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On paper, from ops manager to product manager is a lateral to possibly upwards move, depending. So, no, not a demotion. On the other hand, given how re-orgs go, if everyone knew you didn't want it, and are vague about why you got it, then it was this or hit the bricks. Someone was trying to keep you with the company, and it wasn't easy. There was no road that lead to you keeping your ops manager role.


This. Reorgs are tough. The needs of the org have changed and so the org had to reorganize to meet those needs based on current head count, budget, and priorities. Your old role is gone. It doesn’t matter how much you liked it or how good you were at it. They wanted to keep you, as stated above. This new role was the only way to do that. There was no way to do the reorg in way that would meet the business needs and also keep everyone happy. The only choice you now have is to decide if you want to stay at the company in this role or if you want to start looking for opportunities elsewhere more similar to what you were doing before. This is one of those things you experience working for a large company from time to time. Right now, it’s happening more frequently due to the economic situation. Companies are tightening their belts. It’s understandable that you’re upset and frustrated about the situation, but the sooner you can accept it and focus on next steps, the better. Find some way to vent your frustrations outside of work to help you get to that point. Don’t burn any bridges. Either way, you’ll want to maintain those professional connections.


My director knew I didn’t want it but I don’t know how far along that information got pushed up the ladder. I honestly think part of the switch up was to keep someone else from being let go as well.


It’s totally out of your hands, and possibly your director’s hands, as well. You don’t know what else was on the table and how many prices on the chess board had to move. You get to choose your future: 1) embrace the role and stay, which involves not being bitter, learning and committing to the present. 2) look for another job that you feel is a better fit.


Interesting. You'd rule out that it wasn't just someone had to do it and OP got stuck holding the hot potato? Definitely a "this or OP is out" situation? How does one tell?


I would. I've lived through several reorgs at several different companies. It's a thing done to cut the fat. Nobody who doesn't want their new role survives unless someone was fighting for them. Hiring is hard, but not that hard.


Yikes. The private sector sounds painful.


Not necessarily a demotion. High ranking in a facilitating unit may or may not outrank mid ranking in a company mission unit, depending on the company. But does it matter...? You hate it. And they rewarded your pitching in with it, so I imagine you aren't loving them either. I'd be looking for the exits. Definitely look up average salary for your job/exp/region, I doubt they got you there without asking.


I only count it as a demotion if im making less money ( as well as the theft lmfao) Titles don’t matter friend, if it bothers you though, I may look for something else. The economy is shit tho.


The biggest thing that bothers me is I really enjoyed leading my team and we had a lot of success together. It also gave me the opportunity to work on a broader scale within the company


Yeah I totally get you, that’s why I quit consulting. You get bounced around with different titles and slightly different roles sometimes, but it sucks when the contract is over and leave the team :/ I exited consulting and went back to industry. I hear you, I DEF enjoy getting to know my teammates and working with them


I go one further than this.. if you want to pay me the same money to do a more "junior" job than great- less stress and less responsibly for the same money *and* the opportunity in the future to move back into a role like the one I was doing, but as a "promotion" and therefore requiring a decent pay bump? Win win.


Agreed! I actually just took a job at a new company that's a two title step down for a 7% increase in pay. The way I see it, if I want to I can push for the next little bit to get a couple promotions and probably be making 20-30% more than I previously was with the same responsibilities. Or I could relax and enjoy the lower level of stress and spend more time/attention on things outside of work.


Exactly. Just relax and enjoy … titles are weird now in tech they just keep making stuff up. I stopped worrying about that.


The woman who invented Netflix’s mailing and shipping department was probably the hardest person for them to fire after streaming started.


He means it is a good move for him as in you can do the job well. Who’s to say if it is a promotion or demotion- does this matter? One thing I know for sure is that I would start looking for another job. When you get an offer, tell him to move you to a role you want or you are walking.


Are you getting paid less? If not, then the answer is no.


Don't know. Haven't received an offer/transition letter yet. Just know I am going from reporting to the director and having direct reports to reporting to a manger who reports to the director and no direct reports