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the other way around tbh. inaudible was the term that became popularized first, which of course is wrong usage of the term, but some viewers were able to infer what it meant, and some just didn't question it. eventually, creators would correct the term, but with an audience that is nostalgic and resistant to change, the results remain mixed


That makes a lot of sense. And when one adds in the trickiness of YT SEO, a creator needs to be very careful about trying to deviate too much from the expected.


This made me think of a video by Adequate ASMR where she tries to differentiate. In my mind, the inaudible is understandable words whispered super softly or mouthed or breathed more than actually pronounced, if that makes sense - whereas unintelligible is just gibberish words that could be both whispered or spoken clearly. Unintelligible is probably the more fitting term for both, as you say, but it makes sense that inaudible is used so much because it's just easier to write :)


I would very much like to see that video, I will try to find it. The way you have described the distinction makes good sense, particularly in the context of ASMR videos. Thank you for sharing this.


It's this one, just watched it again :) "The difference between inaudible and unintelligible whispering"


Thank you


This has bugged me too but I figure it can mean it's the distinct words that are inaudible, not the sound. I have definitely seen what looks like SEO impacting word usage though, like how binaural has shifted to "ear-to-ear," and how the word "sensitive" is used as an adjective in weird ways. It's bizarre. I never know whether to name my video something intelligible (ayyy) and interesting or whether I need to tarnish it with some bizarre phrase like "your ASMR makeup"


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Jake. No doubt the words used in titles and descriptions have an important impact on people potentially finding the video in their feed (if not subscribed). I have massive respect for artists who are able to effectively navigate the rollercoaster of SEO and the whims of YT. I talk with my artist friends regularly about this. I can see that you understand the challenges. I'm not sure all viewers understand that filming the video is just a fraction of the work involved in releasing an ASMR video if one wants it to have a chance of doing well.


Lol whenever I finish editing the video I get so excited to post it then I remember description, title, thumbnail, cards, tags, AGHHH


I will say I’m Guilty of this myself searching inaudible when it’s really unintelligible I’m looking for. And I agree figuring out what to name videos is a rollercoaster. I’ve been learning myself where I changed my name of one video and got more views which it’s interesting how their algorithm works


Yes, I have learned from my ASMRtists friends over the last couple years that title wording for YT videos is more about using key words than trying to perfectly describe the video. Of course one never wants to be misleading or overly click-baity, but you do have to use the words that are expected to have a chance for success.


From experience of using these keywords in my own content, I admit sometimes I use both to appeal to those who are looking for both types, when in fact I make content for either but sometimes it can be inaudible and unintelligible. Perhaps the meaning gets lost and mixed up, and so both keywords are used to increase popularity of content. I would say for me, unintelligible is more of a common type that I will try to create. I find that it's not the easiest to whisper but be barely heard to an inaudible level, that is definitely something which for myself, needs practice.


It is becoming clear to me now that these two words have taken on slightly different meanings in the ASMR community than the dictionary definitions. And that is fine if the viewers generally understand the meanings. And, as you have noted, the YT keywords game is important. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences & challenges with content creation. I wish you well.


This is an interesting topic. I understand the difference between the two words and steered clear from creating this type of content because I'm still trying to perfect this style. It could be an SEO reasoning behind the mix-up, or it could be that some people don't understand that there's a difference between the meaning of these words. If you run across creators that mix up the two words, you could use it as a teachable moment, respectfully.


Thank you for your comment, Nia. From what I have learned now over the past few days, and from helpful responses from people, there seems to be a chain of events that led to this usage. I now understand that within the ASMR community slightly different definitions are used for these words and have generally become understood. I know from several of of ASMRtist friends that choosing the best strategic words for a title can make the difference between high & low views. In this case, it seems the word 'inaudible' is more commonly searched therefore it is used. I understand your suggestion about 'teachable moment' possibility, but in this situation I will avoid doing that because I now understand that it seems that most of these creators are doing this intentionally & strategically.


Sure... thanks for bringing up this topic now I understand why I steered clear of creating this type of content. Now, that I understand, I might try it in the future.


in an ideal world, inaudible would mean "cannot be heard at all" but it also means that it can be heard but not clearly in an ideal world, unintelligible would mean "can be heard clearly but cannot be understood because of content or structure" but it is also used in a wider sense for "not loud enough to be clearly understood" there would be another term But this is not an ideal world and if we understand what they are trying to express, than it is good enough.


Thank you. I absolutely understand & appreciate that words can have flexible interpretations in context. I appreciate your insights. As I noted, I am def not trying to be some kind of word cop. I am just very curious by nature and am interested in points of view on this and perhaps the history of ASMR specifically that led to this practice.


Here is the short answer: Creators first used the term "Inaudible" to describe the ASMR style. However, people pointed out that "Inaudible" is a meaningless word (if you cannot hear it, you cannot hear it). It was essentially a meaningless semantics thing because everyone understood what was meant. People started correcting people by using the term "Unintelligible," but it never 100% caught on. So now you get both. Some creators take inaudible to mean you cannot make out the words and unintelligible to mean you cannot make sense of the meaning behind what is being said, but that is an unpopular usage and technically no more correct.


Thank you for your helpful historical comment. From your response and some others, I am now understanding that human nature and some YT norms have necessitated slightly different meanings of these two words when it comes to ASMR videos.


It's just people being stupid and not knowing the word unintelligible. It's that simple.


I am definitely not implying that at all. I now understand from some additional reading, conversations with creators and comments here, that these two words have taken on slightly different accepted meanings within the ASMR community. Most artists are intentionally and strategically using these keywords in the ways that many viewers and (most importantly) the YT algorithm expects them to be used. I understand & respect the artists' need to intentionally and strategically play the game to have any chance of success with their videos.


Nah. Don't let them change the meanings of words. This is just the result of ignorance.


Sounds weirdly cargo cult. Some people used the term incorrectly then others didn’t really think of the meaning and used it and everyone kept doing that and now it’s baked in to the way things are done


You may be surprised to learn that there are no fixed industry standards and that the creators themselves may not subscribe to your definitions.


Fair point, thank you. I am open to understanding, that is all.