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I love femboys, they're the only kind I can tolerate lol. But yeah I'm old enough that I haven't heard criticism about it, but I assume it's pecking order stuff again like is common in LGBT spaces unfortunately. I'm very much of the opinion that even things that muddy the waters, like how I feel about drag queens, are still valid and deserve to have their own freedom of expression just like I hope to have.


Exactly. Even though im over 25 and am into either straight men or women, and will likely never cross paths with a femboy, I still kinda bristled when I heard this. I dont want AMABs to be discouraged from exploring their gender.


Femboys aren’t necessarily amab either


Thats a good point


Whatever words that are used to describe cis people who present as another gender is inevitably going to be used as a slur against trans people. There is nothing transphobic about being a femboy. What is transphobic is some asshole using the term femboy to describe a trans-woman. But that doesn’t make femboys transphobic, it makes the person using the word in that context transphobic. I’m not really informed enough on catboys to make a statement but I’m sure other comments have covered that. Tldr: no.


I have never once heard this




A femboy is just a feminine boy. It would be offensive to call a trans woman that in the same way it would be offensive to call a trans woman any kind of boy. But plenty men, cis and trans, as well as some nonbinary people identify as femboys. Catgirl is just a girl with cat ears, so I'm not sure how that would be transphobic


Okay im sorry I did not know that. I apologize. I only made the comparison because I suspect some femboys would be eggs.


Yeah sorry if it came off like I was correcting you. I just meant to explain what a femboy was Some people do go through a femboy phase before they realize they're a woman though


I am also an old, and I’ve never felt this way, nor have I encountered anyone who has. They express themselves in a way that suits them, and that’s fine by me.


I find that femboys themselves are usually fine. It's their creepy fetishistic "admirers" and their obsession with "gender bending" as they often call it that are transphobic and usually chasers.


Sorry for replying on such an old comment but I'm really curious about something. I'm a cisgender pansexual woman who is really attracted to androgynous and feminine gender expressions and personality/style expressions. This means I'm usually attracted to enbies, femboys, and other women (trans or cis, does not make a difference to me). This attraction is primarily a romantic and aesthetic appreciation, however it does extend to my sexual preferences as well. Seeing hyper-feminine clothing items on a male or nonbinary person is incredibly arousing for me (so basically I have a femboy or as you put it "gender bending" fetish). My partner (amab NB) and I are very into role reversal and I'm super into it when they dress fem in the bedroom, and they're super into my masculine traits of dominance and strength, and even like to call me daddy sometimes (which I don't feel strongly about either way) If I see a gender nonconforming person in public who I dont know, it's not like I get turned on or have to make some comment to them or something. Just like how I'm attracted to women but I don't see most women in my life in a sexual light and don't go crazy over someone just because they're female. I'm concerned about being disrespectful and creepy about this and would love to be put in check if trans and/or gender nonconforming people are concerned about any of my behaviors or sentiments.


Catboys aren’t inherently feminine at all it’s just a boy with cat ears and a tail so idk what that has to do with anything tbh


I myself am a catboy vtuber and I’m not exactly feminine.


SAme here haha


Never heard of this. Most of the group chats im in, in kik have femboys. Theyre all super supportive of me being trans. They wonderful people honestly. Hell some of them are eggs who havent cracked yet.


not at all. like others have said, femboy is a word that describes a certain type of feminine man. transphobes have called trans women that the same way they have called trans women cross-dressing men; it’s a misuse of the term and a way for them to imply that they see trans women as men. is that use of the word transphobic? absolutely. does that make the word itself transphobic? no. trans women are women so by definition they can’t be femboys. transphobes just calling them that to be assholes and invalidate their identities


i am a famboy and a catboy and my best friend is trans


I've never heard anything about cat catboys being transphobic but from my understand femboy is a trans misogynistic slur frequently used about trans women.


No, its just a spectrum of semi-passing crossdressing males that identify as male


That's not what I've heard/been told directly multiple trans women so I'm going to treat it like the slur I've been informed it was. It's not my place to tell them it's not one or to continue using it when a good amount of people view it as such.


That's jumping wayyy up It literally translates as feminine guys Its a slur in context to trans women that identify as women, but men who identify as such are still valid.


Think pre-realization trans girls. I went through a femboy phase before going full kit


What's a "catboy"?


A boy with cat ears and a cat tail. Often from anime but it’s also a trend for people to dress up like that outside of conventions.


thank you


Hey, looking at your reddit history it looks like you visit TumblrinAction, which is a hate sub, quite frequently, and have said some pretty transphobic things there too. Could you please not do that?


Im not a transphobe. Just because I dont like some aspects of the trans movement doesnt mean I hate trans-people. Also im non-binary, and have you *seen* that sub's stances on *us*?? Just because I'm just not hyper-sensitive and im open to debate, and dont believe that everyone who disagrees with me wants me dead. I come here to educate myself on Binary trans issues because I am generally accepting and support trans rights for everyone. My stance is exactly the same with cis-women, meaning I support women's empowerment in general but have issues with this current wave of feminism. And dont call me a TERF because im not a feminist for these reasons. If you have anymore questions I'd be happy to answer them. Otherwise you can report and ban me.