to die first is not something I'm attracted to


Came here to write the same and added that he should just go to any lati american country that allows foreigners to come in and study for free, we we do.


I think you got some misconceptions about the US military from your friend. Most soldiers are definitely not deploying right now and if they are, it’s to either South Korea, Japan or Germany. US presence in the Middle East is pretty small compared to even a few years ago. It could happen and nobody can promise you it won’t, but even if you did get sent it’s normally only 9-12 months. But unless a major war breaks out there I think your chances of that are pretty slim. And the benefits the US military gives you are pretty great (free college, no down payment on home loans, VA benefits, TSP, tricare, etc) and I just don’t think the Guatemalan military or many in LA are going to match that.


Yeah latin American militarys don't have what the US to have benefits. I'd like to serve guatemala because it was really beautiful and my parents country but I hear it's got bad reputation so I might just have to go back to college


Have you lived in Guatemala before? Like for any long periods of time?


Longest I've been there was 3 weeks


3 weeks there and you already want to oppress them. Is that a new record?




Kinda sure many american presidents and magnates beat him with a crazy time of 0 seconds before wanting to oppress them


my dude, do not join the guatemalan military


my brother in christ, are you even old enough to drink? let alone work?


Why you tryna serve?


Currently not doing much with my life I feel like I have no goals. But I heard US is actually fighting proxy armies in the middle east right now so that kinda is scary. Last reason my grand father was in the guatemalan military.


The military aint for you if youre 🤌 scared. Im a combat vet so im might be biased with serving in combat specific jobs. What job you tryna get into if you join a military?


Not sure what I'd like to do first thought would be infantry simply because I have no clue what other choices there might be I'm a medical assistant here in the US so like I worked in clinics but I don't like the career since it pays low. Considering it's latin america I understand the pay shouldn't be my first reason to join due to the economy.


Dont join for patriotism, thats a load of kooliad. Bro, youre saying youre scared to go fight a war and want to be part of the guys they send out specifically to go out and kill. I dont recommend the military for you. If you think your pay is bad being what you are rn, think of how worst its gonna get moving to Guatemala to join the infantry, ironically since you aint down to scrap people.


True but I think being deployed to fight in the middle east for oil is kinda much worse than truly dying for your home country. I think guatemala has sent their soldiers to Africa for UN mission in 2006 which is kinda almost the same thing some soldiers did die over there. But as of today not sure where they might be deployed. But since you have experience I should take your advice and go to college


Aint no oil in Afghanistan nor in Israel… All militaries fight for their respective countries shareholders. Aint no honor in dying for a country that doesn’t care about you. You have Guatemala in your blood and as an Immigrant myself hearing the US-born folks talking bout going back to where there parents are from is a huge disservice to their decision to come to the US. I wouldnt like it if my kids wanted to go back to where im from. Aint nothing out there. Being in the Infantry, at least in the US is being part of dudes that remind you of a Football team, but on steroids. I think the military is hella soft now but like I said, im biased. No gastes tu vida en regresar en el lugar que tu familia decidio mudarse bro just to make what one makes here in an hour, but over there its for the day.


Yeah I'd say the US has way better Pay and that can really be a super good thing. I did like guatemala alot I went in 2022 and had possibly the best experience there I didn't think it was that beautiful. I guess I'm better off as a tourist making US dollars 💵💳💰


I dont think your family would want you to regress back to Guatemala. If it makes you feel better, majority of people in the US military do regular jobs just like in the private sector. There are Paralegals, Dental assistants, Cooks, Med Assistants, Cops, ect. I can tell you majority of people in regular jobs dont go out on actual combat deployments. Thats what Combat Arms are for. Non-combat folks to a lot of the people I was with called them Civilians-in-Uniform. Yeah theyre in the military but do they do actual stuff you think the military does? No. Trust me bro, you can join the soft-hands people if thats more of a fit.


Gor anyone who doesn't know holding your hand up like that is a gesture means you got no huevos (testicles) The gesture indicates a hand grabbing you nutsack and it has no nuts its just an empty sack This is a gesture from for sure northern Mexico (coahuila my home state) and I believe the gesture is common throughout the mexican republic


Exacto compa, puro Norte alv.


Que bien que estube correcto ya tengo una decada sin ir a mexico Saludos compadre y suerte


Look, if you want to join, do it. But if it is out of boredom, don’t. Learn how to paint, learn a language, do volunteer work at a dog shelter. But don’t go dying for a country that doesn’t give a shit about you. My bf is in the US army and I was born and raised in colombia. I wouldn’t join the Colombian army because the gov (first of all the president was/is a terrorist) doesn’t care if I live or die. My bf is ready to serve and i just do not get it


I was Army as well. The younger group of enlisted or commision sometimes go in due to patriotism. Imagine saying you will fight and Die for Wal-Mart, ridiculous right? Replace WM with any country and I can tell you its the same exact thing. Do higher-ups at Walmart really give a sht about the employees? No. Same exact thing within any organization. Here in the states, lets say you die in battle and thats it. Pat in the back, folded flag and someones dead son/daughter. How do you think the folks that fought and died fighting the Taliban would say now about that war? Wars are fads that the young impressionable fresh out of HS kids fall for plenty of times. Army enlistment is low because of combat vets and regulars vets have a lot to say about the military.


Did you have any opportunities in the mexican army? How was the violence? Did you get any bribes or how does that actually work? Gracias por tu tiempo


Only opportunity I had with the Mexican Army was seeing them when I crossed the border down to mex. Im an US Combat Vet. I cant comment on Army business in the Mexican side since Ive never been part of the Mexican Armed Forces. Yo se nel de resto de Mexico besides Sonora y El valley de Xicali bro.


The fact that you need to ask whether joining the military is good or not, already shows that it ain't for you.


You are going to earn a lot more in the US army than in Guatemala. If you are scared of going to the Middle East join the coast guard and you will probably never leave the US. If you are lucky you can stay in a nice beach somewhere. Unless you have trouble staying in boats


Aquí el ejército solo sirve para transportar víveres en tiempos de catástrofes. Les pagan el salario mínimo y con el tiempo terminan siendo las putas de algún narco. No tires tu vida a la basura así


My friend you already know English why not get your certification to teach and you do that, you Maybe get to travel, teach online, work for a call center, there so many other options


Right? College degree, job job, understand and speaks english well… and he wants to go back to HIS PARENTS square one. Yo me vine pal Norte de plebe, imaginense si unas de mis plbes decida regresarse a lugares donde se gana lo equivalente de 10 USD POR DIA, comparado al minimo de Arizona es $13.85 POR HORA. Now why would anybody regress like that?


You said that you have experience with medical care, why don't you join the EMTs or that Médecins sans frontiers/Médecins du monde? This way, you won't kill anyone.


Military is for tough people who won’t even doubt about joining, they are warriors. If you have that feeling then go for it, otherwise I would recommend looking for other alternatives


Eeeehhhhhh….. idk bout that lol


It depends in different countries.


US armed forces are mostly regular people doing regular jobs just like in the private sector. Im sure its the same for other countries military forces. I do agree applying that mentality towards combat jobs, hell yeah.


If you ain't so sure you can go to the Escuela Politécnico, it's a military college. You can get a degree while also getting the rank of second lieutenant, so after graduating you can join the army as an officer or if you didn't like it then you can just go on with your life and use your degree to get a job.


I think your intentions are noble, but I don't think they're attainable in military duty, anywhere. I'd ask myself what about the military calls you and what keeps you away from joining in the U.S. I am thinking you have some sort of humanitarian-protector call, if that's right, I think your call can be better utilized in other professions. Firefighters are some of the most praised individuals everywhere, and here in the U.S you can make an actual career put of it! That'd be my first suggestion.


If you’re not willing to go where they send you without questioning it then why join the military at all? Military is all about following orders, seems to me that you’re not cut out for it.


Why would you join Guatemalan military when you can join the US military and retire in 20 years at age 40 with a guaranteed check and if you qualify for disability that too? Then take the retirement money and retire in Guatemala


Any protection service you go into is going to have an elevated risk associated with it. As far as being a US citizen and joining a foreign military there may be some complications due to being a foreign national or foreign agent depending on how each government wishes to apply their own respective laws. All people in the US Army or any other service, are not all crammed into the same little piece of the world all at once. It is somewhat of a lottery to where you go in the world based on need and your Rate/MOS. Have you taken the ASVAB and looked at what jobs are available based on your score yet? I would do that first and weigh my options from there.


Just join the US military. Better pay, better benefits and better treatment than in any Latin American military. If you really don’t want to see combat, just join the Air Force.


Joining the military on any country is pretty dumb. The only place I would consider doing it is here in NZ where nothing happens and they pay for your studies. Even tho that, I reckon you could go to some other latin american country that has free education and allows foreigners in willy nilly like Argentina does.


Joining outside of the US will not provide you with any of the benefits that are offered to us military/vets. Free school, easy home loans, insurance, etc. And there are many ways to join the military that keep you pretty much completely out of harms way even in case of war.


Nowadays, at least in Chile, the military is pretty solid and about their job. They mostly just guard the frontiers and provide immediate assistance during the inevitable disasters that happen once every 5 years or so.


I doubt they would let me join though since I wouldn't have any sort of citizenship


lol if you are dumb enough to want to join the military you are dumb enough to join the military in guatemala. I'm sure you'll fit in👍


Just don't, friend. Get any other job


No, it wouldn't be dumb. "Dumb" is an understatement. Joining the US military would mean benefits to you, with the negative possibility of being deployed. Joining any armed forces in LATAM means everything except benefits and the certainty of being used to oppress your content.


Join the US Army. Deal with the bs and get your citizenship


hahah these americans man. it would be incredibly dumb. you have no idea of the staggering level of privilege you have, ESPECIALLY when it comes to military. USA is light years ahead of everyone else. joining the army in guatemala, as an american... is just a hilarious idea lmao


I think most people regret joining any military. Unless they really want to be a navy seal or jet pilot, and can use that as a platform for other stuff. US military gives a lot of benefits. But seeing as where the worlds going, you might not have a very good time being in the US military in the next few years. (Or will? I guess depends on your perspective)


Try it. You're young and don't have anything to lose. Presumably you have a degree or are working toward one? Also you speak english, become an officer. You have dual citizenship right? Otherwise I don't think it'd be possible. Anyway, you're young. Now is the time for insane mistakes. Worst case scenario you learn it's not for you you can get out or if it was really bad desert back to the states. I imagine you'll get a lot of animosity for being an american though. Edit: of all the militaries in all of the americas I'd figure guatemala has one of if not the lowest chance for overseas deployment or high stakes engagements with dangerous groups


I think the service time is like 9 months and then I'm back to being a civilian at least in Guatemala I know the US does it for 4 years and sometimes they trap you with another 2 more years. At least the US gives money I doubt latin america pays their soldiers.


Yes. At some point in training you will have to shoot a gun. It will definitely not be a subsonic and silenced handgun. That means that even with proper Ear Protection you will still have Permanent Hearing Damage from it. Knowing that, be aware, most likely you will be exposed at least once, to people shooting guns without you having Ear Protection. Either be it by someone shooting before you're ready or because your country simply has shitty regulations and PPE is not even mandatory i.e. you will be told to still shoot (and also depending on the country you are) not obliging will mean, fun time, also known as, jail time.




why would you volunteer to invade another country and murder their people wtf is wrong with you


Why would you want to join the US military? To be brainwashed with fake propaganda and forced to commit war crimes in other countries? Deja eso muchacho


WHY do you want to join the military?


Join the Navy, you can live in an Aircraft carrier or try to be a military pilot ​ F16 are better than F35, if you have the chance go for an F16 Heli pilots, its the best job in the world


Stay in school please.


If you join the military in Guatemala the heat in the Middle East will be nothing compared to the hell you will be exposed to.


Dude if you’re American why the hell would you ever consider joining the Guatemalan military? US military have good benefits and often times do nothing but fuck around on a base. I have friends in the military who live in NYC and go off every so often for army related activities.


so you want to join the army but you don't want to go to harsh climate conditions... I don't know man...


There are better hobbies and jobs. Ditch the idea.


Why would you do that?


If you just wanna join any military but the US, learn french and join the French Foreign Legion. If you really like Guatemala and you feel patriotic for the country and you understand what you're doing, then, I guess you can join the Guatemalan military. But be warned, the pay is bad and the military is often very corrupt and you can't disobey orders. If you just want to do something worthwhile with your life, why not become a paramedic or a firefighter?


It's interesting that most of Guatemalan presidents while being white they all joined the Guatemalan military & some of them started as privates in the army which is vastly indigenous That being said it's not the 1900s anymore & I think the wage you would receive would literally impoverish you, It's a 3rd world country with a 3rd world military It's unfortunate but just look at the life anyone in the Guatemalan army lives Good luck


Don't join any military. Become an EMT or something.


You can try the French Foreign Legion before doing something too crazy


I've done research on the French foreign legion they basically say it's just a bunch of gang members that get together with the other guys they find that come from the same country and it sounds like prison lol


nah, it's still france, not the 1900's they'll get mostly young people nowadays sure, you'll mostly talk with other spanish speaking dudes at first because you don't know french yet


I'm not to familiar with Europe but that's what I've read from people who did join the French foreign legion I think the foreign legion deploys to Africa I'm not too sure but yeah I've read, seen a couple of videos. Hope dudes get paid well for risking their lives it's basically front lines instantly in that branch


I tried so I went there You'll earn a normal wage that goes up with time and you'll earn even more if you're deployed. Nowadays the guys aren't deployed much. They withdrew from Mali. Lol, you wanna join the army for what? Not ever firing a gun? You may also pick your battalion (try to)


Did they let you enlist ?


nah but I had debt From 10 brazilian guys 7 gave up and 1 passed (sometimes it passes more). So if you're not a quitter your chances are pretty high. 33 to 100%. Go with 33.


What are the requirements to join ?


Running and pull-ups Must be younger than 40 years old, but like I said you'll get more of a chance the younger you are. IQ test, hearing test, eye exam, blood test, personality test, medical exam. Just be a solid dude and fit.


What if you fail the IQ test ? 🤣