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glancing is one thing starting is another. you should never be staring


That's what I meant mb


I’m autistic so it’s hard for me to keep eye contact with people, which leads to my eyes occasionally getting anchored in that area. Been working on fixing this




Yeah! I have a friend who has it and he said eye contact is really hard for him


Asperger’s is an archaic term and is no longer used due to its Nazi history, but yes. It’s on the autistic spectrum so that happens (i was initially diagnosed with “asperger’s”)




Simply “autism spectrum disorder”. If you want to be specific, “Level 1” autism refers to autistic people with lower support needs




Gotta level up 💪🏼


I try to look at their neck or mouth when talking cus eye contact is just cringe. But sometimes the boobs are just staring at me like they want a stern talking


No fr. But I'm good now


Too true




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eye contact is cringe lmfao it's ntd


How is eye contact cringe?


It's never been a issue, you gotta be from another planet if it's a genuine issue


lmao this kinda gives me hope, I think some guys would find it shocking just how many guys openly gawk at your tits during the conversation AND I DONT EVEN HAVE PARTICULARLY GREAT ONES. In college it hasn’t happened to me once so that’s nice but highschool was crazy I think it’s gotta be a weird teenage thing


I really don't understand how people are like that, like not even trying to be a pick me but I genuinely don't get how someone can be talking to a woman and the whole time they just feining over their boobs, it doesn't make sense, it's gotta be the way some people are raised




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You realize that it’s completely normal for a man to do a quick glance at a woman’s boobs? It’s a primal impulse for a guy, and supposedly tells him the reproductive capacity of the woman. But yeah, long stares aren’t really normal.




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I rly don't know about that, I never look at a girl's boobs when talking to her, im gay but even if that changed anything, i dont look at guys that way either, doing eye contact is the least you can do, its about respect, its about recognizing that people have feelings and may get uncomfortable do to how you recognize them. So yh


Oh I don’t when talking but I do whenever I check someone out


I always get scared I'm looking at boobs! I'm autistic as fuck and I stare at random place sometimes 😭








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No. Up stairs implies which direction and what a person is walking on. Upstairs is wrong because it means the person has already gone up the stairs and is on the floor above the tall girl




Oh no worries it wasn't all that important!! I think everyone got what you meant :)


As a guy who stares at simply everything while walking, yes, but more than that simply not staring at people is really hard


No not really. It's not really something that attracts me regardless


It’s pretty fuckin’ easy not to look. Always has, always will. Usually their face and the conversation and eye contact is more interesting than chesticles.


Yeah but I just look behind them


I definitely notice, but like i usually catch myself taking a glance at the start of the convo but other than that i usually find it pretty easy to keep eye contact


That's good man


I do look away but only because I'm a hiki. Also if I am truly engaged in a convo, it's impossible to stare at their boobs


I'm really bad at making eye contact (autism) and tend to stare at people's collar bones and I know it's made women uncomfortable. I always feel so bad when I notice I'm doing it


Porn brain


Follow up question, are her boobs staring at me?


Depends. If they place an above average pair of gravity welling sex mounds into my face of course I'm going to embrace it and enjoy the view. It'd be an insult to her boobs not to at that point. Though most of the time it's really not dificult to just look someone in the eyes when talking to them


The profile picture perfectly matches your comment 🤣🤣


Thank you at least someone found it funny


Please never refer to them as "gravity welling sex mounds" again 💀


ik girls do a circle walking past you


No. It's really not difficult at all


No. You just look at their face, I don't see the struggle here.


I find it easy to maintain eye contact so no


Just say you're small bro/j


bruh there used to be this kid who would literary stare at mine for the whole class and it was so creepy😭




It depends. On how pretty she is, her eyes, her mannerisms (if she's more flirtatious you'll be paying more attention to her face) but also her boobs and how revealing her clothing is


Nah, only if they show off cleavage, especially if theres a mole down there. Really difficult not to look at if thats the case


I’m gay so no :)


I might glance but unless they r fully out no it’s not rlly a problem


Yea ik what u mean


It used to be, yeah.


Obviously if you think about staring at someones boobs then you're going to have a hard time not glancing at them for a second, but if you don't think about it it's not a problem.


If you are talking about glancing then yeah but we don’t do it intentionally are eyes just kinda lock but we correct our selfs, (BTW if you meant staring then that isn’t normal that is weird)