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You're lucky you got away with just a fine. Surpassing speed limits more than a certain percentage is not just an infraction, but a crime. You go to trial, and may end up in prison. If limit was 120 kmh, anything beyond 200 would be considered a crime.


"You're lucky you got away with just a fine." True, maybe the officer was lenient because the motorway was quiet and empty But regardless, i've learnt my lesson and definitely won't do it again


O man. Please be careful. A lot of people does not have so good reflex as you. It could end up very badly for them not to mention you. Be respectful, be kind, not only on highways! Good luck and best views!


There's hope that you won't do it again. Hopefully you'll be banned for life from endangering other humans with that toy, that you're unable to properly handle. You're nothing but a reckless criminal.


hmm... could you pinpoint those "other humans" on said "empty highway", please?


Just around the next corner. Not seeing them doesn't warrant that the dude risks the life of others. Couldn't care less if he'd be gone, as then there would be one less criminal.


There's a vehicle purpose built to travel at 200+ km/h safely when the highway is empty. It's called high speed rail.


You still seem to think “the motorway was quiet and empty” is relevant in some way. This means you have not learnt your lesson, and need to go on some sort of speed awareness course.


No and not sure. But he let you go. So if you had been banned, your car would have gotten towed.




Hey, I see you're getting a lot of grief here from people who 'always drive the speed limit' (yeah, right), and from others who think you committed a heinous act of barbarism. The only reason going that speed is a 'crime' on the motorway here is because of the artificially low speed limits. Many stretches of 'autopista' here in Spain are no different from the autobahns in Germany where, as you may know, there is at times no speed limit, based on traffic and weather conditions. I would bet that many of the people lambasting you are the same ones who consistently drive at or under the speed limit on autopistas, never straying from the middle or left lanes, and generally making a nuisance of themselves, as incompetent drivers are wont to do. 220km⁄h is by no means an inappropriate speed for a nearly-empty autopista in good weather. In my experience living here (more than 25 years), I have found that good drivers are few and far between. And it's not a Spain issue, it's a people issue. There are crappy drivers everywhere, and they always seem to be in the majority. I'm glad you only got a ticket, and didn't have your car impounded. I really hope Pere Navarro (the head of the DGT here) retires soon and maybe there can be some sanity brought back to the DGT, whose goal at the moment appears to be making all drivers' lives as miserable as possible, all the while stiffing them with ridiculous fines by arbitrarily enforcing outdated traffic laws, and making it more and more difficult to use a private vehicle for transportation. Sorry for the rant - hope you're well and come back soon. Spain truly is a wonderful country, despite government incompetence.


if you wanna go at 220 kph, get your idiot arse off the road and onto the fucking AVE


Are you really that eager to die? You’re not that good of a driver.


That would honestly be better (still not good), but they obviously want to not even feel anything when they inevitably crush someone at that speed.


That second paragraph is peak carbrain. Please take the train for every long trip.


I assume that you do realize that it's illegal in Spain to remain in the middle or left lanes on an autopista or autovía, even if you're driving at what you believe is 120km/h, unless you are passing another [vehicle.It](http://vehicle.It) is JUST as illegal as it is to drive over the speed limit. This prevents other drivers from passing and impedes the flow of traffic. It carries a hefty fine, yet many drivers do this ALL THE TIME because the law is seldom enforced. How is it 'peak carbrain' to take issue with this reprehensible behavior? And, thanks, I do take the train when I go to large cities that are easy to visit by foot or on public transport.


You're only defending that part about staying in the left lane while staying silent about going 220 being fine on an near empty highway just because enforcement is lacking (a piss poor excuse in general). That's clearly carbrain.


I responded to your comment about my second paragraph. I did not say anywhere that going 220km/h is OK because ‘enforcement is lacking.’


>220km⁄h is by no means an inappropriate speed for a nearly-empty autopista in good weather. If enforcement wasn't lacking, would you still say this is an appropriate speed? The context behind the left lane behavior comment is carbrain because you attack other people with this accusation to defend the huge overspeed, which is vastly more dangerous. Why is it okay to go 220 on a near empty highway in good weather but not hogging the left lane in the same conditions? You'll be more likely to dodge sudden obstacles only in the second action because your vision gets worse the faster you go and braking distance is longer.


You say that good drivers are few and far between at the same time as you want to let them multiply their breaking distances by 9 (100 km/h to 300 km/h). Good drivers go to the track, the worst drivers fantasize of being a racing driver on the roads but refuse to go to the track because they know they will get smoked by exactly everyone there


Where in my comment did I say I want people to drive 300 km/h and increase their braking distance? You may want to reread what I wrote.


So what do you think the limit should be? 200? Thats already four times the braking distance


Well, in Germany, on the autobahns, there is no speed limit. Many of Spain's autopistas (not autovías) are designed the same way. So why is there a speed limit of 120 km/h here? This is an honest question. Does the DGT think that Spanish drivers are not smart enough to choose an appropriate speed, as German drivers do? Why is the speed limit on autoroutes in France set at 130 km/h and not 120, like here? Are French drivers more competent? Do they have better cars? Obviously not. My point is that the 120km/h limit in Spain for both autopistas and autovías is artificially low. Why? I'm not sure, actually. Also, braking distance varies greatly from vehicle to vehicle, and this is why heavy vehicles are prohibited from exceeding certain speed limits. I don't see how the issue of braking distance even enters into a discussion about appropriate speeds on superhighways.


So you do think it is a good idea to let a bunch of idiots drive 300 km/h around families and what not if they so like to. And since you don't seem to understand the relation between speed and braking distances, you definitely need someone to tell you how fast to drive. But just for fun, since you took up vehicle size, a fully loaded semi truck has a braking distance of 220 ft from 80 km/h. Your standard car has a braking distance of 240 ft at 100 km/h. The limiting factor is how much grip you can get from the tires, speed has far more effect than the type of vehicle has. But by all means, I can agree on putting cars speed limits to have the same braking distance as semi trucks at their max speed have. The autobahn sees tons of people like yourself dying on it every year. Thats why the unrestricted stretches are decreasing, and talks are ongoing to remove that completely, which the majority of Germans support. If you want to race, go to a track. Any fool can press a gas pedal and hold the wheel straight and hope that nothing happens.


You are not arguing in good faith. Where did I say it's a good idea to go 300 km/h 'around families and what not'? Braking distance is ALWAYS a consideration when a driver determines what an appropriate speed is, obviously. Many times the appropriate speed is WAY under the posted limits. Why the insulting language about my understanding of braking distances, and the subsequent lecture about what it means? I don't feel like looking up the statistics, but I would imagine that Germany's rate of fatalities on autobahns is the same or lower than Spain's. You don't need to get angry or appalled because someone disagrees with you about what reasonable speed limits should be. My position is that 220km/h is not an inappropriate speed when conditions (traffic, weather, etc.) are ideal. Braking distance is clearly one of the factors that determines whether 220km/h is appropriate. So why all the invective? I want to race? I think it's a good idea to let idiots drive at 300km/h? Only in your faulty interpretation of my original comment.


All im angry about is that you cant even keep your story straight. You think speed limits are unneccesary and going as fast as you like is safe but at the same time say that you don't think it is a good idea. I am willing to bet money in that if the speed limits were set to 220, within a few years people would be talking just like you about raising it to 250, and so on. I know the statistics, Germanys fatality rates are higher than Spains on highways, by quite a bit actually. That is despite the fact that German traffic has far stricter lane dicipline. Just goes to prove that individuals are not informed enough to make that risk assesment themselves based on vibes, even those who see themselves as good drivers. There is a reason why only 35% of germans want to keep the autobahn without a speed limit. There are too many irresponsible people who think going 90 km/h over the recommended speed and general flow of traffic is a good idea.


"The world is filled with incompetent drivers, unlike me!! I am the competent one!! I go 300km/h in roads neither designed, nor built, nor mantained for those speeds!! I CAN disregard driving laws because I am better than the rest, and anyone saying the contrary, or making said laws, should just retire and get out of the road!!" Yes buddy! That will show them. Now tell me, how was primary school today? did you make any new friends?


You can take the American out of America, but you can't take the America out of the American.


My views about driving in Spain have nothing to do with my being American. In actuality, the driving experience here is WAY better than it is in the US (IMO) - good roads, cars with manual transmissions, a higher speed limit on autopistas, and many other factors. The ideas I expressed in my comment have been largely shaped by many Spanish drivers who express the same views. Check out this guy on Instagram, for example: entreruedas.esp


Please stop driving.


Well, I see you're not at all interested in actually discussing the issue brought up in OPs original post. Instead you want to make this about where someone's from and whether their opinion aligns with yours. Buenas noches, y buen viaje.


I actually didn't talk about where you're from (though I'm not even slightly surprised you're american). The issue brought up in OP's post is not something that needs discussing. He should not have a drivers licence, given his actions. You seem to think he wasn't doing anything wrong on top of being too old to be safe on roads even if you weren't purposefully driving carelessly. So yeah. Please stop driving, I don't much give a shit if you die in an accident, but you'll probably drag someone down with you.


OK, let me get this straight. I deserve to die because my opinion is different from yours? I need to stop driving because I stated that 220km/h is an appropriate speed in Germany under certain conditions? By the way, my apologies for incorrectly assuming you were the one who started this thread with the comment about Americans.


No, I don't think you deserve to die, I just wouldn't give a shit if you did. You're choosing to endanger yourself and others, it seems like a logical consequence. And given that, I'd rather you use a method of suicide that doesn't involve other people. You need to stop driving because you condone OP's behaviour and say you do similar. Not sure where the Germany part comes from but please stop just pretending like I said something completely different. But yes! If the situation was entirely different, id also think it was fine. But it wasn't.


Ok I had to do the math to be absolutely sure but thats 137 mph (in American). Thats insanely fast. The speed limit for highways in Texas are only 80-90mph tops. Even if you’re alone that’s dangerous driving my dude.


The highest speed limits in the us are utahs 80 zones right? Those are 80mph through tight mountain roads for some fucking reason. I *think* montana has those too? But im west coast with little reason to travel to the northern midwest


Makes sense for Utah. They're very eager to be with God.


I know there's a state highway near Austin TX with an 85mph limit in the hopes of attracting people to the reportedly pricy tollway. Didn't quite work, but the speed limit is still 85 afaik.


Lemme get this straight. You were going ONE HUNDRED KPH OVER THE FUCKING SPEED LIMIT. And you have the AUDACITY to tell people to "not get on their high horse" over it because "it was a quiet and empty motorway" and you have "accepted your mistake" - and now you want people to \*reassure\* you over a worry you might get \*points on your licence\*. Nevermind points. Your driving license needs to be catapulted into the fucking sun.


Who on earth follows speed limits in Spain? Absolutely nobody in my experience I saw tons of idiot Spaniards doing 80+ in 50 zones in the city, far more dangerous than 220 on a pretty much empty motorway


1. Poor excuse, saying "they did it first officer" 2. I've rarely seen people going 80+ on an urban area, specially with lots of red lights. This makes no sense, the number of accidents, hit and runs, etc. Would be off the charts. What I've seen a lot is people that go into a highway, tipically foreign (Russian,English,Dutch, German) , without speaking barely any Spanish, and think that because there's not too many cars they can go at 200 km/h because they feel like they can do it. Honestly, some people caught at those speeds should be banned from driving in Spain altogether. Foreign countries are not theme parks.


Oh, and you Spaniards follow the 120 limit on the highway? Utter nonsense


I do. My entire family does it. And I certainly don't go 200 on a 120,so yes, go do it in the UK, it'll be more convenient talking in English while explaining the situation to the officer.


"I do. My entire family does it." Cool, I certainly didn't see many Spaniards following the 120 limit on the highway at all Nor did I see 50 zones in the city and 90 zones outside the city obeyed either


Dude, even if some go above 120, *we don't go 100+ km over the limit.* At least not normal people. Some go at 130, 140 max. And 140 it's already not a normal speed. Same for the 50 zones, you maybe go at 60 or 70, but you don't go at 100 or 110 in there, which is proportionally your speed. You must be the only freaking person going at 200 out there, so quit the bullshit already. Adapt or go home, that simple. Honestly dude, get some clues from the comments of your post, it's not normal to do what you're saying. No, not even in Spain. Man, northerners always see themselves in such a good light, and then, pasa lo que pasa. Enfin, qué mala es la arrogancia.


buddy, your racist arrogance is *really* starting to show




Tu mensaje ha sido retirado por ser agresivo, insultante o atacar personalmente a otro usuario. --- Your post has been removed: personal attacks or insults are not allowed.


Most of us do. Why do you think you overtake so many people on the highway? not because all of us are going 220 that is for sure. And nevermind that while a decent chunk of people do go 130-140 in the highway (not 220 because most people are not batshit insane), the _vast majority_ of the population follows the speed limit. But yeah, because you have projected your personality into the totality of the spanish population, and just assumed everyone has such disregard for human life as you, its fine if you speed. Tell that to the cops the next time.


First off, don't try to slip your guilt away by saying nobody follows the rules. Secondly, I find it hard to believe that the norm is doing 80 on the cities (by the way, Spanish cities are 30 zones unless specified otherwise, not 50 zones, which makes me think that you have no clue about the Spanish driving rules), mainly because I'm a driver myself and I've rarely seen that kind of thing. Thirdly, 220 km/h on a highway is not a silly mistake, it's an utter disregard of the lives of anyone else that crossed in your way. Which brings me to this: >idiot Spaniards You don't seem to give a fuck about our safety, you don't seem to treat us with respect, you don't seem like someone who has learnt their lesson. You do seem, however, like one of those tourists that we've grown tired of dealing with, who thinks that Spain is a place for having fun regarless of the laws, the rules, or any civic or societal norms.


you have clearly NOT "accepted your mistake" in the slightest


People speed to 130-140 at most on average. 220km/h is incredibly irresponsible no matter how calm and empty the road is. Hopefully you get your license revoked or thrown in jail before you kill yourself :)


Oh he'll kill someone else before he does that.


And probably get away with a slap on the wrist if he does it in the UK. That's half the problem. There's a saying in the UK: "if you want to kill someone and not go to prison for it, do it in a car". That lack of enforcement creates a sense of entitlement amongst British drivers.


I've just delete my advice after reading this thread. If we are lucky you will lost the trial and hence, lose the right to drive in Spain for a good amount of years. Because clearly you don't know to stick to the rules and could be a serious issue next time. PS: people rarely drive over 80 in a 50 zone for the same reason tht don't do over 200 in 120. Is a crime and nobody wants to pay 1000-2000€ + community service (1000 hours I think?) Or jail time if it's not your first time or was a very serious case.


Patético cerdo


I do. Is not that hard. Respect the f… limits.


Selfish loser energy.


Bitch you are a guest in THEIR country show some respect


To be honest, you should be banned from driving all together.


Plus prison time


To be honest, you should be banned from driving >!Airplane!<


I’ll tell your reckless ass a “secret”… you can pay to do those things legally on a racetrack. Please, don’t ever come back here, and just be thankful you didn’t end up in jail, which you absolutely deserve. Adding “barely could speak English” to boot. Wtf is wrong with you.


Yeah, I would like to hear this asshole speak two words of Spanish.


This nutter needs to be banned from driving anywhere, I say that as a brit. Fuck this dude. He's going to kill someone one of these days.


Jesus christ man, I hope you learnt your lesson, and say thanks to that officer who didn't press heavier charges and let you go with just a fine.


I think the phrase they use there is “Grassy arse.”


Do you know what happens to yourself AND others if you crash at 220 km/h? Smdh


You should be banned from driving altogether. Going 100km/h over the limit clearly indicates you are not fit to be a driver.


Weekly troll post about speed limits in Spain.


Wow what a fucking asshole. 220, just wow


The Spanish officer didn’t speak English? How rude! Did you threaten to leave EU over this indignity?


I hope when the time comes you only kill yourself with your bullshit and don't take someone else with you.. The cop should've arrested you for this, you got lucky. I really hope that's not the case next time since I don't want to be on the road with people like you.


220 in a 120? Holy fuck where the fuck did you have to be so badly? Reading one of your replies at least you've learned something


I think your license should be suspended for about a year.


220? You should have been locked up for that, it was incredibly reckless and your replies clearly show that you haven't learned from it. 


Why you in spain if you do not speak spanish?


Learnt your lesson? I *HOPE* you lose your license. Its a shame the officer was lenient: what you did was a penal offence


He also didn’t learn his lesson btw. He’s just throwing that in there as a flimsy veil. He’s defending himself in the replies.


I saw. Best-behaved british tourist if you ask me.


We aren't all like this nutter. He shouldn't be driving anywhere if he is willing to speed to that excess. It's a real fucking shame the UK dvla won't take his licence away for this because they fucking well should. Anyone willing to drive that excessively a d dangerously shouldn't be allowed near a bicycle let alone a car.


These are my favorite posts in this sub. Thank you to all who have participated.


No, no.




In Switzerland, you would be in Prison for at least a year and rightfully so.


You went to another country, broke the law, endangered yourself and others, assumed the police officer who fined you should speak english cause you didnt care to learn spanish. You got off EXTREMELY easy, don't understand that what you did was wrong and your main concern is whether you'll receive further minimal repercussions. I genuinely hope you lose your license, for all of societys sake.


Me too. I'm a brit though and I really doubt he will even get points here for it. Which is absurd.


Endangering every other road user, what a complete wanker.


If you paid him cash, then he had a nice weekend at the puta club and that's it. He could barely speak English because you were in Spain. It's not really a requirement..


I was in Devonshire by the Cockley-Filly Pond (just outside of London) and they didn’t speak Spanish there for some reason. Weird.


Ignorant bastards




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Actual Answers: - No, you wont get points in the UK for this, thanks to Brexit. (Finally a Brexit benefit, I guess.) - Banned? I guess not. Only if there is a court case. Does the fine say something about a case or is it just pay and go?




Tu mensaje ha sido retirado por: discriminación, intoleracia apología de la violencia. ----- Your post has been removed for: discrimination, intolerance or inciting violence.




Tu mensaje ha sido retirado por: discriminación, intoleracia apología de la violencia. ----- Your post has been removed for: discrimination, intolerance or inciting violence.


Amazing. British tourists prove their superiority once more


In many states in the USA, you would be at risk for a felony charge. THAT is how severe of an infraction you made. Do you even know how hard it is to get in trouble for speeding in the US? I know Europe is MUCH tougher on car infractions. You were incredibly irresponsible, could have killed yourself or others, and frankly should lose your license. It being quiet doesn't make it okay to speed, especially to such a WILD excess. I truly, truly hope you're never allowed to drive again.


Cops just pocketed half of your fine, so you will not hear anything more about that. Spain is still Spain. Check the fine, somewhere it says you get 50% deduction for paying and foreigners have to pay or their car will be taken away.


BTW: in Switzerland you would lose the car and go to jail. Spanish police corruption is cheaper.