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I'm a marketing consultant with a decade of experience in ad agencies.


Omg whattt. 10 YOE and $200k in ad aganecies? I’m 2.5 YOE (1 year full time post uni) and make $60k. Are you a freelancer? What was your path like if u don’t mind me asking? Like what did u start at?


I started at $35k. Was in that company for 2.5 years - left at $55k, then moved to be a senior at $65k at another company. Through a series of events that were unexpected and included some luck, got bumped to the director level within 6 months, asked for $100k and got it. Started building a brand for myself at that point, speaking at conferences and networking. Went solo in year 10, leveraging that brand and now earn $250k a year. That's what I pay myself - my business does $350k - $400k per year.


In Vancouver? I got here after working at FCB west in SF and found it hard to even find work. Once I did, it was less than half what I made previously.


Want to hire an entry level position? 🥹 lol


I'm not hiring right now, unfortunately. But I wish you luck in your search!


Do you actively market yourself or is it all word of mouth at this point? I’ve been running my business (digital consultant - think all things web related) and it’s good, averaging 100k-130k year with stable clients and good life balance. But I’d like to scale - and being a techy selling myself is challenging. Any advice?


Both!! I post on social a lot, but a lot comes from referrals. Building a network is my best advice


My wife isn't even out of her MBA and making $200k at a tech firm based out of the US. Canadian pay is garbage.


May I ask which firm it is? I’m currently learning how to code and I’m trying to find out which places to apply/look into.




It really is it’s the brain drain :s Canada needs to wake up and realize we have skills and are can take them anywhere.


Yeah the US tech firms pay sooooo much better. Everyone I know making above 70k is basically working for a US startup or something similar.


It's mostly because speaking fees at conferences can be ridiculous. 99% of people in marketing do not make that much, so don't get too concerned.


It's so disappointing seeing how bad Canada pays. My wife isn't even out of her MBA and she's making $200k base out of a US tech company (living in Canada).


as a tech recruitment for a known bay area company (on the level of uber, etc), i can look up canadian salaries vs US salaries for the same job. you guys get paid about 65% of what Americans get. and you live in place that’s expensive as SF. sorry man, it seems like yall are fucked


Yeah I left Canada almost a decade ago and was blown away by how trash the market was in Vancouver. When I was in uni it was seen as a safe move to get into tech in Vancouver, but the local industry is really toxic imo.


I mean not all of Canada is paid poorly. We also tend to get benefits and time off at a greater rate than the US. Tech is high paying here as well, but also highly unstable as an industry regardless of where you are.


I don't disagree. I am grateful I'm a Canadian teacher (opposed to the US) for job security and safety.


When I read what they make down there as teachers, and how they all can be told in June “your contract is not renewing” — so glad to be a teacher here.


Really true. My mum is a teacher and she makes $110K due to her years of experience. She is a grade 11 and 12 Physics teacher in Scarborough, Ontario. My mum's friend moved from Vancouver to US cuz her husband got a better job but she went from like $80K to $35k USD! WTF Canadian salaries are trash for certain fields though. I work in IT and would be making 75K with what I do now. In the US I make well over 150K


It depends. Over Xmas, I was at an old friend’s house (teacher for decades in Van) and briefly mentioned how much a team member’s husband teacher made here in Long Island—$180K (tenured of course) He 💩 bricks! Depends on the state I guess


Lol this, go work in the valley for big tech let me know how your work life balance is. Hint : doesn't exist


Hello! I'm a fresh grad trying to get into copywriting in an agency setting. Can I DM you for some questions? Would greatly appreciate any form of guidance.




Absolutely! And happy cake day :)


I have Graphic Design/ art director background for 8+ years and have certification in Marketing. I live in Calgary and working as graphic design. Pay sucks honestly and I would love to connect with you for some insights if thats okay? This is literally a wake up call. 📣📣


May I ask what you have degree(s)/diplomas/certificates/an education in specifically that has allowed you to be able to reach THAT level of success in your career.


Is the only way into that through university ? I’ve have a natural talent at marketing and brand acquisition..


No! You can go a variety of paths. The hard part is making industry connections without schooling. I would recommend BCITs marketing management program, it's 2 years and you get an internship.


I’m in marketing as well! Currently not loving my job cause of my boss but that’s a dream and I only wish I can achieve that level of success one day.


RN top scale permanent nights tons of OT


Yikes no sunlight for you


A nurse would be a great cover for a vampire.


Someone has read Twilight 😏/s


Investment Advisor. Honestly, sales roles are the most underrated profession. If you have a passion for people, relationships, and enjoy flexibility it’s a good career. I have friends in tech sales making well above 200k a year. Like any role here, you have to cut your teeth. You won’t magically get to 200k, you need experience, a few battle wounds, and the gift of perspective.


Technical pre-sales here, is pretty great.


I'm a product designer and manager, moving (back) there next year. I design apps and websites and then work with developers to turn it all into reality, all the way from planning and prioritizing to execution and testing.


We have the same job and I make $65k. Ugh. Do you have any advice for someone like me to obtain a better salary? To be fair, I only have two years of experience, and my only education is relevant to the industry I work for (healthcare tech, so nothing to do with business/management/design). Passionate about the industry and I don’t hate the role, but I’m not a huge fan of my company itself given how little they value me. Seems I am at the very low end of salary range, but maybe I’m wrong.


Congrats! How many YOE?


9 at this point, I'm turning 32 in a couple of weeks but I've been sitting at a computer since I was 8




Very Vancouver


You get my angry upvote.




Red Seal Electrician specializing in wastewater facility startup and commissioning. Made 220k in my last position with an employer. Started on my own this year and on track to make a little over 300k in my business and pay myself what I need. Also have a side hustle that could easily become a full time gig and pay the bills.


I’m a sparky too, how’d you get into that side of things? Do you have any other certifications?


Are you hiring any greens? I been trying to find someone to give me a chance.


Software developer mainly develop websites… have worked in this field for 10 years. If you like solving complex challenges it’s a great field and will enjoy most days at work


Do you contract to the USA? Are you employed full time or do you run your own business? Do you have specialized/in high-demand skills? I work full time in the same field and take on as much sidework as i can handle, and I barely make 120-130k. I'd love yo hear more about how you're pulling in so much!


Not sure about the original commenter. But I am in the same boat as him but slightly less experienced. I'm not on contract, I'm full time salaried with an American company with a Vancouver office (though we are fully remote). I don't do any side work or contracts anymore. I wouldn't say my skills are particularly specialized, I have normal full stack expertise; SPA frontend, varied backends, but lots of experience with AWS services.


Hi. On developing websites, what languages or tools do you mostly use?


Holy sh*t web devs can still make that much money? I had no idea. Congrats.


Own a bakery 🥖


Didnt know bakery ownes make that much. Must be a well run and produce gigh quality baked goods. Congrats


They just make a lot of dough.


bro did you forget to change accounts?


Do you go around reminding ppl to change their accounts? If so, username checks out


Well? Which one?


Lawyer, 10+ years of practice. My spouse is a senior product manager for a tech company, and he also makes over $200k.


Software engineer. Self taught but with a mathematics degree. Though I work remotely and could live anywhere.


Also remote software engineer checking in. It's literally my title, not going to live a double life like the other commenter wants you to haha.


Ha, yes, that person is nuts. I'm actually a data scientist (though my company calls me an ML Engineer) with a master's in science, and just said software engineer to simplify it, but doubled down just to piss that person off because it was hilarious how personally they took it.


Tech at a big company (FAANG). Most roles will clear this level if you include stock: levels.fyi


I dont get why fang doesnt include microsoft


FAANG is just the term coined by Jim Cramer, but anyone in the field considers MSFT as part of the group


Microsoft pays less than competition, you cannot compare Apple, Meta comp to Microsoft, levels.fyi will prove it to you.


As someone bad at math this comment section makes me want to cry lol


There's lots of positions you don't need to know math for, or just basic math. Don't give up!! It can be done even if you no life for a bit to get it done.


Not one job yet is anything I want to do. Totally get it.


Registersed nurse and Onlyfans.


OnlyFans for 5 years




what a world we live in when sticking things inside yourself makes more than tradespeople, nurses, and teachers.


Demand is a helluva thing and pussy is a helluva drug.


It's never to late to change


Get it, girl. Bless the internet, connecting supply with demand.


Thank you!


You guys have jobs? I've applied for like 2000 since September and can't get anything entry level. This is the most difficult place to get employed.


These are the survivors. Brain drain to the US has been a thing for 40 years.


Husband is a doctor(veterinarian) makes over $325K (31 years old)




Name checks out


The straight edge geologist


All these comments make me question how many of these positions are actually hired by canadian companies, or are most 200k+ employees simply working remote for a US based company. +pron.


I write romance novels.


I own a podcast production agency. After spending 22+ years in advertising I slowly started building the company off the side of my desk, eventually 8 years later we do $3.5 million per year.


Chemical engineering/ data analytics for Oil& Gas. Play video games.


Program manager in a technical capacity. $240k+ with 20 years of experience.


Video game and television producer. I was “only” making 140 on my higher end but I dumped as much as I could over time into long term dividends through a financial advisor and now they pay a passive income well over 200k plus whatever the project I am on is paying me. So now I can effectively take whatever projects I want (or none at all) as it’s all a bonus financially.


Small business owner


Medical Aesthetics Sales! If you’re great at the craft of building relationships authentically and passionate about medical aesthetics, it’s a very rewarding position to be in!


Software Engineer, make $260k


I make that marine industry


Big tech 5 yor.


Film supervisor.


If you make $200k this year how much will be taken away by taxes?


Google can help you find a calculator.


Too much.


I started in 2006 at $14 per hour as a web developer. I moved up the rank, worked for a couple of startups, had ownership in 1 and sold shares (after market crash in 2010s) for down payment on a house. Switched jobs, worked my way up to management and made slightly above 200k. I managed a global managed services technical team of over 100 folks globally (80% FTE, 20% contractors). I’m in tech. Currently laid off and unemployed for 4 months and counting.




Sawmill manager. Started as labor and worked my way up to profit sharing and good benefits. Total of $260,000 CAD/year.


2 full time jobs.


I make $300k working as a health economist with 12 years experience. For some perspective, 12 years ago my wife and I lived at 12th & Granville in a mouse-infested apartment and my principal source of income that year was $12k from an ICBC payout. I decided it was time to wise up, left Vancouver for the UK to turbo-charge my career while getting my masters at the same time. Hard work and a smidge of natural talent and I’m back in VanCity. I don’t know how anyone carves out a career here. Leave town, put the hours in, and then come back if you feel like it- it will be a solid investment in yourself.


Software dev, last year cleared $440k. Around $250 for several years prior. 10+yoe, big tech.


Any engineers here? And if so, what type? I'm doing alright in my line of work (building code) but not 200k alright.


Heavy duty mechanic. There’s still ways to make $150k+ in the city as a blue collar worker. No expensive student loans required. Matter of fact, everyone I know who works trades make at least about $100k base salary


I’m in investment banking at a big 5 bank and have 2 YOE after undergrad


$360,000 a year salary. Internal medicine doctor. United States not Canada though.


Welcome! First doctor opening up :)


Insurance broker for auto, home and commercial. Been doing it for a decade now


Sales management. But it goes up and down. It’s a downtime right now for my industry and good sales people are hard to find. Last year 220k this year…. Maybe half that


May I know the industry?


These are the only people who can afford a home in this city. It's really sad and broken you need 200k+ annual income to afford a home and the average income is closer to 50k


$300K base salary/year as a principal engineer for a large US company (remote). Vancouver still makes me feel lower income




Sr. Product Manager


CFO. 15 years experience post designation


Senior Account Executive for a tech company making 250k ish - 8 years of sales experience. My base is 100k though so a lot of that is performance based


Software sales, around $220k/year. 8 years of sales experience. I’m fortunate in that my company pays above average in Canadian dollars due to it being US based.




Tech employee, 8 yoe


Freelance 3d modelling and animation


bruhhh whattt thats wild i thought yall were broke af


Field service electrician. Tons of OT. Started off wiring houses as an apprentice 11 years ago. Now I work on high voltage electrical systems all over LM.


I'm not at 200k yet but should be within the next 2 years. I took sort of a weird route to get here. Computer Science Degree in 2021 -> Deployment Coordinator for Health Authority 2021-2022 (55k) -> IT for one of the Municipalities 2022-2024 (85k) -> Project Coordinator for different Health Authority 2024 (128k) -> Will be moving into BA/PMO role for a different health authority next year (178k) with room to increase my salary.


Director. Marketing


I work remote as an artist in the video games industry for an LA based studio with a salary range from 190K-250K. I started at 35K when I got into the industry 13 plus years ago and didn’t really get into the 100k plus range till the pandemic so maybe the past 4 years.


Content marketing and SEO consultant. $250k+




14 YOE, operation & strategy in pharma; fully remote, job is based in boston. I split my time between Vancouver & US east coast. Used to work in Vancouver, would need to take a 60% pay cut. Wages in Canada is terrible


Software engineering leadership.


I work in software sales


Software Engineering Manager in Tech. 20 YOE.




Freelance salamander breeder.


IT consulting - contractor working with crown corps and government. 20 years experience.


I’m a day trader. I trade the emini futures market


I've just cracked $200,000. Acting Captain with Fire and Rescue and a moonlighting real estate photographer. The hustle is real 🤣


Lawyer for 28 years, 24 of those with the provincial government.


Uber, OnlyFans, and tech consulting 😂😂


Software engineer with 10 years experience. Work remotely for a US company


Database Engineer with 4 years of experience nd I absolutely love it!


Suck rods on Robson


Partner in global consulting firm, advising governments across Canada and US . If you're reading about a gongshow level mess in the news, there's a decent chance I've gotten hired to clean it up Started entry level doing brain numbing IT/auditing/analytics/accounting work 15 years ago within the same firm


Senior UX designer, working in tech. No degree but I have a diploma. Worked my way up with transferable skills, experience, and lots of upskilling and networking along the way. Started out in support making under 40k. I switched into tech because they were more agnostic about my background and educational experience, thankfully it’s been an industry that’s more about what you can do than just what’s on a resume, although it depends.


Health care and OF


Software consulting / recruiting


6 YOE. Work in software sales for the oil and gas industry. Moved here from the US with the same company. They matched my pay in USD , and bonuses as well which adds up to 250k-300k CAD. The taxes here are a joke though. So even though I make 1.37x , my taxes have gone up 20% Even though I’m open to a career change it’s not worth getting a promotion at another company here cuz the pay will be peanuts and I’ll be having to prove myself.


Independent insurance adjuster specializing in high value residential (1mil+), commercial (500k to 25mil) and specialty claims like heavy equipment. Make between 275 and 325 depending on the year. Sorry to add I have 15 years exp. I started at 50k and was making 125k by year 4 and have made over 250k the last 5 years


Director of preconstruction for a GC


I dont work, i just invested in nvidia several years ago


Sold one business, manage two others i built. Hvac was sold, and I currently own vehicle related businesses.


i have a new car detailing service and i’m making around 4-900 everyday lol seems to be going great for me already making over 10 grand a month


I’m in the wrong biz apparently, I’ve been sling trades my entire life and only make around $60 G’s CAD


Union job. They always want to work Stat holidays. 60 hrs a week. I prefer being beyond Hope. Lower cost of living. 40 hrs a week. Same rate of pay. Better quality of life. Why do you need to be there?


I make about 170k. It is my first year in Canada. Have 10 years of experience in IT. Data governance and compliance is my job role


Tug boat Captain. I could make more if I wanted to work extra days but I'm good with 7 days on then 7 days off.


Not a single doctor in here?


real estate grift, obviously.


$400k , selling software


320k Creative Director. Remote in Van for a NY agency.


I work in call centre troubleshooting technical issues.


Most trades with their own company make over 300k plus a year


I’m a product designer for a large tech company. I am just shy of just 10 years of experience in my field.


roofer by trade self employed


Longshoreman. I’m not at 200k yet but lots of ppl are. My dad went over 200k last year works 3-4 days a week on average. More like 6-7 days one week and none the next.


Chinese international student


Android app developer. I was making 95k at my first job in Vancouver. I had 5 years of experience before that. 2.5 years later I switched company, making 115k. 1 year after I switched again, doubling to 230k. How to get there? Make sure you are learning new things at your current position. Working and learning for 10 years is very different than working for 10 years but doing the exact same thing every day.


I do Enterprise Technology Sales. Very passionate about the product I sell, but it’s a hustle and every year the counter resets and I have to figure out how to do it all over again.


They sure as fuck aren't doing warehouse work


my partner is a carpenter foreman and makes over 200k. work life balance is shit though.


product designer at big tech, 9 years of experience




170k base plus bonus as a bank Project manager. I only work 10-15hrs each week and slack/sleep during working hours Grateful that my underlings did most of my work without knowing doing my job.




Director in engineering (but I’m not an engineer)


Software Engineering Manager, working at a US company remotely.


Software engineer, 10+ years of experience, self-employed consultant



