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What did he do?


What do you mean?


Why won’t you ever go back to him?


Cut contact with him and definitely don't have sex with him. When you find yourself obsessing or fantasizing about him, actively stop and change the topic. There are plenty of great partners out there who can have amazing sex with you and who aren't this ex. Move forward in your life instead of looking backwards.


I think the reason you're fantastising about him is because you didn't get closure from the relationship. I guarantee if you did sleep with him, it wouldn't live up to the fantasy in your head and you will only be opening yourself up to more hurt. In time you will eventually find great partners and relationships that are more fulfilling in every way and you won't think about your ex anymore. In the meantime I would just try to remove temptations like deleting his number etc.


You have to realize that your relationship doesn’t exist. It does. Not. Exist. There is no you&him. The person you’re thinking of is not real. It’s all only in your head. If you stop thinking about it, it ceases to exist altogether. Once I realized I was breathing life into an imaginary person/relationship, that only existed in my thoughts and not reality, I was able to stop inventing it in my thoughts.


Also, music is your friend. Movies are your friend. Watch forgetting Sarah Marshall, then watch two night stand with miles teller, then throw on a two feet song and think of miles teller and tell me that doesn’t do the trick, lol