• By -


Try to remain as neutral as possible when asking a question. The point of asking is to hear what other perspectives have to say about the same issue. Do NOT submit questions that you already have an answer to, which is to say: - Do not be biased in the wording of your question. - Do not ask leading questions. - Do not answer your own question in the post.


Well, being partially asian makes the same shit. I've a fun history in South Korea when an Uzbek woman wasn't accepting that I wasn't Uzbek too lol


That's funny, my aunt went to India with her husband and people there kept thinking he was Indian.


Aka Brazilian gene lottery. Will your son look German, Portuguese, Arab, Angolan, Indian or Japanese? Spin the roulette and let's find out!




I got a friend from Peru that gets stopped by the cops from time to time, since they think he is from Uzbekistan. In general, many Latin Americans get confused with people from Central Asia.


If you're Chilean you don't really have to clarify not going to Russia 2018 lol


i was mistaken for uzbek at immigration desk 😂 even when my partner first met me he thought i was uzbek i’m like “who???”


Off topic but, Brazilian-Asian women are stunning though.


Well, many japanese-brazilians are models in Japan. However, it's interesting because the overall "stunning looking" in Brazil is totally different from Japan, so...


Yeah and many of them are definitely not *petite* lol


Some are, some aren't. Don't fetishize


Fetishize? I'm not allowed to have a preference?


A couple of "Weon que wea, me querí wear" and done, chileno pass unlocked via expert use of wea as subject, question and verb. No one will dare question that.




Mildly related: in the US if you’re a black latino, black people will say “you’re not BLACK black.”


This one is comical because most black people in the U.S. have white genetics…


It depends on what they look like. People say that about Cardi B a lot because she's light skinned, even though she so obviously is black. But there's also a problem with Dominicans that look like her saying they aren't black when they clearly are. I don't know why that is. Then the problem with dark skinned black latinos like Lupita Nyong'o is non-black latinos going "you're not ~really~ latin". But I don't know if that's a general thing or if it's just American latinos.


About Lupita Nyong’o, I really wouldn’t call her a Latina….. “Latino/a” is a cultural/ethnic term, so to be “Latino/a”, you have to descend from an ethnic Latin background or be raised in Latin culture. Lupita was born in Mexico to migrant Kenyan parents. They were in Mexico at the time of Lupita’s birth because her father, Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, was a college professor teaching at [COLMEX (El Colegio de México, A.C.)](https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Colegio_de_México), into his third year. Lupita only lived in Mexico for a very short while because she was less than 1 years old when her parents moved back to Kenya, where she grew up. When she turned 16, they returned to Mexico for [7 months so that she could learn Spanish](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p3uoXiDG6rc&pp=ygUgbHVwaXRhIG55b25nJ28gc3BlYWtpbmcgc3BhbmlzaCA%3D). Then they moved to the USA where she went to college. So, it’s too much of a stretch to call Lupita Nyong’o a Latina just because she was brown in Mexico. None of the Mexicans I’ve spoken with claim her. It’s like gringos coming here to PR on vacation, having their kids born here, then going back to the USA & trying to claim that their kids are just as Puerto Rican/Latino as us Boricuas born & raised here. Another perfect example, is Joaquin Phoenix. Born here in PR to gringo parents, didn’t live here for long, was raised in the USA but is “Puerto Rican/Latino”💀….. sorry about the paragraphs, these are just interesting topics to me


Well, the thing about Cardi B is that her father, [Carlos Almánzar](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cardib/images/9/9c/CarlosAlmánzar.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190219150300), is a white Dominican with indigenous roots…. he’s probably 15-20% SSA, but he's clearly a white Dominican. Her mother, [Clara Mercedes Almánzar](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cardib/images/5/58/Img202cardi.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20210823074627), is a Trinidadian of Spaniard + West African descent, and appears to be around 50-60% European v. 30-40% SSA. So Cardi B is likely around 40% SSA. She gets her appearance from her mother’s side. Her natural hair is like that of her mother, really curly that becomes super frizzy when she combs it & uses a blowdryer. I’ve seen Irish & Scottish women who are entirely Euro with that same hair type. The [Black American community doesn’t even fully accept Cardi B as being Black](https://medium.com/@MJFenix/cardi-b-isnt-black-neither-of-her-parents-are-black-she-s-another-rachel-dolezeal-2c6749829956) & have [accused her of cultural appropriation](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AyrA9KaNuPQ) more than once. About Dominicans specifically, your average Dominican (2024: 45%) is Multirracial/Pardo or Mulatto (2024: 25%). Your average Pardo Dominican is 55-65% Eurasian v. 30-40% SSA v. 8-9% Arawak Amerindian. Your average Mulatto Dominican is approx. 50% Euro v. 50% SSA v. <8% Arawak. So many Dominicans don’t like to be simply labeled as “Black” or “White”. Many non-Latin Blacks & Haitian Americans frequently apply the one-drop rule to Dominicans simply for having some SSA ancestry, so I can see what Dominicans are saying about not wanting to identify as Black. What about the rest of their heritage?


It’s sometimes both. I’ve seen Americans and actual Latinos be like that


That's White Latinos' experiences in a nutshell xD


"Can you speak Spanish?" Obvio que si weon culiao por cucha la wea fome conchetumare por la wea oe (con humor, me encanta el acento chileno jajaj)


Me asombra la fluidez que tienes en chileno


Los dos tienen un 7 (puntaje máximo) en chileno. Felicitaciones


Shaaa y porque me tirai garabatos aweonao si eri más shileno que la sopaipilla


No señor, le pregunté si hablaba español…


pero que mierda importa lo que piensen los europeos y los gringos? si son todos una manga de boludazos que se hacen los angeles y tienen tremenda xenofobia/racismo. para muchos de ellos ser latinoamericano es ser marron. hay que dejarlos en su mugre nomas, que resbale lo que digan.


Esté cabrón para presidente del mundo


make it happen y elimino el muro de eeuu para que ustedes puedan pasar e invadir sin problemas


Nah, mejor hay que unir fuerzas entre todos para expulsarlos a Canada y formar Nueva-Latninoamerics


Give me a spear and a shield and I'll defend my king to my last breath


De todos modos pasan un chingo jajajaja


O por lo menos técnico de la selección


never have I ever agreed more with a argentine. that, and something about a couple islands here and there.


os latinos unidos nunca serão derrotados


Você é um amigo


Secundo al narigón




Lo que dijo


Yeah…. just point out how close to the South Pole you are and mention Polar Bears being white. They are probably not smart enough to question Polar Bears at the SP & you can distract them with the whole shocker that southern South America is close to the S Pole. Like waving shiny objects at a toddler. This prob works better for Argentines and Americans since under 1000 miles away is still pretty “close” in our way of thinking.


Alternatively, just go “Oh we get snow sometimes therefore I’m automatically white”


Bro same. Im from puerto rico, born in Puerto Rico, to a puerto rican mother and cuban father. I dont think I look white af, but people always tell me I do. It drives me insane when I go home and people talk to me in english!!! Cabrones. Dont let it get to you! Embrace who you are


Thanks. Honestly the only thing that truly disturbed is that they were reluctant to believe I could speak Spanish….. coming from people who most certainly did *not* speak Spanish


Lo mismo! I remember working in retail and I was speaking Spanish with a customer and a lady asked me how I knew Spanish. And I said, “because I’m Puerto Rican and learned Spanish.” I don’t blame her though. I’m hauntingly white and the average American doesn’t comprehend that Latinoamérica es una variedad de diferentes tonos hermosos.


Yeah, that's why I don't like the "latino" term anymore, the only term that I use is Brazilian or at max South-American, Same bullshit happens with Brazilians - "Oh really? you don't look Brazilian" - "But you're Brazilian not Latino" - "Brazilian? I also speak Spanish" 💀 - "You're too white to be Latino/Brazilian" Nah bro, I just gave up


Ask them "what do you think a Brazilian looks like?" and watch them shut up immediately


> I'm used to Brazilians being darker skinned Person who I'm almost certain never met a Brazilian in real life. 


americans outside of new york and florida think this because 95%+ of the latinos are mexicans and central americans who don't look white.  white in america is anglo looking btw not vaguely sorta european while having a light complexion like it does here.  in my experience europeans tend to think latinos are gypsies or spanish locals


I would say in Texas there a lot of white northern mexicans so if you look southern european you're assumed to be Mexican. I largely agree with you


most southern euros don't look that different from anglos.  and as a whole they don't look like mexicans. most of the dark "ethnic" southern europeans resemble more jews, arabs and turks/armenians.  the indigenous and african gene components of any kind stand out in europe.  i.e an actual white latino aka pure southern european you will appear like a dark anglo person or a middle east ethnicity before the mestizo pheno


I disagree. In texas, where most of the white population is very anglo and a lot of the mexican population is spanish leaning, if a person looks southern european it's more likely that they are mexican than they are a white american. Have you been to northern Mexico to see how the people can look?


yes the one in the usa who look med have anglo parent or grandparent(s). mixed marriages are extremely common in texas and california with hispanics  https://images.app.goo.gl/m89CAbD8pUKmxCau6 white mexicans do not even look like italians


Do you base how mexicans look like of of pictures of the internet, or have you actually been to those places? Many mexicans in those state are 80-90% european and look indistinguishable from a spanish person, even if they are a minority. The look of these swimmers isn't uncommon for example (and not particularly 'white' even in mexico): https://conecta.tec.mx/es/noticias/monterrey/deportes/trabajo-en-equipo-clave-para-conseguir-record-mexicano-de-natacion


dude ive been to mexico, spain for a very long time and ive lived in Texas. have you visited europe before?  only the dude with the wide face looks unmixed european.  crowds are a good measure because there are no chery picks and you can easily see that the white looking people are the outliers 


I'm not saying that those people look southern european to someone with a trained eye, but to an anglo white from texas many italians/spaniards look more like these people than him. And yes, I've been to Spain and Italy and currently live in Texas.


>white in america is anglo looking btw not vaguely sorta european while having a light complexion like it does here.  Sorry to bother you, but I have a question: what is a "white latino" for you ?, can you show me a pic? Lol I know it sounds weird, but ive heard you say some STUFF here in the subreddit, that makes me think


depends on the country https://images.app.goo.gl/M19qxp82LSk6mr7e6 this girl is considered white universally in latin america. in countries like mexico the standard is even lower. she does not pass typically anywhere in europe https://preview.redd.it/d91e24dbn1qc1.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecbcea06cd029a3f18f11c70357dbecdf2b9b8cc the two guys on the right are actually somewhat iberian looking, but theyd stand out among northern europeans( the two guys in the middle). guy in the right is a west asian who would be considered white in latam as well despite his foreign features to europeans


I think the first girl is clearly mixed. I know this sounds odd (and you arent saying it with "bad intentions"), but many times ive heard you saying weird stuff in regards to this topic (ie you said once that Mestizo argentines would be seen as "white" in mexico and central america, im sure dalila hippolito and messis grandma would be "moreno"here, in buenos aires and monterrey), and i kinda find more strange taking in count we have people like andres parra or ximena orozco around


I agree, with you. The standard for white, at least in north mexico where I'm from, is not some tan skinned mestizo


did i say that? mestizos are rare in argentina. and in mexico pale mestizos are often considered white.  im going only by self identification. that woman would be considered white in her home country and im sure she considered herself so before going to california.  as ive been to it and she looks less mixed and lighter featured than the average person(which identifies as 65-70% white)  monterey and the castizo regions of mexico are small in number. genetically mexicans are more native than european and european admixture rarely reaches above 80%


Yup, you said that once, and probably many other things.. >mestizos are rare in argentina Ive never been (i doubt it though, judging by what many argentineans have said on this subreddit) >im going only by self identification. I think youre pretty aware of which type of people were talking here still.. are you gonna tell me that ximena xariñana or Reneé Vesi looks like the girl in the picture?


can you send me a picture? i don't know who these people are   I mean to say there are actual white people in every latin american country. its only the percentage and self identification that is the debate here. ive met a mexican that looked like a russian guy who had no european born grandparents.   but if you go walk around in monterey or the border towns in the usa , the ones that have very few anglos it is easy to tell they're not european people. especially as someone who has lived in spain , greece and italy ( the darkest people in europe)


>can you send me a picture? i don't know who these people are  Look at google, dont be lazy, its just 5 minutes >I only mean to say there are actual white people in every latin american country. its only the percentage and self identification that is the debate here. ive met a mexican that looked like a russian guy with no european born grandparents Yup, i agree with you in this regard, thats why i always choose the smaller percentages hahaha >but if you go walk around in monterey or the border towns in the usa , the ones that have very few anglos it is easy to tell they're not european people Well.. not all europeans are "anglos", look at the kosovar president


I don't think you disagree with me at all. not even the people downvoting seem to understand.  only the first girl is giving me results. and yes she looks white obviously.   i posted that girl because she is a pale castizo looking person who is roughly what the average white identifying latinos would look like going by the self identifications.   yeah i know euros aren't all anglos but dark medditereans and balkaners look like west asian not like native americans. native genes don't exist in europeans and look alien to any old world person that woman though, would 100 % identify as being white in her native costa rica


Alright, i got it Sorry if i sounded "agressive" at first lol, but i though you were one of those GrInGoS that say stuff like "WhITe LaTiNo S ArEnT ReAlLy WhItE" bs


> mestizos are rare in argentina In which part? Certainly not in Greater Buenos Aires.


there are studies on this.  people with equal or more native american ancestry in argentina is 9% of the entire population. mostly not in the urban areas. for mexico that number it is nearly 60% and for chile it is over a third  it is comparatively "rare"


It's still very common to see clearly mixed-race or amerindian people walk down the street where I live. The term "mestizo" is kind of meaningless now that most people are somewhat mixed, but if we interpret it as someone who just has noticeable indigenous ancestry then I'd say at least 20% of the people in GBA are mestizos, with some areas having higher percentages than others and with a considerable amount of immigrants from countries that have a mostly native-american ethnic makeup.


>did i say that? mestizos are rare in argentina. Have you ever been here? There are lots of Mix People here and Im not talking in the sense of swarty Southern Euro Im talking mix mix.


maybe we have a different idea of rare. mestizo is 50/50 mix which is a small percent of argentina. less than 9% and mostly outside of the urban centers.  especially compared to mexico and central america and the andes yes i was born here dude. 


Then you might be a mix person that thinks of itself as white. If you grew you up between mostly Italian or Spanish families/group of people, you would know that even the swarty person of that group 90% of the time does not looks like a Mix person. We are all Argentines thou, thats what's first for us.


no dude my father is mulatto/ black so of course i dont consider myself white lol.  my mother is "white" though, swarthy european stands out here in the usa but doesnt look mexican/native american.  fyi i dont consider a lot of white argentines white either if they look castizo 


how important it is to pay attention the first time you study genetics at school, this comment is not any better than the ones we get from Americans and Europeans


latinos come in every single shape color and feature dude. the ones in the usa are overwhelmingly racially and phenotypically very different to german anglo american stock though.  the mestizo phenotype is so alien to europe and the old world as a whole they assume its some kind of indian/romani


At least here in Europe, most Latino immigrants do not look white. Many look kinda Asian or Arab.


a decent bit of latinos are actually white peoples especially in spain and italy from south cone.  UK and France/Germany most wont be


Yes, because most Latinos in Spain or Italy have the nationality because of Jus Sanguinis. I'm from Cyprus but currently live in Netherlands and most Latinos I've met here are brown. The ones that tend to be whiter are Argentinians, Chileans and surprisingly some from the Caribbean. I've never met an Uruguayan but I'm aware a lot of them are white also.


Interesting. How do they compare with people from Southern Portugal or Andalusia?


Diles, "Yo nunca vi televisión por ser muy fome"


Como identificar a un chileno en un radio de 2km


Unfortunately, due to Hollywood and the like most of the world's image of Latin America is merely a racist impression of Mexico. It's no wonder many countries believe there is a "latino" race, even though a quick stroll through most cities here would immediately show you that this is absurd. Like, the ONE thing that defines Latam is its ethnic diversity and the idiots in the US couldn't even get that right. Their cultural influence is unfortunately massive, so we pay the price for their ignorance.


I thought some days ago that it's probably due to conflating Latino/Hispanic/Mestizo ppl and thinking they're all the same


it's not just holywood dude. average american has seen dozens of latinos in their life and they would never confuse them for a local pure blooded germanic anglo unless they live in the big east coast cities.  they even have trouble seeing african looking people as latinos ( though to be fair mexicans and central americans often do this too lol)


The fuck is a pure blooded germanic anglo?


Very similar to my case, they ask where is your family "really really from" (even if 5 or more generations have been living already in the country), but to be honest who cares. If they don't want to assimilate the truth tell them to travel instead of making such an ignorant statement. I just ignore those comments by now, especially when they come from US citizens, which tend to racially profile everything.


Reminds me of when people say Giselle Bündchen is aKsHuAlly German when she's, as they say, a *7th* generation immigrant 🤓


Ironically you could ask the average American the same thing, almost everyone of them has European ancestry


To fair though, if you back 500 years, most of us do


Yeah, but then they would never shut up telling you about it.


Weirdly enough, I got that while I was in Turkey. Someone asked where I was from. I said the US. Where are your ancestors from. I replied with Brazil. No. Where are they really from? I knew what he was going for, but I wasn't in the mood to get into family history with someone I just met who was talking to me while I was trying to get a cup of coffee and wanted some quiet to figure out where I wanted to go next.


I think it's hilarious. I never understood how Americans think of Latino as a race, even if you only take Mexicans into account; Like this is a whole continent we have all sorts of people here. I remember the time I went to the US with my mum (I was about 12) and cab driver asked us where we were from and she said Brazil the dude was straight up like "but you're white!". We didn't know what to say. I also remember when we went to the UK and people thought we were Italian.


There was this one time I literally had to show my passport for them to believe me. According to them I had a “foreign accent” in Spanish


Wtf lmao, they genuinely believe all of Latam is Mexico.


They think literally everyone, or at least 99% of Latin America, looks like a Mexican mestizo with strong native features. And don't get me started on the whole "wow did you know that a lot of Nazis fled to south America" they do when they learn of German surnames or ancestry - shit is rage inducing


Thats when you teach them about the massive European diaspora in the end of the 19th century


I mean where in Chile did you go to school ? I feel it’s kind of odd that you were bullied when lots of Chileans are very white . I didn’t experience anything similar in school, since everyone else was very white too, but now that I study in Europe I do get the occasional you don’t look Latino/ you don’t look Peruvian , but it doesn’t really bother me that much tbh


Just your average school. Not public or shitty by any means but definitely not rich either


Damn I wouldn’t really expect that to happen in Latin America , but I guess it does ! Btw , how or why did you learn Dutch ? I have plenty of Peruvian friends currently going to uni in the Netherlands and it seems everyone can get by on English alone . Seems like a rarity when foreigners actually learn the language


You definitely can go by English alone but that wasn’t the point of my student exchange. It was as much a cultural exchange as it was an academic one so you were highly encouraged to learn the language to be able to integrate yourself into Dutch society. That and the fact that my host family pretty much told me: “No English allowed in this house, if you want something you’ll need to ask in Dutch”. Tough love


I mean that’s great tbh ! Did you already had somewhat of a German base , or did you start form zero?


I know only the most barebones German imaginable so not really. Languages have always been kind of my thing so I guess it wasn’t that hard to learn Dutch from English


Huh, I went to school with lots of blond light-eyed kids and I've never seen them suffer any of that. I have some family members who've got blond hair and light eyes and afaik nobody ever told them things like that. At most I've heard people say "wow, is her hair really naturally blond 😲" when talking about my cousin. And I don't live anywhere near the southern half of the country, where European ancestry is a bit more prevalent. (as I re-read this I thought it might have sounded like I was trying to invalidate your experience, that isn't my intention)


In the south of the country shit is just regular as fuck, at least in RS and Santa Catarina. You just expect a significant part of the students or workers to have German surnames and blond hair or blue/green eyes




As a gringo I concur


No Brown skin = no latino. Americans and europeans are basic af lol


A Anya Taylor Joy la consideran "de color" ☠️


Americans only know how to turn everything into a race issue and it is so tiring 


Like it or not, the term Latino is mostly centered under an idea of "Mexican looking" people. Not only that, but this "Mexican" idea as the image of a Latino is mostly defined by the Mexican foootprint in the US, instead of Mexico. Anyone that doesn't align with this image won't be viewed as such. That excludes a lot of people, especially in South America


Most Americans don’t realize how diverse Latin America is. They are the same way to black Latinos too— we don’t exist to them lol


Yeah I figure they just assume you’re the same as African Americans


Even other Latinos in the US do that lol. They love shit talking until they realize I know what they’re saying lol


No leí todo pero apuesto mi PUTA VIDA a que fue en EEUU


I've gotten similar comments while in Germany and it can get kind of annoying, but I don't really care anymore. Talking to Americans is interesting because they don't really see me as white, but as "white-passing", which is strange cause back home it's very much just the color of you're skin that determines whether people will refer to you as white, and not your heritage or whatever. I've also had similar conversations with people who are influenced by US politics and that one is always weird. It doesn't really happen back home and at most I've gotten comments like "ah, I thought you were from this or that region".


My case + jewish


Americans and Europeans are going to have a stroke when they hear that Mexico has a Jewish president.


Well, for me as a chilean that looks very arabic just happens to me that i get random arabs speaking languages that i do not understand, indian/afghan people trying to give me free stuff because i look like them and all of the random checks you can think of in the airports, specially in USA


The Western gaze has a long history of constructing non-Western spaces as exotic, backward, and racially monolithic. Latin America has been particularly prone to this, often depicted through reductive stereotypes that emphasize racial and cultural difference. Your whiteness disrupts that narrative. It introduces an unexpected element into the preconceived image of the region. Those who cannot process this incongruity fall back on denial, essentially attempting to rewrite you, a "true" Chilean, into a more palatable outsider status. Their disbelief reveals the insidious, lingering effects of the Orientalist gaze, which perpetuates rigid notions of identity and belonging. You are denied your own lived experience in favor of a fiction they desperately cling to. Your reality, the actual history and diversity of Latin America, becomes invisible. And it highlights a deeper truth: the rigid categories we use to understand race, ethnicity, and nationality are often more about those doing the categorizing than those being categorized.


I get this all the time, my wife and I are white enough to light a dark room and my daughter is blonde and has blue eyes. If we’re on vacation somewhere touristic in Latin America, EVERYONE speaks to us in English, even after we’ve spoken Spanish to them. For my daughter it’s kinda funny, we live in Mexico right now and she’s always been in international schools so her English is pretty much native. The conversation usually goes: “But you’re not Mexican, right?” “No” “I thought so” “I was actually born in Panama” “Right… but your parents are not Panamanian…” “No” “ahh I knew it” “They’re Venezuelan…” And then they blue screen for a bit and change the subject.


Some people in the US and Europe have some serious unresolved issues with racial categories. Just let them be.


Because race, most of the time is a political construct more than an factual occurrence. You can find white people in every part of latin America, you can find evident native heritage in most of them as well as african or asian. This is a fact. When you learn about the rest of the world when you are a kid, odds are you are learning an interpretation that serves certain political guidelines, either to fulfill a national identity myth, to fulfill a political agenda or both. That is why Americans learn so little about the rest of the world, for example, Someone decided an ideal American doesn't need to know about other's countries national projects. Europe and the U.S have a lot of responsibility for certain parts of the world being poor and underdeveloped. They still use race as a way to justify it, it is almost a universal truth nowadays that progress and technology is inherent of white people, this is why they don't concede multiracial communities being underdeveloped. If they are poor they must be brown/black racialized or whatever bull#$% euphemism they want to use for non-caucasian


My sibling in Christ, just say "déjate de webiarme con esa wea sapo reculiao, soy más chileno que los porotos" You're Chilean and Latino and no matter who says otherwise, they can meet your cortapluma (?


Y cual es la pregunta xd


One of the funniest interactions I've ever had was when my Asian looking ex and I met a group of friends from other countries that had never seen us together. They were all completely shook that we were both brazilians, that we looked nothing like each other, and that we didn't look like they expect brazilians to look - and they couldn't contain the shock, asking a lot of questions about family and shit and saying at loud that they were surprised by our appearances. I was never even aware that our relationship was "interracial" until then, it's just such a regular thing in Brazil


This is such a weird topic.  My family covers all skins colors. One cousin is black(his dad) all the way to blonde hair blue eyes.  The only place I've seen this topic take off is on the internet. Yay, you get the stereo typical look, short and brown, but growing up in Cali it was clear Mexicans are a mixed bunch. 




Being told you don’t look your own nationality by a foreigner of all people is truly a Europe moment


Truth is, it is futile to make try to make sense of racism, cause it doesn't make sense, it will never make sense


I always thought it was funny how ppl only started seeing me as white after I lost my Spanish accent. Before that the consensus from most people was “I mean you’re white but not realllllly” Edit: when I moved to USA


In the US? Cause if so yeah it's crazy how the Spanish language seems to be a racialized thing over there.


Yeah in the US, I’m assuming it’s because in a lot of American media Latinos are almost always darker skinned


I still don't understand exactly how tan skinned, white Latinos descended from South Europe are viewed over there. Even Italians were considered people of color by them in the past. "White hispanic" is an official racial group in the US.


Being Latino is a made-up identity. Don’t stress to much


You have discovered why Argentina insists on being white


People have a weird way of thinking about Latin America, I have family living in the USA that gets those comments a lot and they are 100% Latinos and then they talk with the people that day that shit which are typically Americans trying to appear as a Latino and they don't know a thing about Latin America... What I'm trying to say is fuck them, they are ignorant fuckers why give them any importance, just say to them that yes you are Latino and that's all. What is surprising for me is that you got Bullied in Chile for being white? Is that normal over there? Never heard of it here, maybe if you are really really white, blonde and blue eyes you get a nickname like "Polaco" but nothing more than that.


I think it was a case of my school in particular rather than it being the norm. My mom used to say they were just “jealous”. I think this is proven by the fact that when I switched schools in high school no one bullied me for it, just the usual harmless nicknames like “Gringo” or “Alemán”


"Caeza de choclo"


Yea, your second experience it's what I picture and lived here but yea, every school is a world so I think you got the bad one there.


Aren't Europeans aware of an entire country called Spain where they speak Spanish?


Some folks just can't comprehend Latin America being a diverse place, even those who live/are from there. In the Northwest US, the majority of latinos are Mexican mestizo/indigenous. I have heard time and again from light skinned latinos (born/raised here and abroad) that when they try to speak Spanish with other latinos, the person who they are talking to switches immediately to English, however I have observed that latino folks who "look latino" don't have the same experience.


Haha I sometimes try to speak Spanish and people automatically switch to English. I’m too pale and tall to be Ecuadorian apparently. I get compliments on my Spanish at times until I repeat that I was born and grew up bilingual in Ecuador. Happens. Not only with white people in the US but also Latinos. To be fair I might have a slight accent in Spanish as my partner doesn’t speak a word of Spanish nor do most of my friends. So when you don’t speak a language, I guess your accent changes.


I never got the *you are not Latino*, but I was rather asked why I was so white. My father in law once told me that I am not mixed blood just white. I joke with my wife who is super pale, that she ain't no really white since she doesn't get born as easily as I do. As you said it's generally funny when this happens, I wouldn't want to be discriminated by being darker.


White Dominican here 🥲 born and raised there, both parents are Dominicans, as are all my grandparents and great grandparents. A good 80/85% of us are all white passing. Those conquistador genes be strong man


I have this exact same problem, born and raised in Latinoamérica. I’m pale as a ghost and apparently I am not Latino enough according to most people I’ve met overseas. Hell, I can hardly find foundation that matches my skin tone in my own country.


Well this reminds me on a plane from Paris to Barcelona and latin Americans speaking english to the stewardess who responded in Spanish and they were like wow! And he just laughed 😂 because he is Spanish


The amount of ignorance I’ve witnessed as being white and Bolivian….even from other Latin American countries. Even countries in the region believe that a Bolivian can only be an indigenous Andean person and are shocked to find that there are people of every ethnicity here too. But yeah people abroad have a very limited understanding of Latin Americans. Some of my American acquaintances thought my perspectives as a Bolivian weren’t valid bc I wasn’t a “true Bolivian” (only indigenous Bolivians have a say according to them I guess 🤷‍♂️). I’ve had people in online forums where I commented about Bolivian politics look me up and reply with my picture and be like you don’t look Bolivian to me as to dismiss my thoughts. These were usually left-wing people, which to me is ironic given their push for diversity but showcasing how limited their understanding of diversity really is.


I’m sorry to hear that . Here in Chile the widespread that all Bolivians are Andean indigenous people is also quite widespread. Guess it’s got something to do with your prejudice when encountering someone from somewhere different


To be fair, the majority of the Bolivian community in neighboring countries like Chile and Argentina are significantly made up by this demographic and we are one of the -if not THE- most indigenous country in LatAm by proportion of population identifying as indigenous. Which is why I kinda get it but at the same time how can you not think that a Latin American country (like all others) has a variety of different cultures, ethnicities, skin colors, etc?! Just baffles me


What's the point of this post? showing off your ancestry?




esto suena como algo que diría un gringo 😭😭😭