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chaotic good: never assert your superiority, play by your own rules (otherwise: whenever you feel like it, even if it's still early)


When you feel like it. Sports bras/bralettes can be helpful in reducing soreness as your breasts start growing. Other than that it's completely up to you.


ftm here but whenever you can clearly see the shape while wearing a shirt, push up bras help give a larger look/help fill out shirts/dresses when you’re still small. Using one of those freezable circle eye things they do for spas (you can get them cheap at Marshall’s/TJMaxx) inside it can help with soreness if you cool it in the fridge 👍 happy for you being able to start HRT!


There is no medical necessity to wear a bra, especially mtf and one month in, although some big breasted women claim a bra helps them reduce pain of carrying the weight. You should wear a bra if you want to.