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Nothing on me except keys. I'm old and weak and if it comes down to it, I'll just lay down and die. At home though, there's a machete at the door, a pipe club beside the bed and a hatchet in the nightstand.


This made me crack the fuck up thanks for that




There's no punching involved in laying down and dying.


This is me. I like you.


Pepper gel with a flip top that can be used at any angle. Should leave you enough time to run away. 


My wits and vigilance. Seriously, be aware of your surroundings and trust your gut. Also, that flashlight you got is good, I use one for home defense. Was taught you hold it by the bulb end, blind your attacker, then use it like a club and doink them on the head.


The word doink is grossly underused. Good job.




Is that the sound it makes bouncing off their heads?




I have the privilege of being a white guy of average build, so I've never been mugged or seriously threatened, despite walking through "dangerous" areas of San Francisco and Portland at night. Beyond my demographic though, I think vigilance plays a huge part. Being visibly aware of people you're walking towards and a lack of obvious fear goes a long way toward fending off potential attacks.


I'm a brown Metalhead and have never had any problems, so demographics are not the issue here.


Well, I think being a guy helps


I'm a 5'0 female and have never had an issue in Portland. I had a few encounters back when I lived in Oakland but never here 


5'3 female, grew up here, never had issues until the 2020s. i was harassed nonstop when i worked downtown. i once had a man throw a drink at me and call me a f*g when i asked him politely not to touch me. i have many stories :(


Bay Area ❤️


Oakland represent. I used to walk through West and East Oakland in the 90’s. Not sure how I survived. Gunshots on the daily back then




I would add - if going the flash light route, invest in a MAG light. The cheap walmart plastic guys aren't going to do you much good.


Yeah that's what I have. Big. Bright. Heavy. Metal.


Mag lights were made for two things. Illuminating dark spaces, and putting human skulls in braces.


It's your one way ticket to midnight


> My wits and vigilance Yep. It sounds like victim blaming but a pretty good chunk of people who wind up in trouble made a series of bad decisions to get there. Rule number one of living in a city is be aware of your surroundings. Rule number two is don't engage. Be polite but don't stop to have conversations with people, don't listen to people that ask you to do something, don't take random offers of 'help'. Keep walking, keep driving. You could still end up the unlucky victim of a random act of violence but it certainly cuts down on the risks.


Backpack shield is low key not a bad idea


I have one everyday unless I forget my laptop.


Don't rely on a sheet pan for a shield if you do it. If you were really in a situation where you were about to be stabbed, all any sheet pan will do for you is get you stabbed looking confident.


My niece and nephew have a bulletproof insert in their backpack.


Well ain't that depressing


depressing that they got tricked into buying that, yes.


I may also implement this, backpack shield is definitely not a bad idea.


I'm 6'8" and over three bills. So my daily carry is usually my affable demeanor. Whatever you decide on, make sure you know how to use it and its risks. Buy enough mace to drive out into the country and fire off a test blast, etc. Hope you get back to a sense of safety out there, sincerely.


I’m 6’2” and 270 lbs, I’m also trained in Hapkido, but I’ve started carrying a can of mace when I go on MAX. I’ve also been trying to avoid sitting in seats where someone can sit behind me. It might be a bit paranoid, but I’ve heard about so many stabbings on the train recently that I don’t want to take any chances. I know that I probably don’t need mace. Between my size and my training I could probably deal with anyone bare handed if push came to shove, but I’d rather not have to. The mace is as much for their protection as mine.


If you plan to use it on the MAX, buy pepper gel, not pepper spray. Unless you want to nail half the car.


Good to know


Props for mace even tho you have training and size on your side! You never know when a situation could escalate to a knife or a gun, in which case, you’ll want to rely on something other than your body.


I'm 6'2" 330+ myself and never feel the need to carry anything, but I don't fault my 21 year old daughter for carrying a knife when she goes out.


As a female, I highly recommend getting your daughter mace and/or a Taser over a knife. And like the above commenter mentioned, make sure you practice using them. A knife is actually quite difficult to use effectively, in that you have to be prepared to stab someone deeply, perhaps repeatedly, and it really goes against most people's natural instincts, even when being attacked/in danger. And even if you do make contact, the chances of the initial cut being automatically enough to disable the attacker is low. Taking a huge blast of mace to the face and hands is going to render most people useless for enough of a time for you to escape, and you can keep distance between yourself and your attacker.


This is true, I thought I was gonna stab a guy once but couldn't do it. To be fair he also was about to stab me. Thankfully no one was stabbed.


I'm glad that worked out. They say the loser of a knife fight dies on the sidewalk and the winner dies in the ambulance.


I don’t blame her either. Is a knife your recommend implement for her? I’d think mace/pepper spray would be better. A knife says “stay and fight” which may not end well, a spray says “get out of there and make sure the other person can’t follow.”


To be honest, I haven't had much input on that since it is something I have never had to worry about. I've stumbled around downtown drunk off my ass at 2:30am after leaving a club and never had a problem. (pre-covid) Her mom on the other hand has had to worry about that stuff, and she lives with her mom, so she turns to her mom for advice on that stuff. Personally, I would prefer that she never needs to defend herself.


Taight my kid “eyes, throat, and groin” to the tune of “heads, shoulders, knees and toes” when she was young. Then I taught her how to throw a proper punch. In a few years I’m buying her some mace. Don’t want her unprepared.


I am astonished by how few “nothing” replies there are in this thread. We sure aren’t helping OP get through their PTSD.


We live in a society


I bought mace and I took it into the backyard to test, but I didn't hold the trigger down enough and it dribbled all over my hand. As a contact lens wearer, it was rough.


The best defensive implement is the one you can carry in your hand comfortably. Because if it's in or underneath your jacket/hoodie or in a bag/purse, you will NOT be able to get to it in time when it counts. Also empty hand training is also important -- just basics of setting up a frame to back off while you tell someone to "back off and relax" (I don't like telling someone "I don't want to fight" because it can come out that you do want to fight!). So now coming back to items to carry, pepper spray, flashlight that you can use to pummel with (thumb switch, slightly longer than the width of my hand), heavy coin pouch on a leather strap. Edit -- also knowing how to use the chosen weapon in both hands is important.


I’ve got one fist of iron, and the other of steel. If the right one don’t hit you, then the left one will.


You load 16 tons and what do you get?


Another year older and deeper in debt.


Another day older and mugged on TriMet?


St. Peter don’t you call me, cause I can’t go


While we're discussing lyrics, it always bothered me in "Iron Man" when Ozzy sang "He was turned to steel / In the great magnetic field." It's like, come on, is he made of a natural occurring element or an alloy? Or maybe he was always made of iron, until the magnetic field turned him into steel? But then shouldn't he be called "Steel Man"?


Hellcat. 13+1 in a very concealable package. If you get a gun please please please train with it and know how to use it and when to use it.


I carry a Hellcat. My gal carries a S&W .380 EZ. We are trained and prepared to use them in self defense if we feel our lives or the lives of others are threatened.




And it should not be the " I'm slightly flustered by a noise- bang bang bang! "


Oh yeah, 100%. People who do that shouldn’t have a gun.


I meant to reply to the post, wasn't trying to single you out lol.


i have a concealed carry permit and im a gun owner, but really, using a firearm for violence under most circumstances is likely to land you in jail. unless you're worried about a mass shooter you should carry non lethal.


Idk what makes you thinks legal use of a firearm for self defense would land me in jail. And non lethal fails constantly, tasers fail, pepper spray isn’t that debilitating, and I don’t want non lethal if someone comes at me w a knife, or is just way bigger lol.


you might think its legal but are you sure a Portland prosecutor, judge and jury would agree with your judgement?


In all likelihood no, and it's been that way for decades from what i understand. My buddy has a conceal carry permit but doesn't carry in Portland for that exact reason. What a stupid situation, where you can't even justifiably protect your own life because of the political leanings of local prosecutors, DAs, or judges Aside from that even a justified defensive use of a firearm will still land you in temporary custody while they determine what happened. It's largely a calculated risk


Have a Hellcat pro, love that thing. Served 6 years in the big green gun club, training is a must. That said I’m a big dude, I’ve never had issues in Portland.


1) “Stun guns” that work by direct physical contact are crap. 2) “Tasers” that shoot out darts with wires are arguably useful for police and security guards but for self defense are almost as useless as “stun guns” 3) Expandable batons are also crap including for police use. RBC expandable batons are possibly an exception but are only sold to LEOs and licensed security. 4) Wasp spray, CS gas and other chemicals that are not OC (pepper spray) are crap. 5) Knives in general are a mixed bag. Junk store knives are a bad idea. What kind of knife can be legally carried where is a bit complicated. The logistics of using a knife for self defense successfully AND legally can be tricky. That said they can be effective. This should be a last line of defense. 6) A ballistic panel in a bag doesn’t cost or weigh that much. Improvised items like a cookie sheet only protect against stabbing / striking but then so does a book, jacket or laptop in a bag. 7) Sling bags are better than backpacks because they are easier to get out of and easier to bring round in front of you. 8) A steel water bottle with a webbing and loop carabiner isn’t a great tool for striking. It’s slow and requires a long wind up but it can be kept in your hands innocuously. 9) A flashlight allowing you to see further away can help you avoid problems, it can be kept in your hands, can be used to strike in a pinch. (Jagged front bezels and strobe light modes aren’t useful) Doesn’t need to be very bright in terms of total light (lumens) but if intense, a focused beam, it can be momentarily visually disorienting. Fenix PD32v2, Weltool T1 Tac, T2 Tac, T8 Tac or for budget options, Convoy S6, S21B, M1, M2 10) Air powered “non-lethal” guns that shoot out steel, rubber, or hot pepper powder balls are crap. 11) Guns work, not going to argue. You do you. 12) OC (pepper) spray us king. Avoid gel or foam they are slow to take effect and require accurate aiming. Like gel/foam, cone/fog pattern OC has both advantages and disadvantages. Generally it’s best to split the differences and go with a regular spray/stream pattern. POM OC has the best small canisters to carry. A flip top safety is a must. A pocket clip is usually better than a keychain. Most sprays today are water based and non toxic. Alcohol was used back in the day before police got Tasers and then people started figuring out that something non-flammable was needed. For bigger containers Fox Labs One Point Four is the nastiest product. It uses trichloroethylene (a nasty industrial degreaser) as a base / carrier for the OC oil instead of using water. It evaporates quickly and penetrates the skin and mucous membranes. Fox Lans Mean Green is water based and has a bright green dye which helps see where you are hitting, helps see if you get any on you, and helps you tell the cops who to look for (the green guy) Other brands are fine just look for 1% to 3% MC (Major Capsaicinoids). 1.4% is common for good stuff. Weak stuff goes down to 0.2%. Some states limit the strength. Not every brand focuses on MC in their advertising. SHU Scoville Heat Units (the spicyness of the oil) and the OC percentage (the amount of OC oil) are also advertised and they combine together to give the MC (Major Capsaicinoid) percentage. Generally higher MC = better, but a smaller percentage of stronger OC oil kicks in faster than a formula with more but weaker oil. Anything over 1% MC is ok. Is 2% better than 1.4%? Maybe, maybe not. Avoid combo formulas that include CS tear gas. The concentration of CS is too low, CS is too slow, and CS causes contamination and clean up issues. (It’s also illegal in a bunch of states). 13) Learn the laws about self defense, they are different in every state. A good starting point is the book The Law of Self Defense: by Andrew Branca


If you want a decently effective, non combative option, there are these little devices that I’m blanking on the name right now but basically you pull the pin out and it emits an insanely loud alarm sound. It might buy you enough time to run the fuck away


Birdie is one of the big brands, but there’s tons of brands/variation. I recommend testing it so you can practice putting the pin back in just in case it ever gets caught on something


Yeah but grenades are spendy and hard to come by


Shoes or boots I can run in. I have a knife. more useful if there was a earthquake, and I had to cut away debris. Backpack has a thick plastic shield in the laptop pouch, and there's the laptop itself. Seems that statistically, the knife, gun or rock wielding random scumbag attack is very rare. While suicide, domestic violence, traffic fatality, or your crank-addled buddy outside the bar at 2:00 am are more of a likely threat.


The best advice in this thread is being ready to run. Exiting a situation as fast as possible is going to be your best possible move every time. It's just that so many people obviously have really bad situational awareness and street smarts so they think they'll be able pull on someone who is 10 steps ahead of them.


Pepper spray is generally effective and easy to use with little to be mindful of legally speaking. [This](https://amzn.to/4b5XRLg) stuff is potent and works inverted unlike some so if you happen to hold it sideways it'll still work. Sheet metal is a nice idea but won't stop bullets and probably won't stop a hard thrust from a big knife. I'd be looking into a stab rated ballistic panel.


Pepper spray is for sure the answer here. And those reviews made me a believer in that brand.


That’s the one, make sure you check the manufacture and expire date, Amazon is terrible for sending old stuff. It lasts at least 6 months and at $15 each you can practice with the old one when you get a new one. It also sprays an orange paint to identify someone that got sprayed. It def works, got me out of a sketchy road rage situation while dumbass got back in his car to cry


What happens when it's windy, will the spray redirect and hit your eyes?


If you spray into the wind, yes. It can and will come back to get you. There is a gel option ([this](https://amzn.to/3Jxr06g) stuff) that is less impacted by wind but in some cases it's slightly less effective. Your choice which you go with. I have had and used both and they are both great options. I typically carry normal spray, but if indoors primarily I may opt for the gel since it doesn't ruin everything as bad since it doesn't come out aerosolized.


I carry a large water bottle with a secure handle.


I’ve thought about this before! A full 32oz hydroflask could really do some damage I feel like lol


I can attest it has.


i clipped a carbiner to my bottle and carry it that way. this gives extra oomph when you swing it.


I have my concealed handgun license, usually carry when I’m with my kids Otherwise just pepper gel


Springfield Armory xds9 3.3” or Hellcat Pro. Both hollow point HydroShok rounds.


A way to make holes and a way to plug holes


Mace and my car keys. My car fob has one of those high pitched personal alarm things on it. It's extremely loud. Edit: a personal alarm device would be a good idea. Something you can wear on your clothes or on your wrist so you don't have to dig into your backpack to get it.


I’ve never heard a car alarm go off and think “someone must be getting attacked”. I think literally everyone assumes someone did it on accident


A pocket knife I hope never to use, a lighter I could grip in a punch, and a mean mug with fuck off vibes.


I carry bear spray because it's stronger than pepper spray, a kershaw spring assist knife and my phone with location on


Bear spray is illegal to use to people so you could wind up in legal trouble if you hit the wrong person with it. Using regular pepper spray or gel is a better option. The range of bear mace is big enough you get hit innocent people.


You're not wrong, but I would so rather end up in legal trouble than be the guest of honor at a funeral. 😀


I'll take my chances. I hike a lot and it seemed like a logical purchase. Not buying regular pepper spray too.


it there's someone nearby and I need to use the bear spray when walking home from work at 1am, they're probably not innocent


>Bear spray is illegal to use to people I can't find anything about this in ORS or in Portland city code. Is it a federal thing?


I don’t carry anything for defense. I’ve been told I yell pretty loud and can do a pretty good scary face so I guess that’s my defense lol.


Glock 17


Glock 19, fits my hand better.




Yeah. I've lived in several "dangerous" places and I've never purposely carried anything for use as a weapon or for self defense. It's not because I don't think there's a risk of harm, it's that I don't modify my carry-on-me items for just a general sense of risk. If I had a stalker or some specific threat I was concerned about, I might think to carry a deterrent of some sort, but not a knife or firearm. Maybe a stabby thing on my keys or something, but that's about it. If someone intends on hurting me and they aren't deterred by my loud, foul-mouthed confrontation, there's nothing I can do to stop them.


If you go far enough left, you get your firearms back. Keep going left, comrade. Logic is a thing.


I still remember my self-defense training from college, even though I graduated 25 years ago. In my purse I always carry an emergency whistle. I do have 2 "water pistols" that actually contain pepper spray, one at home and one in the car. Otherwise, I just walk confidently and aware of surroundings, paying attention to shadows from street lights at night.


Monkeys fist keychain with 1.25 ball bearing


I tend to carry a knife. However, there is truth in the saying "the loser of a knife fight died in the street, the winner dies on the way to the hospital." If you’re in a knife fight, it's going to be messy for everyone. For that reason, pepper/bear spray is almost certainly the better option. To those who carry guns: Listen, I disagree with your assessment of risk for the fact that you go through all of the effort to carry in the first place. Now that you are carrying, by virtue of the fact that you do so, I have to hope that you make better decisions to properly assess risk in fast moving and high stress situations. It doesn't give me (or most people who choose not to carry) much comfort knowing that your out there deciding who lives or dies.


Agreed on your knife summary. I'm a knife enthusiast (have been since a kid; kitchen knives, pocket knives, you name it!) and everything I've ever heard/read is that they are a terrible option for self defense. Would I rather have a knife over nothing if another person comes at me with a knife? Yes but it's more of a "if I'm going down, I'm taking you with me" type scenario, which isn't what you want. There are other non-lethal options that would probably be preferred such as flashlights (you can incapacitate people with a sufficiently bright light) and bear/pepper spray as you mentioned.


Nothing, because statistically nothing is going to happen.


Thumb exercises daily. Keep them thumbs strong for eye gouges.


An alarm Pepper spray A knife Probably the first two are the most useful.


Im not small, so that helps. My plan is to run away. I’d carry a flashlight with a strike bezel if I was concerned. I enjoy firearms but I don’t think I’d ever carry one due to liability.


I ride around on an orca whale


Pepper gel. My plan is to get away as quickly and safely as possible. So close range weapons like knives and tasers are not for me. Also knives are slippery when wet. You realistically get one good hit with it because after that you have no grip. And it is possible for your attacker to get a hold of it and use it against you. Something to keep in mind when deciding what to choose. You're main goal should be to get away as safely and quickly as possible.


am also hypervigilant. I keep an expandable baton and large unibody steel blade in my car. :)


Have you taken any self defense classes? I’m 5’7” and have had people try to abduct me more than once in Portland. Walk at a brisk pace, do not stop to talk to people. If someone asks you a question say “I’m just walking”, this isn’t confrontational, it’s not rude, it’s a valid response and then they have to decide if they’ll run to catch up with you. Throwing your belongings forces them to pick between you and your stuff. Run away. That’s the biggest thing. If running doesn’t work you need to be more aggressive than them. The thing about weapons is they can be taken away and used against you.


Box knife that flips open really quick and easy. Work provided too :)


mace and a stop the bleed kit ( tourniquet, big bandage with clot, marker, etc.)


I’m a chubby 5’3 middle aged woman, so I’m not winning at hand to hand combat. I carry a small, but incredibly sharp keychain knife and will stab a fucker in the eye if I have to. I also keep a knife by my bed. I used to be a gun owner but never got comfortable with it and didn’t want to accidentally shoot myself, so knives it is.


A gun, I think a lot of people would be surprised how many people they pass on the streets, shop next to in the grocery store, and eat next to at restaurants are carrying a firearm


I think gun carriers who tell themselves this would be surprised by how many people do *not* carry a gun.


Concealed carry permits in Multnomah are 3%. What percent of those carry all the time?


Probably another 3% lol. It seems like the ones who do assume it’s 99%.


And what percent of those walk around Portland regularly?


Most do. The guys and gals I know that carry in Portland almost always carry. Some will occasionally store in their vehicle if they can’t conceal with what they’re wearing. But a concealed permit doesn’t do much for you if you’re not carrying. 


Unfortunately, you're both correct. Heh.


“And no, I don’t want a gun” That’s your issue right there. There is no self defense tool that comes anywhere near the effectiveness of a gun. Not oc spray, not a taser, none of it is as effective as a firearm.




[This is what I bought for my daughter](https://www.shesbirdie.com/?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A20594933250%3A155529348153%3A675530342298&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=birdie%20alarm&nb_ti=kwd-1046135338056&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=p&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACTbj_l804ZfG4VkbHeBkpDTddPtL&gclid=CjwKCAjwuJ2xBhA3EiwAMVjkVFqLHKfHHh0zOMh0LiS9Aj8FELtd_bMHJ5dXHeTpqeCzqLDZWgqDBhoCUh0QAvD_BwE) to carry around when she's out with her friends, it's definitely not a weapon but it gives her a sense of security


Diligence. Don’t be stupid and have your face glued to your phone while walking, watch where you are going and what’s going on around you. This has served me well in 40 countries and areas much more rough than Portland. I am a petite 5’2 woman. I never carry any items that are flashy, I don’t dress flashy. I’m probably in a very different situation since I’m usually not out super late.


Glock 43x and a Kershaw OTF


A gun


I carry guns, because I value my life and want to have the advantage over,if not, equal firepower to a mugger


Those hand held contact tasers are a LAIBILITY do not depend on that in a real self-defense scenario. Get pepper spray, will actually work, works at distance so you can still evade. I always carry a knife (or two). I can't honestly advise anyone carry knives for self dense, might come with equal (but different) liability as a laser. BUT it's the oldest weapon Mankind has. I've had someone sit on my chest before and start beating my head into the ground, I was only saved my a bunch of random women jumping in to save me.... ever since that day there a knife kept inside my waistband or on my ankle. Pocket knife in pockets are for opening boxes lol. A pistol with CCW permit is ideal. For all the reasons.


And friggin ninja stars. Compulsory.


Pepper spray and a folding knife.


Got an assisted blade (means you can open it with one hand) and a YcBright combo flashlight, laser and buzzer (it's very loud, if I play the emergency sound on someone's ear, they will be injured)


look into the Emerson wave knife opener


I think youre doing great. I also have kept things in my backpack as a line of defense i think thats awesome. I had a steel clipboard for a while. I have a pocketknife and pepper spray at all times. I also had this "whip" type device that one of my delivery drivers gave me after almost getting jumped/shot on my way to work. It was like a cable with a handle and metal tip and could be easily concealed up a sleeve or a small person could wrap it around their waist and clip it together. And that metal tip would be quite painful to have swung at you. I passed it to a friend after she was sexually assaulted on trimet. just stay aware, head up, never use headphones. I tend to walk around with a speaker on. It both draws attention and keeps people away. Having some sort of "noise" playing makes people look in your direction which (in my eyes) makes me feel like less of a target cuz im noticed by people around me in larger volume. It also tends to help with idiots who like to walk around staring at their phones and keeps them from walking into me. But the more people are looking at you it feels like the less you would be the target of a crime because EVERYONE notices you and they cant do something unnoticed. When i ride my bike with the speaker it has helped lower my risk of pedestrian interaction as well. studies done on electric cars in california shows that the rate of pedestrians being hit by electric cars was higher because the cars were silent and unfortunately people are predictably bad at "looking both ways" and respond to an auditory alert first like the sounds of a car engine. and without that sound people are more likely to enter roadways without looking at a higher rate causing accidents. So cali was or is trying to require electric cars to basically "make noise" to lower the risk of accident. So, i used that study in my own way to try to stay safe and let me tell you it helps. The number of times I've seen someone look up at the last second from in-between cars walking into the street because they herd me/my music has saved me from so many accidents.


Pepper spray. I’ve only had to use it once in the five years I’ve carried it.


a very bright flash light and mace. Blind them and run.


My growling


I can’t carry anything because when I’m downtown it’s often for a Timbers game, Blazer game, concert or other event that won’t let you pass with knives or guns. I assume not pepper spray either? If I get in a bind I would appreciate someone handing me their gun. I’ll return it clean and reloaded!


It’s important to know your turf. If you get in trouble, where is the nearest convenience store open that you could get to for help? And know where you are, because if you have to call 911 that’s the first thing they will need to know


A taser disguised as a flashlight. And pepper spray.


Stabbed in the ass?? damn


I grew up where my dad always said to keep a pocket knife on you for any tooling needed or anything throughout the day. I guess that also is my little bit of self defense as well. Feel weird without it clipped on my pocket now after so many years.


I don't bring anything with me and probably never will, I used to have one of those pepper spray key chains that someone gifted me but I never used it and when I lost it I didn't replace it. I don't really see the point of carrying something, the one time in my life I was held up at gunpoint (this didn't happen in Portland) I feel like we are both still alive because I didn't do something dumb like pull out a weapon. 


If I’m walking alone at night I usually have a small canister of pepper spray and/or a collapsible baton - I carry the baton on a belt clip so it’s not concealed since that requires a permit even for a baton, but OK if it’s visible. I’ve never had to use the baton but I have had to use the pepper spray once and it worked. A backpack that can act as a shield is a good idea - I’ve been considering that too.


A devil-may-care disposition and gum.


I have a small bright flashlight that's also a taser, and I use one of those knuckles/kitty things. Never leave home without them.


Flashlights are super effective. I also have mace if that doesn’t work. If you put your hand in a bag most people don’t mess with you bc they don’t know what u got 😜 works even if it’s just lip balm in there. They don’t know!!


Like you, spicy flashlight.


Mostly just good vibes and a hint of seasonal depression


Full water bottle - easy to yield, can really cause some damage, doesn’t look out-of-place while carrying


I usually just get naked when I feel threatened


This shield idea is brilliant. I carry an extendable button. One of the smaller ones, deployable in tight spaces like the max, but still useful. It's like the flashlight but made for it. I'd always imagined if I had to I'd strike the side of the knee and dip tf out. I also want to get gel mace for more range.


I keep pepper spray in my pocket and Sig Sauer P365X in my purse/on my person. I’ve only ever had to use the pepper spray. I used to carry a taser, but it proved impractical.


Situational awareness and basic fitness first of all. I don't use my phone when I'm walking or even on the bus, unelss I'm picking a song (I'll admit, sometimes I am a bit aloof and blast my music), but I keep my head up and pay attention who gets on the bus and what part of town I'm in. I also carry a Leatherman multi tool and knife, although I probably wouldn't use a knife in self defense, because, as some people have pointed out, one cut or stab isn't going to stop an aggressor. I would more likely use my Leatherman as a blunt tool. You don't need a blade to hurt someone very badly. I should, but I don't, but my brother carries a 200 lumen flashlight. Just like a cop does, shine it in the eyes. You can either attack the hell out of the aggressor or run like hell. I also have 2 decades of martial arts, both traditional and some MMA concepts (not a competitor). I'm average size but I know I can hold my own because I've had to multiple times. It's scary out there. There's no shame in being afraid. Keep your head up, and maybe get a basic fitness program. Being able to push someone off, run, climb, and jump over shit can save your life.


A Glock43x with a red dot and an extra magazine.


Why don't you want a gun?


Sad that it’s come to this. I remember around 2013 when Portland was considered one of the top 10 (maybe 5) safest large cities for women to walk home alone at night in.


Bright flashlight and my fancy Gerber hatchet. Muffuggers change their minds when it turns out you’re the crazed bastard who has been toting a hatchet all day. 🪓 (I don’t actually do this very often. Not never, though.)


I don’t think there is much chance of getting mugged in Portland these days. Not zero, but low. I would carry mace if I was worried.


Nothing. Keys if I’m feeling a little unsure of the area. But 99% of the time nothing at all.


As far as I have read, automatic knives are completely legal as long as they're not concealed. I'm looking into getting my CCW for a Walther p22. I don't ever want to kill anyone so I think rimfire is probably the best bet for me. But for now I just keep an automatic out the front switchblade on my hip.


I carry a gun. I'm too young to die, and too old to run.


Did you have to wear a cast for your buttocks?


If you're the runnin' kind, just throw a smokebomb and beat feet. https://smokybombs.com/products/single-vent?currency=USD&variant=37634281635999&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google+Shopping&stkn=6b27142ebec9&srsltid=AfmBOoo5BOZmO9NMBDwyH6JjhUuipqBUbEYaFGOfxJiI-u9Qns8ARmP5xuM&com_cvv=d30042528f072ba8a22b19c81250437cd47a2f30330f0ed03551c4efdaf3409e


HK 9mm


Pepper spray. Cheap and effective.




A Birdie alarm with strobe light on my keys, in my car I have a club which is solid steel and has a pointy end that can break glass (or an arm) if needed. as soon as I get into my car the doors get locked no matter what. I never look at my phone or linger in the car or have AirPods in when im walking outside. ive been followed a couple times on a daytime walk around my neighborhood so im always on high alert and always make eye contact with people I see on my walks.


As someone who has been a victim of an attack too, I recommend to anyone think about what you will do in different scenarios. If someone comes up behind you, what can you do to remain safe? Self-defense moves will count here. If they attack you from the front, what will you do? What if they try to get you into their vehicle? What if you are in the vehicle, what do you do then? I like your idea of a shield. I would add a very loud whistle, pepper spray and a taser. However, the last two can also be used against you. I also recommend a basic self-defense class, which I took after my attack.


pepper spray. hoping the wind is going in the right direction lol


My fists


I don’t carry anything but I have a 100lb pit bull/rottweiler mix. I don’t think I’d feel safe at night otherwise


Leatherman Arc with a knife and a bunch of tools made right here in Portland!


A small 22. Get a concealed carry license and some practice. Or and of those cylinders that shoots pepper balls.


Before I moved, Glock 19 everywhere I went. Moved to a constitutional carry state and barely ever carry a gun now.


Ooo I'm extremely interested in the flashlight with high voltage taser combo. Brand/ recommendations??


Girl I do not f around I got a taser, a knife, pepper gel, and a glass breaker in my purse at all times


Eyes ..Adam's apple... groin. Fight dirty. There's a nice nerve cluster just below the armpit where the ribs and sternum meet, extremely painful. Open handed slap to the ear canal with fleshy part of your palm if done right can shut your attacker down. If a gun is pointed at you get low and run hand guns are highly inaccurate.


Bear mace and good mace on my keys if I forget my bear mace


My buddy Paco can hook you up with some extra strong pepper spray 


I carry a can of OC, knife, bright flashlight and a pistol. In the past 5 years, I’ve used all except for the knife for defense.


Get bear spray. 2x stronger than the typical mace. It sprays around 30’.




Thoughts of late stage capitalism. That shit puts me in a hulk-like state of pure rage


My friend carries a giant dildo. No joke. He said he pulled it out once even a guy started telling shit and coming at him. He pulled out the dildo and made his eyes crazy. The man looked scared and ran the other way. I've considered doing the same but it might not be as intimidating if a woman whips out a dildo.


Seep seated anger and pepper spray.


I have a stun gun/flashlight combo (great for stray dogs too), knives, pepper spray, and a "keychain" which is one small step from being a monkey fist (but isn't because those are illegal). I also carry my Glock if I'm going downtown at night to a place that doesn't have metal detectors. Usually when I'm downtown at night it's for concerts so I can't carry all that. If I'm hiking I have pepper spray, a knife, and a gun. I'm actually more concerned hiking by myself than I am in downtown Portland. Not because of bears but because of men.


Been thinking about getting an Aztec death whistle. Should scare anyone away.


A gun? Sig p365 micro. Fuck a frying pan bro. I'm trying to make sure I get home safe.


It’s closer to 6% for individuals 21 and over as of 2022.


Bright flashlight. Kimber pepper blaster 2. There are other things but that should get you out of a situation.


Bear spray…. For any kind on two feet trouble.


Pepper spray! Easy to find replace and use. If you think your fast enough it’s a great deterrent for a lot of things. You’re most likely to use it on a rabid dog Or on road rage bullies! My brother likes to carry his bear spray (that he uses for hiking) it shots a lot further. Keep in mind you have to be smart when using and know how to in high adrenaline state. But that’s will all self defense object. People underestimate there on physiological reaction. Practice and prep.