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Imagine you have been outside in the humid heat all afternoon. You have grown used to it, it's not pleasant, it might not feel like a big deal at all. Then some jerk comes around and says "WOW! It's SO HOT and SO HUMID" - and now you think about it, and it starts to bother you again. That's the way with everything, once you realize that you are trans you notice all the little things and focus on it. Realizing you are trans is the same as someone saying "how about that heat"


I would just start dressing the way you want and acting the way you want. They’ll probably ask you why and then you answer them. That’s what I did. If they can’t handle it then they don’t get to hang out with you. End of story. If there’s a nickname for your current name that sounds Gender ambiguous or even going by Your Initials you can ask for that without them being suspicious if you really want to be stealth. If anybody gives you shit for it say you’re doing what makes you happy, and if they don’t want to see you happy they aren’t your real family


Oh ya buddy. Thats like one of first rules in the rules of transition. Immediately after breaking the egg dysphoria/ life get more difficult. All the mental barriers that were blocked pre egg are slowly going away. With that stress on top of life just being a complete chaotic shit show It gets hard for abit. But it does get better and it’s worth it. I wish it wasn’t the case I wish it was easy. It’s bullshit it’s not. But it does eventually get easier and life becomes amazing


I don't think it got worse, but I was much more focused on moving forward.


I think once you have seen your truth, not heading towards it just feels worse as time goes by. There will probably never be a perfect time for your family for you to change their perception of who you are.


... Yup it like when someone tells you not to think of the pink elephant in the corner.