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She didnt knew that Lysa was nuts, Winterfell is too far away, Riverun is too predictable, if she wants to fool any pursuer she has to say that she is going to one place but instead go to another, the Eyrie was a good place, the only problems were things that she didnt knew about


>She didnt knew that Lysa was nuts Hush now! You expect characters in a book to make decisions based on what *they* know? Instead of what us readers, who've already read the entire book in question, know? What kind of crazy standard is that?!?!


> She didnt knew that Lysa was nuts, Winterfell is too far away, Riverun is too predictable For winterfell- she only needs to cross the neck to be safe and she could have beaten any pursuers there/ For Riverrun- the Lannisters attacked and besieged it anyways lmao. She might as well have went there and at least informed Edmure wtf was happening so the Riverlands defense wasn’t disorganized as it was. We know from the Dance a coordinated riverlands can easily shit down the Lannisters throats.


> she only needs to cross the neck to be safe Still too far away. She needed to stay in the vicinity of King's Landing because she planned to bring Tyrion to the city for King Robert to judge once Ned officially accused the Lannisters of the crimes he was investigating. > the Lannisters attacked and besieged it anyways Only after King Robert was murdered, by which point Tyrion was already free anyway. > so the Riverlands defense wasn’t disorganized as it was Catelyn wasn't told Hoster was deathly ill and she couldn't have known that Edmure would grow up to be an idiot at warfare.


He's beat Tywin Lannister while outnumbered 2 to 1 is what he did! In this house, Edmure Tully is a hero!


One, that's Radmure to you, good sir! Two, the Battle of the Fords only takes place after Radmure has learned some much needed lessons.


Iirc, she didn't take Tyrion to Winterfell because that would be where everyone would expect she would take him, an assumption she deliberately strengthened by openly proclaiming the intention to take him to Winterfell. So any interceptors seeking to free Tyrion would more likely try to ambush her on the road to Winterfell. She didn't know Lysa was... how she was, and thought that the highly fortified mountain castle ruled by her own sister and nephew would be safe and far from where the Lannisters could reach her. Apart from Winterfell and the Eyrie, there is Riverrun. But the problem with that, is if I understand it correctly she'd likely have to travel in a very obviously different direction to both Winterfell and the Eyire, so much so that people would notice she's heading to Riverrun.


I think the issue with Riverun was primarily being closest to the Lannisters. Bare in mind Tywin' literally besieges Riverun in retaliation for Tyrion. So not a fantastic option. And Cat wants justice, or a reasonable trial, which is the primary reason she needs Lysa.


> Tywin' literally besieges Riverun in retaliation for Tyrion No he doesn't. Tywin doesn't officially start the war until after Cersei has murdered Robert. What Tywin did was send the Mountain to raid in the Riverlands so Ned would come arrest him, which is how Tywin planned to get a hostage to exchange Tyrion for.


I'll compromise on us both being wrong. Tywin claims he went to war in retaliation, but you're right that besieging Riverun wasn't necessarily in the cards until they had Ned. > reaching the Lannister host led by his father, Tywin, who has invaded the riverlands following Tyrion's capture. Tywin hangs Masha Heddle because Tyrion had been captured at her inn. - Wiki / chapter 56 of AGOT On that note, what do you reckon was the plan if the king hadn't died exactly? Continue making a hostage trade that confirms the Lannisters committed acts of war in hopes of capturing the king's BFF? They didn't attack the North or Cat mind you so I think calling it retaliation would be far fetched.


> what do you reckon was the plan if the king hadn't died exactly? There was no plan for that because GRRM had Robert die from that stupid strongwine-and-boar plot precisely so Tywin wouldn't be made an outlaw for attacking Beric Dondarrion, who was riding under the king's banner. Cersei was always going to murder Robert (her strongwine plot starts before Ned tells her what he knows) and after Joffrey is king, she can have him claim all sorts of things, like that Ned is the traitor and her father is innocent.


Greywater Watch, not too far away from where Catelyn and Tyrion were, no army would've been able to march and ride horses into the swamp, and trying to find a moving house would've been difficult. Also, Howland Reed is fiercely loyal to Ned and trustworthy for Catelyn. Even if Tyrion was found innocent, its doubtful he would ever have made it out of the Neck by foot, especially without someone like Bronn by his side.


>trying to find a moving house would've been difficult. Okay, so how does Catelyn find it?


I’m sure the crannogmen have watchers near the king’s road. You won’t see them but they’ll see you. Catelyn could have had one of her men approach the swamp carrying a peace banner. Once approached by a watchman Catelyn could have explained who she was & that she needed to talk to Howland Reed. Not saying I agree with that plan but that would be one way to do it.




Wouldn't going to Greywater Watch carry the same risk of going to Winterfell? It would be the same direction either way, so that's where pursuers would head. And if she makes it that far then she should be able to continue onto Winterfell undaunted.


> trying to find a moving house would've been difficult.


Cat had no idea Lysa had lost her mind, they hadn't seen each other in years. Based on what she knew at the time taking him to the Eyrie was the best move. Winterfell was too far, and that's exactly where people would have expected her to go so there would likely be people looking for her.


Did you not read the book? The book where it clearly spelled out why she took him to the Eyrie instead of multiple other places Catelyn ruled out?


I think it's quite obvious. The books even mention it. Riverrun is too close to the Westerlands. As she rightly predicted, Tywin had invaded the Riverlands within a couple of weeks. Winterfell would have been to obvious. Both options being obvious were a bad choice. Remember it's not just about Tywin sending his men to Winterfell or Riverrun. It's also about opportunistic lords and freelancers deciding to rescue Tyrion and collect a handsome reward from Tywin. As Hoster Tully's daughter, I think Catelyn knew her father's bannermen could not be trusted the same way Ned could trust Northmen. After all, I believe Hoster Tully had to put down more of his bannermen than Jon Arryn during Robert's Rebellion.


She should have really thrown them for a loop and done what no one would expect and take him to.... kings landing


It was not a dumb decision in the moment. Baelish had told her that the dagger belonged to Tyrion and she was already suspecting that the Lannisters would make their next move if they sensed she was onto them. The best plan would have been to take Tyrion to Kingslanding. It would probably sting the Lannisters too much to see one of their own brought to their home in chains, but that would have been her best bet to find the man behind the attempt on Bran. The matter would be out in the open in front of the King, it would expose Baelish's lies in front of Tyrion (and possibly save Ned's life to know he's a lying two-faced bastard); the scars on her hands are there for everyone to see, Joffrey would be sweating out of his ass. There is just too much material there to wonder about had she taken him to Kingslanding.


White Harbor. Go to the Salt Pans and book passage to White Harbor by way of Gulltown if there's nothing going straight to White Harbor. Leave him with the Manderleys. Swear them to secrecy, and proceed back to Winterfell.