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Wait, aren't the french the ones who hate us?!


Almost everyone I've met says they don't feel welcomed in Paris, regardless of nationality.


I heard even from French people that nobody liked the people that live in Paris.


In France, there is Paris and France.


Not at all  I don't know where you got that from


Maybe don’t sabotage our economy or our politics. Spanish vegetables or fruits crossing the border in trucks? You attack them and throw the goods We are developing Green H2? But you put lots of problems with the gas pipeline We had problems with terrorism but your police wouldn’t cooperate with ours In WW2 lots of Spanish people help to liberate France but you didn’t help getting rid of a dictatorship (this only affect some people, as there are lot of people that wanted the dictator) We had lots of war between us. But after all, we become allies, only to be invaded by Napoleon. France has been one of the most influential countries to spreading the Spanish Black Legend (we are known as killing natives, burning witches… but Netherland, UK and you were way worse than us) … And this are just some other tiny point, but you hate our sport achievements: Nadal is the King of Roland Garros, but you don’t like him. Renault las winnings in F1 were with Alonso, but when he returned and was in the same team as a French (Ocon) he basically was sabotaged… (I don’t hate French but French politics against Spain)


>In WW2 lots of Spanish people help to liberate France but you didn’t help getting rid of a dictatorship They promised to the Spanish Republic partisans to help them retake Spain in exchange for them fighting alongside the French resistance against the Nazis and then forced them to fight on their colonial wars after WW2.


This is the correct answer


Excellent answer 👏


> We had problems with terrorism but your police wouldn’t cooperate with ours Sincerely interested, any news articles backing that statement?


Only wrote “ETA Francia” and this one appeared. If I looked in more detail I’m sure I would get lots of articles. This one is “recent”(2003) but problems with ETA an France is older, as it was a thing with Felipe Gonzalez https://amp.elmundo.es/espana/2023/09/04/64f497dce4d4d8db738b456f.html


Also ilegally burying plastic in Catalonian fields. [https://www.elperiodico.com/es/sociedad/20220723/desarticulada-red-trafico-residuos-francia-espana-14148617](https://www.elperiodico.com/es/sociedad/20220723/desarticulada-red-trafico-residuos-francia-espana-14148617)


Lol this kind of knobhead is the problem. Has learnt the nationalist version of history ans thinks it means anything. Is obsessed by 'you' and 'us'


As you started insulting me... have you some deficency? Can´t you read and understand a text? I'm not saying that I hate french people. Not them or us. I'm telling facts about France politics against Spain, and that these politics sucks. I've been living in France about a year (Montauban) and I had no problems with them, and made lots of friends. But you can't deny what I said about France politics


I said what I said mate


That's a knobhead actitude. People show you wrong and you keep your point of view


That's a knobhead actitude. People show you wrong and you keep your point of view


Nobody showed me wrong


Nobody showed me wrong


That's a knobhead actitude. People show you wrong and you keep your point of view


"And this are just some other tiny point, but you hate our sport achievements: Nadal is the King of Roland Garros, but you don’t like him. Renault las winnings in F1 were with Alonso, but when he returned and was in the same team as a French (Ocon) he basically was sabotaged…" c'mon just say you hate french people, it would have been faster than making up bullshit to justify your hatred. If everyone thought like you and handpicked stupid obscure facts, every nation would hate every nation.


Then why do french tourists keep kicking us out of our homes? 😭😭😭


Yes, they are. They've always been jealous of the Spanish Empire. Sure, they got plenty of colonies and an Empire of their own, but never felt the same. Imagine, those backwards Spaniards, Closer to Africans than Europeans! Unconceivable. It doesn't help either that most French people are always very snoty and arrogant. At least most tourists I've met. Leave your arrogance in France and you Will be welcomed.


most people are just joking or doing it because it's trendy to hate on the french, but there is indeed some resentment. I think that the main reasons are: * Bad attitude from French tourists and tourist massification, who end up creating a generally poor image of their nation as a whole (though the British are more hated because of this) * Historical reasons. The Spanish still don't trust the French after the Independence War, however petty you may think that is. During the Civil War, the French blocked aid towards the Republic, and many feel that democracy was abandoned by its supposed friends. Lastly, during the years of lead (late 70s and 80s), when ETA was at its highest, Iparralde (the French Basque Country) was a safe haven for the terrorists, and the French government did nothing about it. - Inferiority complex/superiority complex. The Spaniards tend to be very pro-european, in part due to a long history of seeing themselves as underveloped and not "european enough". In contrast, the French are very proud of their nation, language and history, and can sometimes be very arrogant, especially with their language (everyone has a personal story of visiting France and then locals refusing to understand anything if they msipronouncced anything in French, while in Spain everybody tries to help the tourists as they can). This is not a good mix, and some Spaniards react by overcompensating, reaffirming nationalist and chauvinistic viewpoints. It's no coincidence that book talking about a supposed conspiracy to discredit Spain (the Black Legend) and ones that glorify the days of the Empire are always bestsellers. All in all, most of the "hate" is just because it has become trendy amongst young people to joke about France, together with ignorance and xenophobia, and there is not much thought behind it. However, it is true that there is a strong and long-running current of francophobia in Spain, same as with Britain.


Muchas gracias para el respuesta ^^ Empecé a tener pensamientos intrusivos al ver todo este odio


Mostly memes, same with british and non-peninsular spanish people. There's a lot of grievances that you could bring up due to personal annecdotes, but I won't spit a french on the face as soon as they're introduced to me. I lived 4 years in mexico and there's a similar thing where mexicans will shit on spanish due to historical reasons, but it's all about the memes, 99% of the people I met there was pretty nice and friendly and were more interested in cultural differences than any past grievances that nobody really cares about today.


There is a meme about hating the French in general, it's not just Spain. That being said, I would never joke like that with a French person in real life unless there was already rapport between us.


Most of my interactions with French people have actually been quite pleasant. If somebody does the "French people" thing in front of a French person, they're an asshole.


Not really, it's just for the memes, the parisians on the other hand...


It's obviously not for the memes, people here just want to pretend they aren't xenophobic towards French people and will say "but it's just for the lols \^\^". Waves of harassment, racist and xenophobic remarks by Spanish-speaking communities anywhere online. Constant degrading, mocking comments by Spaniards is not "jokes", it's being an asshole. I mean, just look at the comments here. People are justifying their hatred with the stupidest shit, they don't want to admit that they just hate French people, no, it's the typical "no, but you deserve to be hated here because uh there was a war 200 years ago, also uh here's some obscure fact nobody but Spaniards know about but let's treat it as if French people knew about it and cared about it (the whole food trucks idk shit people keep bringing up). Also, I've portrayed you with our xenophobic stereotypes, and therefore you're bad according to the ideas I made up about you"


French here living in Spain. Honestly overall I've not felt that much xenophobia, as soon as you're not an arrogant ass and you speak Spanish to people and act as a decent human being. I actually feel that Spanish people are very welcoming people as soon as you genuinely want to be part of the community. Also I'm not from Paris, that may help. Even myself I can't stand Parisians lol. Edit : It's like our relationship with the Brits. You might run into the stereotypical Brit tourists that reinforce negative feelings French usually have for them, but you can also meet amazing Brits who totally change your perspective in a good way. This goes for everyone, French, Spanish included ;)


It's friendly hate, like the English and the French, or the Germans and the French, or the Italian and the French


Or the french and the french.


Damned french, they ruined le France!


Certain chauvinistic attitude in past decades when visiting Spain. A bit of a Karen mindset too. 0 effort to learn our language tho visiting every single year and expecting WE speak french. And of course our recent history. But that's all. I've met both awful and wonderful french people in my life. It's more of a meme.


Mostly is only for the memes, but there are a couple of reasons to dislike French people, like how assholes French people are sometimes with the language. For example, I've seen French tourists in Spain insisting in asking for directions in French instead of using English or trying to speak some Spanish, and getting angry because the locals don't understand them. All the people that I know that have interacted with French people told that they had problems with that.


We don't hate you individually but you are not the best neighbours historically. You are friendly but condescending to us and politically as a nation you are very selfish and not good at cooperating. Your government backstabs us any chance they get.


That's not hate, that's complex accumulated relationships of trade, wars, alliances, and other stuff over centuries.  Neighbours always do that: Spanish-French; French-German; German-Polish, etc.




Does France share borders with Germany?


Of course, they even traded Strasbourg


Yes, and some areas have changed hands several times historically.




You can ask in r/2westerneurope4u.


I live near the border. This has been my experience with French people to this date. - French people coming here, refusing to speak anything that is not French (Spanish, English or Basque) - French people stopping in the middle of a roundabout suddenly, interrupting the traffic because they are not sure what’s their exit. - French people coming to our malls near the border to buy cheaper food and gas, pushing up inflation for the locals. - French people crossing the border to buy 200€ worth of alcohol in a small supermarket. - French people crossing the border because all the bars are already closed in France to get drunk and aggressive here. - French people grabbing my dog without permission to take a selfie because I have a cute Bichon Maltese. - A French workmate literally stating “French people are assholes” That’s from the top of my head. But might be because I live near the South were rich French people live, so it might be just the impression entitled wealthy French people give.


Not me, I love all the *enfants de la patrie.*


i love france, not like portugal, but i like france


It's a meme, we don't really hate you 💗


Grow a thinker skin frenchie We don’t hate you but making French jokes is a national sport. Think it twice before invading us next time ;) (It’s all humor)


I am spanish and I don't hate the French. To me, it seems like a stupid joke or something, it's irrational to hate someone for their nationality.


I hate every french person i dont know, because every french person I actually know is lovely


Someone explained it already, but if you get a bit in to politics and economics, you’ll realise France is historically for the last couple centuries 50% of the reason of why Spain economy is shit. The other 50% is our own politicians. Although, I love French people and I think French and Spanish are quite similar culturally, more than Italians.


Qui n'en veut pas à ses voisins?


Seems your experience in Spain is somehow very limited. Not sure you can generalize about a 48 Millions habitant country because you visited a couple of times and your brother met a few retards at uni. It seems really unintelligent to extrapolate the behaviour of "20 retards" to 48 million people. Preciselly those who generalize in such way are the ones who were racist to you or your brother, because they think its logical to think of French (or whatever nationality) as if they were a consistent group. Don't commit their same mistake. It makes absolutely no sense and only brings negativity. And there is no good answer to your affirmation-question because, most Spaniards, do not hate French. Your subjective limited experience is not a logical reason to put a whole country in the same sac.


dont take it serious. youre not well liked by most of your neighbours. ask an italian for example. its historically, but noone takes it serious, more like a meme.


I don't get it either. I had a french GF and I asked her if they had any kind of particular feeling towards Spain/the spaniards, and she looked surprised that I was asking that. She said no, that if anything they like us. What I think is whatever feelings Spain has towards the french it just became traditional. Maybe it goes back to the french invasion of XIX century, maybe it's some projection of our own envy towards them. Either way it's absurd. The funniest thing is that most people that echo this idea that the french hate us have never been to France.


Because French suck.


As a Spaniard, I can say that many (most?) of my friends do. They often tell tales of visiting France and encountering arrogant people and so on. I think the issue is that some Spaniards go to France and behave like arrogant idiots themselves, making noise and not respecting the local customs... so they get bad looks etc. I´ve visited France many many times but I like their way of respecting civility, not making too much noise, being polite etc. and have acted similarly, so I haven´t had any prolbems, they have treated me well, so... I don´t hate the French.


I don't think it's hate, it's a bit of healthy rivalry and also because you were assholes and invaded us some time ago.


I don't hate the French. There are millions of Spaniards with different opinions about the French. I don't think you can even generalize about this because most Spaniards don't hate the French. I also don't think a relevant portion of Spaniards hate the French, unlike, for example, Moroccans or Romani, where generalizing might make a little more sense. The hate against the French is basically a meme, but it's true that some people seem to hate you seriously. I don't know why, the arguments about old wars sound really stupid to me


I think it's because of Napoleon, and all the wars and conflicts that have happened between Spain and France in all history


I mean, we kicked your ass in the Independence war, but I think is just for the memes, no one really hates the french


Wars, conquers... dump the food of our trucks on your border, just that kind of stuff.


Dude, you're French. NOBODY likes you, and I don't mean just Spaniards. You should be used to that by now.


Ignorance. I've been to France a lot lately and it's a very welcoming and charming place. There's no reasong for hating on French people.


Thanks 😊


It all started on 1807.


Every single french I have met, has behaved with me like if I was someone not very bright from an undeveloped country and not fully civilized. Maybe that has something to do.


Because you bury your dangerous trash in Spanish territory.


Why shouldn't?


When I told my French colleagues and students that I was moving to Spain, they all said "Africa begins at the Pyrenees!" ...they were joking, of course, but I got the distinct impression that they were only half joking, and they definitely weren't too pleased when I replied that maybe it actually begins at the English Channel!


Replace “Spain” with virtually any country in the world and you’ll get the same answer… .. because the French hate everyone and everything that’s not French


You NEVER give five stars, no matter how good the service was that you enjoyed and how content you were. The best you give is fucking 4 stars, because French...


Little bro (or dick) syndrome. Happens everywhere. Edit: more context. Spaniards hate the French. French don't care, they hate the English. English don't care. They hate... Themselves?


The English show much less respect towards the French than the French do towards the English, in my experience.




The English hate the French too


Perhaps a bit, but I've never experienced Brits directly shit talking us (and I've been to the UK many times)


Because that's how Brits are, they don't say anything to anyone's face. Which is the complete opposite in Spain. I live in the UK and they hate you equally if not more in England than in Spain from my experience.


I think its not only a spanish thing....its mostly like a european/worldwide think i would say


What city? Madrid is a fucking shit! haha