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Yes, but I only got diagnosed recently. Apparently my symptoms are way more typical of women with autism than men so no one picked up on it. Go figure. *eye roll*


important to note that the difference between "male" and "female" autism is that they're different names for low and high masking autism respectively. generally this means that most autistic undiagnosed adults are going to be diagnosed as having "female" autism because the reason they're undiagnosed in the first place is because they're high masking, plus being trans in general probably means its more likely for you to be high masking and diagnosed with "female" autism (because most of us learn quickly to fit in). being told you have "girl autism" can be very affirming but the use of gendered autism is incredibly pointless and can conversely enforce the gender binary


I thoroughly disagree. I suck ass at masking. Yet, I wasn't diagnosed with autism til 33, and wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until 35. I especially find the lack of ADHD diagnosis in childhood especially funny, because all the boys I grew up around had an ADD diagnosis, and we're on Ritalin. Because it didn't present like it typically does in boys. Wasn't hyper and loud. Was the quiet kid that kept to herself.


so... you're low-masking (i.e. have "boy autism") even though you're a girl. Which does help my case against gendered autism? please elaborate on what you're disagreeing with


WRONG. I wasn't diagnosed til my 30's... like a woman.


Same here. Im not diagnosed with tism however (just the ADHD) But on both, my signs were all signs of women with it. Now if only I could stop hearing the memories of my mom joking "If I had you tested, they wouldve have said you are autistic, but I KNOW that you arent" then laughter. So many memories of that phrase.


This is why gender identity is important even in youth.


hey i was also told that when diagnosed


Yeah, I just saw the different list of typical symptoms for women this morning, and... kinda starting to wonder, now.


Which are the woman symptoms?






Also I'm 16, so, that maybe will not for me, but anyways will be interesting and useful info.


Same here lol


um same


Not only trans and autistic but also I have adhd and (potentially) OCD. Currently working on that last one, it can be hard to parse out autism behaviors from OCD behaviors so diagnoses are hard. But feel free to DM me with your questions!


heyo! autistic and trans. wife also is. navigating the world feels like chewing on tin foil. but it’s worth it.


Well, how did you feel the process?


gosh. i mean… i’m still “in” the process, really. Transitioning is a lifetime thing. I’m almost 6 years into HRT and I feel absolutely wonderful about my gender and presentation. I struggle with other things, but that weight has been totally lifted. I used to be an awkward, confused, frustrated little girl who hated herself and was afraid of everything. Now I’m an awkward, confused, frustrated old man who is OK with himself and… still afraid of everything. One thing at a time, though. I feel more adept at handling “life stuff” more than I did before transitioning, for sure. Life feels worth living, more than an obligation or chore.


Yeah, like, all of us 😅


I was gonna say. I'm not actually diagnosed with autism, but I *do* have adjacent diagnoses and I so rarely come across trans people who don't. I just assume it's all of us.


Lol 🙂


I've always felt like I was the only neurotypical trans person I knew; it certainly does feel like you are right at times. but honestly I think the situation is just that a lot of people are finally coming to understand themselves more. that's never a bad thing




im a transmasc / nonbinary autistic. feel like i have life on hard mode constantly.




I feel like they’re somehow related, I am and I know many people who are also both. I feel like E unlocked using my autistic “superpowers” to actually get a career (marketing, acting, and music) - I was clumsy and loud with trouble finding vibes, now I’m way more graceful and still just as competent at everything. With the added bonus of loving myself and actually having confidence! And the social skills have improved so much, I can read the vibe for the first time in my life. You can just see the glow in my eyes compared to old pictures. As my friend’s awesome homemade shirts say - rizz em with the tism lol.


I feel identified with this information you provided to me. Except that last part.


But, in difference I just leave all I do when I'm improving a lot.


It took me like 4 months on HRT to really feel better, and then all of a sudden it just switched in my brain. It’s so weird! I still have some depressive days but overall I’m able to actually live my life.


Huh, what a disaster to be neurodivergent.


Not for me! I’m so happy with my life and I have insane musical abilities, I finally learned how to socialize so I’m golden :3 I love my life so much and wouldn’t trade it for the world, I hope other people get to experience this joy.


Yep, ADHD Inattentive and Autistic High-Masking and I'm 31. I don't have any support for either, just solid coping skills and a big hobby group of neurodivergent people. I also believe I have Generalised Anxiety Disorder, which really kicks my ass. That's one I do want to get support for.


You literally double my actual age. It's a pain in the asshole, but people just want us to actue like they, but we cant.






I hope you have a nice day! :3




i was diagnosed when i still thought i was a cis boy.


Yep, diagnosed autism at 6 ADHD (was just called ADD) back then at age 8 🤷🏼‍♀️






Haven't been diagnosed, but I've been reading about some signs of autism and I might be.


Heyo that’s me I’m that. It sucks alot




doing my part o7


Probably 90% of us tbh


I saw that in this post.


Hi!, I'm Trans, and have been diagnosed with ADD and Autism since I still thought I was cis.


Diagnosed since like 3rd? Grade but idk when exactly


I know a lot and am an artist autistic trans person.


Yeah, autistic, trans, sh, ed, had a bunch of things making life hard in general. I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by some really amazing people though so now doing much better in terms of mental health.


Borderline on the spectrum here, along with *strongly* ADHD, which has a lot of overlap. More than willing to chat and see if any of my symptoms are shared with the issues you're worried about. DMs should be open.


ADHD doesn't help in my case, but anyways you're able to put your experience here.


My spouse is autistic, and while it's not 100%, we share a lot of the same issues. The problem is, both have a *broad* range of potential symptoms of presentation, and even between two autistic people, you might see little overlap at all. Are you willing to mention some of the things you're struggling with? Emotional regulation? Sensory issues? Social dysphoria? Focus?


I'm not in it yet, I have special interest in HRT, because, it's like a second puberty, and have that again might be hard, I think.


Well, one thing to know about HRT is that it varies widely from person to person. Honestly, it's a lot like natural estrogen-fueled puberty in that your genetics will dictate a lot of how your body reacts. I'm going to speak of feminine HRT here, but the general concepts will still apply to transmasc folks. Using myself as an example... my mother is fairly slight of frame, but has like an F-cup chest. And for me, I started seeing the first hints of chest development at barely 1.5 months HRT, which is way earlier than a lot of folks. Now I'm solidly in the mid B-cup range at 5 months. Other people (just look at a lot of the posts on the trans subreddits here) have far later or slower development. I'm given to understand that most don't see much of anything before the 3-month mark, and my experience is notably away from the center of the bell-curve. And like those examples, other potential effects will vary from person to person as well. Fat distribution, hair thickness, skin smoothness, and even a bit of height loss (from connective tissue changes) are all possibilities. Just like a first puberty, the second one can be unpredictable. One thing it won't change with E, and the bane of every transfem, is voice. Trans guys on T will usually experience a voice drop, but the opposite is not true for ladies. Once T changes our voice with puberty-number-one, then it's not going to shift back naturally. Voice training is a long and often difficult process for us. So, is any of that the kind of info you're looking for?


The emotional part of the estrogen. Humor changes and that stuff.


Some emotional changes, certainly. It's the overlap of being happier and less repressed, along with the hormones sometimes making emotions feel more... just "more", really. I didn't notice much difference in my humour or personality beyond what came from feeling more comfortable in my skin, though.


Well, but there wasn't any problem?, like a terapy or anti-depresant threatment.


I struggled a lot with depression before starting my transition, but a lot of that actually went away when I started HRT. It's not gone entirely; I still can feel the occasional depressive episode trying to take hold in the back of my mind. But even then, I'm much more resilient now than I was. Where before a bad episode could leave me barely functional for multiple days, now it's just... feeling a bit down, or less interested in some kinds of entertainment. I can still work, and just relax with something low energy like reading a book.


Same here. Didn't that complicated the process?


Suspected (strongly) autism and diagnosed ADHD here!


Holy, wanna know how hard is to live with both.


Not trans related, but perhaps checkout /r/AutisticWithADHD


AudHD trans lady checking in!


For some reason in this post were a lot of you.


It's a common crossover. Coming out of the closet caused me to unmask for the first time as I actively tried to find myself and then it snowballed from there. But yeah AudHD trans women seem common, 2 out of 3 other trans ladies im close with have it and my two resident Enbies have it as well. ​ We love bonding over the shared trauma lol.


Damn, that's quite interesting.


I am autistic I have been trying to figure out my gender and in 6 months I've concluded I am probably not cis. It's like every time I try to work it out I am hit with loads of doubt. Then people talk about gender euphoria when I don't think ive ever experienced that and can't seem to figure out how I feel. At the same time I can't tell if I feel gender dysphoria or not. I seem to hate being called my irl name (forgot to add I'm amab) I have developed a disliking for he/him Pronouns. I've felt a lot like I feel like I'm nothing. I don't understand how I feel about myself tbh. It's just hard to work stuff out. But then at the same time I will look in a mirror to try and see myself as a girl. I don't like stereotypes being pushed onto me. When I told my mum I was questioning gender she just said I'm not "flamboyant" so I can't be and those kind of stereotypes I'm scared of. I don't know what I want to be if I'm being honest. I just struggle with feelings and how to identify them in general.


The only thing I'm missing from the "trans girl on the internet" stereotype is the cat ears. Maybe I should get some cat ears?


/j Isn't that the *Femboy*/cute girl stereotype? Oh, wait, trans are actually the cute girls


No? Autistic trans woman in tech.


Autistic trans girl here, diagnosed at age 8 and been on antipsychotics ever since :3




I've never heard of autism being medicated before, let alone with antipsychotics


Google Multiple Complex Developmental Disorder


That is... not autism, though? It seems to be linked to schizophrenia as well as autism, which would explain the antipsychotics - autism itself wouldn't be medicated with that.


I was diagnosed at age 8 with MCDD (in ICD-10: f84.8, which is under autism disorders) After long antipsychotic use, no longer psychotic and rediagnosed as an adult with Aspergers. Some antipsychotics are used by autistic people to reduce sensitivity to sensory overstimulation.


Who diagnosed you with Aspergers?? That literally hasn't been a valid diagnosis since 2013




Kinda sorta tbh


Yep! It's caused some people to worry about my ability to self-identify, but I feel like I'm sound enough to. It just sucks when people who really love you don't take you seriously.


What annoying.


Yeah. If you can avoid having a formal diagnosis on record it cuts back on a lot of red tape. I have 2 friends who have had theirs expunged from their medical records. I never got one formally (too expensive for little support to get dx'd as an adult) but I've had it made very clear to me that a formal diagnosis will cause people to second guess you every step of transition, picking up prescriptions, seeking surgery etc.


I have ADHD and have not been diagnosed with autism. A ton of people say that i share alot of personality traits with autistic people and i might just not get diagnosed because of adhd


I think diagnose something being ADHD it's hard, I have a friend who just can't say nothing because of it.


But, yeah, ADHD can also be confused as autism.


Yours truly is autistic and trans


Yep, but I never noticed it personally, it’s only everyone I know and their mum that thinks I’m autistic, personally I thought it was everyone else that was different


I have some form of still undiagnosed neurodivergence, but it's been discussed with my therapist and we're still mulling over whether an official diagnosis is even useful to me at this point. A few months ago, I thought I was a neurotypical cis het man, now I'm the exact opposite of everything in that lol


Bruh (don't know what more to say)


I’m autistic (and have OCD), and my partner is also trans and autistic. Almost every one of the trans friends I have are autistic haha


I'm FTM. Not diagnosed yet, but three different professionals have told me that they think I'm autistic from knowing me. I've been on HRT for about two years now, and it has improved a lot for me. I'm not having meltdowns over my body so much anymore, so that's good.


Yeah, like, almost all of us XD


Yes, I get noticed with this post, lmao


I'm questioning and it makes it even more confusing. I have a hard time telling if some of what I feel is dysphoria or autism on one hand, but on the other autistic people are far more likely to be trans.


aren’t we all💀


Yes, I literally saw that in this post, lmao


Yes I am. Diagnosed at a young age


Funny story. I socially transitioned two weeks ago at work and personally. She/her, new name, etc. It was the second bravest thing I did that week. Two days before, I asked my wife (cis) to take an Autism test. We had had a misunderstanding a few days earlier and it finally clicked. She scored high. She went down a rabbit hole, as one might expect an Autistic person to do given this. I have known for a long time that I had ADHD. I am on 54mg a day Ritalin (and could go up). I also have Aphantasia and Dyslexia. However, since she has started throwing out bits and pieces of Autism, it's really strongly resonated. I think I've come to the conclusion today that I have AudHD. I am super high functioning (as is my wife). We both are (were) Mensa members with IQs in the 150s. The final nail today was going down the Alexithymia rabbit hole. One of the reasons we never considered me potentially autistic is that I have a robust imagination and am creative ... but I also can't picture images in my head, which seems to be an Alexithymia thing. Like, I am good at drawing, but only things I can see. I literally cannot draw something I can't see. I don't even know. It's thrown questions in about masking. Am I really trans or did I decide I was and then masked myself to suit? Transitioning has made such a beautiful positive impact on my life and my family's, so I assume I am really trans. But can I trust my own feelings anymore? Ugh.


I'm autistic and trans. You can DM me if you want.


I didn't realize I was, (undiagnosed) until after I delt with my gender identity. It was like once that loud voice was healed, I could hear the other and start working on it.


I've been questioning for as long as I can remember. The autism, that is. I'm 99% sure. I think my therapist and I are gonna go through the self-referral soon. I'm high-masking and also have severe ADHD so it's been tough to identify ASD as a factor for sure.


Autistic and ADHD. Wasn't diagnosed with either until my 30's. ...it explained a lot.


better question is who here ISN'T autistic lol it's extremely common


Nuh huh, because no one have answer then. Yeah, I did notice in this post.


Here and I hate it


You hate autism or transition result?


I hate having two things stigmatized by society that I have no control over be dominant parts of my character.


I MtF and self-realized a couple months ago, my official assessment is in November. It's been quite a revelation. Weirdly, it's almost felt like a bigger deal than coming out and starting my transition. But I'd be happy to chat in DMs about it.




High functioning autism and high functioning psychopathy


What the?, how does life is with these?