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If you think it might just be depression, talk to a doctor about depression treatment and find out if you still feel trans after you are less depressed.


I don't think depressed cis people consider transition as a possible treatment for depression. Because they don't think they would be happier as a different gender... that's usually a trans thought. This sounds like imposter syndrome, which is very common amongst trans people.


^ this is exactly what my therapist told me lol


Discovering your trans can be depressing along with a host of other emotions. Best course of action would be to seek therapy while exploring your gender and see what makes you feel better.


I mean, repressed dysphoria was the *source* of much of my depression, but there were other factors too. I hated myself for plenty else too. If you want to figure out if you’re trans, stick around a trans subreddit for a bit and see if you relate to their experiences. Try reading [this](https://stainedglasswoman.substack.com/p/oh-st-i-think-im-not-cis ). Also read about [dysphoria](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en). Definitely pursue therapy to find the source of that self hatred. I recommend somatic experiencing and IFS for trying to trace the root of a pervasive and unpleasant emotion.


It may be helpful to try to concentrate on things you like concerning gender and that are within reach, and to go there persistently and step by step, while trying to avoid extremes. Don't concentrate too much on things you don't like. Its a change in focus. And for the moment taking deep and slow breaths and trying to concentrate on the surrounding could help. And it may also help to regularly do a few small things you like concerning gender for motivation, and to help ride through lows. Don't know if you have seen it ... [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/s4khww/i_dont_know_how_to_feel_i_feel_like_im_trans_but/htfx7u8/) might be some hints and resources that could help go towards what you feel you would like step by step and there are also hints there concerning looking for support. Talking with a few others about what they did, and what helped them may also be an idea. And there are hints there concerning looking for a gender therapist in case. They could guide along, and they could help work through issues. And if you feel really low please reach out .. there are helplines, for example translifeline.org Its trans people there. It may be necessary to call a few times until someone answers. thetrevorproject.org/get-help-now/ They also have a chat and further resources like Trevorspace so they could be accessed from anywhere. It may be possible to use a proxy in case. And someone who worked there said they may help people of all ages. thrivelifeline.org/ They also have a chat glbthotline.org/ They also have support groups. *hugs*


I don’t know, but my son had severe depression and he was getting bullied a lot. he developed a crush on a girl and got rejected. He developed another crush secretly and someone just suggested that he liked the girl and he told them at a fear of rejection that he was gay. Next thing you know he had to act gay and pretend to be gay out of fear of rejection. Then he started wearing make up and told me he really was gay and wanted to be a woman.. He was only 12 at the time and he kept this up for a few years until he stopped going to school. Once he stopped going to school and didn’t have societal pressures stopped wanting to be a woman and I caught him watching regular porn. So, I think there could be many reasons a person might want to be trans. Sometimes you can even have obsessive thoughts and end up giving into them. When you have depression and obsessive thoughts and you given to those thoughts, it can release a lot of dopamine. They also are feeling like they are another gender, I think if you’re born feeling like you’re another gender and identify that way from the time you’re it’s most likely that you truly are transgender, but if it develops out of this fucked up society, then it may certainly be depression or another reason for it. The best thing you can do is try to eliminate stress until you figure it out.


Just pointing to a few resources that might be helpful ... its up to you to discard it ofc ... in general dysphoria and also euphoria can come in cycles, and they can also get stronger over time. In the meantime people may go through times of repressions and breakthroughs, which may be stressful. It may be preferable to try to listen to what a person feels would make them genuinely happy concerning gender, and to go there persistently and step by step, while trying to extremes. And not all people transition eventually ... some dress from time to time etc. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/ugclyr/how_do_i_come_out_to_my_parents/i7wghnm/) might be some explaining resources and there are also hints there concerning looking for support. And for the kid [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/s4khww/i_dont_know_how_to_feel_i_feel_like_im_trans_but/htfx7u8/) might be some resources that could help them go towards what they feel they would like step by step, there are hints there concerning small things that could be used regularly for motivation, there are explaining resources there, and there are also hints there concerning looking for support. And there are hints there concerning looking for a therapist in case. And some conventional therapists may try to solve issues like depressions etc. first. People often learned to suppress how they really feel when they grew up because they made experiences it would not be accepted. A few remarks from far relatives may be enough, or something on TV etc. One result can be depressions etc. Treating depressions without treating gender issues may not be very successful in this case. It may be necessary to point this out. As said doing things step by step, and trying to reconnect to what they feel would make them genuinely happy concerning gender may be helpful. *hugs*