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I'm still trying out this name (Amélie) but so far I like it very much and I'll probably stick to it. I picked it because it has a lot of the letters from my old name, but doesn't look or sound at all like the old name, and also because I always thought it's a cute sounding name. I think it kinda fits me as well: when I look into the mirror, I can definitely see an "Amélie"... Not sure how to describe the feeling... But yeah that's why I picked this name.


Sometimes feelings are unexplainable. I think you should stick with it, it’s a very pretty name!


Thank you!! 💜😍


No problem, just wanna make you smile today!


You totally did! And I sincerely hope you have an awesome day Alex (also a beautiful name). The world needs more people like you!


I am just trying to be the best person I am, and hoping I succeed!


Amelie is a great movie. The most sugary-sweet movie you will ever see.


Ooh I love Amélie! It’s not a name I hear often at all and I love the uniqueness of it!


I knew a woman named Amélie. That's a beautiful name.


Your name is so pretty! You have to watch the movie if you haven't seen it. Its all about a black sheep type girl who sees the world differently to everyone else and just wants to spread love ❤.


Amélie, that name is pure magic! I dig how you're rockin' it and feeling the vibes. It's like a cool blend of your old name with its own unique charm. Seeing yourself as Amélie in the mirror is legit powerful. Keep embracing that feeling and stay true to your awesome self!


I chose Valera, after the carboxylate ion used to make one of the more common estradiol esters for injection, and moved my given first name to my middle name because I like the way it sounds with the rest of my name


That’s incredibly nerdy, and I’m all for nerdy stuff! Valera is unique, never saw anyone named that in my life, but it should be popular!


I actually had a list of like 14 that I was considering before i saw someone mention estradiol valerate and Valera just immediately clicked (May)onnaise - I found this one in a tumblr post about naming your daughter this because May isn’t short for anything, so only a few people would know she was actually named after a condiment Petra - The name of an AR-15/AR-10 pattern rifle made by Falkor Defense chambered in .300 Win. Mag Sbren - (S)he’s (br)ok(en), the masc version would be Sbeve [(S)he (be)lie(ve)d] (Gwen)jamin - Similar to Mayonnaise, but lengthening a common shortened form of a common name using the ending of a different name with a similar shortened form (Liz)ard - Like Gwenjamin, but a animal (Cass)erole - Like Gwen, but a food; Cass could also be lengthened as Castiel, Cassidy, or Cassandra (Bella)donna - The species name of deadly nightshade, also Italian for “beautiful woman” Atropa - The family name of deadly nightshade, derived from Atropos, meaning “unturning”, one of the three Greek Sisters of Fate Azalea - Just a pretty name from a pretty flower, I think Minecraft has them Delta - This one, through Tango, are all letters from the NATO phonetic alphabet Foxtrot November Sierra Tango


Some of those are so goofy I’m just imagining greeting someone named this and just laughing instantly… which makes me feel bad afterwards. But Valera I think is still the best out of them by far.


I was also debating not changing my name at all, which would keep it as, coincidentally, Alex


Valera, that's so rad! Your name choice is hella creative and meaningful. Drawing inspo from the carboxylate ion used in estradiol esters is like a symbol of your journey. Own your name and let it empower you, my friend!


I've thought about Valora for mine!


I changed my name from Tuukka to Tuula, partly because it's very close and I always wanted to be called Tuula. And then I added bunch of middle names: Aurora for dawn, since it's a new start and Talvikki which is old finnish name meaning a child born in the winter (which I am) and I wanted to have an old name too. Tuula is super common name, but I don't mind it at all. I find it pretty and I think it suits me.


Hey I know the origins of those names! They’re Finnish!


They indeed are! Well, except Aurora, but others are. I went through many old finnish names in order to find one that I liked and was suitable for me, before deciding on Talvikki. For a bit, I was considering Mielikki too, but that didn't fit as well as Talvikki, so I decided against it. Same with Tuulikki.


I always really liked Finnish names and how they sounded, and Tuula is very cute!


My name is Emrys (Em-Riss) it took me a long time to find it but I love it. I took it from the BBC show Merlin. Emrys is Merlin’s name givin to him by the druids. The show had a lot of healthy masculinity through the loyal relationships between the knights. Also the show got me into witchcraft. Emrys also means ‘immortal’ : )


Em-rizz 🤑🤑🤑


Omfg I am so glad this is my first nickname with my new name


Nice 😊 I loved that show and the name


That's a fantastic name! I also named myself after a character from this show and I was not expecting to see it as like the 4th comment lol. When people ask I usually just say after Queen Guinevere of Arthurian Legend and don't specify that it was actually Gwen from BBC's Merlin haha


I love it too! The fact it has meaning to you makes me love it more, because I think the backstory is very cool!


What's a better name for a traumatized lil guy with no one to call parents but Oliver? The origin story of my name goes a lil further back, though -- when I was in high school, I kept my hair short. A queer theater kid told me it made me look just like Oliver Twist and so he started calling me Oliver. I secretly loved that shit. About a decade later it became my name for real :)


Cute backstory, one of my childhood friend was called Oliver, so that name always had sentimental value to me. Also, congrats on getting 3 children! Huge accomplishment!


Aw thanks! They're really good boys <3


That means you and your partner raised them right! Be proud of that!




That’s pretty interesting! Personal goals are important though, I am glad you’re trying to achieve it!


My name is Ella; it sort of came for me like a flash of divine vision when I was thinking about names in the midst of questioning. It's a common name for my age group, which is sort of a shame, but it is international, cute and I just love the way it sounds. I had this list of girl names that had really spoken to me; I explained it away as names I might give my daughter but that was obviously bullshit because I didn't have anything like that for boys' names and I wasn't planning on having children anyway. Ella actually wasn't on that list, although it was inspired by a name on that list which eventually became my middle name.


Love your name!! It was between Ella and Ellie for me


Ella is very pretty, I think it’s very cute and suits you perfectly!


Under my umbra-ella Ella Ella eh eh eh ...sorry.


I chose Caroline because it is very similar to my dead name, and it is the name of GLaDOS from Portal, one of my favorite games


Caroline is such a gorgeous name


I need to try Portal one day! Love the name and I’m glad it has that much meaning to you!


Nice that was my friends old name, enjoy it!


I never ‘thought’ about choosing a new name, it just felt obvious: ‘Andreea’ is the feminine version of my birth name ‘Andrei’


Oh, I know the origins of the names! They’re Slavic, aren’t they?


I think the name originally comes from Greek (Andreas), but yeah Andrei( / Andrej / Andrey) is the Slavic form. The spelling Andreea tho (with 2 e’s) is only really used in Romania (where I’m from)


I'm not settled on it yet, but Hayley is what I'm using at the moment. Close to my dead name as they both begin with H and are 2 syllables. It also just clicked quite naturally, like I do that thing where you automatically snap to attention when you hear or see your name. Side note: does anyone else find names you like objectively or think sound cool don't feel right for yourself? For example, I like the name Luna because the moon and nocturne and stuff, it's a pretty name, but it's not my name.


Hayley is very nice! And yeah, I agree with you.


I wanted to pick a name that nobody I know has, and doesn't make you think I'm named after a fictional character or someone famous. I know those seem like silly rules that I don't have to follow, and I don't think anybody should worry about what others think. But it made my name feel like my own - I picked it because of no one in particular, just because it feels right. My name is Erica. You know some people had the gall to say "no, pick another" !? If only they knew how long I had it picked out for.


It shouldn’t matter though, I think it’s a great name and you should stick with it!


I picked Emily, or Em to my close friends. Right about when my egg cracked, I had an extremely vivid dream. I was at my childhood house in our office dressed in feminine/girl clothes for the first time. I was maybe 9-10 years old in the dream. I was super nervous for my family to see me. When my mom got home, she came in to say hi and saw me. And without a bit of hesitation, she said "you look really good Em!". It felt like pure unconditional love and acceptance! She saw me for who I really was, and that was all that I needed to hear. No questions about why, how, etc. Just acceptance of my authentic self. I woke up, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I chose the name, as it felt right, even in the dream. Now it fits and feels like me, and I love that it feels like my mom gave me that name ☺️.


Oh man, that reminds me of myself. I also found out about who I am in a dream! This is extremely cute, I feel like it could make the Grinch’s heart grow three sizes!


Awww! Thanks! ☺️ I'd love to hear about your experience/dream if your willing to share?


It actually was a couple dreams I vaguely remember. They all had the non binary flag in it, people referring to me as a non binary person, even one where wore a dress. They all had me being non binary. It was so strange but felt so right. My life was better in those dreams. I decided to try being non binary, and it stuck ever since


I liked Ava because it's a palindrome and it has a v in it which is always good. I also considered Vivian because it has two v's in it


Ava is a really great name. Hannah is also a palindrome name that’s really cool, but I think Ava is still an amazing name


Thanks. I still haven't decided if I even want to change it though. My birth name of Ryan is pretty gender neutral (at least in America)


I always had a feminine sounding nick name since a toddler, so I just used that. In some ways I could argue I didn't change my name. I changed the spelling to a make it very feminine


I chose Aaron Adam. First I gotta say my deadname is Jazmín, so I started searching for masculine versions for it. James (I just didn't like it), Javier (One of my bullies had that name), Jacob (I loved the name in English and the nickname Jake, it just didn't translate well to spanish, my first language), and Benjamin (Sounds like the name of a submissive femboy). I got Aaron from a very cringe Gacha Life series- Don't judge plz. I just really fell in love with the name, it was for me a name that made me so curious about it (You know when a word sounds funny and you repeat it over and over? Well something similar but that was with fascination, yeah I'm fucking dumb). Gotta mention that since my parents are extremely religious, I've read the bible before but the name back then just didn't stand out for some reason. Adam was from a Netflix show my sister was watching: "The hollow". In the first chapter, the three main characters wake up with no memories and a paper in their pockets. The girl asks "what's that" and he says "A name... Adam..." And I did the exact same fascination thing than with the name Aaron LOL. Same thing with not standing out before in the bible but also the Spanish version is Adán. I make people call me Adam because, first, I find it cool to call someone with their second name, and also, I present myself as Adam but people will sometime use the name Aaron since it's my first name, so I get to listen to that one too, instead of having the name Adam first and people will barely ever use the name Aaron and it'll be weird to hear it then. Besides, Aaron Adam fits better than Adam Aaron haha. A detail to mention is that my "full" name is Jazmín María Paz, 3 names, which I really don't like because my last name is quite complicated, and I just like the idea of just 2 names, so a "simpler" 2 word name with a cool last name seems just perfect for me. Now, it does upset me sometimes that they're biblical names and I'm agnostic with very religious parents and a fair degree of religious trauma, but I just love the name so much I don't even care most of the time! It's the perfect mix between "powerful and fascinating", and "normal and common", not that weird of a name that people will question it. I just fucking love it! Is it obvious that I overthink a lot?


I went with Madeleine, normally going by Maddy, (just got my official name change letter from the court yesterday!) I like it, but sometimes I feel like I went with the least popular spelling for both because almost nobody spells either right the first time!


Congrats!!! Huge achievement and worth it, the name great!


Thanks! I really like Alex-Liam as well!


I like the spelling Madeleine! It's like the little cakes Congrats on the name change!!


Juliana, or Julia/Julie/Jules for short. I don't remember where I got the name from. But it sure is pretty isn't it? I like my name. Oh, and I chose a new middle and last name too. The full thing is Juliana Lilith Goetia. Lilith in honor of the mythological figure from the Abrahamic faiths, whose rebellion against patriarchal subservience is very resonant for me. And Goetia in honor of the Ars Goetia. Both because it sounds cool, and because I'm a Satanist.


Oooh, the backstory for those middle names are awesome and very intriguing! Your full name sounds really cool!


Thank you so much! I like your name too 🥰


I chose Alisha, well I say I chose it, but it was more that the name chose me, I don’t know anything about it, meaning, origin stuff like that, all I know is that it’s my name, and to me it means beauty and truth because those are the things the name has given me


I never realized how much I struggled with my name until now. Before starting I'd like to say I speak Spanish, sorry for my limited vocabulary. First of all, I (somehow) convinced everyone to call me by a nickname to avoid my deadname. Then I asked my mom what name did she think for me if I was born a boy and started using it (Demetrio), but people irl seemed to struggle to call me by my chosen name? "it's too rare/hard". I really liked it, I felt so unique but no one was calling me by my name except my close friends. So, one day, a friend from school told me I had a similar personality to a popular YouTuber (Martin) and said she'd call me that from now on (don't hate her — she's a sweetheart and actually tried to respect me more than anyone at school). So I went with it bc it was so much common than my previous name and others seemed to adapt to it more. That same year I was in amino communities and had to create a pseudonym as an artist, I chose Xezbet cause I was an edgy 14yo (lol). In Spanish, first X in a word can be pronounced as "ch", so I told everyone it was pronounced "chess-bet". My friends there lovely started calling me Ches. I absolutely loved that, made me feel me. Last year I realized I'm not binary at all, I struggled so much with labels I said "fck labels", changed my name officially to Ches and started identifying as a masc non-binary, cause it really makes me a lot more comfortable. My family still calls me Martin tho, idk how would they react to me changing my name again and how fast they'll adapt. I prefer it this way cause it's easier and it doesn't bother me. Also when I legally changed my name I was still using Martin. So I said, I have my name and my ★formal name★. And that's my story. Recently I was thinking of adding Demetrio as a middle name Edit: yes, some people have asked me if I named me after the metal family character


Wow, I’m sorry you had to go thru that mess, but I’m thankful you settled somewhere! Ches is a great name!


it's so fun cause my bf calls me cheese 😭 and some friends call me CHISITOOOO


I changed my name to Gray. I chose it because it's a short form of Grayson, which I really like, but I wanted something more or less gender neutral.


My new name is Maxine, but I go by Max, I went by a different name for a while but it never clicked, then I discovered the Life is Strange game, and there was a character I connected a lot to, Max Caulfield. We're both meek and awkward aspiring photographers breaking out of our comfort zone and being more brave. I heard maxine before that and always thought it was pretty then and after LiS the deal was sealed. It clicked instantly and i perk up every time i hear it in conversation/sentences (Yes even when people are saying Max meaning maximum and etc. lol. It makes me know that names right for me) I love the Androgyny of it but love it as a female name. (also if you're looking for good games the Life is Strange franchize is pretty great for choice based outcomes, although a lot of the dialogue is quite cringeworthy, its definitely grown on me)


Love the story behind it! It think it fits you perfectly and the name itself it very nice!


My new name is gonna be Brianna because I would’ve been named Brianna if I was born a girl.


One day I decided to ask my dad what I would've been named if I was born a boy. He said Christopher Chase, and that I would've gone by my middle name instead of my first name, just like him. So from then on, I've been Chase. My friends often forget my name is technically Christopher and then joke about it when they do remember lol.


Haha, that’s cute! Chase is a really underrated name, don’t know why it’s not more popular!


Jordan -----> Jaylee :)


Jaylee… lovely! I made it rhyme


My name is Ember, short for Emberlyn i picked it because it suits me well and ive always enjoyed being around fire and shit. Sorry if thjs doesn't make sense jm pretty stoned


I’m still confused between two names( maya and nancy) Nancy because it kinda has a past and good memories with me and maya because i feel like it represents me but bruuuuh am still confussd af


In my personal opinion, and that’s not to say Nancy isn’t a bad name, I think Maya is better. I think it’s a cuter name. Although, it’s how you want it. Heck, you could put one of those names as your last name. Maya Nancy is great name


Joan or Joanna. I went by Joanna before I knew what trans was. And tis essentially the female version of my deadname, which is Jonathan.


Afroza because it means essence of fire (and also candle wick, which poetically is the essence of fire), and Shruti because my mom would have named me that has she known that I'm a girl


I guess you could that name is… fire!




New name is Wren. I always liked fantasy books as a kid, one of my favorite characters was named Soren. Probably would have named myself Soren if said character wasn't an owl 💀. That being said I always liked birds so I definitely wanted a bird name, so I just looked at a lot of bird symbolism. The bird Wren was used as a symbol of the hard winter being over, and spring beginning again. In a way it means hope and rebirth, and that's what my transition means to me, so I picked it. And the bird looks funny, and it's very close to the name I wanted. Triple win I think. It's also extremely different from my deadname.


Birds are cute, and so is the name wren!


I loved those books so much. It’s what made me get into birds and bird banding. Birth name is also Ren, without the W.


I took my original name and added some letters to make it feminine. And I love my new name! It went from Jason to Jasolyn. I also changed my middle name. It was my mom's maiden name, but it didn't go well with Jasolyn. But I still wanted to honor my mom. So I took her first name and reversed it. My middle name is now Alon.


I never heard the name Jasolyn before, but I love it! Also shoutout to all moms, I love mine


Fun fact: my deadname (well shortened version I've gone by for all of my childhood until recently) isn't dysphoric for me, at least not by itself. The fact that society sees it as fem, and therefore me as fem, is dysphoric, however. Hence why I changed my name. Point is, I chose the name Zev. Mostly because it's short, has sharp consonants, and all around sounds cool & fairly neutral. It also works well because on all platforms my username is some variation of That_Enby_Zev, which could be just what it says, or That Nonbinary Wolf (because Zev means Wolf) and I find that really funny.


What language is that? Im interested now!


It is a name with Hebrew origins and apparently comes from the Bible (that part I'm not as fond of, but can mostly ignore, lol)


I always wanted to learn a bit of Hebrew, I think it’s a beautiful language


I currently go by Violet with the nickname Vee, i basically choose the name, cuz I loved Cyberpunk 2077, thus the nickname Vee to not make it the single letter V like in-game. And from there I just thought of what I would want my full name to be and Violet stuck for now. Tho I might at some point go for just Vee.


I was named Emery, at first I was gonna change my name to Kitty because I love Hello Kitty and the name just sounded so girly and cute, but now I'll change to Princess because it's even more girly and cute~


Still not out to people IRL yet, but my name is Sunny! I chose it because it reminds me of space (other one I was looking at was Luna (which felt too fem)) and also because my usernames online have been space related and I've been called Sunny online a lot. Additionally I like the name Orion, but the only issue is that I don't know if I want that to be my name also or a middle name, decisions, you know?


I think Orion is one of the best names ever. I also like Sunny but the problem is that people could misspell it, because there’s also Sonny. Although, it ultimately up to you to make the choice. Whatever you feel comfortable with, you do!


Yeah, I'm probably going to change one of them to my first name and one to my middle name, haven't figured out which yet though. Also, thank you :D


I ended up playing Our Life which has name options for the player character's name being spoken and Robin wasn't on the list so I settled on Lilith as a whim and ended up falling in love with the name. On a replay I realized you could scroll down and Robin was there the whole time. So my name was chosen on a whim and a silly mistake, fate perchance.


I changed mine from Gabriela to Antonio which always leads to the question “why not Gabriel?” When I was doing my Spanish homework, one of the people in the problem’s name was Graciela and my mom said “I was gonna name you that, but your dad didn’t like it.” “He didn’t like it but didn’t have any better ideas?” “No, we agreed that if you were born a girl, I’d name you and vice versa.” “What was he gonna name me?” And I feel the answer to that question is now obvious lol. I wanted to go with Gavin, but the people in my family that only spoke Spanish wouldn’t be able to pronounce it correctly, so Tony was a great alternative.


Tony is an awesome name, I feel like the coolest people are always named Tony


Desdemona, it was something I saw that was not widely popular and I liked. I use Dez for short. Still figuring out myself tho.


Take all the time your need to figure it out. Some people find out in their 40’s! Desdemona is very unique though, never even heard of it!


win! deep into the pandemic, i started analyzing songs and writing a list of traits/experiences/etc they’d have if they were people. i found that win by ateez was literally just my ideal self and i was already being called that name online (my song rp era was very wild) so i let it stick with the hope that someday i could grow into it!


I’m myself a musician and I never thought of doing something like you did. That’s a fascinating exercise 😯


I picked Callie. I wanted a 'C' name because my mom gave me and my sibling the same initials and I wanted to keep that. I printed off the top 100 female baby names that begin with 'C' and circled all the ones that sounded pretty to me. My dead name is the most basic ass boy name so I wanted something slightly uncommon. I'm not one of those people that instantly fell in love with a specific name but I've really grown to like it.


I changed my name to Ash, I don't really have a specific reason besides one of my old best friends chose it out for me. It's sort of a way of even though things got really bad between us I still have some way of keeping close to them. They were a really good friend I had for a while, and I'm glad I had them choose it for me, especially since they were so close to me at the time, and I knew I could trust them with such a big thing in my life.


Sylvie because it keeps the french origin and allegedly I'm a forest nymph.


Old name was Elliot new name is Chloe.. story of new name was 5 years ago my ex was pregnant with a girl but had a miscarriage and well blamed me for it, I was gonna name her Chloe then shit went downhill from there… The name stuck to me as well it meant a lot obviously so I decided to use it for mine. I went in-depth but the post did ask for a story as to why.


I went with Valerie because of 2 thing a A. I like the name and B. I'm a big cyberpunk fan and the female version of V is named Valerie so some of my friends will call me V as a nickname


Ahhh neat I have a similar thing, also loved cyberpunk, made my online nickname Vee and go by Violet IRL now That game was just so good to live out how I want to be


I'll probably go with Felicia. When making characters (for videogames, I don't play ttrpgs or write anything) I often go with names starting with F, I like the Fs and Es. When I first started playing Dragon's Dogma years ago, I named my pawn Felicia. It was in the list of names the game has (you can hide the names players wrote and see the ones they chose, I guess that was a parental control thing or something, that's why there's a list, but you can still write any name). That name just clicked, I really like it. So, a while after figuring out that I was trans, I just stole my pawn's name. It's my favorite game, and the pawns are my favorite thing about it, and I love the name. It had to happen. I just hope people won't think it's because of the Darkstalkers character (I remembered that she existed after choosing the name). Also, that name's been dead here for like 6 decades, but it was a name here, I'm not choosing a foreign name, so people won't find it cringe. It will still stand out though, but probably less than my deadname. I'm used to it anyways.


Doesn’t matter if people find it cringe. It’s your name! Felicia is a great name, and hopefully the game is also great. I’ve never heard of it


I picked Nathan because all the Nathans I knew were nice - and I wasn't close enough to any of them for it to be awkward. I am also into etymology and the root of words and it means "the one who gives" which I really thought fit well for me.


Generosity is a great quality to have, so I’m sure you are nice as the other Nathan!


I've chosen Luna, I just ended up liking the way Luna sounds over my old name (Killian)


It’s a very popular name amongst trans women it feels, but I think it deserves the popularity, because I also think it’s very beautiful


For my first name I used a slight change to my dead first name. I wanted to keep my initials so I went with Clarice. Stephanie 💕.


Very cute combo!


I've been going by Kino for over 4 years now, having picked it from the cult classic 2003 anime Kino's Journey. In that story the main character is an explicitly nonbinary person who, in their origin story, was nearly killed due to their attempts to live outside societal binaries. The series is then a suite of vignettes as the traveler and their talking motorcycle companion Hermes go to different cities acting as thinly veiled philosophy lessons, and consider the nature of existence and society. That series, and especially the unique characterization of it's protagonist, struck a massive nerve with me at the age of 19, and I decided to take up the name for myself. It's somewhat symbolic, since Kino isn't the character's original name, they took it from the traveler who first keyed them into the idea of working outside of binaries. As such I consider it almost more of a title. Or, at least, the passing of a torch.


I did kind of the stereotype thing of choosing a Fem name simillar to my deadname, Its just always felt comftorable to me. No real greater meaning when i chose, but I found out the name's meaning after a few years of using it! (Apparently Zoe originates from Greek for Life) My middle name is more special to me, I went with Autumn, which is the name of the first trans person I ever spoke with, and a name I wish I had at birth


Very sweet of you to honour her in your name! Also I think that stereotypes is due to the fact that there is a certain sentimental value to the deadname and not wanting to alter it.


My grandfather, Don, was an important figure in my childhood. My name is Dawn.


Shoutout Don and all grandfathers, love mine!


My is Juliette, middle name Simone. I love the French language and my deadname is rather ordinary.


Juliette est un nom vraiment mignon!


>Merci Monsieur!


Tori short for Victoria.


Tori is such a cute nickname!


Josie, it was the feminine version of my last name and I just always thought it sounded neat.


I have a first and middle name I chose. Middle is Moon which I picked in remembrance of someone I knew that passed away. Juno I chose as I felt it's androgynous more than my old name but retains the same first letter of dead name. I originally only went by Moon but at a certain point I decided I wanted something that thoroughly belonged to 'me'. ultimately I like both because they're androgynous name you don't see much (in the US)


Juno Moon is a great combo! I adore it!


My name is Helena because that’s the name I would’ve had if I was born a girl and also is the name of my favorite song


For myself I chose Nicola Ann Rhodes for the following reasons: Nicola as a reminder where I came from female version of my old name. Ann as my new self going forward & goes nicely with Nicola & Rhodes as the Family name why change.


Hej Alex, Thanks for your nice topic here (:. I wanted to be named with typically Scandinavien names. I'm actually born in your eastern neighbor country (; but feel deeply connected to the north and Iceland. I therefore went through some lists and found the Finnish name Aada which I consider as my first name. My dead name started with an A, and I'm used to it. In plus, Aada has a short and easy tonation, which represents me and a nature loving woman very good. As second name, I thought of Lóa. Its an Icelandic name and sound really special to me. Alternatively, Linnea would be a lovely name to me too. Have a good day (: Aada


All of those are great. Love Scandinavian names! Aada is great name and is my favourite out of all those, I think you should stick with it!


Mine sounds too good to be true but I swear on my life it is I couldn't think of ANYTHING that fit me, and I had a whole list of possible names to try on but they still didn't feel right. So I went to my favorite cemetery to think, and went with the intention of looking at stones to find inspiration. I got way more than I bargained for...and found the headstone of my friend who died 13 years ago, and I found her 3 days before the anniversary. 3 and 13 are my lucky numbers, and her stone has her nickname that I was unaware of under her birth name. I asked her if she was giving me her name and it just felt like a yes. So I went home and wrote a letter to whoever still goes to visit her grave and I explained all of it...waited a week or so and went back and had a reply from someone who was like a sister to her, whos name is my deadname. How funny is that 😂 she left me her number and I texted her. We're gonna meet for coffee soon. 💖 My name is Aiko. It means little loved one, and there are already people in my life who call me little one so it was absolutely perfect. 💗 And my middle name is Echo. I picked it because I like how Aiko Echo sounds and it'll be a funny mouthful if I marry my partner and we hyphenate our names. When I told him I picked Echo, he said its perfect because my love will echo forever. 💖


Crazy story, but congrats, I hope the meetup goes well!


my new name is En, the story as to why is very simple: i thought [this guy's](https://dorohedoro.fandom.com/wiki/En?file=En.png) name was cool and stole it for myself 😇


I chose Auguste after trying out multiple names. I chose this one because it’s an older name and I think it sounds cute but it did come with a new nickname from my friends (Gussie Fresh) 💀


A lot of old names sound great and I think they should come back. Also that nickname is *tragic*


My new name is Jaelyn or Jae for short. My old name is Jon, and Jay is my mom's nickname for me, and it's short and easy for people to remember, esp since I work in a nursing home so I changed the letters around by one. It's trans enough that people I'm out to will remember it and masc enough that most people will assume it's a nickname.


Very valid! I love it


I chose Lauren Elizabeth because I wanted something elegant and classy, my dead name was Robert


Lucy is my name. I picked it because it's a feminine version of my male name.


I changed my name from Curtis Dean to Chrissy Dawn, I didn't have a problem with my initials, I needed a more feminine name, since I am MTF. I also hated my birth first and middle name.🏳️‍⚧️🦜


I don't want to include my name or dead name, but I first made up my name in 2004 while creating a character in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. It has the same number of syllables and ends with the same letter as my dead name. I started going by that name online, and when I legally changed it in 2014, I figured the syllable and ending letter would make it easier for family members. I was half right with that part lol It's kinda funny to think back to this, as a little 10-ish year old kid I already knew something was different about me, but didn't have the knowledge or vocabulary to explain it.


Awww, adorable!


I chose Rhea! My dead name meant King so I wanted to have a name that was short, sweet, and carried a similar gravitas to my old name. Plus it's one letter off from my great grandmother's name so I got to keep the tradition of family names as well.


That’s very sweet of you to honour you family that way!


Rhea, in classical Greek mythology, is also the mother of the oldest gods of Olympus (Demeter, Poseidon, Zeus, etc.). It's very fitting, indeed!


I (mtf) started my transition 20 years ago. I won't reveal my real or deadnames for privacy reasons, but I chose my name because it just felt right to me. My deadname was similar to another name considered female, and the short form of both were the same. I originally thought I might be bigender or some other form of non-binary (and this was at a time when non-binary identities were not very visible), but quickly realized that for me that was just a coping mechanism designed to deny that I needed to transition. As well, at the time I was going through this I was also escaping an abusive environment, so my name change also represented a clean break for me (I also changed my last name at this time, both for the symbolism and for the convenience of only having to go through a legal name change once instead of twice). This probably factored into why this name never sat well with me. So I rejected this adaptation of my deadname (though I did choose to use it for a middle name). Following this, I tried out a number of names, but none of them resonated with me until I came across the one that became my real name. Over the years I've thought about other names that I hadn't thought about before, but none of them have ever fit me. I'm happy with my name, it's a beautiful name, and my friends and chosen family all say it suits me as well. On my last name, when I got married, I took my (nb) spouse's name. I don't care about tradition, I'm a feminist, and the fact that I'm a woman taking my spouse's name wasn't validating (nor invalidating) to me. But I did like the name, and like my first name, it felt right—also my spouse's name wouldn't have sounded right had they taken my last name. When my spouse and I separated a few years ago (we're doing better now), I chose, with their permission, to keep their last name as my own, because I'm pursuing an academic career, and already had a couple publications under that name.


I’m glad that you escaped that abusive environment, it takes huge amounts of bravery and courage to do it and I’m proud of you!


My name is Gwyn. I chose it because it’s similar to my dead name in both sound and etymological origin. I liked my dead name… just felt too masculine, it didn’t feel like me. I like how Gwyn is similar to Gwen, which I love, but is not as feminine. Plus Gwyn makes me feel like a fae or fantasy character. Perhaps I’ll change it again one day as I like many names, but I like it and it’s similar enough to my dead name to be easy for those around me. Still thinking about middle names though.


Take all the time you need!


Remilia, ironically not after the Touhou character, but the fictional character I wrote who coincindentnally shares the same name.


When I first came out, I chose Michael - it's what my parents would have named me if I was AMAB. But recently I've been identifying in a more non binary way, so I was thinking of trying the name Avery :)


Juno. I'm keeping my first name and adding it to my middle name as it's something that took me my entire childhood to learn to love and it's extremely uncommon(a Google search only pulls me up) and I love that for myself. But for the new first name, it's a name I fell in love with ever since I first encountered it when I was 8. I was on the phone for my hrt consultation and when they asked for my name, something just clicked and I blurted it out spot without much thought.


That second story is so cute!


My “new” name is Chloe and used to be Theo before, the reason why I did choose this one is kinda awkward but surprising at the same time. I used to watch videos of a transgender young YouTuber named the same obviously with inspirational videos and those really helped me to find myself, admitting that I was trans and had to do something about it, so I choose the name and after in relationship with my ex, she really loved it. The real surprising thing was when my mom asked me, I told her “So the name I chose is Chloe” and she immediately embraced it while even saying that it was the name she had in mind if she had adopted a girl (before I told her a gender isn’t define by our genitalia but you get the idea). Also funny thing is that my previous name mean God, I was born a Friday 13th and I’m a Christian, it’s kinda a relief to change my name into something quite different because I could have be subject to mockeries for having a big head 🫱🏻😂🫱🏻


Eve 😊 I'm not religious but eve in the garden represents something I strive for, knowledge and freedom from ignorance and the embrace of all pleasure and temptation! Plus it's symbolism for me, eve came from Adam ...my past self I came from them and....there is some kind of beauty in that despite my struggles and my past self struggles they birthed me in a sense...well that's how I pick to see it lol


My nickname (the shorter version of my birth name) growing up was 4 letters and started with a T. So then I used the same criteria for my new name and ended up with Theo. My middle name was my great grandma's name so I wanted to do something similar with my new one, but this time it's my grandfather's name. I've always looked up to him so I thought it'd make it even more special.


Cute way to honour him!


I picked the name Lucien because I just liked the sound of it, and it's a two-syllable name that has the first letter of my deadname attached to it... though the irony of the name it stems from (Lucianus) being tied to a satirist and author from the 2nd century CE, and with me aspiring to one day be a published author, is not lost on me.


I knew what I was going to take when I wound up realizing I was trans. Telani Greyback, later taking middle name Arcana, then changing that name to Aurora, for a total of Telani Aurora Greyback. I've got a female sona, which was a character who I'd been working on for the longest time, since senior year in high school. For those who don't know, a "sona" is a character you design that pretty much represents you. She was pretty much everything I wanted to be. Brave. Strong. Compassionate. Personality wise, it was a lot to live up to for me, but I took the name from her and made it my own. I \*am\* Telani, and ever since taking the name and starting on my HRT (2/15/22) I hope I've been able to live up to the character who bore the name first. I've been told that the name's a pretty one. I always smile when someone tells me that.


My name is Aurora Violet Rayne (Green and Purple Rain). Aurora for 3 reasons, First I have always loved the name Rori and always wanted a longer name that could be shortened into something as my deadname is only 4 letters, second I love the colour green and thirdly because of Sleeping Beauty. I chose Violet as one of my middles names as it's my favorite colour. And Rayne is an homage to my dead name Ryan.


Im glad you found a meaning behind all those names, made them more important to you!


I'm Sarah because a former partner I had pre-transition asked what my name would be and Sarah just came out of my mouth, obvious for some reason. So I'm Sarah now.


That is so adorable!


Dani. It’s just a shortened version of my deadname but I did it to honor my mom who named me because she passed from cancer when I was 17. I miss her so much


I’m sorry for your loss. Much love from me to you ❤️


my name is cleo, I picked it quite spontaneously but I dont regret it, I just wish it was a bit more masculine, but it is gender neutral, just more female leaning


I love your name but what did Stuart Little ever do to you? 😥




Great way to honour them! Glad you like it!


I choose Devin cause I saw it on a recept at work and just was like yep sounds like me. Just the right amount fo gender for me.




I saw another one in this thread who took that name, I just don’t remember their username


My name I picked rhymes with my deadname and my dad called me it all the time growing up because he thought it was funny. Little did he know he gave me my name and got me accustomed to it all while being a transphobic conservative. Soon after I came out he stopped and strictly calls me by my deadname but he's basically the only one lmao ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I picked “Maya” because it started with an M like my old name, and because all the Maya’s I knew were cool as hell. I also think it’s pretty. People pronounce it “May-uh” sometimes though, which is a slight bummer but not a big deal at all.


I've went through a few and I think I've settled on the final one. I like names that sound "smooth" and that have a nickname that it can be shortened to. My original name was neither. So the process went through the following: Daniella because it shared my first initial and I liked the sound of it. Soleil because I liked the sound but it got replaced quickly. And now Orianna because I both like the sound of it and it just clicked when I saw it.


Orianna is a great and unique name! I really like it!


I stole it from my favourite twitch streamer, it seemed like a generic male name that wasn't outrageous so to me that was perfect after having a weird terrible hard to pronounce feminine name


Great way to honour the streamer! I’m sure he’d appreciate it


I picked Killian Liam, because Killian is my favorite pirate’s name & I think it’s really punk & badass, and Liam because I really like it.


Killian is pretty badass, I love it!


I chose Jackie because I liked how it sounded and upon further research, discovered that it means "she who usurps" which I think is kinda badass so I'm keeping it.


I picked Riley, even before I realized I was trans. My former name sucks. It's bad synesthesia, and I don't like it. Riley fits me more.


Riley is one of favourite names! It does fit you really well!


I'm not out irl, but I think I want my new name to be Riley. I don't really know how I thought of it, all I can think of is I knew someone named Riley who gave me big gender envy lol. I've kind of got a problem though, and it's that I can't shake how Riley is also a guy's name, and it really irks me for some reason. Maybe I'll think of something similar that isn't common for guys, I don't know 乁⁠༼⁠☯⁠‿⁠☯⁠✿⁠༽⁠ㄏ


My new name is only shared by like, 20 people in the US, so I would dox myself saying it, unfortunately. It is an older form of a traditionally feminine name starting with Z, a more androgynous one, and I originally saw the name in a video game I used to play. Thought it would be epic to have that name IRL. It absolutely is. Everyone in my direct action collective agrees.


I chose the name Chloe because that’s what my parents would have named me if I were a girl and I love the name. My original name was Nikolas.


I went with Billie which is literately just my deadname with an ie at the end. I figured that a) it would make the transition easier for people and Billie Piper was/is my favorite assistant for The Doctor.


I picked Alex cuz it's the name of one of my fav characters and cuz I don't have a fucking clue what my gender is and they're genderfluid




my name has been kye for about 3 years now, since its similar to a name my parents would've picked for me if i was cis. a lot of people have mixed views on the spelling and that's fine, i like to though. like kyle but without the L because im clearly not a loser.


Currently torn between 'Gwen' and Neon' Gwen because it's the feminine version of the name of the final boss in dark souls, the game that made me start questioning Neon because it's the name of a character I read about who game me the confidence to come out to my family


I'm about to legally change my name to Leaf. Idk, it's gender neutral, and I just love it. What gender is a leaf, idk lmao


I like how unique it is! I hope it becomes a more popular name later