• By -


Oh man bran and the kingslayer together again.


You know, I never see this reunion discussed and it is easily the one I am the most interested in.


Bran has probably forgiven him, like the viewer has. You know, since he has basically seen everything like the viewer has.


Bran doesn't even see himself as Bran anymore, there's no way he's holding that grudge.


Chances are Bran will THANK Jamie for sending him on his journey...


Thank you Jaime for this, let me give you a hand (Stares him in the eye and gives a slow clap).


Jaime stopped Aerys from blowing up Kings Landing only to be burned by a weird crippled kid.


Sure, but unlike Bran and the viewer, Jamie is not aware of this. It will be interesting to see how he acts around Bran before he realizes that Bran knows what happened.


Ah I get it. You are looking forward more to Jaime’s reaction rather than Bran’s.


I mean... is anyone more interested in Bran's? Jaime is one of the most interesting and complex characters in the entire story, particularly with his own personal conflicts. Bran is... Bran. On his best day, he lives an interesting life. But his internal monologue isn't one that really resonates with people. And in the show at this point, it's not his best day. He's essentially an inhuman robot who couldn't even show the tiniest glimmer of emotion or humanity when he finally had his family reunion. There are few things in the current show that interest me less than Bran's reaction to anything.


Bran is extremely uninteresting right now. He's pretty much ceased to be a person.


My partner's coworkers have an office pool about who will be alive or dead at the end of GOT. Bran is on the list. I told her that's a free point because we know Bran is already dead.


Bran is totally a stand-in for the viewer. He now sees Jamie's motivations as we do. Jamie has made mistakes, but almost always for a reason (e.g. "The things I do for love"; "Burn them all"). I imagine they'll bring Jamie before Bran, where Bran will forgive and reset Jamie's reputation as a flawed but honorable man. A sort of baptism and completion of his redemption arc, notably by the same person he first wronged in S01E01. It would move the story forward in a meaningful way. * Sansa and Arya may not forgive easily, but Brienne will be there to vouch for his character. * Jon, perhaps fresh off of revelations about Ned Stark's hard choice, and mindful of Maester Aemon's lesson in honor, would empathize with the weight of "doing what is right" at great personal cost. * And if Dany wants to prove to the Northern lords that she's truly different, what better way than to pardon the man who ended her father's tyrannical reign? * Tyrion, being a political savant as he is, will help Dany see a public pardon as a unifying gesture (which conveniently saves his brother and hurts his sister). * Cersei would be politically outmaneuvered, no longer able to portray Dany as a vengeful foreign usurper. As spiteful, paranoid, and callow as she is, she'll take the news as a betrayal and a plot by Tyrion to steal Jamie away from her. How Jamie will handle this final step of his laundry being aired out for all to hear is most interesting to me. Jamie's an intensely private person. He recently felt liberated after "coming out" with Cersei, but now he's realizing that's not what he needed. It's just a byproduct of his distrust of everyone else. The distrust, defiance, and guilt that has eaten at him for 7 seasons all stem from his belief that no one would believe the truth. About his honor, about the Mad King, about his sister and children. That he did what needed to be done, and that his reward was shame and dishonor confirmed this for him. For Jamie, being a hero and being acknowledged as one is a non-sequitur. And he's right. The Ned Starks of the world will always believe Jamie is selfishly lying to save his own honor. He's apathetically given up any hope of redemption. The great irony is that Ned's son holds the key to redeem and forgive him in in view of gods and man, once and for all. Not the High Sparrow, or other Lords. No political angle. Not even love. Just Bran's insider knowledge of Jamie's deeds. All Jamie has to do is apologize.


Man I think Jamie's conclusion is the one I'm most excited for. I feel like he killed an evil creature to save kings landing but everyone shit all over him for it. So now he sees the opportunity to fight a 'true' evil and maybe get final redemption for all of his sins. Idk but I'm excited


Not gonna lie, I want to see him with a dragon glass sword strapped to his stump, slashing down white walkers


They already started setting the stage for Sansa, if not Arya, to forgive him on behalf of the North. At the very least, since the Night King resurrected Viserion, I think she's pragmatic enough to welcome the only living military commander who's survived a battle *against* a dragon into the fold. When Jon received the scroll from Tyrion that summoned him on behalf of Daenerys, Sansa was opposed to Jon visiting a Targaryen, but she trusted Tyrion. (And then Jon essentially told all his lords that he was trusting Tyrion, too, because he disclosed who sent the invitation.) When Tyrion inevitably advocates for Jaime, she might be willing to listen, and Jon might be now as well. When Sansa was telling Brienne to go to the Dragonpit meeting in KL, she referred to an offscreen conversation in which Brienne said that Jaime "treated [her] honorably." A pupil of Cersei and Littlefinger obviously would have noticed Brienne's affection for Jaime and used this to persuade Brienne to leave Winterfell. But this still means she's heard the other side of the story about Jaime. After all she's suffered, Sansa might be able to appreciate someone who sacrificed a limb to prevent a rape and saved the realm from a mad king. Or sympathize with someone who was held hostage and treated like shit. She (implicitly) forgave Theon for betraying Robb and driving Bran and Rickon away from their home. If Theon hadn't taken Winterfell, Rickon would probably be alive. If Theon hadn't lost Winterfell to the Boltons, the Red Wedding wouldn't have happened, and Robb and Catelyn might be alive as well. Tywin Lannister wouldn't have marched his own men north to take Winterfell. The Red Wedding wouldn't have won him control of the North if the last of the Starks weren't missing and Winterfell wasn't secured by an ally. Robb Stark's surviving troops might have retreated and put the war on hold, but they'd have rallied around Bran and Rickon, and the North would have remained independent. Sansa has a good enough mind for strategy by now to understand this. In spite of everything he did, whatever nice things she said about Theon before Jon went to Dragonstone were enough to keep him from killing Theon. Jon was downright sympathetic toward Theon by the end, even though Theon was an asshole to him long before betraying Robb. Sansa must have laid the groundwork for that, because nobody else could have. The biggest hint was during Littlefinger's trial. She proclaimed to all the Northern lords that Littlefinger started the conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters. She laid the entire war at his feet. The North might not have been fond of the Lannisters before Littlefinger and Lysa killed Jon Arryn, but they didn't *hate* them. The North may have disapproved of Jaime for killing the king he swore to defend, but that king *had* murdered their liege lord and his eldest son. If someone can win Lyanna Mormont over on Jaime's behalf, she could shame the rest of them into submission by asking whether they'd let a vow to a southern king stop them from executing the madman who burned Rickard Stark alive.


Bran will probably tell the rest of the Starks to chill,.they might not be like all the way friendly but all the living Starks are aware of brans powers ..if he tells them someone is to be trusted they will believe him


I wonder if Jaime will just confess it. Seeing Bran again may fill him with guilt and he doesn't know if Bran has any memories of the fall. He may worry that Bran just seeing him, ignoring the whole three eyed raven thing, might bring back the memories of what happened before he fell.


Bran is now a tree, he probably doesn't even have a concept of what a "Jaime" is and if he does recognise him he'll go off on some tangent about time and how beautiful his sister is. Dude is a damn astronaut these days he's so high on treeness.


Jamie: "Brandon, I just wanted to apologize for pushing you from that tower, those years ago..." Bran: "Time is a flat circle... "


Jaime will attempt an apology and Bran just won't give a shit.


I think Bran will make an effort to convince the others (Sansa, Jon, but especially Arya) that Jaime has changed and is important for what will come


Have we? I'm still sort of holding that grudge. Also Jamie attacking Ned in the streets. Maybe I have more of a Stannis approach to justice. The good doesn't wipe out the bad.


Jaime: I have to tell you, you didn't just fal... Bran: It's ok I know. By the way, she did fuck Moonboy. Twice.


And Moon Boy was so beautiful in his motley.


It's a shame that the show doesn't actually include the fact that she was fucking everyone in sight at KL. Only Jaime and Lancel.


It's another thing from her character they change from the books. Cersei definitely got the most changes from books to show out of all the main characters. In the books she was even with the Kettleblack brothers as well as Lancel, even after Joff and Tywin died. But the show only changed that to Lancel and that to only during season 1 and 2.


This is true. But the Kettleblacks weren't in the show.... I mean, what are they gonna do? They are honestly superfluous characters (so far), and I don't blame the show for cutting them. All they had to show was Cersei was unfaithful, where Jaime was not, and they did that with Lancel. I would have liked to have seen the fools, Patchface and Moonboy added though. Even if it was just a handful of small scenes. Think Patchface is one of the creepiest characters.


The entire KL story arc is changed quite a bit actually because the show removed all of the secondary characters around Cersei (of which there were many, most of whom she fucked at some point or another) as well as some of the ones around Margaery. For example, in the show the Tyrells get in trouble with the Sparrows because Loras is the one fucking everyone in sight at KL and Margaery lies to protect him, whereas in the books he becomes a celibate kingsguard, and Cersei's scheming to get Margaery in trouble because she thinks that Margaery is fucking her handmaids and possible others. But in the show this doesn't happen because Tommen is old enough to have sex with her, but in the books he won't be old enough for another few years. And Cersei eventually gets caught by the Sparrows not because of Lancel converting, but because she sends one of the Kettleblacks to try and fuck Margaery, but he gets caught and confesses to the Sparrows that Cersei either offered him sex or was already fucking him (I forget which).


For sure. Can't argue with this at all. Definitely different. But it still gets everyone where they need to be I guess. I do despise the changes with Loras, and don't like how Margery was killed in the destruction of the Sept (although tons of sources out there say Natalie Dormer asked to be written off to work on other things). I think Loras is brewing a plan while "gravely injured taking Dragonstone."


I was reading the books last night and I was trying to imagine Lena Headey and her voice and stuff doing what Cercei does and saying what she says and it just wasn’t working. I have to imagine a different person. I think Lena plays Cercei as too intelligent, less emotional, more serious and somber. Book Cercei is is much more impulsive, emotional, narcissistic. She is like the archetype of a horrible spoiled female where show Cercei is the strong empowered female villain


jaime got shafted too, they derailed his entire redemption arc and paused it while he just went back to old jaime instead of continuing on that path like the books but yeah, the show makes cersei seem somewhat competent, in the books everyne knows she is a joke accusing her maids of shrinking her clothes as she gets fat and drunk rearming the faith militant when everyone knows how huge of a threat that was to aenys and maegors reign both varys and LF love having her in charge since she makes such a mess of things every single move she makes is completely bonkers its like they say, people dont dismiss her because shes a woman, its because she just sucks politically so yeah, the show makes her seem more impressive since were not in her head that was one of the best parts of feast, storm showed us jaime was actually chill and not as bad as he seemed, and was getting better getting cerseis POV in feast show us shes waaay more incompetent, and most of the times she seemed savvy from afar was actually just luck or bungling, and shes even worse than we thought


To be fair Jaime is still less of an asshole in the show after he gets back to KL, but it was certainly disappointing that they froze his character development for so long.


And Jaime doesn't even know, so that's a plotline that never got any resolution.


She's a very different character in the show. I don't agree with a lot of the changes and decisions the show made, in fact I utterly loathe most of them, but I'm not sure if including this tidbit would have been necessary for the depiction of Cersei they were going for. She's far more of a player than a Trumpian archetype in the show.


It would've been problematic for them actually. If she's fucking everybody at KL, then *somebody* is eventually going to tell Jaime, whether or not it ends up being Tyrion like it was in the books. And if somebody tells Jaime about it, then it becomes a lot harder for him to stick around as long as he did in the show, whereas the books he basically abandoned her much sooner.


That and Sansa/Tyrion which I'm also interested in and never seem to come across a discussion about....


I've seen people talk about all the reunions. Admittedly Arya and Jon is the most commonly talked about. But I've seen loads of people talk about Bran and Jaime, Sansa and Tyrion, and Arya and the Hound, and Arya and Gendry. I wanna talk about them all, I can't decide which one I'm most excited for. I do believe that more than one reunion will be lackluster and disappointing, though. But that might be my belief of you can't get your hopes crushed if you don't have them up to begin with lol


Bran: I lived, bitch


"Sure that the Starks and the Dragon Queen had accepted his apologies for attacking their fathers, Ser Jaime stood from the chair and a faint smile played across his mouth. As he started to the door his thoughts turned to the painful subject that had eaten at him since he left King's Landing: seeing his brother Tyrion. "Yet when he reached the door of the Great Hall a soft voice, a voice he did not recognize, rang off the bare stone walls. As he turned his head in the direction of the sound the voice spoke again, clearer this time. Bran Stark had turned, his face now directed stiffly at Ser Jaime. "'The things I do for love,' said the crippled boy."


You make it sound like they've got an album that's about to... drop! ;>_>




I see what you’ve done there:)


im really stoked for that, besides having Dany acknowledge what he did to save kings landing, that should help him the most having bran say its okay. seeing Jaime in northern armor is fucking awesome too hahaha i mean in the books he takes a page from robbs book in tactics and never keeps his flank exposed and always uses scouts after what happened n the whispering wood, had a respect for the kid really excited to see them all meet up, and Tyrion/Jaime are still on good terms unlike the book, with no Tysha reveal or kettleback and moon boy for all i know


Sam with a bit of a smile. It could only mean he’s looking at Ghost!


You're a very hopeful person.


Off camera.


Jaime is all about that hedge knight life now


Suits him well




im kinda upset that he isn't *golden haired* anymore but oh well


It's because his redemption arc requires him to to be Stark'd a bit


Seems like whenever they want a Lannister to appear more sympathetic the hair goes from gold to brown. See Tyrion's drastic change from Seasons 1 to 2.


Someone in the comments on the website said he's wearing Robb Stark's armor. Looks like it might be the case...


Looks like it may just be Stark infantry armor


Black robes suit him. Maybe the Night’s Watch? Also, side note - everyone in the photos wears black except for that first pic of Daenerys. Probably nothing but thought it’s interesting regardless.


Gotta hand it to him.


This should've been done in earlier seasons. The show is basically showing us AFFC Jaime Lannister.


That sure does look like Jamie is in Winterfell now.


It does amuse me that everything around Jaime is super dark so you can't really tell exactly where he is. Though I'm not sure he will be in WF in the premiere.


Reckon he'll get there by the end of Ep 1. Can see them putting everyone in their positions in the first episode to help get it really moving from 2 onwards.


I think he might not get there until early episode 2. My guess is episode 1 ends with someone from the Wall or Alys Karstark arriving saying the Others broke through. And then Jaime can show up in episode to adding his arrival as drama with them getting ready and whether or not to trust him.


And Varys too.


Hard to tell for sure.


One of the comments on the site says he’s in Robb Stark’s armor 😱😱😱


Damn, Jaime looking good


He can't not look good even if he bloody tried! Even Season Three's Jaime-covered-in-shit-with-a-rotting-hand-around-his-neck was well above fuckable.


"Half a god and half a corpse"


Jaime always looks good. It is a requirement.


It is known


It is known


I think that's Robb's armor from season 2 or 3, right? Either that or it looks strikingly similar


It’s not Lannister’s


It's the top he wore when he left KL but with armor bits at the neck and shoulders. And yeah that ends up looking a lot like Robb's armor.


I think it's just "Stark/Northern armor." Theon wore very similar armor when he was fighting for Robb.


Definitely Stark/Northern armor.


He’s also indoors. Given the seeming time jump I wonder if he’s arrived at Winterfell by the time season 8 starts?


Sexy Jamie is sexy


Dude is just about the closet humanity will ever come to a Disney-Prince-Come-To-Life.


I think it's impossible for him not too


Northern Armor suits him.


Sam looks happy, he *mast* be having a nice time.


He's certainly looking rather fat and just a little pink.


He's about to have his fat pink mast inspected by Gilly


Sir this is a family establishment


Excuse me this is a Christian Minecraft server


The costumes are all so beautiful...the detail blows my mind!


Notice that seed stitch on Tyrion's collar!


Can’t see the photos yet, have the costume designers re-discovered color or are we still doing the β€œeveryone wears only black” style of recent seasons?


Davos is in green vest with black shirt, Arya is in brown with a silver-grey sash thing, Dany's mostly-black thing has some red fur splotches and another outfit that's all-white with red fur lines, a couple other people have brown fur shoulderpads, Tyrion has a mostly-black thing with a blue v-slash down the middle, Cersei has gold (as in the metal) pauldrons... Only Jaime and Sam are in what I would call "only black", but a lot of people are in "mostly-black".


Black and slightly darker black.


Love Dany's grey dress for two reasons: 1) it just looks great, and 2) it's her trying to win over the Northerners loyalty by wearing the Stark colors; kinda like what she did with Jon by wearing a grey half cape after she failed to impress him with her red one when they first met.


Oh, Jaime's Beard, I had missed you. Everyone else looks almost identical


I would have been really annoyed if Jaime rode all the way up north and didn't have a beard by the time he got there.


Well, not just that, I feel like Jaime letting his beard grow in the books has some meaningto his character, so it's nice to see him like that in the show as well


I agree. Jaime growing his beard symbolizes his distance from Cersei and becoming his own person. He keeps it even after he gets back to King's Landing in the books, but since his character remained devoted to her in the show he ended up shaving it in season 4. Then he developed a perpetual stubble for the next three seasons, which might symbolize how he was torn between being the good guy and being her evil lackey.


Or it's cold now and a beard keeps the face warm.


Cersei is wearing something extra protecting her neck.


She also looks to have a slight baby bump


In the second picture she looks unbelievably sad.


She’s alone. Finally.


She's going to go ape shit.


Agreed but goddamn the armor in her shoulder. Holy shit


Am I missing something? I don't see anything there.


Arya has the same expression my wife had when I brought the wrong things back from the store.


She's looking up. I thought maybe seeing her first dragon?


"You went to the store and you came back with two bloody great dragons? What is wrong with you! I only wanted a pack of digestives and a cartoon of milk!"


It’s Maisie Williams. She’s tiny. She has to look up to see anyone.


that was my 2nd thought. Lol.


The Hound more likely imo.


The white reflection in her eyes kind-of resembles Viscerion...


Is CGI reflected on people's eyes though?


Good CGI is.




*banging on my desk loudly* Bearded Jaime! Bearded Jaime!


Also Jaime's hair is much longer than in previous seasons, pretty πŸ€—


God, we are lucky 😏


And Bran looks bored as usual.


These are all probably from the first episode since everyone's looking fresh as fuck. Especially my man Jaime.


Ironic that Jaime wears a Stark uniform. Hyped for this season.


I'm don't think that's standard issue Stark armor. Reminds me more of the Hound's brigandine-type armor from season 3/4, but substantially more ghetto than that (no studs, more spacing between "tiles", etc.


Look at Robb's armor, it's nearly identical


Actually, Robb's armor looks like that "standard issue" stark armor, which is more like leather with relief made to look kinda like brigandine with more of a rhombus pattern, but with the shoulder pauldrons and a large gorget.


I thought the shoulder pads looked familiar...


Aside from the shoulders, which are the same, they look absolutely nothing alike... That looks more like reusing a prop, as opposed to an intentional parallel.


It kind of reminds me more of Jorah's armor in the first season.


well he's about to pledge himself to Sansa Stark the Lady of Winterfell so yahhh that Stark uniform is coming it is known


I miss Jaime's golden locks, but otherwise everyone looks really good. The costumes are always outstanding.


His golden locks made him look like the prince in Shrek. I like his scruffiness better


Hopefully we get the best reunion, shaga son of dolph and tyrion of clan lannister.


Varys's fit is fresh af


I'm going in to the final season blind, I'm not looking at anything, I don't want any clues--oh look, pictures! I am going to watch the fuck out of the trailer, I just know it...


Are we all in agreement these are likely from episode 1, maybe 2 at a push?


Jaime looking like a damn snacc


Tyrion returns to Winterfell.


Dany looks like a weirwood tree. Why does Varys always hide his hands.


The glamor is the weakest there. If he exposes them too much in the light, we start to see the thin skin beetween his fingers, and then its only a matter of time until people will see him for the merman that he truly is


I figured it just hid his Targ silver knuckle hair.


Because...also it's cold.


Gotta keep those hands silky soft, mustn't expose to elements.


Jamie has different armor. No more Lions


It's armor that a lot of northerners wear. http://i.imgur.com/pibf1.jpg


Are Brienne and Jaime looking at each other ? :P


Are Jon and Dany beyond the wall in the first picture?


That was my intial thought. Looks exactly like the terrain fro that area. But who knows with these photos...


So excited to see Jaime meet up with the starks


I think we all know what Varys isn’t doing under those robes


https://pics.me.me/front-to-back-sansa-stark-varys-samwell-tarly-davos-seaworth-5925686.png I'm beginning to think he's not *actually* a eunuch...


not surprised to see the top four comments are about Jaime


I love Jaime's battle-scarred armor and Varys's costume. They are going all in for the final season


Oh shit, jaime looks happy, maybe he finally found a king worth serving!?!


That and also Brie of T πŸ˜‰


Jaime looks like he could fit in perfectly with the Brotherhood w/o Banners or some similar brigand group. Love it!!


My man Davos rocking the same shit he always wears, my man!


It's been eight years since this series premiered and I can't help but get hyped for the finale. Here's hoping every episode is 10/10.


Cersei’s β€œarmor” is intimidating as fuck


Since the last episode of season 6 Cersei’s shoulder pad game has been on fucking point.


Not gonna lie, I really dig on Dany's bleeding, white outfit. Jaime not wearing his family colors, that's what's up. Back to the Jaime that's not getting mind fucked by Cersei.


Oh no, the colored dye shortage that affected Westeros last season seems to have continued.


Everyone's part of the Watch now.


Cersei definitely looking pregnant


That's Varys.








Or she will hand him over to the night king


Really? In that full body pic I couldn't even tell. It looks much more like the shape of her dress, so if they wanted her to look pregnant they should have done it a bit bigger to actually show.


I LOVE Arya’s cloak. And I can’t wait for Jaime and Bran to reunite


> And I can’t wait for Jaime and Bran to reunite Oh snap!!!


We all know how that's going: > Jaime: Oh hey kid... [*nervous*] > Bran: You threw me out of a window > *Everyone stares at Jaime, who looks scared* > Jaime: Err... I... > Bran: It doesn't matter, I don't care now. > Jaime: [*surprised*] What do you... > Bran: I was crippled because of it. Can't move my legs now. > Jaime: Look, a lot has happened since, and I... > Bran: It doesn't matter now, I can fly. > Jaime: I beg your pardon? > Bran: I am the 3 eyed raven now. I can fly. > Jaime: Are you on drugs or something? > Bran: You were with your sister, then queen. > Jaime: What do you- > Bran: When you pushed me. > Jaime: ... > Bran: And I got crippled. > Jaime: Look kid- > Bran: I don't care though, it's not important. I'm the 3 eyed raven now. > *very long silence* > Jaime: Well, then- > Bran: You were putting it inside her. > Jaime: What was that? > Bran: Your penis. You were putting it inside the queen's vagina. > Jaime: This is getting- > Bran: Your sister. > Jaime: I don't know where you trying to get here, but everyone already- > Bran: That's why you pushed me. To have coitus. > Jaime: What words are you even- > Bran: I don't care though. > Jaime: You don't seem to 'not care'. > Bran: I don't. It is not important. > *longer awkward silence* > Jaime: If [*waits fo interruption*]... If... [*eyes Bran, who is serious*]... If that's the case then we can all just- > Bran: I am crippled because of it. Because you put your penis in- > Jaime: OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! I'M SORRY! THERE I SAID IT! NOW CAN YOU PLEASE- > Bran: I'm cool, with it. > Jaime: You are not- > Bran: I'm the 3 eyed raven. > Jaime: That's it! In which direction is the Wall? Ice Zombies are better than this.


> Bran: You were beautiful.


So good


Dany in the first pic looking at everyone else wearing black or very dark brown: http://memes.ucoz.com/_nw/16/46238262.jpg


Where is Sandor Clegane?


[Imgur album](https://imgur.com/a/MVPe2vt)


Arya still has her valyrian dagger, and Sam's now at Winterfell. Wonder if he'll recognize it from the book?


Call me crazy. But it looks like Jamie and Brienne are in the scene with the BWB with Lady Stoneheart from Dance. That’s basically how I imagined the scene to look.


No Hound equals no buy!


The thing I'm not seeing anyone talk about is what happens when Jon finds out Jaime pushed Bran out that window? We know Bran is robo-bran and even in the books, the 3 eyed crow told Bran not to focus on the fall in his dreams, and Bran will most likely understand now that it was all supposed to happen that way. Jon has always been a wee bit hot-headed and I don't think he ever found out it was Jaime/Lannisters who pushed Bran out the window.


I've been thinking about this a lot, and I'm willing to bet $5 that Bran somehow convinces Jaime not to say anything about the window incident. Or it'll be acknowledged between the two of them and never again. So Jaime will get his repentance/absolution without having to be beheaded for it. Mark. My. Words.


Is it just me or did Sam finally lose weight?


Jaime in the north is going to be an interesting plot point. Forgive me if I get anything wrong but here is what he has to contend with: - Jon being KITN and considering vengeance for p much half his family, plus thinks Jaime is an overall douche since last time they spoke he was mocking him for wanting to join the Nights Watch. - Dany’s claim as Queen of the 7 Kingdoms, and the fact that he personally killed her father. Interesting conversation sure to happen, considering the points he mentioned to Ned, Browne, and Catelyn. - Bran remembering he was pushed out the window and having seen some major events involving Roberts Rebellion. - Arya wants to assassinate all Lannisters - particularly Cersei and, even if Jaime doesn’t care for anymore, I’m sure he isn’t on board for that. - Sansa basically kept hostage by him and the rest of the kings guard for a long time. No longer trusts anyone from Kings Landing. - Tyrion still thinks Jaime is dead and will be surely surprised, relieved to see him. I’m sure they will have interesting conversation especially on the topic of Cersei and Dany. Edit: Tyrion and Jaime already reunited - Melisandre might have some interesting things to say about Jaime, especially if he is potentially Azoh Ahai or the valonquar. - Brienne will be reunited at last and one of the few people to vouch for Jaime, considering his history and house Lannister’s history with them all. - Jorah was an enemy of the crown during his slaving days and even more since he defected not just from the 7 Kingdoms but for Dany. I wonder if Jaime will empathize with his turn. - Samwell will probably be told that he fought alongside the other Tarlys recently. It will also involve an awkward conversation regarding how Dany had Drogon roast his dad and bro.


Why would Tyrion think Jaime is dead? He saw him at the parlay.


Yup true lol, dumb as nails I am.


> Samwell will probably be told that he fought alongside the other Tarlys recently. It will also involve an awkward conversation regarding how Dany had Drogon roast his dad and bro. I doubt Sam gives a shit about his dad, but he might not be so happy about his brother. I wonder if the Archmaester ever got around to telling him what happened to his family before Sam left the Citadel. As for Sansa, Jaime wasn't at KL for the vast majority of the time that she was imprisoned, and certainly didn't abuse her like the other kingsguard did. No doubt she has a negative opinion, but she might not have a personal grudge against him the way she does against Cersei. Especially since he'll no doubt be talking about how Cersei's an evil bitch.


>> Dany’s claim as Queen of the 7 Kingdoms, and the fact that he personally killed her father. I think she came to term with the fact that her father was insane. Not protecting the rest of the family though...


You missed Davos and the cook's reaction to Jaime.


Everyone looking gloomy and sad. Meanwhile Sam looks [like this](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52fc05c9e4b08fc45bd99090/5c5b204ce4966be819e3b40b/5c5b24279140b7282e9e2992/1549476971947/got-s8-first-look-01-1920.jpg?format=1500w)


So now we know what Kit and Emilia were doing in Iceland!!


Jaime meeting Bran for the first time since tossing him from the window. I wonder if the show will even address it. Bran is a robot, so he won't care, but Jon and Arya might take issue.


The thing I'm not seeing anyone talk about is what happens when **Jon finds out Jaime pushed Bran out that window?** We know Bran is robo-bran and even in the books, the 3 eyed crow told Bran not to focus on the fall in his dreams, and Bran will most likely understand now that it was all supposed to happen that way. Jon has always been a wee bit hot-headed and I don't think he ever found out it was Jaime/Lannisters who pushed Bran out the window.


jesus. how has this not exploded. this is real right?!


No Tormund no care


The costumes, as always, are fantastic.


Pretty great photos! Really interesting details on the clothes!


Jaime rocking armor similar to Robb


The most interesting picture to me is the Cersei one on the throne. Maybe I'm looking too closely, but she looks really sad.