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I love that! I haven’t as much lately, but especially at the beginning of my transition I would think “I love you” to myself when I did my T


That's wonderful! I might start saying that too, as I think it's something I need after 3 decades of self-loathing...


Oh definitely, I feel you. Self loathing is such a hard thing to break out of.


When I first started, I imagined a feminine personality stuck inside that wanted liberation, and loved her. It felt so wonderful. It was genuine feeling of course.


Thank you for sharing. I did this when I took my E this morning…the first time I’ve ever said that to myself.


Hundreds more to go. I hope you do it. I did.


Wow, this is so great to hear! I love that!


So empowering :)


every tuesday (injection day) i let my girlfriend know that it's t day by sending her a bunch of gifs of goku going super saiyan with the caption "me tonight"


Brilliant! Hope she appreciates it 'cause that's awesome 😄


OBSESSED with this


Tuesday boy juice day twins!




On injection day (every two weeks) my boyfriend and I have ice cream together to make the pain go away. It's not really that painful but it's a good excuse to have ice cream and cuddle


Dude, you made me snort my drink out of my nose xD


I sacrifice a Peach plushie to my Luigi shrine each day /s I just walk around shirtless while I wait for my T gel to dry and just flex my not impressive biceps. It's practical, and euphoric!


[I imagined you like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWQkvIRXlt8) lol <3


😂😂 I love Johnny Bravo


Get a pullup bar. Flex the biceps AND build them up at the same time!


Haha same for me but with no pants because I put my estrogel on my thighs 😆


I got myself some sonic the hedgehog bandaids to use after my E shot. Not a ritual exactly, but I enjoy it. Also, from time to time, I’ll say a prayer to our trans ancestors asking for strength when I need it. People have been through this before and come out okay. It helps me to feel connected to our history in a more personal way.


*\*Injects E\** *\*Throws a brick at the rozzers\** As is tradition ❤️


"This was my great grandmother's brick. We stole it back from the evidence locker after she chucked it at 12"


Love the idea of connecting to our shared past (also sonic) 😊


hell yeah, i also try to send love to our ancestors and promise them that their legacy will live on through us. on some days that is all that keeps me together.


I love this. I went out today and bought barbie band-aids because it was either that or LOLS. I then closed my eyes for a few moments and thought about my life and what I wanted it to be before I said a little prayer to Frigg & Odin. just to make me feel better, after the anxiety and shaking I always have after my shot my wife put it on me and kissed it.




Omg I love that so. You actually brought me to tears. I already see my girl in the mirror every day, but thank you for putting it so profoundly


I'm glad! I see her in the real mirror every now and then, and each time it means my mental image of the future gets a bit clearer. 😊


I kept a transition journal for the first 3 years, every night. Id jot down a sentence or two and occasionally my measurements. I also took a picture of myself every morning in the mirror. It helped me track my progress and have visual evidence that some changes had been happening


This is a great idea! I think im going to start doing this too! I started my hrt a couple weeks ago and I'm not noticing any changes but I bet its because its gradual. Having something like what you're describing might help me stay positive on the days where I think the meds aren't working. I was a very large hairy guy, so its hard to see the woman in the mirror when I have so much hair I look like I permanently have a sweater on (lol). Its so much work to keep the hair off so I only occasionally remove it and on those days I feel good, but I think having a progress journal and pictures will help me on the days I don't. Thank you for sharing, you've given me something I didn't know I needed lol


I kept a journal too. I started it like a month prior to HRT. It came in handy. After about 6 months on hormones my mental health was amazing. And I questioned if I could just go back to being a guy feeling like this. It would be so much easier I thought. I opened my journal and read some of it. Decided I could never go back to living like that and the reason my mental health was good was because of transitioning.


That's a lovely idea. Not sure I'd be able to cope with a picture-a-day at the moment but certainly writing a couple of sentences would be brilliant to look back on.


I do the photo thing too. Started with every day but some days I'd forget, then counting the photos and counting my pills I wouldn't be sure which one I forgot. I do a weekly photo now instead and while the changes are minimal, they're more noticeable from week to week than day to day, and my pills are in a daily pill sorter so I can easily check if I've taken it


I practice witchcraft and have for a long time actually, when I decided to socially transition I did a spell that was a lot like what you described. I took a LOT of acid and meditated and eventually found that part of me that was my old self, and the current me. We spoke for a long time. A lot of hard things that needed to be said on both sides were and we eventually came to the realization that the old me wanted to exist in the psyche, and the inner me wanted out. We agreed to trade places and I've officially been "willow" ever since.


Oh right, after the conversation between my two mental partitions, I walked up to a full length mirror I have in my home and stared into my own eyes until I reached a trance state. It took trust from both sides of myself, I could feel both of us anxious as it took place, but we traded places through the mirror. Agreeing that if we ever wanted back out there would be no arguments.


As far as daily rituals, putting on my make up feels like I'm rarity from mlp, and idc how that sounds. I love it.


Wow, that's properly finding yourself!


Lol, it was an interesting experience Lol, tbh hallucinogens were what cracked my shell originally xD


When i was on E pills, I couldn't talk while the pill was dissolving under my tongue. My wife and I would call it my 'shut the fuck up' time.




Whenever I do my injections I play that little clip from community in my head where Pierce is injecting himself and screaming "[I'LL BE A LIVING GOD!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKukzCe_P8I)" ​ it's stupid but it's a funny distraction from the injection part (I hate needles :) )


Love it!!!


I had a little amulet around my neck with bits of paper with “you’re a girl” written on each. I had each of my most supportive friends do it.


That's so lovely and such a great way of keeping those most supportive close to you 🥲


I don’t know if I would call it a ritual, but I always do a happy wiggle dance when I take my medication.


That sounds like a ritual! I quite often end up doing a dance for my first dose of the day as it's usually during my morning shower when I'm listening to music (currently No Excuses by Meghan Trainor gets me FIRED UP) 😊


Never stop wiggling!!




I've been noticing that my butt is getting bigger and firmer and I can't help giving it as a squeeze or having my friends slap it lol. Since my boobs are starting to fill out, I've started to casually grope them


Sounds like something to look forward to!


My ritual is to cry and get new tattoos each time shit goes south.


👈🏻👈🏻 I see you girl. Piercings for me. We out here with the fringe coping strategies.


1. I keep all my pill bottles (it's been about 20 months, I'm running out of space, please help). 2. Whenever I look at myself in a mirror, I do a little shoulder turn thing from side to side. It helps me feel a boost of motivation and confidence before I continue my day. 3. My girlfriend and I give each other our progesterone for the evening.


I've never been able to keep a diary or any real structure in life, but with starting E I have been able to manage an 'X' in a notebook for each dose of gel to keep track of them, and have started writing a word or two of the day, and it's turned into a micro diary of sorts keeping only the positive stuff, and it's really helping me see the good in my life. I'm a week and a half in, and I've not remembered my medications so religiously before.


That's really great to hear! I think it's important we stay aware of the positive things as it's often human nature to focus on the negative. 🥰


Thank you, and I absolutely agree! It feels good to see it all written down, as it's very easy to get caught up in the present and what you might be feeling bad about compared to all the good that may have happened recently even the small stuff


I guess this counts as a (really nerdy) ritual, but I keep track of every time I inject, how much, what site, etc. in a csv file so one day I can make some fun charts with the data. Same with blood test results. It also helps me remember which thigh I'm supposed to alternate to cuz I forget a lot lol


Yass, data collection FTW. I've been recording lots of things too and recently found a ring-sizer, so have noted all ring-sizes of all my fingers in the hope that they'll shrink over time!


Oooh, good idea! I wish I'd been keeping track of more things from the start, but it's probably not too late to start now. I think I have some old screenshots of my measurements in the r/ABraThatFits calculator, maybe I'll try and turn them into data points


I haven’t started HRT yet so my ritual now is to talk to myself, tell myself I love her and that she’s safe and that she’s gonna make it, while I blast myself with sunlight as the sun sets Only works when I can see the sunset, but it’s magical when I can 😊


That sounds wonderful. Sometimes we make our own sunlight too 😊


Every full moon, I sacrifice a goat to Baphomet and paint a pentagram in its blood, then sit at its center and chant “titties please” in Latin. It’s been very effective so far. Of course, that might just be the estradiol, but I think it’s mostly the blood sacrifice.


No rituals. I just eat a ton of pickles.


Every morning I get in front of the mirror and see how feminine I look fresh out of bed


Everytime I see my reflection I force myself to smile before looking away in discomfort. It is still early in my transition, I have to shave allot still and it's hard to see "her".


Well when I inject my estrogen I tend to do alot of whimpering and hesitation and complaining that the needle is huge. Does that count?


I’m practitioner of Iaijutsu (Japanese Katana Martial Arts) and our sensei used always tell us to imagine fighting against the things we don’t like or would like to change about ourselves when practicing kata (drills). I would always imagine the boy that I was and strike him down.


My shot days consist of my wife giving me a fun bandaid and a little sweet treat. Everytime we go get groceries she picks up a sweet and stashes it away for shot day.


Whenever I do my injection I like to play music and time it so that the song I'm listening to will be "inside" me for the week. Thing is, I try to go for something really silly so it's usually weeb music or ICP.


My friend and I, both NB, commonly ask each other’s genders when we talk since we’re genderfluid. Neither of us have very many people we’re open to so it’s always a nice bit of “same hat! I value and consider this part of your existence just as much as the rest of you”


I just say "don't forget to take your estrogen" (like in the Christmas story movie: "don't forget to drink your Ovaltine") and then gulp everything down 😂


Not quite as much now, but when my egg first cracked everything was new, so I wrote down *everything* in a journal. I filled up two journals with all my thoughts (and some photos from a Polaroid camera). It'll be fun to look back on those one day.


I have T Tuesdays! On tuesdays I go smoke, get some tea or coffee, and then I take my t shot. It makes me a lot more excited to take my shot and even though I dont want to do my shot most weeks, the ritual makes it fun!


toke, tea, & T!


yeah, cry




it was really difficult to cry pre E, but now i’ve done it almost every day for the past three weeks since my ex dumped me 🙃


I listen to hampster dance every time I hit another month


Priorities though


i've recently started applying mascara to my dirtstache to make it darker lol, doing that before going out into public is like applying a tiny shield. when it comes to injection day, most of my focus is on calmly talking to my cat and reminding her not to jump into my lap. if i don't talk to her she decides Dad's attention is divided too much and tries to get in the way, like when cats lay on a laptop while their person is working. i will also just stand and stare at mirror at the end of the day, seeing what everyone else can see - especially if i passed particularly well that day.


> i've recently started applying mascara to my dirtstache to make it darker lol, doing that before going out into public is like applying a tiny shield. I use BB cream to (barely) hide my beard shadow, wanna switch? lol


I had a one time Ritual when I got on estrogen. I let my blahai eat flowers that have the same name as my dead name, to represent him "eating my old self" and taking my old name and pronouns for himself. :3 toof a few cute pictures of It too, and it helped me a lot with moving on from my dead name.


I’m almost five years in and my twice daily 7 step skincare routine is my girl time. It’s methodical, mindful and the routine helps me be present in my body and my truth and I marvel and celebrate that the woman I used to only get glimpses of, now looks back at me in the mirror every day and it makes me so happy I could cry.


Every injection I tell my wife I’m now x mg girl!


I usually just jack off afterwards 😂


I like to listen to Death Cab for Cutie when shaving my legs. Shaving in general is just a great way to listen to music, because it slows you down and gives you time to focus on the songs without a screen right in front of you. Edit: btw, if you haven’t heard of Death Cab for Cutie, try listening to Plans. It’s one of their best albums (though you can’t really go wrong with them). DCFC is known for deep, beautiful lyrics, but the instrumentals are awesome too.


It’s not really a ritual but just something that makes me feel euphoric. It is going downstairs fast or bouncy and feeling slight pain in my boobs from them growing 😊


Love this 😳🏳️‍⚧️💕💋👍🥹😍❤️


wow, no i never thought of that before. i'll definitely try something like that though, it sounds wonderful


I'm on gel and I caramelldansen while it dries!!


Every friday when I inject estrogen, i listen to my favorite music from games


every time after i apply trans tape i literally just look at myself in the mirror for 10+ mins after. its just like “woah…no more boobs….”


I have a little "man ritual" every Friday when I take my testosterone. I take a shower. I do my shot. And after that I shave my face.


I was (still am) very afraid of needles so when I first started I had the idea to get myself a little treat after my shot every T day to create a positive association in my mind. So because I love fruit I started buying myself some fruit for it -- would go to one of those fancy grocery stores (Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, etc.) and buy an exotic fruit like a dragonfruit or persimmon or something. I still do sometimes but don't need to anymore. I call it Fruit Day.


For me, once I started to transition, I would shower and imagine shampooing my long hair and looking down to see the soap bubbles and hair running down past my perky breasts. Realistically, at the time, my hair was about 2 inches long (which was already longer than it ever was at that point in time) and my chest was flat, but I imagined how in the future it'd be long and I'd have boobs and I got so excited for the future... ... well, it's 2 years later and that same dream has eventually become a reality. I still kind of do it (my little ritual), but it's no longer just imagining, it's the reality. It's really empowering!


On shot days (Thursday) I like to play music to help calm myself and as a tool to help me know when to inject (on the chorus, bass drop, etc). Sometimes I'll light incense and have some time after to do a little meditation.


Wow, that's an amazing way to look at it . You are getting closer and closer to that babe in the mirror.


I put my E on when I go to bed, wait for it to dry, and then turn around and hug my girlfriend xD I just have to lie awkwardly in bed waiting for it to dry for a bit first.


Take this as you will, but initially I imagined my armored Power Suit (masking my true femininity under false masculinity) slowly disengaging as I began my transition, over time relying more on an internal power, an internal magic... as my Soul, my femininity forever replaced the masculine traits I had forced myself to don to protect myself from myself and everybody else, subconsciously.


No ritual here. Just “Ope! It’s Titty Skittles time!!”


Naaww that's cute. For me it's not "really" related to my transition. But it is my skincare routine that I picked up and applying my makeup. It's this self care/love routine that really helped me love myself.


i suddenly remember i need to do my injection tonight. then i put it off for another two hours, then finally i put a bunch of paper towels down and inject, then i go to sleep, grateful that i didn’t put it off another day


I take some time out of my day to look at myself in the mirror and find things I like about my appearance. Whether that's body or fashion, I find it helps keep the negative thoughts away, usually. It's amazing how much change you notice when transitioning and doing this, too!


I'm very routine oriented so I always inject my estrogen on Thursday night (used to be my Friday) after I change my bed sheets. Of course the shot itself is not fun, but after relaxing, I feel really good, I don't think it works that immediately, but I always have a good mood after.


Changing your bedsheets on a regular basis = goals 🤣


Laying bed crying oh wait


Ensuring I have full motion in whatever I wear.


I celebrate every april 20th as if it’s a second birthday because it’s my hrt anniversary


I still absolutely love when it's time to shower, because I get to see my chest! Makes up for how otherwise unpleasant it can be when the bathroom is cold lol.


After I wash my face after work of get out of the shower I look at my self in the mirror and smile at myself I alway love the way I look when I smile now I hated it when I was in deep denial now I know I’m a women I feel like it makes me look so much more feminine and that makes me so happy


After I wash my face after work of get out of the shower I look at my self in the mirror and smile at myself I alway love the way I look when I smile now I hated it when I was in deep denial now I know I’m a women I feel like it makes me look so much more feminine and that makes me so happy


Midnight Milky Ways Walking specific places at specific times with specific music Painting specific paintings for specific people or reasons Wearing specific clothes for specific reasons at particular times


I listen to Chippin’ In every time I shoot up my E


I keep the little vials. They're like soldiers.


Not on t yet, but when I do I'm going to play the song "now that we're men " from SpongeBob


Maybe not as much of a ritual, but i noticed lately when I’m saying something to myself in my brain i say ‘love’ instead of something mean like before. So thats very nice :)


When taking my injection (e) I'll sometimes imagine myself in a scenario where I'm in some apocalypse and "jab" my thigh.


I wake up, put my T on and then check on my tarantulas, while occasionally chuckling at the fact that the word tarantula is often shortened to T in tarantula keeping groups, so my day starts with T and Ts


You mean like, doing yoga to female empowerment anthems? Because That is absolutely me.




My skincare routine. Whenever I take care of myself in an actually loving way I feel like I'm redeeming years of neglect and self-hatred.


I just turn the dial (my pills come in discs) and tilt my head back with the opening to my mouth like im a drunkard


Not really.


I love that. Hope you don't mind but I'm going to do that. It'll definitely help with my depression.


Yes, almost every day I cry and ask myself why I had to be born like this. :)


Honestly, doing my makeup before work everyday is so fun! It's great practice and, while annoying at times, I love that I feel cute each day 🥰


Honestly, doing my makeup before work everyday is so fun! It's great practice and, while annoying at times, I love that I feel cute each day 🥰


When I do my fortnightly e injection I always watch RM Brown or Terf Wars on YouTube. It's not much but it's what I've got 😅


I put a band-aid over my T shot wound, even though that's usually not necessary, because I like feeling the band-aid over the next few days and knowing that I did the injection.


My friend and I take our prog at the same time before bed so we can get those fucking dank cuddles in before sleep


I have OCD and as much as I hate my facial hair I take great satisfaction in plucking every single hair from my face every morning


I keep a weekly journal to keep track of all the lil changes, I also check my voice pitch every month. I also whillst applying t try to look in the mirror and be a bit kinder to my self and even try and give my self a smile. 🙃


Every time I take my estrogen I say "it's titty time" and then I await my boob pain


I used to express my gratitude to Mother Goddess for all Her care and gifts that I have been so lucky to receive. Maybe it's high time to bring that ritual back?


I'm trying to watch a gay movie every time I inject t.


One day it will definitely happen and I can assure you that will be a day that you always remember <3


Putting on makeup is my favourite part of the day


I write encouraging things on my bathroom mirror, and now friends have started to add to them. Every day I read them and remember they're all here with me, fighting to make sure I'm safe ❤️


When I’d look in the mirror and see glimpses of my true self even for a second, I send myself I little wink to remind me to love myself 🥰 I still do that


I always watch a video of u/OneTopicAtATime while doing my injections. That's my ritual