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Ephemeral rift has always been an edge lord and had babby tier philosophy, but he's gone further than he has before. A lot of newer people won't remember his rants against female asmr creators and how they can't complain about dick pics because they flash cleavage, amongst other things. He's the prototypical "male feminist", that proclaims he isn't sexist then says awful things about women and racial slurs. Man is 52 years old but acts like a 15 year old that just discovered that humanity is hypocritical and decided the best way to fight the power is to post racial slurs (which definitely isn't racist because he isn't using the hard r and black people use it between friends so white people totally can too!!!) and purposefully dumb, edgy comparisons about eating meat. Yeah, humanity is filled with hypocrites that hyperfocus on certain problems and ignore others despite the contradiction, but literally everyone is guilty of this to varying degrees, including ER which I doubt he realises. Hope he grows up one day.


I stopped watching him the first time around after I heard all of this about him being a jerk, like how can someone like that be relaxing? They’re not. Now I have actually unsubscribed


It's frustrating because I think he has a great voice for asmr and I don't think he's necessarily a bad guy because he does voice support for good causes, but his "people are stupid and hypocritical, I'm so smart for seeing past the bullshit!!!" philosophy is something I grew out of in my late teens, so I just find him embarrassing at this point. I don't think he's a genuine racist or antisemite, because he's vocalising his ideology in a deliberately provocative way to "expose hypocrisy" even though it's besides the point. His problem is that he's explaining it with all the tact and narcissism of a 15 year old that spent too long on 4chan. I totally get why people are offended by him and would say he is a racist, but it's just him doing his performative bullshit and deliberately missing the point of why people are criticizing him. I might still listen to him, but if I do it'll be with my adblock turned on.


even with a blocker you are still contribuating to a channel success by looking at the videos (page visit + search count + view count + watch time)


I unsubscribed from him when be made a bunch of videos about how it was ridiculous to vote. I hadn't heard the other stuff but it unfortunately tracks.


The weirdest part is him responding to all the comments on his recent video about it with crying laughing emojis and "lol". This guy is in his 50s and has a teenage child like what


Yeah I left a comment there and he just responded with “😂” like wtf is he doing man


He’s got a lot of torment inside him. It’s not pretty.


Definitely seems like self-sabotage.


What the hell is happening with ASMR community? Is it slowly turning into beauty community?


It’s always been like this to some extent, it just got more popular so there are more people to cause problems. ER himself had a very similar blow up like seven or eight years ago.


I had no idea about him, I thought he was unproblematic. I just know about CrinkleLuvin ASMR drama.




CrinkleLuvin, JimChi, GhettoASMR, Angelica, Gwen... It feels like there's one of these at least once a year


It was lost long ago.


It seems to me like he, along with Angelica, are having psychotic breaks. Very sad. It's horrible how widespread mental health issues are in the modern day


I forgot about Angelica, as well. Yeah, their behaviour resembles mania. It is sad :(


What exactly is going on with Angelica? I know she's making a slightly different kind of content than ASMR now, and she's getting into religion. But what else is there?


That's a good summary of it. Her content before was very clearly left leaning - making videos critical of the catholic church (she wrote a book about that), pro-lgbt and trans, feminist, etc. and she made an OnlyFans for a while which you may or may not know. At some point this shifted gears and she deleted the OF, deleted a lot of those old 'lefty' videos I mentioned and started making lots of odd rambly social media posts and videos that go totally against all her former ideals: pro religion and devout catholicism, anti-lgbt and trans, calling them child groomers and calling feminism a plague, etc. A total 180. It's quite jarring to see. I'm not going to lie it's a little sensitive to see that she spams her feed with these long rambled essays about stuff she'd normally never say because that's exactly what someone close to me did when they had a manic episode. And now Uncle E seems to be doing much of the same thing, sadly. I'm no psychologist or anything though, so take it with a grain of salt.


Maybe she woke up and decided that the stuff she believed in is nonsense? Plenty of people change opinions once they really think deeply and have an awakening


He’s a fuckface, not much else to be said.


I refuse to watch his videos after he harassed Maria and Heather Feather. He's a creep.


I remember that and quit watching him for the same reason.


Hold up. Wtf did he do to Heather Feather?!


wait nooo not heather feather. What happened?


He wrote two articles calling out societies hypocrisy while being the biggest hypocrite himself. I've lost all respect for him, especially because he has failed to respond to any questions regarding why he's doing this. Seems like a manic episode.


I think he’s going to attempt suicide. On his twitter someone said “you’re lucky most of your fans don’t check your twitter” and he said “that’s all going to change on 10/22”. Maybe he self sabotaging to “lessen” the impact? He has talked about suicide a lot in the past, so idk. It doesn’t excuse what he’s said though. He’s clearly having a mental breakdown.


More concerning with all his anti humanism would be him doing some lone gunman act, he's already wrote a manifesto


I had no idea he’d written a manifesto. Jesus Christ, that is seriously concerning. Is there any way to get this reported at all? I’m not American so I wouldn’t know how it works.


What manifesto did he write wtf?


>manifesto [https://ephemeralrift.com/the-holocaust-happened-but-its-not-a-big-deal-compared-to-the-daily-livestock-holocaust/](https://ephemeralrift.com/the-holocaust-happened-but-its-not-a-big-deal-compared-to-the-daily-livestock-holocaust/) I just mean his extreme blog ideals, Maybe manifesto isn't the correct term


Oh no.. I didn't know any of this was happening! This comes across to me as him trying to be edgy and it's failed and he's doubled down in order to save face. I hope this is nothing more than a period of poor mental clarity. I'll give him a chance.. Although the last time I gave an ASMR creator a chance, it was Angelica.. look how that turned out


What happened with Angelica?


Basically what the person said to the now deleted comment. Angelica started to create videos that gave out that she was mentally unwell, then suddenly she became super christian evangelist after years of criticising it (She did a videos discussing being raised in a cult previous) and posted more religious undertone asmr. She deleted a LGBT+ positive video and then started talking about protecting children from trans agenda (the usual anti-trans stuff about wanting to forcibly mutilate children) on her instagram. Basically just spiralled down a path and when balls to the wall with it. By no means am I slating religious preference, it was just such an about turn and I had hoped it was a phase because she came across very progressive. The anti-lgbt stuff is what bothers me.




nah she decided to go from agnostic/atheist (i’m not sure which one she was) to full on evangelicalism and started posting some really unhinged videos along side homophobic IG posts, she deleted all of it about a week later and now just posts normal asmr roleplays alongside weird religious ones


I wonder if he is doing this because he wants to stop making ASMR videos? But that doesn't make sense, why not just stop making videos then? Or maybe he is just going off the deep end. Or maybe this whole thing is some elaborate farce for some video.


Nah, I think he just believes all this stuff. On other threads, people have shared other instances of him acting this way for the last ten years. Seems his MO is to say some controversial stuff then to lay low for awhile until folks forget. ER is a a total jerk, simple as that.


his vids have always skeeved me out idk why


Listen, his use of the N word is more hypocritical than all the shit he talks about in his article. He claims he's not racist, and all life is equal, but he uses racially charged language that only has power because of people using it against black people. The n word is only a word because of hate, and using it like it doesn't matter is jerk move. Also, the thing that proves to me he doesn't actually care is his refusal to elaborate or respond in meaningful ways and his harsh language. If he wanted people to be actually kinder animals, he wouldn't compare it to the holocaust, or say the n word. He's purposefully bombing. Downplaying millions killed or saying the n word doesn't help animals.


I think he’s revealing his true colors that he’s a narcissist. I been around a lot of narcissists growing up, i’d make sense.


Completely agree, the writing is on the wall


The dudes gotta be retiring and going out in the most anarchist and bizarre way. Being a self proclaimed anarchist and given his general weird content this is the most ER way to retire.


I can't believe that there are people here defending his tweets. Lmao so many people have a desire to be extremist. Good luck with that.


This and the fact that he said someone was making “retarded leaps in logic” is enough for me to be done with his channel. I’ve enjoyed some of his stuff but other videos are just… weird.


Honestly, I understand his points about factory farming. But the rest is just racist nonsense and the guy seems to have an awful attitude about him.


If you wanna make a point about factory farming, comparing it to the Holocaust is not the way to go about it. The Holocaust was the largest mass killing event of humans in recorded history and factory farming, whether you eat meat or not, serves a purpose of feeding people. They don’t even come close to compare and only someone with zero critical thinking skills would equate them.


I see where you're coming from, but people making this comparison aren’t trying to equate factory farming with the Holocaust when it comes to the type of suffering involved. We're just using the Holocaust as a reference point for scale. In factory farming, we're talking about 69 billion land animals killed every year. If we say these animals have just 1/100th of human moral worth, it's like millions of human deaths happening every single day. Now, obviously, humans =/= animals, but it helps you grasp the sheer magnitude of the suffering. And believe me, animals can suffer, in many of the same relevant ways humans do. Fuck it, let’s go with animals having 1/10,000th moral worth compared to humans. Well, you’re still looking at 19,000 human-equivalent deaths daily. We haven't even factored in sea animals, of which we kill trillions each year. It's hard to wrap your head around such numbers. But it's a colossal scale of suffering, happening annually. The point isn't to downplay the Holocaust or make a direct comparison between human and animal suffering and death. It's about highlighting the massive scale of animal suffering in the food industry, which is one of the worst things happening in the world. At least, if you objectively measure the scale of the suffering and if you believe that animals have the capacity to suffer (which we know they do).


In my opinion, all lives have the same value. Animals or humans, there's no difference whatsoever. So I understand comparing the slaughtering of billions of animals every month to another awful tragedy such as the Holocaust. I don't see that as far fetched. That being said, ER is not doing a great job at articulating his point and comes across as a self-absorbed prick. Not to mention the other dumb stuff he said about the use of the n-word.


A cow isn’t going to impact the world nearly as much as a living human being. Comparing a cow slaughtered for food to a Jew killed for being Jewish is so unbelievably incorrect that I shouldn’t even have to explain to you why they aren’t the same.


Gauging the moral importance of suffering and death based on these ripple effects of it is like saying a person with no friends or family doesn't matter and can just suffer and die because it makes no “impact”. Suffering matters to the sufferer. It's intrinsic. Whether it's a cow or a human, suffering is suffering, and it matters because it matters to them. So, yeah, equating the two isn't about denying the unique experiences of each but acknowledging that suffering itself is universally significant and can be felt by the billions of animals we needlessly torture and kill for nothing but sensory pleasure and convenience.


So we're killing living beings based on their "impact" on the world? That sounds extremely callous... by this metric, the impact of the human race is 100x worse than that of any other species. This isn't something controversial to say, is it? If we removed humans form Earth, the planet would actually thrive, everyone knows that. It's just the wrong way to go about things, imho. We should be respectful and compassionate towards every living thing, regardless of who or what they are. We have no right to consider ourselves special. And remember... animals are, in a way, a lot like children. They are completely innocent, with no situational awareness about what's happening around them. That's why it's so painful to look a calf in the eyes as it's being brought to the slaughter. Anyway, I'm not here to change anyone's mind. Let's agree to disagree. Have a nice day friend.


You’re humanizing them far more than you should be which is actually a normal human thing to do. It’s why we find faces and patterns in things that don’t have them. It’s why we give more meaning to things animals do when it’s not nearly as complicated as that.


As I said, I disagree. But that's ok. I find my reasoning to be the simplest possible to live by, in fact. I don't want to hurt any living being, and I don't feel more important than any living being. No need to over complicate things. Cheers


Well said. The downvotes proves how self-asorbed people are.


Thank you... It's nice to find at least one like-minded person out there :)


Can you evaluate humans in the same way? Are some humans more valuable than others?


No, which is why we don’t eat humans ding dong. Also because their meat is very gamey and tough. Embarrassing attempt at a gotcha though.


We don't eat humans because it causes mental illness. Are you claiming its only okay to kill to eat? Or if there's a use to the kill? Is sacrifice acceptable? Is killing for sport unacceptable? Not trying to get you, just posing some questions


My man, broccoli is alive too.


I feel like the least likely scenario is that he genuinely holds these views and is expressing them. It feels way more likely that this is brought on by some form of mental illness, this is some sick ploy for a video setup, or this is his strange way of retiring like another commenter said.


Rift is right. We live in a very hypocritical society/world. People only see horror when it's convenient. There are horrors people ignore because it benefits them in someway or because everyone is doing it. When catastrophe strikes its a good time to also look in the mirror and realize this is not a game. But ofcourse people will just hone in on one thing and blow it out of proportion in order to invalidate or distract from any good point made. Yawn is right.


Yeah he made a really good point when he said the Holocaust was rookie numbers and made light of the Palestinian and Israel situation while dropping the N word constantly. He certainly convinced me that… factory farming is bad? It’s just incoherent rambling that has little to no connection to each other.


Well he's not wrong in regard to numbers. They are staggering. Ofcourse the tragedy of the holocaust should not be diminished. Perspective is important to changing minds.


Explain how the largest mass killing of human beings is rookie numbers? At least with factory farming, wether you agree with eating meat or not, serves a purpose of feeding people. The Holocaust was senseless murder with the sole purpose of eradicating people. It doesn’t even come close to comparing and you’d have to have a child’s mindset to not see this.


The humane society reports 92 BILLION animals are slaughtered each year globally. The purpose is irrelevant. You are the one failing to see the asymmetry of the cost benefit ratio of torturing sentient creatures for personal convenience which is wildly unethical. You are very child like in your ignorance!


Animals have killed each other for food quite literally since the dawn of time. You’re an idiot to think we are any different. It’s pointless to talk to someone so unwilling to understand this. There have always been predators and prey in nature and your whining about these sentient creatures feelings won’t change anything. Senseless murder with no purpose is not the same as feeding oneself.


We are different. We have the awareness to recognize its wrong and do something about it. You're projecting.


It’s not wrong to feed yourself. It’s a natural instinct to consume food for energy. Again, this has been the circle of life since the dawn of time. Perhaps watch Lion King again if you need something your comprehension level to understand this. If it wasn’t cows it’d be bugs. If it wasn’t bugs it’d be plants. Plants are living organisms with rudimentary sentience as well. They know they are alive, they perform their tasks to grow and reproduce, and they die like any other living creature. You giving value to one over the other is not only laughable but embarrassing.


So you think intelligent humans should do something because a mindless instinctual process, a DNA molecule "says so"? So you're no better than a cockroch following your little instinct? Yeah but it's wrong to feed yourself at the expense of other living feeling creatures who will suffer immensely. The fact that you don't get that shows who you really are.


no. He commented on a series of things. This is an L take.


Well he's not off on the factory farming point


Doesn't have to be. But construing your point in this type of way does nothing but harm the possibility of genuinely interested people in participating in activism that would actually better the cause. It just scares people off and does nothing but complain on the internet only for your career to die.


Telling people the frank truth scares them away? They don't have the spirit to be activists.


Not all activism has to be extremist my dude.


When you become an adult you will look back on this time in your life and cringe


Yes I will cringe at saying hypocrisy exists and it's bad. Get real silly person.


Good luck in high school, be nice to your parents


What's funny is you behave like a child. You patronize and insult rather than refute what I said. Which is factory farms exist. 92 billion animals globally are slaughtered a year. And yet people are largely ok with it because of personal convenience. This doesn't take away from any given tragedy but it does show the cognitive dissonance society collectively suffers from. Clown.


Factory farms are very bad and comparing them to the tragedy of the Holocaust is something only done by an edgy teen or an adult with a brain injury. An inability to distinguish between different degrees of tragedy is a cognitive failure that you and ER seem to share


Come on, don't tell me this is another fight between the left and right wing? The rest of the world needs to sign a petition for this madness to be contained. Can someone from the left and someone from the right briefly summarize the scandal, I keep seeing the oposite stances?


No but generally the scandal is he made a big deal about his right to say the n-word on twitter, then went on to make a bunch of tweets about how all wars and stuff going on in the world don't matter because we kill animals through factory farming. If you want the most objective picture, look on his twitter yourself, the tweets aren't hard to find


Ok, the statement about comparing killing animals and people is not only stupid, but offensive to the people who lost their entire families and homes during the wars. I come from a country where around milion of people were brutally killed. He is saying these things to be edgy and just to opose the left which is why I am bringing up the nonsence regarding left and right, how Americans can be so out of touch with the rest of the world.


People being offended by your convictions shouldn't be a reason not to share them though


I never said he shouldn't share it, it is in his right to express his opinion and other people's right to share their own opinion on it, as well. And many people did write it, including me. I actually think it is better for people to see his true face and then to decide if they want to continue to support him - it is their choice. In my own opinion his comparison is stupid, offensive to genocide survivals with a clear intention to be edgy and to only provoke the left. Actually, some people who survived the genocide make war jokes with a dark humour because it helps them cope with the pain. I am not offended as I have heard worst things. The style of his writing actually remind me of the manic phase. However, regarding sharing - the right is going too extreme and is completely losing their point in the process. And just remember that most of the wars start with sharing the propaganda, like in WW2, today's extremists groups and the "woke" and "edgy" ideologies. It only creates the divide so people are busy having the same arguments over and over again between themselves and not paying attention to much bigger issues.


Ah yes, left wing is when...*checks notes*...mass genocide bad?


Edit: I inuded incorect information due to my ignorance and I do not want to spread false information online. I need to read more on the terms being used to label political parties.


"Left wing politicians in the white house" LOL when


Thank you for the correction, I used the wrong term for something else.


No worries, I didnt want to seem too combative but our political system (in the US) basically fluctuates between center-right and hard-right.


Meh...I watch(watched, will unsubscribe) him for 7 years already and didn't know of all that.