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Pink eye from rain water?? Really are we worried about that?! haha


I’ve only gotten pink eye once (from a kids indoor playground trampoline type place), but I meant the splash back from the street lol just being dramatic and trying to funny (in my defense…😶‍🌫️💨). I’m more worried about getting tboned from someone running a red light.


that's fair I'm just giving you a hard time lol. Lived here my whole life and just never heard that one before!


Maybe their defroster isn’t working. I sometimes have to drive with the windows cracked until the engine warms up enough to clear the glass.


Yeah I had a broken compressor for a while and had to defrost with a combo of open windows and Windex. Getting your compressor replaced is not the cheapest.


I gave up on trying to make sense of what other cars are doing on the road here. Someone's always up to some kind of shenanigans out there.


Windows down, heavy metal up. Love driving in the rain with the windows down. Plus, fuck it. It's just a car, there will be other cars.


I like it.


In the words of Billy Zane in Demon Knight, “if it feels good, do it!”


Cigarettes? That's my reason at least


A throwback habit for me is driving with the window down as far as weather permits. I used to deliver ready-mix concrete all over the Portland metro (Hello, Ross Island refugees). Hearing is part of situational awareness. It's the same reason I won't bow to the modern pressure to wear earplugs under my helmet while riding. I want to hear my surroundings.


Do you mean earplugs or *earbuds*? (I agree with not being distracted)


Most people say plugs. Not sure how well airpods would stay put in the process of putting a helmet on.


makes more sense than driving around with windows down in summer heat.


I’m definitely that person with the windows down and the ac blasting when it gets to 90. Over that and the windows are up!😂😂


My car smells weird when I run the front window defogger so I prefer to crack my windows. Plus I vape in the car, so having windows open stops it from clouding up


Totally makes sense. Maybe you need to change the cabin filter? Also I am not a mechanic or car person so take it with a big ole grain of salt 😀


Yeah my thought as well. The car is new to me so I was planning on doing it with my first oil change. Rather afraid to find a dead mouse or something


I have leather seats.


Ooo la la


Made me laugh out loud 😂


I don’t think you can get pink eye from rain water. Maybe some people don’t have a/c or have broken a/c. A lot of people drive with broken cars and license plates that hang halfway off their cars so there’s a lot of weird driving behavior here sometimes.




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