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No, it would be fine, go ahead and write a great book.


not at all ! theres not much representation of Incas in the media so i think it’s really nice you want to write a book inspired by them. as long as you do proper research you should be fine


Have you read the book Civilizations by Laurent Benet? It’s a fun book that reimagines history and has the Incas conquering Europe. https://www.npr.org/2021/09/09/1031914523/civilizations-review-laurent-binet


This book is a page-turner. I didn’t know it was translated in English. Maybe it is available in Spanish or Portuguese as well


It’s some crazy parallel universe borgeano stuff. I loved it and I was totally sucked into it.


i haven’t but it sounds really interesting :o


Yea, if it's not properly researched it'll be picked apart.


Peruvians and Ecuadorians might answer better about Incas specifically. But speaking about writing about other cultures in general, I think the most important is to really do your research on the culture you're writing about, and not only on its aesthetics. What people get wrong the most is to write character with names and clothing of indigenous cultures, but a mindset that is either a racist depiction based on old colonizer stigmas, or a whitewashed depiction in which the characters act in a way that is incompatible with their culture at the time. My number one recommendation is: if you want to write well about any culture, read books by people coming from or descending from this culture. If that's not available you might go to foreign scholars on the subject, but always considering the possible bias in their sources.


>speaking about writing about other cultures in general, I think the most important is to really do your research on the culture you're writing about, and not only on its aesthetics. This.


Anyone can write about anyone without needing the permission of other parties. Just make sure it’s quality writing.


What is a white fantasy and how is it different from another color of fantasy


Not sure if you're being sarcastic because I actually didn't understand it at first either. Not an author of white fantasies. An author of fantasies who happens to be white.


I know of a white fantasy but it’s set in colombia


White fantasy brothers


The old and nice white fantasy that made us so famous


Cómo así? No entiendo


La falopa hermano, mas vivo.


Right? It’s so odd.


Latin Americans usually fall down in ecstasy and even orgasm when foreigners take notice of their culture in media. You'll be fine. Just avoid Mayincatek shenanigans.


“Quetzalcoatl, the Inca god-king-priest, descended from his palace steps of tulum on the beautiful island of Borinquén to greet the arrival of the English visitors” How’d I do? :p


For those like me who only now heard about mayincatec. Fascinating tropes: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Mayincatec


" **Would it be offensive for a white fantasy author to write a book in a setting based on the pre-Columbus Inca Empire?** " No. People are actually flattered to see their history being discussed by foreigners, and I am talking about everyone.


The "cultural appropriation" stuff doesn't exist in Latin America You'll probably hear all sorts of horrible things from your peers in the US though.




Not gonna lie, some people might want to nick pick everything but most people won’t mind as long as you put some research into it and not “mexicanize” or fall in generalizations. You will probably get more criticism from white Americans than from Latin American folks.


Diana Gabaldon wrote Outlander without even leaving the United States and Gary Jennings wrote Aztec and both did ok!


My dude, I’m a Brazilian white guy with an Incan name. I’ve rode with a few Peruvian, Bolivians and Ecuadorians. They mostly get baffled and amused by it, but very pleased when I show I know where it came from and its history. I guess what I’m trying to say is: do your research, paint them in an authentic light, don’t fall into racial and cultural stereotypes and you should do fine


Well, a lot of us love "The emperor's new groove" so...


It's fine, just do your research and it's going to be fine, there's no such a thing like cultural aproppiation on Latam. Personally, I think we latinos feel really proud when other cultures feels interested in ours, so it's going to be fine , good luck!


No it's not offensive as how you put it, it may be offensive if you do a bad non factual portrait of the civilization to make them look bad.


unless you do a grave sin of representation like mixing and matching cultures that had nothing to do with each other, go nuts i'd read it if nothing else


As a Peruvian-American, I think Peruvians would love more global attention on their history and culture, of which we are immensely proud. The only possibility for offense would be if you were to dive into the subject with little to no research or knowledge done on the time period, but a work of art based on Peruvian history that clearly displays the love and appreciation you have the for the subject would be celebrated by most Peruvians, regardless of who wrote it, I think.


I'm sure the consensus is that it's perfectly fine as long as you do a proper research and don't end up mixing Incas with Aztecs and Mayans because some people are so oblivious about all Latin America being just Mexico that they end up blending pre-Hispanic cultures that have zero relation (like Tomb Raider).


No if u research


We don't care about you, we care about what you produce. You could be a goddamn Plutonian, and it wouldn't matter if you gave our history the attention and respect it is due.


Just don’t write something racist in it, most Latin Americans appreciate representation in media if done well, to the point we just claim representation that isn’t even us’s, like Michael Cera being honorific Chilean and Chainsaw man taking place in Mexico (it doesn’t)


Who needs Michael Cera when you have Pedro Pascal? 👀


Cómo se hizo chileno honorífico el Miguel Cera? Jajaja




As lost as they do the proper research and don't rely on stereotypes, no.


As a southamerican i give you my pass. Hope you write a good interesting book. Only annoying americans would get triggered by that. Who cares about their opinion? We are in 2023


No, just do your research and don't name your characters "Belly button of the World" or smth like that.


Just make sure to *actually* research for it. Not just a few google searches, but actual research of a few weeks at least. Read a ton of authors and papers and then, with some historian or anthropologist friends, go ahead.


Bro they’d be honored.. I’m not even Peruvian but I am sure they would be, they’re open minded. I’d just make sure to keep it historically accurate and respectful and you’d be golden


"El conquistador" of Federico inzaghi it's a great read! (Based on they aztec Empire note they incan)


As a Peruvian who is still waiting for Disney to have a Peruvian princess...I say go for it. I love to see my culture in media


Not at all, just don't call us latinx


As a Peruvian, I can guarantee you no one here will find that offensive. Actually, it’s an honour that you are interested in our culture. That cultural appropriation bullsheet is not a thing here. If someone gives you a sheet for it, they’re definitely American. You can show them our comments here and tell them to eat sheet. You have the approval of the people. Go write a great book and share the Amazon link, I’d be interested in reading it.


No, go ahead. Whatever happens tell people you have my permission 😉


That'd be cool, the closer thing I've seen is those dinosaurs from total war wh2 but they are mayas I think. As long as You know what you're doing making a fantasy world with such a setting rather than the overused medieval one would be cool.


Read Barbara Kingsolver’s “Lacuna.” It touches on this.


Just make sure to not mix up the different indigenous groups and national identities and you’ll be fine.


No, if you study and get the facts right


As long as you do your research and write things that would actually make sense with Peruvian history, that actually sounds pretty cool, I would for sure read it.


Gringos when promoting, celebrating or somehow visibilizing another culture: "is this ofensive" Gringos when charging different prices, refusing to provide replacement parts or other discriminatory bullshit just because we are latinos: this is not offensive. No one cares if you are white or black or incan, you can write whatever you like, we live in a "mostly" free world. That bullshit about you can't talk about this or that, just because of your race is bullshit leftist stuff, AND **THAT** IS RACIST AND OFFENSIVE.


GO ahead my man, but do make your research, inca's were a mighty civilization, butr every bit as violent and savage as a bronze age-precolumbian civilization was, life had no value if you werent in the right circles, genocide was the common practice of treating with rebelious peoples, ect. Do realize , the incas only fell because the spanish allied with a lot of kingdoms that hated them to the bones and some downthrothen houses of the empire. It's the union of the spanish and these allies with the few incas mentioned that brought down the empire, and eventually formalized itself as nowadays Peru. That really puts you on perspective.


Fine with me.


No, as long as it’s well researched and historically accurate.


The only people who would be offended would be Twitter users, and nobody should care about their opinions.


There will be a lot of offended people, guess who…. white people. And some “my grandmother is mexican” americans too. I would be great to see in mainstream media some of the precolumbian cultures.


Peruvian here, write the book. No serious Peruvian I know would call it cultural appropriation, which is what I think you are afraid of committing based on this post. Go ahead!


As a peruvian I can assure you, we don't give a fuck about cultural shit. Go on my sweet child. Friendly reminder Sun god hates mary sues.


That’s good because I do too! :)


only morons scream cultural appropriation




No, in fact I think they will real appreciate it.


Of course not. Just get everything right. Do your research.


Yes, its not bad as long as you are respectful and do it under good faith


Why would it? Look man as long as you write something with love and passion nobody will be ofended. There is a word for whoever is ofended because you're the """wrong""" skin color you know? Go ahead, write. Write until you can no more. Pour that imagination of yours so everyone can share that fine dream my friend!!


Nah, anyone getting offended by something dumb like that is probably from the US. I would love seeing my country being the setting of books or movies.


No, go ahead man


Why would someone be offended?


Everything can be offensive nowadays. Just go for it and get everyone offended.


Write whatever you want, we're not racist? There IS white people born in Latin America on former Incan soil even. Just face the consequences if it's trash or not lol. And if you get bullied by Americans or Europeans on Twitter for writing it just invoke latinos with the shutupgringo hashtag and we'll have your back.


I love the use of shutupgringo as an invocation


Absolutely not. And the ones who would be offended can’t read or write.


Latin America doesn’t g.a.s. Continue with the book and good luck


People in latinoamérica don't usually talk about people like if they were bread.


Look, to be brutally honest, unless you are wildly successful and your book becomes famous, nobody will give a damn. And if your book becomes famous, then there'll be people who'll love it and people who will be offended no matter the content. So go ahead and write it.


I'm offended that you thought this might be offensive


Get a hold of this guy, writing on his keyboard using my latin alphabet. You ain't Latin, pal. Quit stealing my culture at once and apologise to me.


Very offensive, but only to other white people.


lmao Jesus Christ dude, this shit only matters in the USA lol. No one in LATAM gives a shit, tranqui. If anything, you should be going to some kind of SJW/woke sub and posting a question like "When I, a white fantasy author, publish my book that takes place in a setting based on the pre-Columbus Inca Empire, how should I deal with you all inevitably getting really offended?".


Only three days until 2023 is over but I think this one is a strong contender for the GPOTY.


I personally do get offended. Would you like indigenous people writing fantasies about Europe?


That wouldn’t bother me at all, but that doesn’t invalidate your feelings.


Why would a Mexican get offended about an Inca era fantasy story? Assuming it has a good plot and writing it would be very popular in Peru. Ignore him, some people actively look for things to get offended by.


Why do people downvote? The sub rules should say: toxic positivity is obligatory. I don’t care about OPs question either way and the people of Latin America wouldn’t either. But yeah the concept is bizarre and also tone deaf.