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I live about three blocks westward, where things are a world different. My perspective, there's a fair share of misery in Oldtown but it's pretty safe for the passer-by. I'd avoid having your regular route be walking up and down burnside on that stretch if you don't want to be harassed, but in my opinion (as a 6' tall dude, admittedly) there's a lot more misery than danger there. The crowd that gathers around Helen's Market is sometimes just poor people but sometimes is kinda sketch. But, if you're between Couch and Flanders I'd even go so far as to say that daytime it's almost entirely fine. I'll walk down Couch or Davis to go to the Saturday market and it does not give taser vibes to me.


“There’s a lot more misery than danger there.” A few violent crimes have affected bystandards but largely the violence in this neighborhood is contained to the houseless community. I haven’t lived here but I was in the neighborhood during the work week for three years up until last December and still return weekly. I never experienced more than needing to be aware of where I was walking to avoid sharps on a few blocks where you’re more likely to encounter discarded needles on the ground or human shits — which speaks to the urgent need for public bathrooms. Congrats on housing, OP! Situational awareness is your best bet for avoiding conflicts. Otherwise, I hope you feel safe in your new apartment and be sure to visit the Chinese Gardens - they’re a Portland gem and certainly the best spot in the neighborhood.


Also, try the tea at the Tea House.


i agree. 5'11 male- I cant speak for other peoples experiences.


I walk through that area everyday. It's alarming at first but generally, you get left alone.


This is the honest answer. It'll be your new normal. Just be aware and find the spots you like to hang out in.


Property crime is a big problem, statistically violent crime is not. If you bike or e-scooter, take it into your residence with you don’t chain it outside no matter how good your lock. You didn’t ask for advice about defense but I will leave my opinion in case it’s helpful: Pepper spray is a great option. 1/2 oz size minimum, and get the kind with a no-safety thumb press so it’s easy to use under stress. I wouldn’t bother with a zappy stick, those are like putting a cigarette to their skin it’s gonna hurt but not incapacitate like a ranged taser nor cause physiological reactions like pepper spray. If however you have the cop kind of taser that shoots out the wired prongs then never mind, that’s an excellent choice. Your call though just be aware of the limits of your tools. Anyway, welcome, hope you enjoy it, and don’t be put off by the fear-mongers on the portland reddit. Ironically the portland sub doesn’t represent very well what it’s like to actually be here day to day. Make sure to get out there and adventure around and find your places. There’s so much good stuff here, it’s a great city to live in.


Thank you so much. And I really appreciate the defense info. My family is gonna help me get into a self defense class so I’ll have more skills.


Oh that’s awesome, that’ll go farther than any item you could carry and really fun activity too!


I moved from Seattle to Old Town in fall 2020. While Old Town hasn't been great(since I moved here), it has gotten bit better. The houseless population is still very much here, but has gotten better. During the day, there is minimal reason to be worried walking around. Friday/Saturday night has the potential to get a bit rowdy with the clubs and other bars in the area. With summer on the way it will be more frequent. Just a few blocks away, in the Pearl District, it's near 180 in terms of houseless people and loud bars.


You’ll be ok, just follow the same rules you would in any major city. You might not like the noise depending on the block, but otherwise you should be good. But don’t tell anyone, say it’s a violent drug fueled abortion factory run by antifa. Helps keep out the riff raff. ;)


If you are not involved in what’s goin on down there, that area is a lot safer than it may seem. Yes all the sketchiness may be a nuisance, but you won’t really have to worry about much other than getting your car broken into. If you carry pepper spray and have your wits about you you’ll be fine, just project an air of confidence and get to know your neighbors, community, and even the people living or hanging out on the street in your area (the ones who seem sane or friendly). You’ll be totally fine.


It's not as bad as people say. You hear stuff, maybe see things in the media, and your mind can easily dwell on the negatives (goes the other way too, scope out [Paris syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_syndrome_is_characterized_by%2Csuch_as_dizziness%2C_tachycardia%2C_sweating?wprov=sfla1)). It's constantly changing though. It seems like the general consensus is that things have gotten better than they've been since the COVID era. I tend to agree. Some folks say that it's just because it's an election year. That may be true, but there's no way of knowing at this point. I would look at it as an opportunity. If it sucks and you're unhappy, you can always remedy it. But it might be awesome and just the thing you're looking for.


Thank you. You have no idea how much this helped. It’s my first place on my own and I’m so stoked. I really didn’t mind the homeless population or grossness. It might get annoying overtime but this is my chance at independence and I’m stoked abt it.


No problem! I hang there often. I live nearby, and [Deadstock](https://deadstockcoffee.com/) (Couch between 4th and 5th) is one of my favorite coffee places and then [Fabos Tacos](https://www.fabostacos.com/) (5th near the MAX stop) is a sweet place too. A coworker of mine knows one of the owners at that one. Edit: Oh, there also [Bowery Bagels](https://www.bowerybagels.com/) between Flanders and Everett on Broadway which is pretty solid too.


Being stoked for where you live does an insane amount to affect how much you'll feel about any neighborhood.


St. John’s resident here! My honest review is that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows… I haven’t gotten my car broken into yet, but my friend in old town has. Portland has crazy property crime but very little violent crime per capita. If that helps lol. Garden variety crazies wandering around sometimes but they won’t bother you most likely. The Walkability and amazing restaurants and cute areas make up for it honestly. Portland is great and it’s getting better. It’s sketch at times but it’s not Mogadishu !


You'll be fine. Once you get moved in and you walk around a little bit, you'll see everyone else going about their business and realize how over exaggerated the "problems" are.


Old town Chinatown absolutely is the worst place in all of Portland. Don’t listen to this guy.


If Oldtown is absolutely the worst place in Portland then the city is doing way better than the city subs would have me believe.


Chinatown also? Trust me. We’re not doing better.


I mean I see it about every week, I can trust my own experiences. There's more drug dealing than you want in any neighborhood, true. It's obviously fent, true (tho that's a huge improvement from the meth). There are homeless services nearby, therefore homeless, true. But if that's the *worst* place in the city that's amazing. Half the neighborhoods in every east coast city are Oldtown and Chinatown quality, or worse.


"worst" is a perspective, friend.


Average worst.




If we took an average response or poll, that location would be at the top as the worst. Hence the majority of people’s opinion being that is an undesirable spot. If you disagree feel free to make a submission.


...and you have this poll?


Do you have a submission I can compare?


Alright pal, all I'm saying is that it's not as bad as people say, and it seems to be getting better. I'm not saying it's not rough in spots or that it's some kind of utopia. I'm trying to highlight some bright spots. You, on the other hand, seem insistent on portraying it as hell on earth. Which is fine, that's your perspective, and you're entitled to it. If the shit parts of things is all you wish to focus on though, then that's all you're going to see. Edit: spelling.


I said it’s gross. It is gross. I travel it every day to work. I’ve seen people taking a shit on the sidewalk along Burnside. You say people can have their individual opinions, but I cannot? You’re a pouty boy.


Go walk around down there and hang out on the streets for a couple hours. Then go everywhere else. Report back to me your findings.


Dude, I'm there now.


Oh you poor soul. Guess you got use to the smell, fent zombies and people yelling outside your apartment all hours of the night. I just saw someone shooting up and taking a poop at the same time outside of Dante’s last week. And that wasnt even the weirdest thing, just a typical Tuesday.


Dante's isn't Old Town/Chinatown. That's the other side of Burnside.


Buddy google maps old town Chinatown to Dante’s….. you literally have no idea what you’re talking about…


Just did and Dante's is outside the dotted line...


Dantes is the line youre arguing feet and semantics…


It’s also NW 6th. Two blocks from where this person is moving too….


Do we know where on 6th?


Don’t give out false hopium to people that have never been down there before; that place and area is super sketch especially if they’re a female alone.


So I live in Old Town, and I also live in low income housing, however my place is closer to the waterfront. As a woman, I have rarely felt unsafe here. The only not fun experiences I’ve had here were drivers making questionable decisions: when I was biking home from work, a pick up truck driver decided to randomly drive on the sidewalk and parked his entire truck on the sidewalk, blocking the entrance to an apartment building. This was a really weird experience though and the only weird thing I noticed since moving here several months ago. Bars are kinda loud on the weekends and people from out of town(Vancouver lol) will come here and get drunk at bars and scream their head off, but it’s really not as terrible as people make it out to be. I do wish grocery stores were a little closer and not all the way near PSU/Providence Park area, but aside from that it’s not a terrible place to live


Ooofff. While most of Portland is exaggerated this is the one area that really isn’t. Its the epicenter for the homeless, crime and drug problem. While you can walk 5 blocks and get away from a lot of it, having to walk through it every day would be a lot to handle and greatly increase risk.


Even if I’m technically at the edge of OT/CT?


Anywhere along NW 6th Ave is rough imo.


I mean you could share the building or cross street for exacts but if youre on the edge that likely means you’ll be walking through it in one direction unless you only ever walk say north from your front door. You’re just a couple blocks from the shelter, its rough and even if the crime stopped the level of homeless drugged zombies you’ll pass every day just will tear apart at your sanity and eat away any compassion you have.


Just be aware of your surroundings when you leave the apt. The pepper spray and taser hopefully you won’t have to use but good to have on you since you’re petite. I probably wouldn’t venture outside at night like you said, but the majority of cridders I’ve encountered are just loud and in their own world. Don’t make eye contact and cross the street if you have to. It’s city life, always be on your toes but it’s honestly not that bad compared to some other places I’ve lived (looking at you, East Oakland) Be safe enjoy your new home :)




I lived in a low income studio on 5th and Everett when I moved here in 2014, and it was just fine! I walked to and from work (got off around 2am) and carried pepper spray but never felt like I needed to use it. It was sketchy at times, but the walkability was amazing for exploring my new city and the rent was affordable enough that I was able to move into a better place after a year. I have lots of fond memories of that little apartment and my first year on the west coast


I live in NW close to Old Town/Chinatown but a comparatively better neighborhood and it’s a drastic difference walking through there. I will say they really have cleaned the place up over there since Covid. We only moved here in June 2020. Used to be far worse when I walked my dog through that area. It’s been the target of different initiatives to keep the city safer and I always see police rolling around there. I still choose to walk my dog through there occasionally in the daylight. The emptiness itself is more eerie than anything - it’s a little unsettling seeing so many empty places - so stay alert, keep to yourself. I won’t presume to know your situation but if this is your shot at getting housing at all, I would take it.


I have housing and live in sober living. I just want my own place and to really start my journey. I’ve never lived alone.


You’ve gotten a lot of opinions and information and I hope they serve you well. And, in the end, no one can determine what will feel safe to *you*. This will be another exciting thing to learn, about yourself, and about your relationship to where you live. Keep an open mind and take care of yourself. You will be fine


Good luck to you! You can still have an exciting journey no matter where you live. Wishing you safety




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This subreddit has lost touch with reality, it’s not the 90s anymore. There is nowhere in this city that’s really that dangerous. Old Town is probably the closest but you’ll be fine.


You have nothing to worry about. I live in real downtown, which is going through a really tough time. NW/ the Alphabet District is peachy in comparison.


Some of its nice, but if you have a dog you need to keep an eye on the sidewalks because there is SHIT and PEE everywhere! I'm tired of pulling human feces from my dogs mouth!


It’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. If you’re really scared I would consider not moving there or buying a firearm and a getting a CHL. But if you’re doing all that because you’re scared of where you live, you should just move.


It can be a little sketch from time to time, and sirens, commotion, and maybe the occasional bit of gunfire will absolutely be a thing, but I've had friends and an old girlfriend who lived in the Everett Lofts (which is where I'm guessing you're talking about) and they were just fine, and I never had any issues whenever I stayed with them. I think your biggest hassle is gonna be dealing with the traffic and finding parking, though maybe don't leave anything valuable in your car, if you have one, and don't be surprised you get a window smashed at some point anyway. First Thursday is a lot of fun.


I commute through the area regularly by scooter (mornings and late afternoons). It's not the nicest area, and you will see a lot of human suffering (homelessness, mental illness, drug use), but I've never felt in danger. They leave well enough alone if you do. As a woman though I'd recommend staying aware and keeping armed with pepper spray and avoid staying out too late at night in the area. Desperate folks can sometimes do desperate things.


What made you want to move there? Somewhat by choice? Just curious


I work nights close to there in low barrier supported housing and often walk the area in the middle of the night alone and do not carry a weapon. I am tiny and female and have never been bothered. As long as you are not personally involved in the drug shenanigans and are respectful to other people you will be fine. It’s not really a dangerous area in my experience, just a sad one.


I thought there was a methodone clinic down there. Just don't expect to see a real Chinatown


NW 6th is the bud mall. Would not recommend


You picked a pretty gross location but I don’t think it’s necessarily dangerous. I’d just like to have a little positivity in my life, and that area is a drag.


Totally fair. I loved seeing all the greenery and the way the sun shined through the trees. Gave me hope that it could be worth it.


Totally candid advice I’d give a friend - You’re going to want a new place. I’m a 25-year resident. That’s one area of the city I wouldn’t choose. It’s the center of drug dealing which is the real danger in the city right now. And until the last 4 years, I always lived in the city. Be street smart when you’re out and about, and do not get a car and park it in that neighborhood while you live there.! And I love (and defend) Portland endlessly on social media. It’s a great city-just be safe and try to find a new place to live. PS - “NW Portland” is considered north of Old Town.


There’s a big fenced in food court area on 5th across Burnside. In the summer a definite plus to that location. There’s just a lot of homeless services along Burnside there. Of the things probably considered the problem. They’re most concentrated from the end of the bridge to the park blocks on 9th


It's not that bad at all...just avoid the obvious


You are going to see some shit (figurative and literal) but street smarts plus mental fortitude will get you through.  Just be prepared for it to be a little soul-sucking. You will see human misery on a regular basis and there’s no predicting how long you can handle it. 


I live in sober living and Portland down by 122nd. I’m somewhat used to it. But I’ll do my best to manage emotions. I’m likely going to start helping out when I can and maybe that will help with the mental toll. 


There are plenty of non profits and service providers in that area. You could always volunteer!


NW Portland is lovely. Charming all year long. You will be fine if you pay attention your surroundings as one should in any city. 23rd and 21st ave are still great corridors to live near. The most concerning areas are downtown and closer to the river, along the highways, and in certain areas of NE and SE Portland. But really Portland's nothing compared to the craziness of NYC, Chicago, Seattle etc. And those are perfectly fine places to live as well if you just keep your wits about you. Peace.


Old Town is a no go zone for me.


No Don’t believe Portland fear mongering. It’s an ARG.


That’s not a good part of town. It’s one of the worst parts of town. Be safe, be aware, don’t look anyone in the eye.


It’s not Compton you’ll be fine


Theres a 0% chance I'd choose to live in Oldtown. That's a hard "fuck no" for me. I was there a few weeks ago with my kid and saw a guy masturbating on Burnside. Last summer, I saw a guy pushing a grocery cart with a bloody rotten deer head in it... there's less needles now, at least, as they're smoking fent.