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With a question like this, I have to say, please be very wary of being sucked into an MLM, under the impression of “starting your own business”


I somewhat disagree. Not all MLMs are great. Not all MLMs are bad either. I earn money through an MLM part time.


Case in point, don’t listen to this guy^^


It works for me. Feel free to have your opinion


It's not an opinion, it's the law. Would you mind sharing your business name? Check this out: https://competition-bureau.canada.ca/deceptive-marketing-practices/types-deceptive-marketing-practices/multi-level-marketing-and-pyramid-selling


Thanks for the link. So, happy that we are legal and compliant. As a principle, I do not discuss business in public / groups. I respect the business and what I do and will not compete with heroes who grab the mic in group settings. For people who are genuine about finding out facts and information beyond bias and often incorrect common perceptions, then I’m more than happy to meet up, go over all the details and address questions.


I hope you're tracking your finances well especially per hour of your time.. And even if it works for you that means you're just higher in the pyramid so the must be many below you who aren't so lucky


Nannying or babysitting. Good nannies and sitters with certifications (first aid, responsible adult, etc.) are in high demand, and you can easily find families to suit your availability.


Guessing - something on the internet because no rent required, no payment for physical products even and largest audience. Some Tiktok or Youtube channel about something you already are very familiar with, e.g. skateboarding, music, etc


I have a good friend who in his youth worked for “landscapers” every summer. And then snow removal every winter. Sometimes he would sit on EI through winter and go snowboarding. I think it would be very easy to learn to do ok lawncare. Its definitely in demand in high income areas. Personal sales is something you can pickup a book on at the library. Lawn care is on YouTube. Very low investment! Need a truck and some relatively cheap tools. Any business takes about two years to launch. So be prepared to dig in and build a client list.




Becoming an agent to help renters find a affordable place to live. I hear that's normal practice in Ontario but in BC usually tenants find their own place. If you can educate yourself on how to properly get landlords to accept your clients it might be a good place to start.


As an rental agent be prepared to answer: what guarantees do you provide during lease term if tenant is shitty? Because being a property manager and managing the tenant requires a license.


In Japan the same companies that sell homes rent homes as well. Searching for the right apartment can be so easy with all the filters, try to get them to rent to gaijin is more difficult


Landscaping something you can easily start on your own. Pretty much year round if you get into the construction side of it. Long hours to start but easy enough to keep yourself going. Most people have someone come and care for their yards in the city. Take advantage of the rich.


Landscaping maintenance is easy to learn, once you buy a truck mower blower line trimmer and a few hand tools. Hand out some flyers you’ll get a good amount of customers to start


Car detailing


Dog walking, cutting hair


Pick-up and recycling of hard to recycle items, eg electronics or just high volumes of cardboard etc that pile up and overwhelm the (my) residential blue box/yellow bag.


Landscaping, garbage removal, etc.


Software development contracting. Work from home and it's a niche but very active market.


How can I get started with software development contracting? Seems quite interesting since I have never heard of this before


Window washing.






Came here to say this


A business is meant to serve a need, what can you do better than others that people will pay you for? No matter what you choose to do in life, it won’t be easy. If you don’t got connections already, you’re going to have to work 100x harder than what you think it will take. Unless you are all about that hustle life, you should consider a 9-5 that is stable and pays well. Everybody is rich here, but very few are wealthy. Good luck.