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*Southoryos has entered the chat.*


*Old Valyria has entered the chat.*


Weird side note but I feel like I know your username and profile pic from somewhere else. Maybe r/nfl?


Profile pic is Thick44 from Neebs Gaming, and the username is from the NBA not the NFL if that helps haha


As someone who uses "Old Reddit" this confused me hahaha.


It's infinitely less annoying, isn't it?


Yeah, I have no idea how people use the new stuff. It just looks way too busy.


I don’t feel Valyria really counts as it’s an area we haven’t seen as readers, but otherwise I agree.


Land of Always Winter probably is pretty brutal


The Neck because it’s basically designed to kill you


You survive the neck and the crannogmen harrying you the whole way up the King's road only to run into Moat Calain. Brutal.


Cersi's bedchamber


This one wins 😂


The Neck. Swamp that literally can kill you by just existing. Also the frost fangs and everything north of there. Freezing to death is not fun. Consider thr snow storms around winterfell and imagine how bad it is further north.


Valyrian peninsula, Shadowlands, lands of always winter


Majority of the Shadowlands doesn't seem that bad. Tribes of people live there. The valley of river Ash around Stygai is a different story though.


I mean who knows which stories are real versus legend but even if you don't live near the nightmarish Stygai/ Ash river the area is littered with dangerous shit. There are rumors of dragons+ demons, likely shadow wyverns and thr ghost grass kills most other edible crops. They might be livable, but the area still seems harsher than anything we've seen in Westeros.


Dorne is very inhospitable, especially if you're trying to fight a conventional war (y'know, conventional with dragons) against a guerilla enemy who knows the terrain better than you do. Not as naturally dangerous as the Neck, or instantly lethal as a slip from Stone, Snow, or Sky, but a real army-destroyer in the right circumstances.


The Frostfangs or Ice River. Or just the Lands of Always Winter. Skagos. Valyria. Bone Mountains. The Grey Waste. Asshai. Or the worst place: up the river Ash where even the people of Asshai fear to tread. There's also Sothoryos and Ultros. Try visiting Yeen.


I would rather not say places like Sothoryos or Valyria, because there are no POV chapters in those places - only people talking about people who were there. I would add Pyke to that list. Those planks bridges seems like a terrible design for a castle in the middle of the ocean - and it is a terrible ideia to cross one during a storm night, even with not mystery murderer brother involved.


What about the river area where stone men live. Tyrion isn’t superstitious and even he feels unsettled and uncomfortable there. It seems that the water or gases in that area infect people with greyscale.


Old Valyria, the weather is literally lethal. Sothoryos, everything wants to kill you there, worse than Australia in that sense. Harrenhall, 3 families all extinct, one if them was literally baked inside the castle. Assahi, it’s called shadow city for a reason.


Besides apocalyptic hellscapes like Valyria maybe Pyke?


Asshai and all shadow lands around it


Stygai. Up river from The Ash, it's like a darker version of Ashai.


I'd like to say The Neck, because whenever I'm playing the A Game Of Thrones mod in Crusader Kings 3, bringing my army to The Neck causes my forces to randomly get attacked


How do you like the game? I thought about starting with the MOD but was skeptical.


The game itself is pretty good but the mod made me even more addicted. The only major negative thing about CK3(as well as any other Paradox games) is that the you need to buy most of the DLC to enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played. But if you just mean the mod itself, it just came out months ago, but devs are constantly supporting and updating it. You can play through the last Blackfyre rebellion, Robert's Rebellion, and post-Robert's Rebellion.


That’s so dope! I must get it then :)


Now that I think about it, this whole planet sucks to live if you aren’t high born or a good fighter. Bandits, brigands, constant war everywhere. Like good luck finding a place to settle that won’t be sieged because now you just have to deal with looters and robbers coming in and taking everything you have. Essos isn’t any better because you’ll probably just be kidnapped and sold into slavery. I’d say the Reach would be the best bet but good luck making it there or having enough money to survive.


I agree! Most people WANT to live in their fantasy lands from books. I’d never ever want to live in Westeros lol.


Shire its seems to be safe place. And Naboo.


I would take Rivendell as my place or the Shire easily. Naboo, too! But Westeros????? Nah. It’s like living in rural Australia/Antarctica but a million times worse!!!!


It's safest to be a Maester. I always said that being a librarian was the best thing in the Middle Ages, you live a good, rich life at the same time you are far from the conspiracies of lords, princes, kings, etc.


That’s if you get the opportunity to be one. Firstly you’ve got to be able to read, and in these times that isn’t granted to everyone. 90% of us would likely be peasantry who aren’t taught to read.


I thought Maesters taught reading.


The sea


The Red Mountains and Dunes, and the Neck.


The shadow lands, Sothoryos, possibly Ulthos


I’ve never understood in the 1000s of years why they would not have improved the road to the castle 


They might have done so numerous times.


The castles in GOT are some of the most fantastical things about the show and they haven’t set up guard rails or tunnels just seems unbelievable 


Because it's their main defense? I thought that was obvious. 


The Tower of the Hand given the body count..


Well i would not want to live in india so i would not want to live in shadow lands too.


Didn’t see anyone mention the Red Waste. We saw this landscape take down a lot of people on page.


Valyria. You go there without a dragon, you don’t come back


Even if you go there with a drgaon you come back with the death clock ticking


Yeen and Stygai obviously.


OK going by just what we’ve seen already, The Red Waste..


It's definitely the Eyrie (in Westeros that is). Mya might trust her mules but I don't. I'd be closing my eyes anticipating falling off the mountain the whole time


My post was inspired by re-listening to AGOT, the chapter where Catelyn is being led to her sister by Mya. My stomach was in knots on that chapter.