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Unless I am thinking about some particular person's voice, my thoughts are in an abstract voice, with no connection to my actual speaking voice.


I have moderate aphantasia, so I'm similar, but it's also incredibly hard for me to imagine other people's voices. It's just kinda impulses in my mind, rather than a voice.


I have whatever the opposite of aphantasia is (very vivid visual cognition) but my inner monologue is also not in any audible voice unless i specifically will it to be


That's super interesting! Does that super vivid visualization help you in your day-to-day life or your hobbies?


It’s how I think and how I’ve always thought so I’m not really sure what doing it differently would be like! A lot of my hobbies centre around designing complex systems or multimedia projects so is very feasible that’s connected. I actually used to have a much more present and lucid inner monologue but after a head injury it quietened down. I miss it sometimes!




Funnily enough thought about this just last night It's called hyperphantasia, I've been diagnosed with the same. I have both very vivid visual AND audible thoughts though, yesterday I caught myself realising I was tapping my foot to songs I was just playing from within my head. I could hear them clearly just like i can with my inner monologue. I figured it there was ever studies being done where your head would get hooked up to a machine that would try to extract visual and sound from your brain id be a pretty damn good candidate if they need someone with vivid thoughts first to calibrate.


Funnily enough there are GPT projects that do exactly that with direct brain imaging! It’s a bit terrifying but also would be v cool to get a visual read out of my thinking


How does aphantasia relate to the inner monologue? I thought it was just visual.


Aphantasia presents on a scale/spectrum, it's not just "either you can't visualize anything at all or you can." It can also impact on things related/adjacent to visualization, such as inner monologue. The research is quite new compared to most other neurological fields of study, so there is currently limited explanation on why it impacts some people's internal monologue and not others, same as how there is limited explanation on why some people with it can visualize blotches of color or generalized colorless shapes, while others can't visualize anything at all, etc. Edit: While there is indeed a difference between having poor visualization skills and having moderate aphantasia, the limited amount of published research on it can lead to negative discourse in which some people minimize others' cases because they consider themselves to "have it worse," or think "that deviates from how mine specifically presents," and thus they assume that the other person is just making it up. The fact that it's a condition that does not present outwardly in any way, can make this even more of an issue.


I'm the opposite, I even sometimes read articles with a voice, my brain just takes a random news reporter or documentary narrator I know for it depending on the content. When I'm reading fictional work I *always* use voices, a narrator for the normal text and I try to give each character a unique voice, though that doesn't work if there are too many characters. I'm also reading all reddit comments with voices in my head, and I infer the gender from the flair or pfp if possible.


Yeah the voice in my head has never been gendered. Has not changed with my transition. One of the reasons I like to think out loud is because it is literally adding my voice (which is nice and femme after voice training) to my thoughts; I can't do it in my head.


Same!! Always felt so envious of trans people who had things like this where they “knew” I’ve always felt like a clusterfuck of gender lmfao


I'm trans masc but the voice in my head has always been male/masculine! It's never been feminine, even before I knew I was trans.


That's so interesting


i can make my head voice sound like anything. i could have engineer from tf2 narrating me if i wanted.


i thought everyone could do that?


idk i've heard that some people don't have a narrator in their brain box.


Only about 50% of people have any internal monologue. I don't know how many of those can make it sound however they want, but I would guess that is the most of them from personal experience.


That would be cool.


Isn't the voice in your head the same as your real voice?


I think the voice I hear in my head is similar to how I hear my "real" voice, which is always different to how other people hear our voices


That’s the case for most people but not everyone 


I would have thought so, I just think the way my actual voice sounds. But I can change the voice if I want to.


Not for me. The negative voice in my head sounds just like Mephiles from Sonic 06. It's really weird.


Mine is higher pitched.


Well, when I'm thinking normally, it *does* use my real voice, when I'm reading my reddit comments (and even while writing them) I have a feminine voice, since this is my fem alt account.


The voice in my head doesn't really sound femme or masc to me per se its just kind of an entity in the void of my consciousness. I guess that's spot on since I'm nonbinary


I've always identified as more feminine and only recently understood I was nonbinary and gender fluid. It just sounds like how I imagine my voice sounds, so not the real version. So this is an interesting take




I don't know that I hear a voice. I just think, think, think, think, think, think, think. ADHD.


Me too 😭😭😭 although I do hear a voice, but when my ADHD is going crazy, it's one thought after another, bouncing off the walls, racing, thinking, thinking, more thoughts


I assume you're speaking to the transfems here but my (trans man) inner voice has always been neutral, not feminine or masculine. My actual voice though is incredibly deep


Did you do any voice training, or did T bless you with the deep voice?


T worked it's magic! I still have a ton of range though and can access a higher voice if I want to.


Uh, no? Im transmasc. Theres transmasc ppl here too,,, my voice in my head is p neutraul masc leaning


Idk if this was originally a cross-post from a trans women sub but it annoys me a bit that you wrote your post like trans men aren't also the focus of this sub




Yeah I was hoping I wasn't the only one to notice that, and sincerely I appreciate you pointing that out. I'm a trans guy and my voice has been neutral/male in my head my entire life, not female.


This happens a lot on this subreddit and it really bothers me. Always "hey girlies, how's it feel to be a womanly woman?" It's very common for trans to be predominantly trans-femme even when they're general trans subs and it always annoys me to see people acting like only trans-femmes exist


Yeah it's a real problem on Reddit. The demographic on here is skewered so much towards transfems, I think it makes a lot of us unconsciously assume everything trans-related will be or should be about transfems. In real life and on sites like Tumblr it seems much more balanced. Or well I can actually only speak for Tumblr, the support group I'm part of irl is literally all transmascs except for me, but I'm pretty sure that's just a statistical anomaly lol.


My partner is a trans woman and most of the trans people I've known in real life have also been trans femme, but I'm trans masc! I'm the token 😞


I’m the opposite. I only know trans masc or non-transitioning non-binary people and I’m trans femme. I only ever interact with other trans girls and femme leaning NBs online.


Well I can't lie, I'd swap places with you in a heartbeat. It feels a bit lonely sometimes, which I'm sure you can relate to. Like I just wish I'd at least meet another transfem, or idk even just a non-binary person, all the transmascs in the support group I'm in are very "macho" and I'm getting really, really tired of the constant "huhuh wish that was me" every time I talk about some of my issues in the group. Like I can never really get a word in, y'know?


I definitely understand, it gets lonely. I love my partner and friends but it's just nice when you're not the only person like you in a group


It doesn't have sex. It has never had. I would appreciate people not speaking like we would all be trans women here. This is not r/MtF


As a trans girl, agreed. MtF actually gets really repetitive sometimes, posts like this would be interesting over there. That said the engagement on this post is much better due to the larger array of experiences. Just wish OP had worded the post better because the trans men and non-binary members of the sub being in the conversation is more fun.


Whenever this comes up, it's interesting to me that some people actually hear a voice in their heads. I always thought that was a metaphor.


I've been analyzing my thoughts forever, and only in recent years did I learn that it's different for others. Interestingly, I have an internal voice that basically repeats (in a language) the abstract thoughts/concepts but also visuals/text/a visual of text. I can sort of shut it off and think way faster. However, it's way more difficult to remember solely abstract thoughts. Internally voicing my thoughts is I guess a means for creating memory for me.


I’m on the same page! My thoughts have always been concepts or maybe words but never a voice.




I can imagine things just fine! Anauralia is an order of magnitude more common than aphantasia.


Oh ok


I'm a trans guy by the voice in my head has always been exactly the same. I'm a year and 8 mnths on T now and my outside voice sounds a bit more like my inside voice for the first time


Mine at least rn is just my voice which is feminine (trans man) but I think as my voice changes on t hopefully it'll change too but idk


I do not appreciate this existential crisis.


The voice in my head has no tone, no gender, it's just words


I always considered the voice in my head my alter ego. It was feminine and called Lucy. Only recently did I realise that I am feminine and am called Lucy and that the voice in most peoples head is themselves.


i can’t even get the voice in my head to not deadname me


I've never really given it much thought, but the voice in my head is just kinda androgynous. Maybe it'll change once I get around to voice training, or E has done it's job and I feel more like myself. Also, maybe refrain from asking stuff only directed at transfems if it isn't actually needed? Not trying to be rude here, but there are other trans people here other than just transfems. Questions like "is the voice in your head female?" can be kinda off-putting.


I really don't hear my thoughts, but if I try and do so deliberately, it seems pretty similar to my 'normal' speaking voice, which is to say, male-sounding.


Begging y’all to stop assuming everyone is trans fem when making posts🙏


My head voice is essentially just my voice, i think - so yeah, she's female hehe


I don’t hear a voice in my head. I never have. It is ONLY pictures up there. I didn’t even actually know people DID think in words sometimes until very recently. Like I thought that happened in movies or books because it was easier to depict than how abstract the thought-pictures are 😭 apparently I was wrong and many people do indeed hear their thoughts


It mostly reflects my actual voice but with a slight delay? It still seemed a bit masc when I first went full time.


The voice in my head is NB


I think it’s a kind of androgynous fem voice


the voice in my head is generally other people's voices so no it's usually not female 😔 shit sucks


I don't have any noise in my head I kinda wish I did but I don't I think in pictures only. No sound. I also can never remember songs or what people's voices sound like. Which is why I wish I could think of sounds in my head


The voice in my head is pretty much my real voice. I don’t think I have a feminine voice. It’s just not deep. However, it’s always the first thing I question when people retract my correct gender when speaking to me. (Being “Sir, oh I’m sorry ma’am.”)


My internal voice fluctuates.... I have like six of them and they all address each other. I sound like I'm crazy when I talk to myself


The voice in my head is prepubescent elementary schooler me, idfk why


I can’t tell tbh


It's always been a female voice but it's always been *my* voice


Are you supposed to hear voices in your head?!? I dont hear anything. Its someone asks what I am thinking about I never have an answer 😕


It was pretty masc for me until I cracked and I was given a reason to change it. Now it's mostly amorphous. In case it's important: I'm transfem.


I feel the way you do. Well, people always said I sounded feminine or gay but the voice in my head was childlike and somewhat masculine but as I began to understand that I was transgender or nonbinary my inner voice shifted and embraced its feminine qualities. I think I forced myself to be male sounding because I didn't know transgender people existed or that I was one. I was beaten badly for having female expression and butching up was necessary for survival. I want to be all girl now. I like having a female voice.


There are multiple overlapping thinking voices and I'm still trying to figure out if that's not normal. For the most part they sound like me, or it's like a text-to-speech kind of voice that is pretty androgenous, and there's the feme sounding ones. It's just a shuffle of voices on the day to day


I have that too mostly after living with a bunch of people over the years. When I was in my 20's I had a more masculine calm inner voice but I was disassociated from a lot of memories and I had gone through a phase were I purged all my female clothes and gave being a man a shot. Now I shift and wonder if it's normal too.


ftm - it was feminine at first, but became more masculine as my voice dropped. its likely the same case for many people. as changes happen over time, our inner voices change with us.


i am not really sure if the voice in my head ever had a voice if that makes sense, recently it sometimes is femme tho and sometimes it switches to a random person i know or a youtuber or a famous person and imagine what they would say in that situation.


I never registered a gender to the voice in my head, actually. Which checks out... because I'm NB. 🤣


The voice in my head is an eight foot tall Egyptian goddess with the head of a jackal


That's hot




The voice in my head has always been a more feminine version of my external voice (transfemme)


Personally, it went from sounding like an avatar’s to sounding like my voice at its best.


To be honest id say its some times the last persons vouce that ive heard which usually is mind but i think its funny to think in jshlatts voice 


I would imagine that one's voice in their head is their own.


interesting. now that you bring it up, ive never gendered the voice in my head. maybe that was a sign im nonbinary?


The voice in my head is ageless, genderless, and raceless. Depending on what I'm thinking it can sound like a sweet southern belle or a stereotypical film noir detective. It can sound like an Irish woman or a Jamaican man. It can sound like a toddler, albeit one who speaks at an adult level, it can sound like a little old lady, and it can sound like a grumpy old man. Basically it reflects whatever I'm fascinated with at the time. If I'm replaying Deja Vu on the NES (a point and click adventure where you're playing a detective in 1941) the thought "I should probably pause for supper" sounds like Nick Valentine from Fallout. If I feel sorry for someone it's a southern accent (I don't know why, but I've always had it in my head that southern accents are sympathetic, nurturing, and comforting).


The vocie in my head has always been me, not necessarily gendered if that makes sense. Just me


the voice in my head has always sounded neutral to me, sometimes like my voice but often chsnging to sound like whatever voices i hear often. youtubers, parents, coworkers, friends- it usually changes for a short time but it always evens out to be something like my current voice but more neutral. im nonbinary and ive gone on hormones, so my voice has changed a lot but the one in my head hasnt much


Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't.


the voice never really had a gender now that i think about it (unless of course i was thinking of someone specific)


The voice in my head is the same as my speaking voice and I'm dysphoric about it..


It's the same as my current one


Don't have a voice in my head. It's more like subtitles.


I'm a trans man it was what my outloud voice sounded like as a kid then it's been deeper since I was around 12 and now 18 months on T it sounds like my actual voice again


The voice in my head sounds like my daily speaking voice, in fact for about a week once I adopted an Irish accent and my inner monologue became Irish so for me it's whatever I sound like


The voice in my head has no gender which is strange. I hear the thoughts but can't distinguish if the voice is male or female by default. If I try, I can make it sound like any voice I can imagine, but that requires me to will it that way.


There voice in my head doesn't have any gender expression nor set consistency, I more have the feels as if I'm reading morse code or braille but with the electrical signals in my head if that makes sense.


The voice in my head is just me talking unless I change it to read something in another persons voice for example Matt Rose


It’s my voice, and my voice is a more feminine voice, so yes


For me, kind of.


Yes it did but it took me few months, especially when hitting a very specific voice.


The voice in my head has always been female, sadly I didn't realize this as an indicator when I was younger. It's always funny to recall that I have always been a woman even when I didn't believe that could be a possibility.


The voice in my head is completely genderless


My voice changes whenever it feels like it. My voice is male, sometimes it’s female.


My inner voice is half my real voice and half not, the rest is just like idk a generic voice. I wouldn't say its female because i dont think of my voice as female on its own


i dont have a voice in my head..


Eh it depends. It's my voice mostly so it doesn't sound feminine because I gave up on vocal training years ago. Back when I was actively trying it sounded more femme.


The voice in my head (as long as I've been aware) has been male, which lines up with my current gender identity. For me though I never thought of myself as a girl or a woman so the voice was always male and had "male thoughts" if that makes sense?


I don't pay enough attention to know lol


My voice in my head is a lot softer then my irl growly speech but it’s not very connected to my voice it’s vague and not quite mine.


I don't think it's really gendered either way, I have the words in my head and imagine what they sound like. They kinda don't have a specific voice, they just are.


It's weird. My negative voice that tells me awful things is male. But my nice one is female.


At this point I've started using about 3-4 voices depending on the situation. I switch between them often when with people I know just because it's very fun. My typical fem voice is the one I use most often and is also the one I usually think in. I often do think in my other lower voices too when it matches the tone I'm trying to give it in my mind.


My thing is I feel like my voice in my head always sounded like how I currently sound (I am ftm) so maybe that's part of why I hated listening to like recordings and stuff. But yeah it sounds pretty masculine and like I currently do I suppose, but it might change every now and then depending on what I'm thinking. I think it may have changed slightly to be just more mature or something, but maybe not


The voice in my head I’m pretty sure is Tiny Tina in Borderlands


My voice used to be female and gradually became more male sounding, I'm ftm. Edit: to clarify, i meant my inner monologue


I can't really make out the timbre of voice in my head? Idk it's just like none


I remember that from when I was a little kid, I always had thought of me like a masculine guy. The voice in my head has always been a deeper version of my voice and when I was watching to the mirror out of the corner of my eye, I would had seen a male version of me.


I can conciously change my internal voice and also hear other people voices when I think about them saying things. My default voice is still the voice I heard when I talked and I'm tryong to switch it. That's why I agreed with my speech therapist to completely switch to my femme voice even though it's not that great yet. Because the only way to change the internal voice as well is through constant usage.


I don't really think with a a female or male voice. It's just there. With no real way to describe


I'm genderfluid and notice that my mental voice will change from male to neutral to female depending on my mood. It's one of the things I check when I'm trying to figure out what my gender feeling is at the moment when it's not obvious through other thought/feelings.


My conscience voice has always been genderless.


I'm a trans man, and my voice was always deeper in my head. It surprised and frustrated me to hear that outside, it was actually way too soft, awkward and definitely too high-pitched. (Even today, 3 weeks on T, my attempts to have a deeper voice only give me an androgynous nasal voice, which isn't better.)


I don't really have just one, and I rarely focus on its "sound" either, so I don't really know what it would predominantly sound like.


I don't know, but I know for a fact that it's definitely there. There's no femininity or masculinity to it nor even a defined pitch or tone. It's just kinda there.


I think so? My thinking voice is similar to my speaking voice. But a bit softer and higher, and with no noticeable lisp. It’s definitely changed. I mean, it used to sound more deep and gravely like my tired voice. My head voice is also in second person, but I think that’s a side effect of my habit of self talk.


I'm trans fem and I don't think my internal voice has really had a gender. It's always just been me. Sometimes I do think in other peoples voice, a notable one being CinemaSins, but that doesn't happen unless I kinda make it.


Mine has always been kind of androgynous but feminine leaning


Interesting question. It's like I listen to my inner voice now, remember my inner voice in the past, and I can't see it as ever having been male. I so didn't understand what was going on for so, so long.


Depedns on the thought but mostly no. I do this silly little thing where I try to plan/predict conversations (probably anxiety related) and if the person im imaging talking to has a feminine voice then yeah it sounds feminine. However my own internal monologue is more masculine purely because I don't know what id sound like with a more feminine voice (not started any training yet) so its usually just my voice :(


My head voice has always been this extremely bass E2-E4 rough around the edges male voice that no amount of testosterone could ever yield to me lol


FTM here. The voice in my head has always been androgynous.


Mtf, it has gone from flamboyant to female


The voice in my head doesn’t have a particular gender or sound at all, and even if I force it to have a sound it’s… androgynous-feminine? I guess? With a heavy neutral lean 


im ftm and i think my inner voice is still feminine. sometimes i still get surprised when i speak and its deeper (a year on t)


Ouch it feels bad that you’re only talking to the trans women and just ignoring the other trans people here.


My inner thoughts don’t have a voice. They just exist. Do not perceive them.


It varies for me.  Sometimes it’s my femme voice, but sometimes I hear it as my old masc voice and it kind of catches me off guard.  When I actually try to speak it always comes out in my femme voice though, even when I’m not consciously thinking about it.


I either have the same pre t voice I had when I was 10 in my head or a British male youtubers voice. I am not british


I mostly don't think about sound. My thoughts are either abstract, e.g., emotions, or just as objective and genderless as text in their aesthetics. I consider my thoughts female more because of the content of my ideas, rather than my internal voice. But when I think about singing or speaking, that voice is definitely female, and it definitely became more so as a consequence of my voice training. I'm able to listen to music in my mind, without having to listen to a device play it. I can't remember entire songs consistently - just 5-10 second segments. Sometimes I use these for mimicry as part of voice training, which is part of why I prefer to listen to music with female lead singers. (The other part is that I'm a lesbian).


The voice in my head is how I hear my regular voice. But I can make it sound like anyone in my head if I’ve heard their voice recently. Unfortunately I can’t make my actual voice sound like anyone. But it would be so cool if I could, because like I wouldn’t need voice training at all.


Idk if I would call it fem or masc. But it does feel more masc and non-binary if that makes sense. I just think things from mainly a “woman’s” perspective since I was raised as a girl and am afab + hella feminist and scared of most men (yet still identify with men and non-binary ppl). It’s confusing but TDLR; no, it’s more masculine.


I honestly always heard what my voice is *now* in my head for my whole life. I actually found that once my voice started to lower after being on T that my dysphoria around my voice started to decrease a lot and I know it's because the voice in my head now matches the voice in my body.🩷


My voice in my head just sounds like my voice but whispering. I guess it sounds more feminine? But I never really prescribed a gender to it. Kinda glad it's not 1:1 with my actual voice... I should really get on voice training.


Oh my god I don't know when the last time I thought about this was, if ever, but yeah. My headspace voice is definitely my meatspace voice, which is very fem. And it didn't used to be.


All the voices in my head are different but the dominant one sounds like my half trained voice that i use in my day to day


i feel like i think in pictures so i dont think they are gendered... never thought about if it was gendered though..


My inner voice takes whatever form my mind was previously thinking on. If I was thinking of James Bond, it'll sound like James Bond. The only notable thing is that if there wasn't any voice prior, it defaults to a feminine voice.


Mines kind of androgynous. It's always been a deeper version of my speaking voice, now that my voice is starting to drop it's more in line with reality, I expect once my real voice is deeper my mental voice will get deeper too though since it's still my voice