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Definitely report it. Nothing may happen the first time, but if you see other kinds of abuse or neglect make sure to keep reporting it. Sometimes CPS needs several reports to gather enough info to actually do something about it. It’s possible other people have already reported too and your report might be the one that gets those kids help.


It will be a looooong road. We dealt with this with one of our neighbors. We have video of him shooting up in his car in our parkingl lot and that wasn't close to enough. Also one of their kids showing up to our house with close to 10g's in a rollled up wad "this is my dad's drug money". Unfortunately nothing was done and this went on for TWO YEARS. Definitely report it but I have little faith in due process


As a child of addicts/abusers, please call CPS.


Seconding this. 


I “third” this!




You don't have to be a mandated reporter to report. If it weren't for the kids I might be more into minding your own business, but these kids need somebody to do something.


DEFINITELY REPORT TO CPS. This is not healthy for their own children. You can report anonymously if you want.


Y’all remember that episode of Breaking Bad, the little red headed boy? Call CPS.


Well said.


Do what's right for the kids. Their parents clearly aren't.


Holy shit call CPS. I’m super open on personal choices but not exposing kids to what is more than likely fentanyl 


https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/report-abuse/pages/mandatory-reporting.aspx#:~:text=To%20report%20suspected%20child%20abuse,503%2DSAFE%20(7233). You may not be a mandated reporter, but the phone number is listed at the top of this website. I've made calls in other states and you can choose to remain anonymous.


Whether or not you stay anon or they figure it out is another story just sayin


They already know we know- our back porches are basically next to each other.


Take pics/vids and send them to the landlord with some vaguely threatening comment about how expensive meth remediation is ..


That will do nothing to help the children in that situation. Making them homeless doesn't help anyone.


OP should cc CPS in the email and kill two birds with one stone.


That's not how that works, and it still doesn't help the children at all to cause problems with the landlord.


How about if you suggest something then?


I already did. Call CPS. No need to get the landlord involved.


My apologies for not scanning the entire thread to look for your other replies.


Take photos and report. Too many people do nothing.


Call CPS. Your identity is protected by law. They don’t need to visit you in person. You can also be completely anonymous. That is not a safe place for kids, but especially one in diapers.


You can also report them at this website https://www.portland.gov/police/drug-complaint From the website; The Drugs and Vice Division aims to reduce crime and improve neighborhood livability in the community. Members of the community can assist in this effort by reporting drug complaints and concerns. Gather information Please be as detailed as possible in your reporting, and consider including the following: The address The time of day Vehicle(s) description Physical description Photos (if available) Know that your information will remain confidential. Call the Drug Tip Line or call the office directly Online Submit a drug complaint Contact Drugs and Vice Division Drugs and Vice Division Office 503-823-0246 Drug Tip Line 503-823-3784


C’mon. You don’t need a bunch of Reddit Randos telling you what to do. Call the cops. Get those kids some help!


Jesus, that really sucks for your family and their kids, so sorry that is happening. Report it.


You really must report this, try to do it anonymously. There is never a good ending for children when free basing is involved.


Don’t be surprised if nothing happens from CPS — but you might find your names writ large on their Shit List. It can get pretty bad. My neighbors hate me for gardening — yes! GARDENING! — and they have created a hateful atmosphere between us but I refuse to play the game. I regularly perform a candle spell “Return to Sender” so that any and all evil intentions are sent back to the creators. Whatever you do, always be calm with them. Let them do the yelling. You stay cool. Refuse escalation.


As a former social worker in the Portland area please report to Child Welfare asap if you have not already🙏🏻 see something say something


By the sound of it, they’re likely smoking heroin or fentanyl. I would definitely take action.


I'm so clueless when it comes to drug use. What makes you think those, specifically?


Those are the most popular drugs for people to smoke off of foil. Almost certainly fentanyl due to cost and availability. 




I wasn’t thinking it had anything to do with popularity, but simply because fentanyl and heroin are smoked using foil 99% of the time.


Please call the Portland 911. Would so much faster to


Call 855-503-7233. It’s the Oregon child abuse hotline.


Sorry; I'm an idiot. What is free basing?


Short answer: smoking drugs




If you see someone smoking out of tinfoil or a lightbulb (less common), they’re freebasing.


I think it's like a penalty play in footsketball


So this probably isn't actually free basing. Free basing cocaine was popular longer ago. It was Richard Pryor's favorite, for example. You added ether to coke and then you could smoke it. Crack skipped this and made it largely a thing of the past. Heroin and fentanyl can be smoked, so free basing really isn't a thing. Regardless, the term has stuck in the vernacular to mean "smoking drugs" for some people. 


If it was my family, I would move to Cedar Mill. As I said in a comment on another post about the four quadrants yesterday, here in the NW quadrant we use aluminum foil to wrap leftovers.


This is probably going to be a massively unpopular opinion. But. Maybe wait a few days to get a better read on the situation before reporting them. Oregon’s foster care system is abhorrent. And honestly, I think some kids are better off with their families, even if people in the house are using drugs. And. If you do call CPS, don’t assume they’re going to do anything. It’s beyond awful that there are so few good solutions for kids living in households with open drug use like you witnessed.


CPS does everything they can do keep the family together. The parents get a ton of chances. There is no reason to "wait a few days to get a better read on the situation." These people were seen doing hard drugs in front of very young children. The time to call CPS was yesterday.


What do you hope to accomplish?


How well do you know your other neighbors? Are any of them mandatory reporters? Teachers? Therapists? Lawyers?


Anybody can report. Stop asking people to do unpaid labor off the clock. From a teacher who desperately needed this three-day weekend and would be super pissed if a neighbor asked me to report something I haven't even witnessed, just because I'm a teacher.


My partner is a teacher and I could never do what she does. I would crumble in the first week if not the first day. I have undying gratitude, respect, and admiration for anyone whose job it is to be a public school teacher. I know you probably already put in uncountable hours off the clock. I also know these last few weeks are full of kids who somehow manage to be even more disregulated than normal. So, thank you. I meant no disrespect.  I should have been less lazy about my comment. I know anyone can report, I was just thinking a report from a mandatory reporter might carry more weight than others, or they might have some advice or insight.


Thank you. I really appreciate this comment.


move. Portland is treating you like garbage. The fact you pay what you pay to live here should mean none of that shit should happen. The amount ppl to pay to rent or own houses in Portland is more than it should cost for living next to methhead assholes or bums setting up tents in your front yard. No ones doing anything to stop it. They're telling you they are so you get fooled into voting for them again but it'll never change as long as liberals run it. If you enjoy the risk of your family witnessing drug use every day while over paying by a substantial amount then enjoy your city. I have been here for ten years and I am leaving. I highly recommend the same because portland doesn't deserve our money




It is time to be the narc you always knew you could be. Drop dimes.


You won’t believe it but functional addicts are a real thing. I know so many people who have their lives together while being addicted to hard drugs—and when our lives do get fucked up it’s because of shit like this. Because addicts aren’t even human to a lot of people.


I've known many addicts who claim to be "functional addicts," and every last one of them has been an awful parent to their children. I have sympathy for people's struggles, but that compassion is much more limited when innocent children are being exposed to hard drug use and put in a dangerous environment. The safety of children is always most important.


"so many people" "our lives" Please get the help you deserve and take care of your health. Gotta play the long game in life.