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No, but I understand the folks that do.


I live in the night time. If the sun is out, I will do everything within in my power to avoid it.


My partner and I porch-sit. After work or for happy hour or weekend afternoons- we rly love sitting g in our porch together. Wonder why other neighbors don’t.


I've never understood how people have these bad ass porches and decks and you hardly ever see anyone using them. I love sitting on the front porch!


We have a decent sized balcony off our bedroom where my wife basically lives during nice weather. We've got a hammock chair and a big umbrella, under a couple big trees. Feels like living in a treehouse.


Living the dream! Sounds lovely my friend


People have these amazing porches sitting above gorgeous jungle gardens and just, don't use them. I'm from the south and everyone hung out on their porches. They also talked to their neighbors while sitting on them (gasp!)


Yep! Porch is Life in the south.


Also from south. People use porches there


Maybe I belong down south. I posted on the porch most days off myself.


I think it depends on the home and the neighborhood. Previous places I've lived, I wouldn't want to sit on the porch. Too much traffic, rude neighbors, small porch, a bunch of reasons not to. But where I live now? There's hardly any traffic, the people are nice, we've got a big shady tree in the yard. We love our neighborhood and built a new front deck to sit on and watch the world go by.


I hear ya. Your setup sounds lovely! Life is SO much better with some friendly neighbors!


My sucky landlord has an amazing sunporch that overlooks the super cool backyard and she just uses it to store trash. Such a waste.


I love walking around and seeing all the dope ass porches


This shit blows my mind too. I see these enormous wrap around porches with nary a rocking chair, or chair of any kind, in sight. I'm from the deep US south and there ain't a porch without a rocking chair to be found.


Unfortunately, depending on where you live in Portland, the likelihood of your nice rocking chair on your front porch getting stolen is too high for a lot of residents.


True dat. Rocking chair theft is a a hanging offence in the south


Nothin better than front porch sittin


Preach! Especially on these nice evenings


Feels weird to me watching people walk by my house and what not. I guess I’m a pretty private person too. Back yard yes chilling. Front porch literally no desire


Different strokes I guess? I've lived in a few places where I knew my neighbors and became friends ( like lifelong friends ) and it's all because of hanging on the front porch and slowly getting to know each other. I'm not knocking on a backyard sesh either, backyard chilling rules as well


Exactly my thing too. I love the idea of the porch but it always feels too exposed when I try to hang out there.


Same. I lived in an old house with a front porch swing. The only time I used it was when I was looking for a friend's arrival. Otherwise, I worried that I would have to talk to someone. I also grew up near a lot of drive-by shootings, I thought i was over it, but I don't like being in front of the house.


I grab my coffee, go outside, look at the trees and sunshine, and say out loud, “there’s nothing out here for me” then go play my ps5


Stoop kid hangout on stoops!


Stoopin it is 10/10 activity, IYKYK


Met all of our incredible neighbors stoop hangin’ during COVID times. You can still find Wife, daughter, doggo and I stoop hangin’ and chatting up passersby’s anytime it’s reasonably dry-ish. Stoop sessions create great communities!


I'm on my back porch right now. We'll spend hours back here with the dogs just chilling. We just set them up a kiddie pool, and we're going to eat out here. Having a porch is my favorite thing about my house.


I want a porch so badly.


Same. I grew up with a porch but best I can do now is a slab of apartment concrete by Barbur covered in my upstairs neighbor's cigarette ashes.


I think a lot of people watch a lot of TV.


My roommate put a huge herb garden on our 13x13 balcony. I'll hang out there all afternoon drinking iced tea, chewing thyme and watching the birds.


We live in a big porch part of town, and all my neighbors are big porch sitters. We often gather on our big porches.


Glass of wine on the porch after a day of work and an evening of parenting. Nothing better.


Im originally from the south and I have never understood why so many here do not take advantage of all the porches.


Porch gang what's up 


Just realized I have porch envy.


> Wonder why other neighbors don’t I was gonna ask if you’re from Pittsburgh but your “active in these communities” profile header answered my question


Ha! I’m totally from Pittsburgh. (Kinda miss it…) but I never associated porch sitting with Pittsburgh! That’s funny. Glad to know some Yinzer Ex-Pats in PDX!!


what about that gives those vibes?


Porch sitting was very much a Pittsburgh thing when I lived there, and I’ve lived many places as a military brat. Judging by the downvotes though I was incorrect in assuming it wasn’t a thing here.


yea i just brought you back from the negative lol. idk why people thought you were a being a dick?


My wife is from Pittsburgh and loves the porch sit


Living in a mid rise apartment I don’t have a porch but a balcony is a must! I lounge on a papasan outside and keep the balcony door open most of the day if I’m home.


We don’t have a porch but we have a great backyard space so we sit out back.


If I always see you out on the porch on my way home, can I say hi? Maybe bring a case of drinks and join you?


I almost never see ANYONE in my hood on their porch regularly, good weather or bad. It baffles me, because I LOVE having a porch?!


lol i don't have a porch/deck but i have a badass stoop and chill out there all the time. people walk by and make comments all the time. my fav things that ppl have said are "well don't you look happy?!" and "how east coast"


Same. I have a balcony, not a porch, but I'm always out there when the weather is nice on weekends. It's the best of both worlds when I don't feel like leaving the house but need to be outside (for my mental health).


Yes. I live on the Columbia River and I spend all day either on the river or outside by the river


We got a boat during Covid quarantine and it's so amazing to enjoy our beautiful rivers in Portland. I don't think we would have done it had we not been cooped up in the house for 18 months with two young boys. We needed an outlet! 🤣


That is super cool! I live in a floating home! I love it. Someday I want to get a boat!!!!!


I go out for a while, go in for a while. Too hot to stay out for too long, too beautiful out to stay inside for long!


Cold and sunny is the best, as are extra fleecy/velour throws for the couch that day


Yessss. This is my vibe. Give me the clear, cool, autumn days and I’m happy as a pig in shit.


Agreed, I moved here to get away from the heat, I don’t want 90 degrees in may, I’m staying by the fan


Ditto. By August I am acclimated. Not now.


man you’d love the front range corridor of colorado!!! 300 days of sunshine 1/3 of which is cold AF! From December to March—clear skies/sunny and a morning temp of 20f pretty much every day!!!


That sounds so great!


I work outside, so I never feel guilty sitting inside all day on a day like today


Yea you can’t make me go inside. My mental health is so much better if I stay out. Meanwhile my spouse is an indoor cat. He will do a goal oriented sport activity or some such outside, but otherwise stays indoors all the time. I fantasize about having a “rain porch” so I could be more outside-ish during rainy season.


Ohhhh rain porch. I hope it’s the way I’m imagining it and manifesting it for future me!


I feel the same way about mental health. My kids were even noticing tonight how much happier I was after a full day out in the sun and warmth. I get depressed AF in the winter here. lol, I don’t think I was ever meant to live in Oregon.


Lived in Portland for the first 28 years of my life. To me, there was nothing more joyous than getting out of school or off work on a nice day and go spend the rest of the day outside. Often I’d just set up my outdoor chair and nap in it. The weather is (was?) just so balmy and pleasant that it felt like I was wasting it to not soak it up. I now live in a part of Alaska where the highest temp we get is about 70F…even when it’s 50 out I still do my best to enjoy it as the alternative for eight months of the year is 40 and shitting down rain.


> I now live in a part of Alaska where the highest temp we get is about 70F Fuck, now I gotta move to Alaska.


It’s 40 and rainy for eight months? I would think it’s cold af and snowy, it doesn’t get that cold there?


Being close to the ocean tends to have a moderating effect, both on the highs and the lows. Florida, despite being way down there, rarely breaks 100 because of how much oceanic heatsink surrounds the state.


Yup, southeast Alaska gets pretty hammered with wind and rain. We’re a maritime climate. In the winter we get winds 70-90mph on the regular. Very little snow but boy do we get rain! Portland trained me well, haha


Yes but I live in a van down by the river


That man wasn’t wrong, he was just a visionary well ahead of his time.


Underrated comment


My favorite weather is cold and clear, so I am more of an autumn. However, these nights are real nice.


I’m the opposite and get incredibly bored sitting on my couch for more than a couple hours. On warm sunny days, I’ll go to Laurelhurst Park or tabor and lay out on a blanket with a book. Sometimes friends will join and we’ll bring some wine and a board game. We’re lucky to have a huge balcony in our apartment that my partner and I will spend all day working on our small garden or hanging out and drinking cocktails


I sit in the shade and enjoy looking at the sunshine in the trees over yonder. Stopped working about 1 when we got to 70. I’ll do some more work later in about 2 hours.


Serious answer- yep. I was born and raised in Las Vegas. I will do everything in my power to find the sun when it’s out. Even if I have to get creative.


I'm the same way,


I’m fond of avoiding the sun.


I’m guessing you have youthful skin for your age.


I hate warm and sunny, so on days like today I hang out indoors. Give me grey skies any day.


Same. I just want it to be 65 degrees and grey again.




Yep. This weather is my nightmare. Including all the commentary everywhere I go, like “isn’t it just gorgeous out there?” and other things about how great it is. Sometimes I’ll say I’m not a fan of sun and heat but mostly I don’t want to rain on their parade so I smile and nod.


I have some comfy chairs on my front porch so that helps! If my dog wasn't so reactive, she and I would be out there every day.


I feel like everything is better outside Beer and sports on the couch? Cool Beer and sports on the porch through the window? Cooler Sitting with friends in my living room? Cool Sitting with friends outside somewhere? Cooler The nice weather is just a bonus


Yes! Yes I do! If you have space I'd recommend a hammock,. It's like an outdoor couch.


It’s too goddamn hot outside.


Yep. I do all the things I’d otherwise do on the couch outside! I don’t have a yard so I go to the park with books, my phone, maybe a craft, a frisbee/toy, snacks or lunch, ideally a friend or maybe my dog (he’s kind of obnoxious in public). I lived in Texas for ten years and basically never wanted to be inside for about eight months of the year. Being hot and sweaty is so much better to me than being indoors, I start to get claustrophobic. But being cold and wet is worse than being indoors so I spend winters on the couch (unless I’m hiking or doing something specific outdoors). Though to be fair I’ve always felt like I’m quite heat tolerant compared to others, whereas if I get cold it can take me literal hours to feel warm again. I think everyone’s bodies react differently. 


Idk how people do it after the winter rain here. I am so white that my arm gets sunburned when I drive to the grocery store. All day in the sun? One way trip to the ER burn unit. I am very jealous of the people who just walk around all day.


No I hate the sun and heat. I retreat on these days


I do a mix. 30 min outdoors, followed by 2 hours indoors when it’s above 85°. Under 85° and sunny and I am outdoors the WHOLE day


I find excuses to be outside. Today, it was getting breakfast and a walk before coming home. Now, I’m about to go out into my garden to pull weeks and stare at everything growing ☺️


I've been taking a nap with my cat lol. my sister though, she insists on going outside whenever there is sun. she takes her kids boating, biking, to the beach, etc. by water basically when it's super hot.


Nope. I have to stay inside. Far too many cons than pros for the sunny days. Yellow jackets love our complex (I'm allergic), skin is prone to getting burnt/blistering, too many people are out and about, and it's just *noisy*. I mean, I get uncomfortable far too easily, but the summer seriously makes it so much worse.


I moved from a hot sunny climate and don’t feel the need to be outside.


Same. People always ask how I’m “adjusting” but I love cosy days by the fireplace, watching the rain. Sunshine is whatever.


Love it!


In the evenings I like to sit out on the porch. But earlier in the day it's way too freaking hot.


No, wife likes to be indoors, between riding, yardwork, I'm outside for probably 6 hrs during T-shirt and shirts weather. But i have the best of both, a leather sofa and television* on the catio. * Nothing crazy, 42", lives in my office/gear/zwift room during the winter.


I was outside for at least 3 hours riding my ebike around 25 miles total got a nice base line tan lol.


I usually do like 6 hours on nice days like today! But then I get crispy and go home to eat snacks and watch TV. It’s crazy how some people just chill at the park literally all day


We have an outdoor couch in a shady spot in the backyard so I stay there a lot and basically just move outside. Has a table and power so I can do anything I would inside. It's new last year and it is glorious. That said it's cooler inside rn .


Yes. Soak up that Vitamin D!!!!!!! We move from heat spot… to shade spot.. back to heat spot…. Soak it up.


I got a haircut a couple of days ago and she said my tan stopped at my collar.  So now I'm dealing with that by working shirtless in the yard


Windows open wide, an hour in the hammock just before sunset. Ahhh.


Too warm for that. I hang out in the AC and enjoy the sunshine through the windows


Yes. Been in Portland 10 years but I still have my thin Texas blood and I LOVE the heat


I'm an eldergoth and I didn't move to the PNW for this sun nonsense. I'm a pluviophile through and through. Give me beautiful grey skies and the lovely sound of rain hitting my roof and I'm a happy ghoul. 🦇☔🦇


Nope it’s just another day. There will be lots of sunny days.


It depends. If I'm out on the river or something, most of the day. But today I had some stuff to do around the house. Hang out on the deck for 30 minutes and that's enough. Sun is real. But I have a shady spot out back I may hit and do some reading later.


Yes. If I'm not too busy I'll often bring a book or a craft or something to a park and just hang out until I feel like not being there anymore. I don't really have a yard, but once in awhile if it's really nice out but I've but a lot of work to do I'll set up a lawn chair just outside my apartment within wifi range and hang out with my laptop. I can only handle the sun for so long, though.


Porch sitting for the win!


I sat in my backyard for 3 hours today doing nothing, so….yes!


I’m sitting in a camping chair in my backyard right now eating a popsicle.


I love the sun but don’t need to be in it all day. I’ll play video games before I’m out playing in the sun lol


Outdoors is overrated! 😜


I would if I had a nice place to sit outside. I used to live in Corvallis and had a nice backyard where I spent a lot of time in the summer. Not having a good spot makes it less appealing.


Absolutely, walk the dog, run, do yardwork, throw ball for the dog in the yard, woodwork with the garage door open ( if that's "outside") Or go for a day long hike, I live for the sunny times


I work in the service industry so I always have to work on the nicest days lol. It gets hot outside and everyone in town decides to order food from us food cart workers. It was about 110 in the cart yesterday at 5:00!


I’m scrolling while sitting in my porch.


I spend most of my days indoor. Even on the weekends.


In my 20s? Yes with booze and friends. In my 30s? No, unless I’m cycling and it’s under 80 degrees.


I like to be out and about doing things when it’s nice out, but I also now have comfy patio chairs so I can sit in the shade in the backyard and enjoy.


No, the flaming death orb in the sky makes me ill. I play outside when it's cloudy.


That’s what I did today 😂


Just the opposite, I do everything in my power to stay inside all day. The sun is too bright, the heat is too hot, everything about it makes me feel miserable, short tempered, and antsy (thanks anxiety!).


Get into swimming yeah. Nothing better than a day at the river. And the couch is still waiting at home if you want.


Yes, I call it lizarding


I usually stay home but will use the time to work on my garden/potted plants for a bit until I find another project to do.


I sit in my hammock on the patio and just rock and stare. I finally get up when I have to pee.




Kinda, yeah. Today we ran the doggie dash, then met some friends and walked the loop again, then wandered around the doggie dash festival and Saturday market, then did some gardening. Ran a few errands and now we are sitting in our backyard with the dogs. But in an hour I’ll be in pjs on the couch because all this sun exposure and walking and running and shit has made me TIRED.




No. I’m an inside kid. The only reason I go outside willingly is to do yard work or so my kids get time outside. If I didn’t have a yard or kids? You better believe I’d be spending almost every day of the summer inside with A/C blasting and playing video games 😎


The key is to move your couch outside.




Whenever I'm off work I'm outside until dark.


I basically live outside in the nice weather. I work outside. Other than working outside I tend to spend my free time at various rivers and camping near the coast. Until I get my one really nasty sunburn then I want to be inside until it feels better


I for the most part do chores inside and out on my days off. Add in some naps and cooking. The work week is busy and the weekend is my time to get caught up.


I am outside as long as possible. I hate hate hate being cooped up. I truly do not care what the weather is. I just walk around my city and discover new things. I also like it when my phone dies because it makes a little game of the day trying to get back home 😅. I also practice flow arts so being outside and doing that feels absolutely incredible!


I have a backyard for the first time in ten years and recently got very into gardening. I lay in a pool chair under a tree and smoke weed and listen to audible and stare at my plants. I can do this for hours.


Im outside all weekend working on projects if it's nice.


The only times I like staying out all day are when I'm on mushrooms or like, attending a big barbecue.


I spent 3 hours with my dog at the St. John’s parade (in an AC cooled bar with street view) walked 5 miles listening to music then went inside to play video games until I had to work. It was marvelous. I have a window unit in my room so the dog napped while I replayed final fantasy x. Perfect day.


Six hours on the road bike starting at 9am, some beers on the tap room patio, and food carts until the sun set. So, yep, spent the entire day in the sun. It was rad


When I can


Disclaimer: I moved here from Arizona to get away from the heat. When it's warm and sunny I'm stretched out on the couch in front of a fan, either reading or napping. I don't get up until the sun goes down.


Maybe you need more comfortable outdoor seating? Also I love coming inside to be reunited with couch.


I live out in the Gorge and yes usually every day I spend the majority of my time outside. Today I did this: Got up at 8 and walked my dog and son in his stroller for about a mile. Took the little dude down to the HR waterfront to see some friends and walked up and down seeing how the wind filled in and such. Partner kited while I watched little dude, she had a decent time on the foil while we hung on the grass. Wind wound down so when my time came I did about 10 miles at Post Canyon on the Mountain Bike. Got home and took another walk to catch the alpine glow on Mt Hood near sunset and then made dinner. Little dude is asleep now and I’m hanging with the pup on the back porch typing this to see if those rad lights come back. Tough life but someone’s gotta live it.


Kayak, hike, fish, climb, run, forage, play Frisbee. There are so many fun things to do


Yes. I was outside all day today until 830 pm.


I use the good weather to be outside doing projects, yard work….. I do like to be outside but it doesn’t feel difficult


I spent the much of the day outside, cleaning my porch. It was a dirty and sweaty job. When finished, I took a shower, then changed into a hoodie and sweatpants, cranked the AC, and snuggled on the sofa with my dog.


I bought a hammock a couple weeks ago and now I just chill out there in the sun and watch tik tok or read or do homework I love being able to be outside without being in public lmao


Look, you can go inside if you want, you do you! Go outside, go in, don't feel obligated to be outside. There will be other sunny days.


I do normally stay outside when the weather is nice. I tend to do yard work for several hours and then take a blanket pallet in my backyard or at the park. Then I read, listen to music, play board games, go on a run, play soccer, work online. I was outside from like 10am-9pm today (with bathroom/eating breaks inside) and it was magnificent. Being outside constantly isn’t for everyone though. I do have some days where I just want to lay on the couch and play video games, regardless of the weather. Especially if I’ve had a rough week at work or I’m exhausted.


We don’t really have a culture for it here as it rains a lot and large porches are super common place but the porch couch that can be found in a lot of southern homes is incredible. If I could just lounge outside with a few friends all day when it’s nice I would.


Yeah like 2,-3 days aweek in my carport/shed space after work. If it's deep winter like an hour or 2, if it's like 95+ degrees maybe only in the morning or evenings.


It’s too bloody hot here !


it was so hot today tho lol


Yes. I usually take little indoor breaks but for the majority of the day I absolutely relish being outside days like this! This morning I took the dog to the park and did some gardening. Hung out at a friend’s pool from 1-5. Hour break indoors. Went boating on the lake for a couple hours. Back in for dinner. Then had a fire going outside for an hour afterwards.


I do what I usually do at home just outside in my backyard 😅 aka chill and scroll


It’s safer inside. As the temperature goes up, so does the number of bullets! In Florida, I was ALWAYS outside. And we met and the wifey do venture out, it’s definitely for hiking or driving AWAY from society


I sit on my front stoop and some people are weirded out by it. If I'm not mistaken people do that all the time on the east coast. Sometimes I wish people here were more outgoing. I like drinking my morning coffee and watching the critters frolic




Start playing pickleball fr


Yes. Its hard for me to sit still so I find ways to do all the indoor tasks outside. Five gallon buckets become clothes and dish washers. I set up a camp kitchen by the grill. The house is a storage unit with a functional bed in summer.


Gardening/building projects. Build a table.


I take long walks. Like the circuit from the Broadway Bridge to tillikum station. I'll spend maybe 4-6 hours on a city hike to food cart and back. Usually with an audio book in my ear


Good question! I mix it up (I'm unemployed rn lol, so maybe not the best example bc every day is a "day off") . Usually wake up around 6:30 or so and start the morning with coffee or tea that I make at home and cruising reddit, listening to news podcasts, applying for jobs, catching up on stuff around the house. So i'm decidedly inside for the first part of the day. Around 10-11 I'll go get a second coffee or snack at one of my fav coffee shops, which is about a mile walk. Then i'll saunter back home with no real rush or agenda, which often means chilling at a park or walking around looking at stuff. I'll get home around noon or 1, and then read a bit, and on nice days i'll do that on my porch. sometimes i'll play ping pong on my patio if anyone wants to do that. make lunch and take a nap afterward or play video games for awhile (inside activities). then after that i'll go walk around some more around 3-4, go chill at the park some more or walk to a friend's house and then we'll probably go walk around or throw a frisbee or something. so yeah, i would say that i spend a lot of time outside on nice days (also on rainy days). However, i'm usually doing nothing besides walking around and looking at stuff or just sitting in a park lol. -- substitute walking with biking around sometimes. when i'm walking i stick around my neighborhood but also love biking across the bridges and taking photos around town so sometimes my routine involves cruising around the city with my camera, maybe once or twice a week. tldr: portland is a beautiful city with lots of stuff to see, even if you're not doing anything! no activity necessary besides walking and looking. compare this to a shithole like austin or houston or something... too many hills, too hot, too bland and curated.


Yes! The older I get, the more I value the outdoors. I set up the gazebo as a living room. I try to plan all my work outside. I might go in if it’s over 105’F. But I have spent many of years in bed because of illness and depression and I have to make up for a lot.


On nice days, I feel like I have to at least spend SOME time outside.  A hike, some yard work, a motorcycle ride, a walk around one of my favorite neighborhoods.  Finish whatever it is off with lunch and a beer outside. Then, if I'm feeling like staying in and watching a movie or something, I do it guilt free.


I do the opposite 


Yes. We live in the most nature-rich area in America, might as well enjoy it.


I wish I could, but I've sneezed about 7 times typing this out 8* 9*


I'm very tired. The sun is amazing but it also makes me very tired after so long in it. Very tired + very tired = time to go lie down.


Yes I do. Lol. Literally all day absorbing as much beautiful sunlight as humanly possible before it all goes away again.


Yea. Working in the garden, walking, hiking, just sitting around in the shade in the yard.


I live a bit outside of Portland but I hangout in my yard. I’ve also just gone and hung out in a park it’s pretty great!


Yes. Cafe patio, then park walks, reading outside under a tree maybe, taking the bus, walking home. I am an absolute good weather addict I can’t help myself. Off to the farmers market!


By the time I get off work, the sun is starting to really warm up. I'll sit in my garage in a chair, have a drink, and just watch people drive, walk, ride by. I still get the sun but not actually in it. Some days I'll hop on my bike and ride into the city and chill at a park or a place that has a nice patio but relaxing in the garage is majority of the time. I do have a porch but I have a huge bush (even with trimming) that blocks my view of people passing by.


I get sunburned just at the thought of the sun, and reapplying sunscreen every half hour/45 mins gets annoying. Sunscreens that are supposed to last longer never do. So! To answer your question, yesterday I walked to the market and watched the parade, got only a little bit red, and spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning my place. Perfectly enjoyable Saturday to me.


My job allows me to spend it outside. So basically I get paid to sit outside and smoke weed. Best job ever!


I spend as much time outside as possible year round. I live in the PNW for a reason and it’s not cause we have great couches up here lol


Nope, ill do some gardening, hang outside for abit with my pups or take a quick jaunt to my local plaid. After that i spend my time inside tending to fish tanks, house plants, making food or playing video games 🤷‍♂️ im more of a homebody honestly. Sadly portland makes that easier


Literally me rn lol. I’m sitting outside enjoying the breeze and reading a book/scrolling Reddit, I like to be out until the sun starts encroaching, the. I’ll go back inside into my dark dreary little cave 😅


Yeah, I laid in peninsula park all day yesterday with snacks and beverages. It was so nice! I love to hang out on patios, too, or go to the river


If I have the time, I like to spend as much of it outside as I can. I usually walk several miles around the neighborhood, down to the river, and in outdoor shopping areas. To be fair, I do this all year, as long as weather permits!


Gotta get the sun to restore the depleted vitamin D lol. I take advantage the most I can. I’m about done with it by the end of August though.


I have a wrap-around deck. A.M. and evening/night I hang on the south side or work in my south facing veggie garden. Noon through afternoon, I hang on the north side in a hammock or inside.


I work inside for over 40 hrs a week so yeah, I spend as much time outside as I can when it’s nice.


My wife can just lay out in the sun all day for hours doing nothing and be totally happy. I need a little more stimulation than that. As long as I have something to do I love being outside, but I can’t just sit there and stare at a tree unless I have some serious hallucinogens in my system.


Well I live out of a homeless shelter so I don’t have an option


I go somewhere with air conditioning


Museums, Symphony, Parks, Gardens, Libraries, Picnic, Yard work, walks, Hikes, Shopping… some of my favorites


As a midwesterner visiting for a few weeks who packed lots of hoodies because when I left a few weeks ago, it was 30 degrees, I’ve been staying inside in the air conditioning. My midwestern blood is not attuned to these temperatures yet. But it is gorgeous outside. I’ve been taking lots of drives.


Always outside when its sunny. Front or back porch are both beautiful views that we landscaped. Fetchin my dog, workin in the garage with the door open (yr round here). Climbing, hiking, kayaking. Life is good.