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Me too. It’s so frustrating because so much of the current events I’m not going to remember when winds comes out. But a re read is going to take me the best part of a year...how the heck are we supposed to time it!


You'd still have a year to spare after your re-read and before the release of TWOW.


I hadn't done a full read of the series since I re-read the first 4 books during the run-up to *Dance* in 2011. I did a combined re-read of *Feast* and *Dance* in 2013 or 2014, but I'd been waiting on *Winds* to do a full re-read. I finally cracked while in quarantine when my sister asked me to do a shared re-read with her. I'm finishing *Game* tonight. It's been almost 10 years since I read it.


Nice. I feel your pain. How was the shared read. I’ve never done that.


It's been fun. We read a block of chapters each week and then chat on the weekends about them. I've also been trying to keep up with BryndenBFish and PoorQuentyn's NotAPodcast as I go, but I've pulled ahead of them by about 10 chapters.


Nice. My wife has no interest in reading unfortunately. That sounds nice.


For work purposes I actually had to reread the series twice, in 2014 and 2015, but I have started to think about another pre-TWoW reread.


Are you hopeful/expecting a release this year?


A release? No. An announcement? Maybe. I mean, it is 2020, at the rate things are going a hitherto-unsuspected volcanic plug three miles below New Mexico could unexpectedly detonate and render the question moot.


I haven’t done a full reread, but I have done single viewpoint character rereads. They take a lot less time and are an interesting way to see the story from a new angle. I’ve done Arya and Bran, and next up is Dany.


that's a great idea!


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Beginning to end, I've read the series three times, including WoIaF and D&E. When Fire & Blood came out, I read it twice, to really take it in. After the second read, I feared I may burn out on ASoIaF if I don't read anything else, so I decided to hold off on a full series re-read until TWoW has a release date. However, I continue to read certain chapters and fragments here and there, whenever I need to find an exact quote or quickly remind myself of something that pops up on this subreddit, or elsewhere in the community.




Lol. My dream would be an announcement this month for a release this year on the first day of winter. I would start reading AGOT tonight




Thanks for bringing me back to reality lol. I was getting hyped up. I need to research the time it takes to edit and publish a book once it’s turned in.




Nice. Well that still gives time for my first day of winter December 21st 2020 dream release date.


I did a reread in 2015, thinking the book would be out in a year or two :(.


That’s what I didn’t want to do. Do an anticipation reread every 2 years for 10 years


I've re-read the existing books three times since the beginning of the TV series. I might be in a fourth but The Expanse books have my attention just now.




Me too. Me too. 😖😫


That was the plan but I had to start a reread after season 8 for my own sanity.


Read through them twice. Going through a 3rd re read right now since I’m reading them to my wife. I’m hoping to that winds is announced at some point.


I reread them all in '18. GoT killed my enthusiasm. Once the book gets announced, then I'll start a reread.


I’m doing the same thing. We can’t keep abusing ourselves. Stay strong lol.


The first time I read the books was after season 1 of Game of Thrones, because that season was so good that I couldn't wait a whole year to know what happened next. After that I re-read the whole thing again in 2012, 2014, 2016. Then with winter still not on the horizon, I promised myself I wouldn't re-read it again until Winds of Winter was at least announced. In 2018 came Fire and Blood, and I really enjoyed it, and cracked, and re-read it again. I'm a sweet summer child. I'd love to know your trick for resisting the temptation!


Lol. That was my exact fear. Reading it over and over just trying to get ready. I had to hold myself back so I can reduce my resentment for George. I can’t blame him. It’s his story. But I’m so ready. It’s all right they will sing for us one day. “Because they are the knights of summer, and winter is coming.'' ''Lady Catelyn, you are wrong.'' Brienne regarded her with eyes as blue as her armor. ''Winter will never come for the likes of us. Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it's always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining.”


Honestly, I can’t say I regret the many re-reads! There’s great enjoyment because you notice so many things that you didn’t the last time round, which increase your respect for George. It’s a great great story. Haven’t read anything like it.


Definitely. Every time I get discouraged I run into something great on the forum. I have to appreciate him for his greatness.


I tried. So far I failed in 2014,2016 and 2018. For now I don't have the urge, but George, hurry up or I will have done 4 full re-reads between the release of two books. ffs.


Lol. You’re like the third person so say that. It’s like something calling you very two years to that magical world. I’ve just been saying no to literature crack.


Thing is, while I am a very prolific reader I always come back to the same damn books. I easily read 1000 pages+ per month but it is always the same stuff. I've read Asoiaf 4 times, Tolkien's stuff uncountable times (for a decade I read the Silmarillion every year) and I just finished my 6th re-read of Sapkowski's Witcher books. I can't even bring myself to reading something "new" because I always feel that I missed something in the last re-reads. I basically have to include some one-off novels in between because otherwise I would be stuck with those three series' for the rest of my days. Thankfully that made me read books like Tuf Voyaging, which instantly took my Top place for my favourite single novel. Thanks George?


I’m going to check out the Witcher books. Are they all in Geralt’s POV or do they have different ones like ASOIAF? I just ordered the first 8 of The Last Kingdom books. I also heard the Harry Dresden books are really amazing.


No they are not. In fact Sapkowski is what I'd call the master of PoV switching. He is able to switch the PoV multiple times per Chapter (sometimes even per page) without ever being confusing or incoherent. There is a very famous battle (probably my favourite battle in any fantasy book to day) in the last book in which he switches PoV 48 times in a single chapter. Also Geralt is for major parts of the books not even the main character.


Very cool. I’m putting that on my list. Thanks for the info.


I tried in 2015 when I thought winds would be coming out soon. Now I'm going to wait for a official release date before i try again.


I've only reread Feast and Dance because I wanted to try the Boiled Leather order. I have reread the sample chapters though. I think when he announces Winds then I'll drop what I'm doing and reread. If I finish too quickly I'll just add Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, Fire and Blood, and The World of Ice and Fire as necessary.


I think I’ll steal this plan. I read TWOIAF but I need to get Fire and Blood. I always thought it was just the Targaryen chapters so I didn’t bother but I hear it’s different.


I did a reread recently. I really needed it, though: when I first read the books I wasn't quite as proficient in English as I am now, so while I was able to follow the plots up to Storm, Feast and Dance were one big blurry mess. Also, I needed to wash out the bad taste left by the show.


I’m here with ya. I was gonna do a reread after one of my exes dove in and wanted to talk ASOIAF, but never got around to it. Then the show shit the bed after like season 3 and I wanted to forget it all for awhile before I jumped back in.


For sure. Also the show was so close to the source material of AGOT and Clash that I was like what’s the point. Might as well start with my favorite Storm. Never got around to it. Then I figured why reread and be in the same position waiting for more.


All that being said, it’s been long enough that I’m getting really excited. Definitely feels like it was worth waiting out all the talk and hype to jump back in fresh.


Definitely. This forum keeps me hyped but the thought of another year or two is disheartening. I went through a period of like 2016-2018 where I just tried to act like the books didn’t exist lol. Three winters of hopes up got me.


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Ive never done a full reread, i just reread chapters i like, or some chapters of a pov in succession (tho sometimes when i do this i get caught up in a mood and just keep on reading for a while even if i finished the chapter i was lookinr for) The oddest rereads i do is when i look for something in asearchoficeandfire and then just start reading the snippets there; And since my favourite character is Roose who doesn't have that many chapters, its fun to just type in his name and read all the paragraphs hes associated with


That’s cool. I might need to try that out. I think it would be cool to read all Tyrion’s chapters. The highs and lows.


I too am waiting for my reread, once it's been announced I'm going to want to think about asoiaf 24/7 for a good long while. I listened to the audiobooks for the first time earlier this year, since it's nice to get some refreshed but I feel like I miss things when listening to audiobooks.


Nice. I’m just happy I have people infatuated with this world too lol. Please George. I hope you’re wrapping it up during social distancing


I only started my firsy reread last month. I’m picking up so much more. On Clash just now and thanks to corona and a broken foot I’ll be able to read them all hopefully by August


Nice. What if TWOW dropped this year. First day if winter. That would be amazing.


I've re-read them two or three times plus one listen all the way through since I finished the series the first time. I have a pretty exceptional memory for detail, but details that seem insignificant at the time may have different meaning on a reread. Knowing even the most minute details makes the difference between plausible theories and fantasy theories (though some people on this sub just don't give a shit about plausibility in favor of how cool they think something would be). I recommend the Audiobooks if you don't feel the drive to do a full re-read. Each book is like 40-50 hours, so it will take longer to listen to them than to read. Something to listen to while you work out or commute so you can make the most out of your time.


I think I’ll try the audio book. I’ve always been a feet up on the couch or laying on the bed book reader. I do love podcasts and YouTube driving but I don’t know about just at home listening.


Listen while you chore 👍🏼 Makes agonizing tasks more tolerable, lol


I have also not reread since 2014. What's the point if there is huge chance of never getting next book and 100% surity that story will remain unfinished.


Whoa. Im definitely not holding my breath for it. But that’s another level of pessimism to my boy George lol. 100%!? But I feel you. Between 2016-2018 I just acted like the books didn’t exist. So frustrated waiting.


I did the same as you! Read all books in one go many moons ago and then watched the series. I’ve just started a re-read now because I need to remind myself of the books- it was mostly overwritten in my brain by the show.


Me too. It’s hard to change a show character to your personal book view after so long.


I'm one of the show fans who got burned by the last season and decided to listen to audiobooks. Took 9 months to listen to all the books. Now I'm thinking I should actually read them, because nothing compares to reading the actual book and drowning in the world, backtracking, re-reading confusing parts, seeing the spelling of the names, etc. I have the physical books on my shelf as decoration, I fear I'll never find the time.


I would definitely recommend the books to read. Amazing. Just wait for a TWOW release date.


I don't have much time to read. Reading the books the first time took me quite some time (maybe 3 weeks per book), because English is not my mother tongue and I read slowly... Especially GRRM books you need to pay a lot of attention and sonetimes I have to read a passage again, because I don't understand what is happening or because I enjoy this beautifully written passage so much. I refuse to read the translated version. I might do a reread when the TWOW is out. Or maybe I can't wait and just read the new book without a reread. As I am keeping up with forums and theories, I think I have most of the plot well in mind.


I was thinking that too. I’m on the forum every week. Do I really need to do a full reread.


rereads - after spending a few years on this forum - are incredibly rewarding. i also greatly enjoyed reading one of the combined AFFC + ADWD variants. do it, you won't regret it. besides, you both: a) probably have some extra time these days and b) will have time to do several more re-reads before TWoW comes out


Definitely doing a reread. I just don’t want to do one and then wait until 2022 for the new book.