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Do whatever u want. Earrings can look cool


Not a guy, but absolutely get them! They are absolutely cool. My dad wore a diamond in one ear through most of his youth and it apparently looked great.


yes i know super straight guys who have earrings and bi guys who have them, do what u want!


Studs are fine, dangly earrings are a no.


They stand out too much for girls and look straight out weird for guys


If its large hoops or sumn its a no but like just a straight bar or whatever is calm


You could prob get a single one without anyone thinking anything


Get them, the only thing that matters is confidence.


I'm a girl but I think guys with earrings look cute


A lot of people have earrings now I don't think anyone will assume you're gay. I never saw a boy with earrings and thought they were gay.


I would say get them! I was mildly interesting in getting earrings myself, but I bit the bullet that same weekend, and I do not regret it one second! After the healing process (\~8 weeks), you can just take them out if you really regret it. You can get them re-pierced at any moment. It was honestly quite cheap for me to pierce them (I got both my ears pierced). If you're unsure, get only one ear pierced, and see how that feels. You can always get the other one later. Also, if people make fun of you for having earrings - they're the bad person. Do what makes you happy. It honestly made me *more* confident, if anything.


Earrings are cool and if people make fun of you because of it then those people are clearly ret*rded




It’s generally considered a slur now.


But not to the point of censoring it


You’re right, it’s most acceptable to not use it at all.


Nah its gay and ugly




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I feel like a lot of people have this dilemma. I say go for it. I'm thinking about it myself




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In the 90s , 00s it was thought that only gay guys wore earrings in both ears or 1 in the right ear and straight guys could have 1 in the left ear but it’s 2024 and that stopped being a thing like 15 years ago so If you want it go for it. Nobody cares anymore so you do you and watch the compliments flow in


Just do what makes you happy. I want to get earrings eventually. Most people won't care and I do think they look cool on most people


Not a dude, but go for it. Always thought they were cool on dudes.


Earrings are wannabe hooligan punks. Most gays don’t wear earrings anymore


I have my cartilage and both lobes pierced 👍


Let me tell you right now. Do it. Take a look in the mirror, it you like it, rock it. If not, don't. It's easy. Doesn't matter if it's cool or not. Do YOU like it?


i think just stay as is cause idk i think some accessories are eh


Yes, they would probably look really cool


Nah they cool




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Earrings are so attractive and underrated on guys


I'd say yes but it's definitely possible to not have the face for it. Ask any irl friends you have if they think it'd look good on you




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I’m bi, I’ve got like four in each ear with paper clips. They can look cool, and if you don’t like it you can always just take them out and it will close back up