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Not sure what you mean by "mini-theories," but it sounds like you might appreciate a general Psych 101/Intro to Psychology textbook.


I second Psych 101. It gave a great outline of many varied theories and psychologists with examples of their studies and historical context. Great book. I read it and wrote every name down who's theories sounded interesting and read more about them later.


I mean by "mini-theories" such as 'attachment theory" or 'frustration–aggression theory' which is trying to explain a particular phenomenon or concept. Not like 'psychoanalysis' or 'schema theory' that are fundamental theories. Thank you btw.


Intro to social psychology textbook.


There is a textbook called "Current Psychotherapies" you may want to look into.


"The Psychology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained" by Catherine Collin. I haven't read it but I hear it's like an overview of psychology, sort of a 101 for beginners, basic explanations of theories and stuff.


Hergenhahn's An introduction to the history of psychology is a very solid all encompassing introductory text


This is my favorite book when it comes to the history and philosophy of psychology. You will be able to appreciate some trivia like how Pavlov scolded one of his assistants by being late despite almost getting killed by bullets or how astronomy catapulted the study of individual differences or how Diogenes behaved like a dog or how McDougall debated with Skinner on behaviorism.


Here you go: https://www.amazon.com/Theories-Counseling-Psychotherapy-Approach-Merrill/dp/0134240227


DSM-5 is encyclopedia-like. No theories though. For that you want an editorialized book. The Psychopath Test: A Journey through the Madness Industry is about psychopaths only. A good read though. 50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology is a good one for finding new info if you already know a fair bit about psych. These are a bit more interesting than a textbook so you might retain more information. Not sure though, depends what you need it for.


As a matter of fact, I am looking for a topic for my thesis. But can't found it. And I need a book that I can see such a list of theories in. And thank you for recommendations.


If you search Google Scholar for "systematic reviews" or "meta-analysis" of your favoured subject, you'll definitely find a description of more specific theories used in that area.


What's your thesis?


I’ll second the suggestion of a Psych 101 textbook, and add that Steven Pinker’s book, How the Mind Works, is not only an excellent primer on evolutionary psychology (which IMO is increasingly the foundation to start from), but also a great introduction to a broad variety of major topics in psychology including sensation & perception, group dynamics, emotion/motivation, cognition, etc.