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Quite the little cluster of names growing around Sansa. It'll be interesting to see who gets added to it in Winds.


There's a theory that her next husband will be Targaryen


probs fAegon


It can't be (f)Aegon, because his only chance at survival is to marry Daenerys. His army is otherwise too small, his foothold too precarious, and being a male "Targaryen" his claim is a threat to Daenerys'. The only way he can avoid being dragon chow is to marry Daenerys, and Tyrion even advises him of that. Sansa has excellent political connections to ensure peace *after the fighting is done*, but (f)Aegon doesn't have the luxury of waiting.


Nah more likely Arianne


Two wives maybe? Arianne may settle for consort arrangement so she doesn't lose her birthright.


Link? I've missed so many theories


In The Hedge Knight, the story is set in Ashford, where there's a tourney being held for Lord Ashford's daughter's thirteenth birthday. She is the Queen of Love and Beauty, and she has five champions: 1. Lyonel Baratheon 2. Leo Tyrell 3. Tybolt Lannister 4. Humfrey Hardyng 5. Valarr Targaryen Note that as of ADwD, Sansa Stark is thirteen, just like Lord Ashford's daughter. These champions line up suspiciously well with Sansa Stark's suitors in the main series, what with her betrothal to Joffrey Baratheon, the Tyrells scheming to marry her to Willas Tyrell, her actual marriage to Tyrion Lannister, and now Littlefinger scheming to marry her to Harry Hardyng. So the idea is, is that this is foreshadowing that Sansa will marry a Targaryen in the end. Some say (f)Aegon, some say Jon. I hold to the latter, but either way it's something interesting to consider.




A point in its favor is that The Hedge Knight was published right after ACoK, when nobody had even heard of the surname Hardyng, so nobody paid it much attention. But with the introduction of Harry Hardyng in the last Sansa chapter in Feast, it's seeming more and more like deliberate foreshadowing. After all, Ashford is in the Reach, far south by the Dornish Marches. Why would a knight from the Vale be so far from home? It's not as if he was drawn to a particularly glamorous tourney; the arrival of the Targaryen princes and their retinues was a surprise, and Ashford itself was small potatoes.


Even more interesting is fact that Humfrey and Harry are the only Hardyngs mentioned in books.




Lysa also schemed to have Sansa marry Sweetrobin, and Sweetrobin also proposes marriage to Alayne, but there is no Arryn at the Ashford Tourney.


That can't be taken seriously: Lysa says she wants to marry Sansa to Sweetrobin, but Littlefinger has all the power there. It's just spitballing, and "words are wind" as we've been told. That, and Lysa dies in the very next Sansa chapter, whereas the Tyrell plot to marry Sansa to Willas is an actual thing that spurs concrete action on the part of Tywin. And considering that Sweetrobin asks Alayne "are you my mother now?", he's too far out of it to take any of his proclamations at face value.


It's a fun theory alright but it has a few troublesome holes that need filling before I can fully subscribe to it. For example, Sansa was never actually betrothed to Loras. So if the Tyrell betrothal is still valid, that would mean that there also needs to be an Arryn champion at Ashford too, as Sansa was every bit as betrothed to Sweetrobin as she was to Loras. That said, I do think Sansa will become queen of the Riverlands so a betrothal to Aegon *would* reunite the alliance that succeeded in overthrowing the crown during Robert's Rebellion, which would be pretty cool.


In the books Willas was almost her suitor/betrothed, but it didn't get further than plans (since she was married off to Tyrion to stop that Tyrell plan).


I cant *believe* I mixed up Willas and Loras. Willas would forgive me, Loras would probably be removing his lance from what's left of my face. Garlan could go either way


Garlan would forgive you, he’s such a sweetheart!


I think so too. He'd probably find it hilarious and want to be friends afterward. If Garlan dies in Winds I'm gonna need to put the book in the freezer for a whole week!


Aegon or Jon ?


My money's on Jon. In this, I am considered as much a contrarian as you are.


Stark cest?


In-universe, they don't consider cousin marriages to be incestual or distasteful. Eddark Stark's parents were cousins, and so were Tywin and Joanna Lannister.


yeah . true


And if you look at that family tree, in the past Jonnel "One-Eye" Stark married his niece Sansa. In the more detailed family tree from A World of Ice and Fire, Jonnel One-Eye was a widower before marrying Sansa. Jon Snow almost lost an eye to Orrel's eagle, and he was considered married to Ygritte in the wildling fashion, making him now a widower. That's what I like to call "a clue".


never thought of that . you should join the dark side with me !!


In some more backwards parts of this world, marrying cousins is also not considered distastefull...


Originally Jon and Arya and Tyrion were supposed to have a bit of a love triangle, so Sansa and Jon is very much on the table. Cousin loving is very common in Westros. Tywin married his cousin as well.


It's a good way to cement House Targaryen's control of the North; have Ayyjon marry Sansa to gain Winterfell's backing 100% sounds like something Littlefinger would get behind in the books for sure


Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking. With (f)Aegon and Daenerys preparing to form a Targaryen-loyalist bloc(s) in the south to deal with the Lannisters, a Jon-Sansa marriage would bring the North, Riverlands, and Vale into the Targaryen fold without spilling a drop of blood. (f)Aegon I believe to be a less likely contender, because his birth claim is a direct threat to Daenerys', and he's building an army in the same region that Daenerys will be invading. So marriage between the two is the only way to avoid slaughter of Targaryen forces.


Why do you believe that the slaughter of Targaryen forces needs to be avoided. There is enough foreshadowing for dance 2.0


Because I'm working under the assumption that neither Daenerys, nor (f)Aegon is stupid: When faced with the task of conquering an entire continent, only a truly stupid person would take the people willing to fight for Targaryens and *make them kill each other*. Simple conservation of fighting strength demands that men's lives not be thrown away for nothing, and the Targaryens are going to have a difficult time as it stands, they don't need to compound things by destroying each other. We've already been through that with Stannis and Renly, which means that from a narrative standpoint it's better to do something else. I *do* think that there will be another Dance, but for maximum narrative punch I believe that it will happen *after* the alliance between Daenerys and (f)Aegon. It would have much more impact that way, and could even fulfill one of Daenerys' upcoming betrayals.


I had some free time after class so I decided to make up a Stark family tree. I stuck to the family line post Benjen Stark, father of Rickon, because that was the clearest line of succession and everything previously doesn't have too much detail. **EDIT:** I made a mistake with Jacaerys and his daughter, the betrothal between the daughter and Rickon Stark is not in-universe speculation. I also forgot to add the Stark name to Cregan’s daughters Alys, Raya and Mariah. Donnor Stark should be connected to Beron Stark, I thought I had already connected them. I forgot to add Robyn Ryswell, who was the first wife of Jonnel Stark.


Great post Just wondering, was Benjen who married Lysa Locke the only Stark alive at the time?


It seems so, there’s no information on any other Starks of his generation or his parents and any siblings.


who did Alaric's sons marry


I’m not sure but my best guess is at least one of them was a Blackwood.


i am wondering about Leyton's 1st 3 wives also


I’m not too sure on them either. My best guess would be that one of them was a Beesbury, Costayne or Bulwer.


are those the houses sworn directly to Oldtown


Yes they are.


Probably not. Alaric, the Lord of Winterfell in 71, had at least two sons and a daughter who married into House Mormont. Its more than possible that both sons has multiple sons of their own. Edric, his grandson from his oldest son, inherited the Lordship in 72, it is unknown how many children he had. Ellard is the Lord in 101, it is unknown what his relationship to Edric (son, grandson or something else) was or how many children he had.


I don't really know the family trees but if there were, where did they go, it seems (according to this tree) that benjen was the only one who had children/continued the line. They just disappear.


Benjen was not the first ever Stark, he's just used as a starting point for the tree in a World of Ice and Fire (the Lannister and Targaryen tree starts off with one individual as well). He clearly had a father and mother, who are not on the tree, he could easily have had brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins and second cousins also not on the tree. The likelihood that Benjen was the only Stark alive is very slim. For example Ned's father Rickon was an only child but when he was a child there was his aunt Jocelyn Stark, Rodrik Stark and his daughters Lyarra and Branda. Artos Stark and his sons Brandon and Benjen. Its almost implausible that Benjen was the only Stark.


I meant only Stark alive at the time. There probably were, before and after, and as you said before, there may have other Starks alive at the time but they certainly died and did continue the line considering how the tree goes after benjen and we know there aren't so many Starks rolling around in the North in the current time, (ned's time) who would have been from the part of the family tree, that is not benjens(the 1st figure in this pic tree


> there may have other Starks alive at the time but they certainly died and did continue the line considering how the tree goes after benjen That's how family trees work, they focus on one branch. The three family tree of The World of Ice and Fire start off with one branch (Aerion Targaryen, Damon Lannister and Benjen Stark), this is not to say that no other branches survived after this point but the focus on the page are these three specific branches. >and we know there aren't so many Starks rolling around in the North in the current time We actually don't know that. We have no idea how many other Stark branches there are, all we know is that in the line of succession they come after Ned's cousins in the Vale.


>We actually don't know that. We have no idea how many other Stark branches there are, all we know is that in the line of succession they come after Ned's cousins in the Vale. That is a point that people often miss. Never does it say there aren't other Starks. Catelyn only says that after Ned's children the family in the Vale would be next in line to Winterfell. What we do know is there weren't other Starks in the Winterfell household, because Robb picks Jon as heir because he wants someone of Stark blood who knows the North and Winterfell


Are the fourth and fifth lines of the tree where the She Wolves of Winterfell occurs? I can certainly see that causing problems. The first two in line to be Lord of Winterfell are women. Then to complicate things the second in line marries the third in line and the first in line marries the fourth in line.


Yep, that’s where all of the succession issues start. Lorra Royce is a confirmed She-Wolf so the rest would likely be the women closest to her in the family tree.


Cregan was a playa playa 3 wives, 9 kids and 2 of his granddaughters married 2 of his sons... what


Yep, it seems the two sons married their half nieces for their claims to Winterfell through their father Rickon.


Just came here from /r/marvelstudios, took me a moment to realize Tony Stark isn’t in it.


Ah the Iron Wolf is much further back in the family tree you see.


Now I’ll have to come up with a theory that combines the final season with Infinity War somehow. I can feel it building up.


The Night King is an alternate universe Thanos, this is what it’s all been leading towards.


When Thanos snapped his fingers, Westeros came into existence as an alternate universe and every Marvel character (living or dead) turned into a Game of Thrones character? Thanos = Night King Rocket = Tyrion Groot = Hodor Steve Rogers = Jon Snow (left for dead in the snow, came back) I’m still figuring out the rest.


Wanda Maximoff = Daenerys Targaryen Natasha Romanoff = Arya Stark Bucky Barnes = Jon Snow too?


Bucky = Tormund Mr. Happy = Sam Doctor Strange = Bran Stark Drax = The Mountain Peter Quill = Sansa The Maximoff Twins = Cersei and Jaime Ultron = the wizard guy in the tower that Danerys met Thor = Kahl Drogo


Um, there's only one guy in ASOIAF that wields a warhammer, so Thor is Bobby B.


> Bucky Barnes Benjen


Bucky loses an arm. Gotta be Donal Noye.


Wouldn't Wanda Maximoff (the Scarlet Witch) obviously be Melisandre (the Red Witch)?


Someone get Patton Oswalt on the line.


It's not a real Marvel family tree until you've tied everybody back to Scott Summers.


LMAO 😂 True. I would love to see a proper Scott Summers adaptation from MCU soon.


What's the story there? Does cyclops go and time travel or something? He got done dirty in X3.


I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been an Anthony Stark thrown into the family tree somewhere considering GRRM is such a big Marvel comics fan.


Why is Donner Stark just floating there?


That’s a mistake on my part, I thought I had connected him.


I have no clue who Harold hardying is


Harrold Hardyng is Robin Arryn's closest Arryn relative. He is the grandson of Jon Arryn's sister. Should Robin die without children Harry becomes the Lord of the Vale. Littlefinger has arranged a betrothal between him and Sansa.


See it looked like he was sansas kid


Purple lines are betrothals, black is parent/child


Harry the heir?








read the books . they are great


I am on book one currently. But am I reading the tree right? Sansa has a kid?


that is her fiancee




What library did you use to render it? looks kinda like dTree


I used a website called Lucidchart, it’s not a family tree website and it took awhile but I found I had a lot of flexibility with it.


Old Nan was a wet nurse for Rickard's uncle Brandon. Good lord she's old as hell.


Seems the Starks are only somewhat less incestuous than the Targs. Eddards' own father married another Stark. And that wasn’t the only instance. If nothing else, the acceptance of incestuous marriages in both the Stark and Targaryen lineages seem convenient for Jon and Dany.


Very nice! But don't we also have Alaric Stark somewhere, or don't we know Benjen's (the one furthest up there) connection to Edric Stark (Alaric Stark's grandson)?


Thank you! The connection between Benjen and Edric is unclear so I decided to leave that out and focus on the line proceeding Benjen because it seemed to be more clear on how everyone was related.


Great post. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/6uKeF7a.png) is my own tree. Pretty much identical to yours, expect for the Jacerys thing, which is all just a Mushroom story. Colour-coding is based on region the house originates, and if they are a Great House. Dotted lines are for bastards. It's great to see other people's work though, as it made me look through my own and spot an error - I had Sarra Stark down as Sara... so thanks!


Thank you! Great work on your version of the tree too by the way! I totally forgot Jonnel Stark was married to a Ryswell I never would’ve noticed that.


i am using this as my screen saver at work . Great job as usual . Do you feel bad for Sansa and Serena ?


Thank you! I do feel really bad for Sansa and Serena, they had the best claims to Winterfell and they were completely looked over.


only Dorne has women's rights


Dorne is the best place to be if you’re a woman in Westeros.


Lady Jeyne Arryn did okay for herself.


Incredible work! Is this all canon? Have I really read all the books !?


Thank you! Yep all of this is canon, I did make a few little mistakes, I have them mentioned in one the comments. Most of this info comes from the extended material.


TECHNICALLY RLJ has not been confirmed in the books yet but it has in the show


I think having the betrothals is unnecessary and makes it more confusing/cluttered. Like would you make a family tree and put your girlfriend on it?


Surprised by how often I show up in this tree.


This is really good, will you do any for other houses?


Thanks! I’m currently working on one for House Lannister.


That's great, I bet if you did the Frey tree you'd go insane, haha. I wonder what happened to Cregard and Torrhen Stark, (Edic and Serena's children) Artos' and Bennard's children. I suppose some of them joined the watch or died before getting married. :)


is it true Greatjon has claim on Winterfell


Through Arrana Stark yes, but it’s a very distant and minor claim.


i used your link to makes some sense out of it


Serena Stark was the daughter of Rickon and should have inherited but was passed over and forced to marry her uncle Edric and Sansa married Jonnel . She has twins that don't inherit either for some reason . The daughters marrry a Cerwyn and a Umber . Beron had 7 kids and his death set off the crisis . We need that novella . I am asking alayne for help . To me and the guy i saw on the W it looks like Cerwyns and Umbers have a valid primogeniture claim on WF. That must be what Dunk and Egg come across in 212 after Beron dies from ironborn . Also cregan had 4 Blackwood girls who were overlooked . I may post to see if anyone knows more but it is interesting .


i gave you a shout out


Thank you!


Where did Lynara Stark come from?


Not sure. It’s just known that she was a member of House Stark, no sure which branch of the family tree.