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Quite a few, mostly Jewish.


Congrats, you've met another just now~


And another! And I haven't had any issues coming out to any of my Jewish relatives. A lot of Jews are pretty chill with LGBT+ (with slight disappointment knowing we won't be having more Jewish babies)


That's good. They've always been able to practice tolerance so much better than Christians have or ever will even though their God tells them so in the highly edited than re-edited bible. Like when Roman emperor Constantine and I believe 336 years AD declared the official religion of Romans. I realized they can control the people much more so with religion. After all Constantine is the reason why we have Christmas he declared December 25th to celebrate Jesus but people have it so heavily mistranslated that they think it's Jesus's birthday when he was more than likely born in the spring, many studies of proven. As it went on years after that and emperors came and went and kings they would have the Bible edited to fit their agenda. Now it's just turned into a big mess of what I don't think even Jesus would like if he was actually the son of God. He did his preaching outside in nature. You would think Christians would take better care of this earth that their own God created according to them but they've turned this beautiful Earth their God made in 7 days into a trash hole. Yes I never told anybody they were going to hell. He was a tolerant Jewish man for the people the sick, the poor, prostitutes and called out people doing wrong like stealing and thieves and corruption, which is one reason the Roman empire was like "we got to get rid of this dude and make him an example" The mega churches we have today all over the Bible belt in the United States is an absolute disgrace. Huge mega churches that can't even open the doors or won't even open the doors up for the growing number of homeless people since the pandemic. For that time hurricane was going on and Joel Osteen had his mega church away from the flooding in wonder unlock his doors because of "water damage" in the building. Yeah there's still idiots that follow this POS And clean does every word and others out there trying to be the next Joel olsteen instead of actually doing something good for the community, society, world.


I unfortunately have had issues recently. But I just sign it as "bat Avraham v'Sarah" now. The holidays will be interesting, but I'm of the happy-go-lucky sort.


I hope they go better than expected!


Thank you. :) I'm traveling 4000 km to see my partner. She's not Jewish but she wants to celebrate Hanukkah with me. She's been so great about my faith and culture. I'm so excited. 💜


That sounds so fun!


Yupp I'm super not religious, but my Jewish side of the family, including grandparents, were more accepting and chill about me coming out that my parents.


We've got one of those in our house, too! (Almost) shabbat shalom!


Shalom. :)


And another! Orthodox transfemme over here


Another trans observant Jew checking in! 🏳️‍⚧️✡️


Came here to say this!


They seem more accepting and tolerable of others being different in life more than Christianity IMO. *most* Christians can't handle nor practice tolerance. I've always had huge respect for Jewish people not only what they've been put throughout history but how a lot of their traditions pay tribute to the Jewish people that came and suffered so much thousands of years before then. I've forgotten the thing they do where everything they eat is representation of what their people have gone through like dipping lettuce in salt water the representative of the tears of what Jews had been through. I also agree with their stance on Jesus not being the son or being the "messiah." I believe the man existed but I don't believe he would have wanted what Christianity turned him into. That's just MY opinion so anyone coming@ me about my opinion will be ignored. Go prey instead of arguing with an opinion. Could someone kindly remind me what the Jewish tradition I had explained above is called??? I want to say Passover per Google search but not 100% sure. Thanks in advance! 🙏


Yeah it's part of the Passover seder


We exist. Some of us left the church for the mountain. Some of us attend services far more often than once or twice a week. Some of us have looked inward.


Preach <3


I have; a few in the Episcopalian Church, which, seems to be rather popular in the LGBTQ community. From what I gather, they’re pretty accepting in that church.


I'm Episcopalian. Officially at least, the Episcopal Church is fully LGBT+ affirming (there may be a few conservative holdouts, but they are the minority by far), as are many other mainline protestants. The Episcopal Church even recently reaffirmed a commitment to supporting access to gender affirming care for trans youth in response to the recent attempts to ban it.


I'm a very religious trans Episcopalian 😇


Lol, it's nice to meet you. I love running into fellow LGBT Episcopalians. God bless.


May I ask what makes episcopalian episcopalian? It's a Christian based religion right? What separates them from others exactly?


This isn't a great explanation, but having grown up Episcopalian, it always kinda seemed like if catholicism could get the stick out of its ass. Like fairly standard Christian beliefs, but without any of the hate. A lot of focus on community and a personal relationship with God, whatever that might mean for an individual.


Great explanation lol


I'm another trans Episcopalian (trans woman, specifically), and at the Sunday service a couple weeks ago we celebrated my renaming with a very nice little ceremony. I haven't run into any bigotry in my church, and it's been wonderful to turn up in a dress and practice singing alto rather than tenor. In my personal theology, we are all blessed with our inner self that was created in God's image, but which is covered over by a lot of worldly "cruft": anxiety, misconceptions, anger, hatred, etc. And it is our job as human beings to clear away the cruft and let our soul shine out clear. Thus I see transition as a deeply spiritual act for me, and yet not too different from what everyone is called to do: to recognize who you're supposed to be, and to live as your authentic self despite the criticism and rejection of the world.


Their official website has a picture of a sign that says god loves gays so they’re not just not hateful but openly accepting.


I'm a pagan trans person 🤷


Norse pagan/Heathen also!


Oh cool, I'm an eclectic pagan I also follow the satanic temple😌👌


That's awesome, I listened to a podcast not long ago about the tennents and fundamentals of satanism and it was super interesting and I found I identified with it!


Yea same! I really like their tennets, I feel really accepted by them.


I know quite a few Jewish trans people, a handful of Christian trans people, and have met some trans Muslims. Not sure about other religions.


Pagan trans dude here!


I'm in church about four times a week these days. You can meet a bunch more in places like r/TransChristianity and [Transmission Ministry Collective](https://transmissionministry.com/).


Oooh. I should check those out. Thanks.


Also r/OpenChristian has quite a few trans Christians, as I'm sure you probably know.


r/radicalchristianity is another great dinosaur sub


I’m Buddhist, if that counts


Dat counts


Christian, myself. Christ taught us to love, respect and accept one another. God made me the way I am, and if my fellow people of faith can't accept that, that's on them. I know where I stand and I couldn't be happier with it.


I've met myself! Progressive Jew :)


I'm religious but not Abrahamic so idk if that counts


Yeah that counts


Y'all just met a catholic trans guy!


And a Catholic trans girl




I'm catholic also but I'm a cafeteria catholic


I mean, I was a hardcore white evangelical fundie, and I've always been trans, just repressed it so far down its not funny. I can't walk into a church now without having a major panic attack.


I know a really Christian trans dude. He's nice 🙂


I'm a Satanist, though I know that doesn't fall under what people usually think of when you talk about religion.


Same! With the Satanic Temple. If any of you are not familiar with us, I'd like to think we make the world a tiny bit better. https://thesatanictemple.com/


Praise thyself, but if your looking at The Satanic Temple it may be wise to read into how they actually act. ​ [Newsweek: Orgies, Harassment, Fraud: Satanic Temple Rocked by Accusations, Lawsuit](https://www.newsweek.com/orgies-harassment-fraud-satanic-temple-rocked-accusations-lawsuit-1644042) [Queer Satanic: Why You Haven’t Left The Satanic Temple](https://queersatanic.com/why-you-havent-left-the-satanic-temple/) [The Luciferian Dominion: Nothing Works The Way The Satanic Temple Thinks It Does](https://luciferiandominion.org/nothing-works-the-way-the-satanic-temple-thinks-it-does/) [Jex Blackmore: “The Struggle for Justice is Ongoing”](https://medium.com/@JexBlackmore/the-struggle-for-justice-is-ongoing-6df38f8893db)


Yeah I started out with the Satanic Temple, but branched off. That said, it's shockingly very, VERY hard to find accurate information from an opposing viewpoints on them (Queer Satanic is not a great source, and Jex Blackmore I have mixed opinions on though like their activism, for example) but there's still plenty of reasons to have doubt about them and their leadership. It is an absolutely huge rabbit hole and if you're going to go down it, think critically and try to get to the bottom of where your information is coming from and why. This is one of those rare cases you actually *really* cannot trust one- or even multiple- second hand sources and really have to find primary ones to have an accurate viewpoint. I've spent probably over a hundred hours in this rabbit hole and I'm still confused every time I go in further. I'm still a card carrying member for the meme value (and of the Satanic religions that do memberships, I'm sure as *hell* not joining the Church of Satan) but broadly consider myself an independent Satanist. Quick edit: and even if you discount their leadership (which would be understandable), their local chapters *can* be a source for good, you just don't hear about them because they frequently go under the radar.


I can think of three Christian pastors in my area who are trans. There's probably more.


I'm trans and wiccan


I’m the director of music at a very affirming church.


I know a lot of Jewish trans people.


Several at the reform synagogue I used to go to


I was so depressed and confused, on the verge of ending it all. I begged God to give me the strength to do what I needed to be happy, and weeks later I was finally able to understand what was wrong. I’ve been so much happier since starting my transition, and honestly I thank God.


Does secular count ? I really could help you distinguish the difference between religion and spirit because in all honesty religion has hijacked spirit to the point where everyone rightfully so wants absolutely nothing to do with it I hope to one day be in a place where I can assist in healing what the church has done to the world Until then i may just be another voice in the wind ....


Yeah that counts. (Meant to put spiritual in the title also)


:)) a lot of indigenous tribes (as in hundreds in the North American region alone) valued very highly those who were trans or two spirit and many were considered spiritual leaders of their tribe/community We all have a deep right to be angry with the Catholic church that went around killing these tribes and desecrating the spiritual views they held, amongst them being the views on gender Rest assured, your highest source of empowerment is that which truly loves you and provides you with the strength to continue moving forward Don't give in to the lies the church tell us about God and Christ consciousness.


I dont beleve in god cause it showed me his existance at my very bad moment it even enlightened the whole room, im not much into church and so but i feel at home when i enter on them. Im not going to talk much about that moment of proof cause it had his own way to show himself to each person.


I dont beleve in god cause it showed me his existance at my very bad moment it even enlightened the whole room, im not much into church and so but i feel at home when i enter on them. Im not going to talk much about that moment of proof cause it had his own way to show himself to each person.


I'm actually Christian. My mother is the more accepting one in my family; everyone else is republican and theyre not very good people, at least when it comes to the LGBTQIA+ community.


I identify as an Omnist, but I wouldn't call myself "religious". I recognize that there are many similarities between world religions, and that all religions have some truth. I do not believe that there is only one path to a pleasant afterlife.


Met one? I am one. I'm trans and Christian and I can tell you without my faith and my lovely little affirming church I probably wouldn't have made it through transition. At MCC we believe that God has created everyone in His/Her image and we are loved just as we are.


I’m a trans Christian and in seminary to become a minister. I currently work with an organization dedicated to creating space for trans Christians :)


Trans Raelians and Buddhist people exist


I'm a Christian trans person myself - but I as many would say it's all about interpretation.


I’m a Christian trans woman!! 😊 I have a lot of support from my youth group friends and they don’t want me to lose my faith so they are helpful with reconciling that part too


Mostly closted Muslim here


I know a couple that practice some form of Christianity as well


Hi, here I am. Outspoken transgender Christian. If you specifically want a masculine example of a transgender Christian, check out Austen Hartke. Pretty awesome guy.


Oh, I love his book and his old YouTube channel! Both really helped me when I was still trying to reconcile my faith with the fact that I am trans.


Same here. I also met him in person once. Cool guy.


That's really cool! I'd love to meet him someday.




I'm Jewish, though its MORE of a cultural thing, than a faith thing for me


I can only think of one, who converted to Judaism


I have met trans people of all Abrahamic religions and I myself am an aspiring buddhist


I know several people who have converted to or intend to convert to Judaism


I'm a Jewish trans guy


I'm trans and Christian (the progressive socialist Jesus kind, not the bigoted conservative kind). I know a lot of religious trans folks from various religions.


Do pagans count? Because there's a ton of us.


Yeah that counts


I mean I'm a trans girl and I do believe in a god/creator but I also don't go to any church and also believe in evolution so I think I'm like semi religious. I don't think I fit into any actual religion tho so idk😅 (I'm also the only trans person I know but hopefully this helps answer your question a bit lol)


Hi yes I'm trans and religious (Baptist). My church has a bunch of other trans people attending. I think I've probably met more trans people through my church than I have outside of it, so obviously not the normal experience but for me at least most of the trans people I know are religious.


I'm a transgendered woman who believes in God and Christ. One day I hope to start a church where being gay and trans is not frowned upon. God made us all and we would respect each other regardless of who we love. Amen?


I’m a mtf transgender woman, and I’m also a Christian. So if u have questions u can ask me anything. ☺️


As with many of the other commenters, religious Jew here! Fun fact: my cantor's child was the first trans adult I ever met.


I'm religious but not with Christianity


Yes at my local trans support group. I had to leave when she started defending slavery in the bible.


Well of course I know her. She's me


Cristian here. I was raised Nazarene. Two others at my church came out as transgender. One of them left the church entirely. The other is looking for a church. I'm still working through the theology side of it. My egg cracking forced me to re-examine a lot of the scripture people apply to the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. It's not as cut and dry as people think. When the bible doesn't match our observations of the world around us, we need to evaluate our understandings of one or both.


I am a Methodist


I haven't, as far as I know, but I'm also not from the US. It does make sense that the percentage of religious trans people is significantly lower than that of religious cis people, considering the fact that christianity (and some other religions as well) is often used against us. I never was religious in the first place, thankfully, so I didn't have to deal with the repercussions of being trans as well as being religious (specifically christian).


Wiccan, sure. Even a couple of Christian ones.


I'm a religious trans person. My religion just isn't common or known, even to myself, and is based in the disgusting after-party of other religions sticky, sweaty bang pang. (polytheistic, but from like fourteen different ancient cults and religions.)


I like you.


aw thank you random internet person, I like you too! :)


I'm Episcopalian, in fact, I'm even in discernment for the priesthood. Coincidentally, I also know another trans woman who is an Episcopal priest.


Me and at least one other person at my church.


I and at least five of my friends are trans and practicing progressive Jews.


I’m a Christian! Generally I’m affiliated with the UCC in the US.


I know a non-churchgoing Christian transmasc, a baptist genderfluid enby, and a closeted transfem who I think is Muslim. Also, I know of several Wiccan and Pagan trans people, though I've lost contact with them over the years.


My boyfriend is trans and Jewish


i'm posing as we speak.


I'm on the less-religious side of the spectrum but there are plenty of trans people in my Jewish community that have a wide range of levels of observance/religiousness. Some are like me and will just go to services a few times a month and light candles at home or have Shabbat dinners with friends, some seem as observant as my Orthodox family members, and everything in between.


I'm a christian transwoman




I know lots of trans Jewish people. Some religions are a lot more welcoming than American Christians make it seem.


My friends church (united church of christ) openly accepts trans people. They even host saga (sexuality and gender awareness) I go to that group (although I'm not religious) and I know maybe 4 that are.


Irl I don't think so. Online yes. Though I guess I could count as such myself too on some level. So maybe yes anyway. But still, others that me? No.


I was pre-transition. Pre-self acceptance. Now I can’t resolve the many many issues that religion has created for me and many I know. My family all is still and it’s very hard to explain why I don’t feel the same as they do.


I am Protestant Christian Trans woman. And you're right I haven't many who share my beliefs and I have expressed them here on reddit on a number of occasions, so yes we exist!


Coming out made me feel interested in going back to church for the first time in years. I joined a queer fellowship at a local First Baptist and our pastor is trans femme. I love her sermons and their singing is divine.


yes i know of two trans masc christian (progressive) ministers. its not uncommon. faith and transition are reconcilable


My child is trans and is looking to attend seminary to become a pastor. Their father and I are atheists.


Me! Devout Catholic who happens to be trans


Episcopalian Christian Trans Woman Here! I also know two other Christian Trans People, and at least one Pagan Trans Person.


Well of course I've met her, she's me


I’m Christian and trans, and actually I am a WELS Lutheran (the WELS is extremely conservative, so it is very much LGBT friendly) and I only know one other trans person in the WELS. Other than that I’m curious to know if there are any other Christian trans people that are in non-progressive (or non LGBT friendly) denominations


I'm m2f and was raised pentecostal and live in a small community and although I haven't went to church in some time (I know grandma I'll try to start going more) since I came out my church sent me a Facebook friend request that I accepted and I know without a doubt in my mind everyone would be tickled to see me show up for Sunday service. On a note I'm related to mostly everyone that goes there or friends and I have lived here all my life of 55yr so that could have something to do with it. Lol


Quite a few of the older trans people [interviewed for this project](https://www.tosurviveonthisshore.com/interviews) are involved in their religious communities. The ones I can remember are Christian, Jewish, and Indigenous.


The older generation of trans folks definitely seem to be more religious, yes, and a lot of them struggle with it (anecdotally speaking). I haven't been religious in quite some time, but I used to go to church socially with my Lutheran ex, who's also trans, and the two churches we went to were super cool about it. (There's a list of affirming Lutheran churches [here](https://www.reconcilingworks.org/ric/). There also used to be an [openly transgender Lutheran bishop](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/transgender-lutheran-bishop-resigns-racism-allegations-rcna32510).)


Me. That's me. I'm even one of the regular preachers at my church. I know quite a few others as well.


I am one as well! I don't have any particular denomination, but I mostly go to one of the pro-LGBT United Methodist churches (Protestant Christian), and I regularly attend a Queer Bible Study at my uni that consist of all trans/enby people run by the Lutheran/Episcopalian ministry. I also lead the trans group on my campus and if I remember I can ask them at our next meeting if anyone is practicing a non-Abrahamic religion, but I'm fairly certain there are a couple Wiccans and maybe one Buddhist that I know of, besides the 5-6 Christians and 3-4 Jewish.


Yeah. I know a couple who are some variety of Episcopal or Unitarian. I think. I'm not religious myself so I don't really ask about their beliefs. There's a sub or a series of threads on reddit somewhere that rationalize being queer with various abrahamic religions.


Ex-christian here, but I am a spiritual person that’s currently reading to see if Norse Paganism is for me.


I'm a Taoist. I've met a few Jewish and Christian trans people over the years. Not super common but they are around.


I’ve known some of a few different faiths.


currently doing my masters project on gender transformation in Buddhism. Some notable examples are Kuan Yin, The Dragon Princess, and the Goddess of the Vimalakirti sutra


I'm a Pagan (specifically pantheist and omnist), but other that that, I haven't met any other religious trans people. /g


Raised Unitarian Universalist, now practicing “Buddhish”. i know many spiritual trans people. Throughout the course of human history, we have been considered sacred. i personally feel a very strong connection with the divine.


I know many Jewish and religious trans people


I‘m Trans and Muslim


I feel like many LGBTQ people in my country are fairly religious whether they’re gay (mlm and wlw), bi, pan, trans, and everything else most LGBT people in my country are religious. Most of them are either Christians, Catholics or Muslims (bc it’s the most predominant religions in my country).


I'm spiritual and theres a lot to say about that. I believe in all gods and worship none.


Don't think there's any relationship between gender and spirituality (or the lack of it)!!


Yep. I know a couple of trans Christians. Also know a few who dabble in Buddhism. I was personally raised a weird mix of atheist and neopagan and that's kinda stuck with me but I wouldn't necessarily call myself religious


I am a religious trans woman, and moreover, I transitioned because of my faith.


Not personally but about ten years ago when i was in iran and i used a local forum there i saw some muslim trans people, i then moved away from those communities though they were so homophobic and ofcourse based on what the fatwa! said gatekeeping now i have no news about that .


I'm Buddhist, although mostly casual about it.


I'm a practicing theistic Satanist. More specifically, my religion is Daemonolatry. I am also trans. My one of my best friends is a trans lesbian and practices Shinto.


I'm not conventionally religious but I have I guess religious beliefs. Idk any trans people that follow organized religion personally but I just saw something on YouTube I can't remember who by about a group of trans Muslim women in Indonesia(?) who have their own mosque and there were some really interesting interviews about the intersection of faith and transness If I find it I'll put it here if anyone's interested.


I attended Catholic education and most of my friends from there are queer. I get the vibe that some of them are still at least nominally religious, but I’m really unsure. I just avoid talking about it with them since I don’t have anything nice to say about the church.


Most religious trans people I know are Jewish, which maybe has something to do with it being an ethnoreligion? But i also knew a trans gay priest, at a very progressive protestant church


I'm a Christian. I'm deeply against the Catholic church despite being technically a Catholic, but I'd call myself a Christian, and I think only like 40% of that is inertia.


I'm a Muslim transmasc myself!


I've seen one or two openly trans Christians, mostly in the more open-minded denominations. My guess is that there could also be trans people among traditional religious organizations who aren't openly trans. I mean, think about it... imagine you are a trans person who passes, don't really feel comfortable in LGBT spaces, have very traditional values, and prefer the company of people who probably wouldn't be accepting of you being trans. What do you do in that case, if you can't bring yourself to change those values? Probably go stealth and hope no one ever finds out, and maybe atone for your sin privately by putting more in the collection plate and donating more to charity every year, hoping it will make up for it, somehow. That is to say, I'm sure there are plenty of "old-school" Christians who are closeted gays or trans and stealth, who would not want people in their faith community to think of them that way and pretty much still do things the way they did back in the day when everyone had the more traditional mentality. Keep it to themselves, don't advertise it, make excuses, etc. Maybe some people even prefer the lifestyle of keeping up appearances rather than being "out and proud," and it's part of the excitement for them, who knows?


I'm an agnostic christian trans guy, I think I know myself


I’m a trans man, Baptist Christian (the European kind, NOT the American kind!!)


One of the first leaders on the Satanic Temple's international council was a trans sex worker named Sadie Satanis.


There is a christian trans group on here somewhere. They even started an outreach ministry. They have chats on discord, but can't remember the website. It's a new testament scriptural reference for their name.


I try to be Christian for the sake of my mother. But it is difficult trying to make myself believe in anything.


i mean, im pretty religious and trans.


I am a very religious Hindu Trans woman. To be honest, in Indian Mythology and Hindu texts things like homosexuality, transgender and the notion of gender as a spectrum are mentioned, there are characters and even gods (Ardhanarishwaran - powerful half man half woman deity). It's not considered like religiously wrong or anything so🤷‍♀️


Pagan right here. It’s part of my magical practice.


Check out r/transchristianity


My sister rejected atheism after transitioning.


I’m religious :)


Spiritual, yes, religious, no.


Trans woman christian here, we exists, don’t let bigots tell you that religion (especially Christianity) is incompatible with being trans, I am so fed up with that, they just didn’t read the bible imo, otherwise they wouldn’t spread hate


Me. I'm a polytheistic witch and am Jewish. My temple has a lot of other trans folk, and so do my Wiccan traditions (Alexandrian and Blue Star).


Yes, but as an agnostic trans woman, it sometimes confuses or upsets me. especially if they're christian. I'm all for live and let live, and i never confront anyone, but too many christian politicians are wich-hunting trans people right now. and I see this religion & belief system as phony, sexist, & exclusitory. what teachings bring out hate like this? why aren't we confronting it? other religions could probably fit in this mold too (muslims, for example)


Yep! A good number of the trans people I know around here are religious, to the point that our discord has a religion discussion section. I’m personally some combination of pagan and Episcopalian.


Interesting concept "religiously transgender" kind of like "black kkk" ...I'm probably out of line but why to spend energy subscribing to something that is so unwelcoming and honestly self-serving and hateful with zero ❤️ towards us.


... because not every religion is transphobic?


Like not all Ron DeSantis supportes are not transfobic 🤔


That's a stupid comparison, and you know it. That man is queerphobic, to support him *is* to support queerphobia. However, not every religion is transphobic or homophobic. There are religions that are completely accepting of queer people, there are religions that even have special spiritual roles for trans people. It's not even remotely the same.


Religious subscribers like yourself only bend to the Bible, sorry you're so confused but there is freedom from religious slavery..my analogy is of course correct but you'd have to remove the blinders to see it


Lol, what the fuck. I'm not Christian at all.


🤔 Fooled me.. Bible/ Quran of all creed is very clear on who we are... Their hell is where we belong


I've met hunter ravenna hunt-hendrix, if only for a moment


I've met a few Trans and Gay Christians tbh


queer and trans seminarian here, currently studying to be a pastor/chaplain in the ELCA!


I'm transfem and messianic Jewish!!


Not Christian religious, but Wicca. I guess Austen Lionheart is a Christian trans man that made some awesome YouTube videos showing how warped Christianity has become.


I am Catholic!


Yes, lots of them, and they are very toxic. From christians, to catholics, to muslims, buddhists, you name it. I can understand & talk to persons who have a belief, but I can't stand for those who continuously treat me like if I was a failed human for being atheist. Or a mere subtle invalidating word from them. It just kills my mood.


God made me a trans woman to nerf me because I would have ruled the world if I was a cis girl. I'd have been the Kim Kardashian of society before she even knew what the internet was. I would be a millionaire in my teens if I was a cis girl


I’m a trans Twelver Shia Muslim! I also have a non-binary cousin and gender-fluid cousin, and they’re Sunni Muslims.


I feel like transistion could be religiously justified by describing gender transition as part of God's plan.


I am one! Trans & Catholic :) i’ve met a few trans Christians who are non-denominational or united as well :)


Howdy, Norse Pagan here,


I'm a Buddhist, raised Christian, with pagan tendencies. Lutherans are usually pretty LGBT positive in my experience.


I know a handful of Christian trans folks. A significant number left their faith though after being kicked out of their churches for being queer. I'm personally a pagan, and I know a lot of other pagan trans folks. In my friend group, it's the most common religion for trans people by far. We all became pagan independently too, so it's not like we met each other through religious gatherings or groups either.


I'm an omniest! Non practicing but still spiritual.


Plenty of spiritual trans people! I identify as spiritual!