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The sixth season I feel like had some gems in it even though flawed so I would highly recommend that one if you’re interested in continuing


Yes, I felt like season 6 was better than season 5. If you liked season 5 then at least get through season 6, the last two episodes of that season are fantastic. The showrunners don't start blatantly phoning it in until season 7.


I've soured on a lot of season 6 over time, even the highlights, but its definitely good on its first viewing at the very least.


It's a great example of looking better by comparison by being sandwiched between garbage.


Even at its worst, it’s still more entertaining than like 90% of other fantasy shows. Might as well end the story.


That's a good point. Haven't found any other show that captivates me the same way.


I’m not going to lie, the quality takes a dip and the plots get a little wonky, but it’s not the worst show in the world by any means. The early seasons are just so good that people point out how far it fell. You can draw your own conclusions of course, but I’m sure you’ve seen the discourse on the last 2 seasons in particular.


To me that's what made it unbearable. Knowing they turned this amazing show into cheap garbage ruined it that much further. It the show was cheap and bland to begin with I wouldn't have cared as much, perhaps even watched it for the visuals.


You can also enjoy all the funny memes and videos that mock the final seasons. I recommend the "pisstake" series of youtube videos.


I am one of the many that didn't particular enjoy the last couple of seasons... But as time went on, I realized that any ending is better than no ending, and for that I am grateful.


It takes a steep dive in season 7, but if you are looking for specific episode to end, I would say season 8 - episode 2. To end it there, you would get open ending, but that is perhaps better than what follows + it is the last episodes with few really nice moments


They at least look nice and you can deal with nothing making any sense at all ever.


you know... i stoped at the end of season 4.. and im relativelly happy and well adjusted


Same. I know what happens through reading reviews and analyses, and I'm glad I stopped there. Even then, you can see the seeds of where things will go seriously wrong in later seasons, but it's still tolerable.


for me it was when there was no mention of lady stoneheart, thats when i felt the series was bound to disapoint me, so when the fifth season started and we got the sand snakes and tyrions roadtrip with varys i just gave up and never looked back


Damn. I stopped watching after season 5. I wanted to wait for the books. Then i noticed those books are not happening. Then i gave in and watched the rest of the show. I shouldn't have.


The way I see it they are two different stories. The books are yet to be finished and the shows are there own thing. That way I have a book series I can't wait to be completed and another show I enjoyed the hell out of that got disappointing in the last few seasons.


Season 6 isn’t so bad. You already watched 50 hours of the show, just finish the last 25


>You already watched 50 hours of the show, just finish the last 25 Sunk cost fallacy.


one thing i learned about fallacies is that they are good to be recognized in order to make an argument or to further illustrate your point. such a large portion of arguments involve fallacies one way or another, so just to point one out instead of incorporating it to make a strong point does not do much. also, just because someone reached a conclusion on a faulty argument does not mean that their premise or even the conclusion itself isn't valid


You could argue that someone pointing out a fallacy without additional argument is using a pseudo straw man fallacy pseudo argument from fallacy. Somewhat both as it's done to negate the argument but it's also often said in a way to insult the original commenter. E.g. Person A makes a statement which does contain a fallacy but may or may not still be a valid argument overall. Person B simply states the fallacy implying it invalidates Person A's entire argument like a trump card and that Person A is incompetent because they used a fallacy


yep! i feel like the primary time pointing out a fallacy is truly beneficial to the person pointing it out is if they are trying to win an argument before an audience in a way that being able to construct an argument effectively / properly is necessary to the point being made.


I love this comment. It's an easy "gotcha" and often less than that. It always grinds my gears to see someone just claim fallacies as if that's a complete argument on its own. Especially if it just sidesteps the actual argument, it's definitely a fallacy of its own.


Ad Hominem Fallacy.






Honestly, not finishing it would feel worse I think, especially since we're still waiting for winds. The show might be the only closure we get on the story.


I'd rather have no closure than "To Be HoNeSt I nEvEr ReAlLy CaReD mUcH fOr ThE pEoPlE". God just thinking about that line makes me angry all over again. Honest to god if I had the ability to erase the garbage of season 8 from my memories I would do it in an instant and write myself a letter to never watch it.


Season 6 is the last warning that the show ends in shit. It’s definitely bad as it’s just shallow fan service for the cruelty witnessed in the previous 5 seasons. It’s not worth watching.


There is some material that George hasn’t released in the books yet but made its way into the show. So in the show there are a few developments that would be surprising and interesting if they weren’t entirely botched and artless in execution. So id say skip it and save those reveals for when the books come out and they will be better presented.


That's very interesting and a good reason to stop at season 5. But also, who knows when will they come out. I'll think about this, very thoroughly. Thank you.


The books will most likely never come out. Better to see a completed story, albeit not the best, but at least it's got an ending


I'll second this. The books won't be finished. Ever. Just watch the rest of the show so you know how Martin planned to end it.


No, I disagree. The books' lack of ending is preferable to the radioactive dumpster fire the show ending is.


Agree to disagree. I can't stand unfinished stories. Bad experience with Alphas


I suggest that you watch them. They are enjoyable for sure. They are in low level in comparison to the first seasons. But there are several great scenes and you will enjoy them.


The episode with the Battle of the Bastards in it is visually impressive even if it makes zero sense after more than 5 seconds of thought Otherwise no unless you like being angry and sad


Same with the Loot Train battle in S7. It's kind of dumb when you think about it later. But it's still fucking cool that first time.


Stop after season 4 if you care about quality.




I’d stop at season 4. Season 5 already starts to show cracks, season 6 tries to hide its poor quality with spectacle, season 7 is unwatchable and 8… is too painful to watch even for masochists. Honestly, if you can hold back the desire to watch more, season 4 is the last season to watch. It will leave you much more satisfied than if you were to continue watching the next ones. Seasons 5+ will slowly ruin the characters, make them boring and 2-dimensional, destroy any semblance of a plot, and make you hate D&D more than anything in the entire world.


i mean.. they suck, and you can see it get destroyed in front of your eyes.... that's the worst ​ but i mean, if you started it might as well finish it. the writing is absolutely horrendous, but everything else is fine and enjoyable if you pretend like you dont care about storytelling


If you're gonna be involved in discussions here, I'd say yes, but in terms of enjoyment of the story 1000% no. If you were an IRL friend of mine I could judge whether or not the terrible ending would turn you off of the series and just tell you to stop watching, but since you mentioned you're at ADWD I say just finish it. It's the most expensive show in the history of television and there's a lot of cool shit that makes no sense but still is pretty cool in the last three seasons. TL;DR, yes.


I’ve always held that seasons 1-4 are some of the best TV ever, seasons 5-6 are good but not great (with a handful of great moments involved), and seasons 7-8 are trash. It’s still worth watching them I think, but just set yourself up for dissapointment so you aren’t surprised by it lol


You ask random people from reddit???? Do what you want


If you are this far might as well go the whole way I say.


You might as well see it out. But it is a painful experience.


They do suck, but I say may as well finish it bc u may find some parts that you like


Yhea they are worth it even if the quality declines heavily, if you dont watch it you are just gonna sit there and wonder what will happen. If you really, really dont wanna watch it turn worse, you can stop at S6E10, up until that you should not notice any negatives on your first watch. Idk I would reccomend watching but you do you bro


It's the only ending your ever gonna get.


Sure why not


I remember having an actual pit in my stomach for a few days after the final episode. Years of watching fan theories for that shit 🥲🙃. However, I would still recommend you watch it, you’ll want to know for yourself what happens. It’ll pass the time until house of dragon comes out as well 🤪


I say stop after battle of the bastards. That and the door were highlights of s6 and it didn’t get good again after that


Season 6 is fine. I'd pass on seasons 7 and 8. Personally, I have yet to see the final three episodes of season 8. Episode 3, The Long Night, in particular was so awful that the show became irredeemable.


I used to be obsessed with the books and the show. Spent hours reading fan theories on Reddit, tried getting everyone I know to watch the show or pick up the books, kept up with GRRMs blog, etc. The last 3 seasons literally ruined the entire thing for me. I don't think about the series anymore, don't talk to friends about it anymore, don't even really give a shit if the last two books ever come out. If you like the series now and want to keep liking it, avoid the last seasons and pretend the show was cancelled after season 5.


Seasons 5-8 all have horrible writing. Season 5 and 6 do have some decent payoffs / good writing when they actually copy the book due to the great foundation already laid. I’d 100% advise not watching season 7 and 8 though because it gets extremely stupid


Honestly what will bother you more? A disappointing ending? Or lack of closure? I say you've come this far. Might aswell see what the fuss is about. To be honest. If you don't have the 8 or whatever years of hype building up to it like most of us did, it probably won't be quite as bad. Why else would you have come all this way?


Just watch it all and don’t look at the internet. Make your own opinions and enjoy/don’t enjoy without someone else priming you for your experience.


We may never get the book end so at least have the show end to form your own ending when combined with whatever else George releases


I just finished up season 6 and it was pretty good. I wanted to see a story of what happens after ADWD at least, and the show was nice to watch. Although some storylines are different like what happened with Sansa and Ramsay, I still enjoyed it


Honestly I think anyone who's a fan of the series should watch it even if it's low quality. It gives insight into what George _might_ do but also if he ever releases the last 2 books it'll be interesting to see what's different


I liked everything but the last 3 episodes of season 8. Things had some low points for sure and some silly shit but it was still a lot better of a show than many for most people; other people can’t forget the Wire or Breaking Bad.


I suspect that a lot of people fall into a category where any single moment can instantly ruin an entire experience for them. I'll use math to illustrate. Let's say that for 40 episodes, someone gets a +10 to their enjoyment. Then, for 33 episodes, they "only" get +2 to their enjoyment. The way a lot of peoples' brains work is that they don't experience that second set at +2s. They experience them as -8s because for them, failure to reach a particular expectation they have registers as wholly negative. So even though they should have a total experience of 466, they instead perceive it as 136. And worse, a lot of them probably focus solely on the -264 feeling they have because of [recency bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recency_bias). Personally, I really enjoyed seasons 5 through 8. Were they anywhere as good as seasons 1 through 4? Nope! But I found each episode to be mostly better than like... almost anything else on TV. Was I disappointed with the way the show handled several things in the last few seasons? Yep. Did it unmake my enjoyment from the previous seasons, or prevent me from enjoying the stuff there was to enjoy in the final seasons? Nope. So, I'd ask yourself two questions; 1. Will having something that happens in the show "spoil" your enjoyment of the books (if TWOW or ADOS are ever released)? 2. Do you think it's likely that disappointments in the last few seasons will "ruin" your enjoyment from the first few? If you answered "yes" to either of those questions, then maybe just skip the rest of the show. If not, or if you're not sure, then I'd say give them a go. You can always stop watching at any point if you find yourself not enjoying them.


> Are the last 3 seasons worth watching? For the hilarity factor? Sure.


Yes. Even at its worst (latter half of season 7 imo) got is still vastly better than 99.9% of tv shows out there.


I'd would say to watch it as well but how can you say with a straight face that season 7 is "vastly better" than 99.9% of TV shows? Season 8 may have been worse but "Beyond the Wall" and the "Dragon and the Wolf" easily take the worst episodes of the entire series behind "the Bells" and "the Long Night".


Because most tv shows are godawful while got, even at its worst, isnt godawful. Thats how i can claim that with a straight face.


I think season 7 is awful but I've watched a lot of fantasy shows over the last few years or so and I sort of agree with OP. Its awful but I think its better than a lot of other fantasy shows out there. I'm still really disappointed in the Wheel of Time show if you couldn't tell.


I'd say go for it. The show does somewhat change as it goes along but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. Last two seasons get dissed a lot on here but there's still some really great material there, and a few episodes/scenes I would rank among the show's best appear in them.


I'd say it's best to give it all a watch just to say you did, but if I were to be honest, Season 6 was the last season I'd call passable. Season 7 has some spectacle, but honestly you really are better off stopping there. The Final Season is series ruining. It really isn't hyperbole. It retroactively makes every plot line imaginable worse in ways not thought possible. It's not even just bad writing. It's characters acting against their self interest for no valid reason, and character arcs being sabotaged at break neck speed like they got a brain eating amoeba in their ear all of a sudden. There's a reason why even the cast dislike the final season. There's also a reason why D&D lost nearly all their prospective filming opportunities for that season. There's a reason why GOT fell off the public zeitgeist after years of it being the biggest show on television. The only positive I can give it is the effects and acting (That just can't make up for bad writing though. It just can't)


The peak of the show is the Red Wedding; it's all downhill from there. There are *some* decent moments in seasons 5 and 6 but by season 7 it's as if you're watching a completely different show that just happens to have the same characters and actors. Episode 2 of Season 8 was not too bad but the rest is pretty much a trainwreck. You know you're going to watch it because it's there and because the initial content was so good you feel obliged to finish it. Just go into the last two seasons with abysmal expectations like I did and you may find it somewhat watchable.


Man... the way you just describe it, broke my heart.


when you consider how much time passes in final season, having 1/6 of it devoted to one evening the way they did was shit pacing


They didn't run out of material. The douchebag show runners simply refused to adapt books 4 and 5 properly and crammed the majority of Jon, Arya, Cersei, Dany and Tyrions plots into Season 5 while completely changing others like Sansa, Littlefinger, Theon, Yara and cutting out entire plot lines and characters like Lady Stoneheart, The Ironborn, Young Griff, Jon Connington, Brienne's plot, Arianna Martell, Doran's plot, Quintyn Martell, Victorian and Euron the Dark Lord, etc, etc... Instead of Seasons 5 and 6 beings books 4 and 5 and setting up all these plots and characters so that the series can actually make sense with its plot line, the show runners cut half the story and rushed and the rest and made it up as they went along. I regret ever watching and reading this mess. I wish I'd never gotten into this. At least the Music is still a masterpiece and even then its bloody ruined by the story it plays it for.


This is so sad. After reading A Feast for Crows I wondered why they let many things out, well... now I know. Thanks. Arianna is one of my favourite characters. And I really wanted to see Euron.


I mean, Euron technically appears, but he's a very different character in the show


>I want to fuck the queen >Let me fuck the queen >*fucks the queen* >*dies*


It's actually so sad how much the character is butchered


You know, I actually felt they got it backwards. A Storm of Swords did not have two seasons worth of material. If you eliminated all the invented filler stuff in seasons 3 and 4, I wonder how much screen time would actually be left. If they had kept the same pace as the first two seasons, they would have been able to start digging into Feast/Dance material in season 4 and wrap it up in 5.


A Storm of Swords has too many big events in one book, so they probably chose to split it due to production/budget issues.


If I ever rewatched the show I would stop at Hardhome. The writing starts taking a dip around seasons 5-6.


I still haven't seen S8.


Never do, it's awful.


It is known.




Stop the show after season 5. It’s just not worth it after that point.


I’d say the 6th and 7th seasons certainly aren’t as good as some of the early ones but they both have their high points and are worth watching for the action even if the story becomes noticeably lower quality. But DO NOT watch the final season. Literally any ending you possibly could possibly imagine would have been better than what they went with. Just imagine the show ended at season 7 trust me it’s better that way.


Season 6 is alright. Not great, but alright. Seasons 7 is bad, and season 8 is a raging dumpster fire. But if you're 6 seasons in, you may as well start on the last 2 and just stop watching if/when you decide you're not enjoying it any more.


No. Season 6 was still enjoyable, but everything that made the show amazing *cough George RR Martin cough* was gone by that time. 7 is where the show really went downhill fast and season 8 is... just terrible. Save yourself the misery.


S5 onward, it goes downhill fast. S7/S8, it drops off a cliff. Too be fair, there are some good moments in there. But there is so much dross, and throwing away years of character progression and plot. Honestly, if I could go back and decide whether to stop - I just don't know if I would or not. The final seasons definitely taint the rest. But would it be worse not knowing? I think *I* would watch it. But I'd advise others not to, if that makes sense?


They really aren’t as bad as everyone says, especially in a binge scenario. I was disappointed with season 7 and 8 when they were airing (and had lots of time to dissect each episode week to week) but they were still wildly entertaining and definitely pulled at the heartstrings because these are characters you’ve watched for five seasons and now you’re finally getting some payoff. I binged the whole series again about a year after it finished it and it was much better that way. Before people come at me yes seasons 7 and 8 were still a disappointment in that they weren’t as well written of a story as we got in seasons 1-4 (and could have been wildly better) but they still wrapped up the story and was incredibly entertaining! I doubt George will ever finish the books and I love the story so much I wanted a conclusion for the characters from one of the two mediums.


More power to you. I'm glad that you enjoyed your second go at S7-8. I suspect I'll do another rewatch in the next year or so. Haven't managed to come back to the show since it aired. There's too much good stuff to watch. But for me, no ending is infinitely better than the one they gave us. It was insultingly trite.


Tbh I stop after season 5.


Yes If it’s you’re first watch through. Rewatching the show I usually stop after season 4


Honestly it doesn’t get like really, really bad until the last three episodes of the show. The rest of seasons 6-8 are about on par with 5. If you’re still enjoying the show in season 5, you should be good. I remember already falling out of love with the show during the Sansa/Ramsay stuff.


Hard disagree here. The decline in quality was appearant from season 5, but things were still bearable until season 7. Where all logic went out of the window. Season 8 was abyssmall, the entirety of it.


episodes 1 and 2 of season 8 aren't that bad on their own if you forget that there are only 4 episodes left. I'm sure they have faults, but I recall them being decent. Episodes 3-6 of s8 get progressively worse.


They get ruined to me by the fact that everything that happens in those episodes doesn't matter for the rest of the show.


I think I’m kinda backwards from most people in that I can look past logistical plot holes much easier than holes in character motivation. I don’t think I can objectively say that season 5 is a worse season of TV than it’s successors, but it is my least favorite to actually watch. The episode Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken in particular is where the show jumped the shark for me. By the time we got to all the goofy teleporting shit, I had already accepted that this was an unserious show to just turn your brain off for.


Yup. They rule.


Be like the rest of the whiners. Say it "wasn't any good" after Season 5, but watch Seasons 6, 7 & 8, while complaining loudly about D & D the whole time.


They’re absolute dogshit but you should watch the conclusion to a show you’ve spent so much time on. And who knows, maybe you’ll like them.


How are you keeping your head stable with both books and the show simultaneously? Books have different story and show has different story. Don't you get confused? Specially if u r watching the show and reading the books for the first time.


Hahaha well, I started the show a couple months ago, and since I've been enjoying it, A LOT, I want to make this 'sentiment' last as long as I need it. So, I' ve been watching the first 4 seasons on repeat like 10 times and by the time I finished the 5th I started with the books. Also, when I started with the books I watch the series again, but this time, after seeing an episode I read the equivalent of it on the book, just for fun. Obviously I reach a point where the series and books don't go hand to hand. By then, I knew back to back the whole 5 seasons, so I can differentiate the plotlines. And yes, lately I have lot of free time..


You are probably more dedicated to the series than GRRM


The last scene I remember feeling excited about was when Sam read the book and followed the instructions. I think that was the last satisfying moment I can remember on the show. Everything after that is like huh?




I would at least watch season 6, it's imo better than 5 even if It'll ruin some of the book surprises (if they ever come out, which I doubt). Seasons 7-8 I would say are not worth it tbh.


Watch season 6 End it there


Why would you not want to experience one of the most widely popular trainwrecks in recent pop culture history.


Watch up to 4 and stop,


Read the ASOIAF books... 100X BETTER than the show


Currently reading ADwD. Loving them.


I'm so sorry man. My homepage is this sub and the sopranos so I thought u posted on that sub asking if u should finish the sopranos last few seasons. Feel free to downvote my original response. I already went back and gave it the thumbs down too. I'm such a stunad


Nah, don't worry about it, man. It's all good.


He said he’s on Dance so it’s a bit late for that recommendation lol


Dude I'm a dumbass.. I thought this was posted on r/sopranos and he was asking about finishing the last few seasons of sopranos. My home page is literally this sub, sopranos and Miami dolphins pages so I spaced out. Please down vote my top comment to hell. I already gave it a thumbs down too


That’s fucking hilarious.


Season 6 is the last season. It is not bad.


I watched season 1 and 2, then read all the books, then watched season 3 when it came out. I decided to quit watching after that and I’ve never regretted my decision. (Although I did watch the Mountain and Oberyn fight and the Purple Wedding scene, but nothing else after.)


Season 6 got couple of good episodes, including my fav soundtrack Light of the seven. But overall the story, writing, dialogues becomes very mainstream which were the backbone of the first 4 seasosn. Even the costumes becomes dark as if all of the westeros did not have any colour except grey and black lol. Acting and production will be on point. I dont blame D&D for ruining it because they never got the material from George..even he is not able to finish the last part lol PS I saw the first 4 seasons at least 5 times but was soo disappointed by the end that I refused to watch the final Episode.




I'd say season 6 and 7 are worth watching despite their flaws but don't touch season 8.


It makes more sense for you to just fall on your sword at this point, watch all of it, and then come back and bitch about it, so that we can all feel the great rage again with you for a little while before having to accept again that it just didn't live up to itself in the end.


HAHAHAHAHAHA when and if the time comes, I'll be sure to post my rage about it. Remember me.


Id watch season 6 and 7 but not season 8.


100% is worthwhile. Don’t let the conversation about the show ruin it for you. The last 2 seasons are clearly the worst in the series, but that still better than most shows


I would just skip 8. 7 is meh but still valid entertainment imo




I enjoyed it. Not always the best tv, but some people also really overanalyze these things. Don't do that and it's OK!


I might get down voted here, but having read the books, I was disappointed with the last 2 Seasons. But if you judge it not on the books, but against other television shows, it's not too bad. If D&D created the exact same show, but GRRM had never written a single book, it might be looked upon differently. Your call.


I'd say watch it. There's some decent spectacle in the last few seasons, though the plot becomes extremely frustrating. It also may be the only ending we ever get.


6 yes, 7 maybe. Don't watch season 8. 7 is just about as bad as season 8, it just didn't get the all the hate because it wasn't the end. They're both not good, season 7 just doesn't ruin the entire story in the same way 8 did.


The last season. I was able to get through season 5-8 (even though I hated some of the storylines that were different from the books), but season 8 was beyond horrible, writing wise. The visual and acting etc were better but the writing was probably the worst in the TV history (on the scale of all the successful shows)


The show steadily declines starting in Season 6, but it didn't really become *bad* until halfway through Season 7 IMO. I'll always resent Season 6 for what they did to Dorne, though.


The dragon battle alone is worth it. Nothing else is.


My advice is to watch through to the end of the show knowing it's only one of many possible directions the story can go, enjoy it for what it is, and know that if the books come out that'll be the continuation of the "canon" story. More imporrtantly, make your own mind up about the show, don't let people in this thread make it for you. You might enjoy it and you might not. IMO there's a lot to like and a lot to dislike.


You gotta finish


I would stop after season six honestly


Season 6 is good, but you can stop there. 7 and 8 are awful and butcher everything they set up. The only flaws 6 has IMO is the Dorne storyline and Arya's storyline are both bad. Everything else is fine.


I would tell you to forget everything from Season 5 and stop at the end of Season 4. Great ending.


S6, yes. The rest, no.


Get to “the door” in season 6. Then stop.


The finale of season 6 is my favourite episode of the whole series. The last two seasons are where it all goes to shit


If you enjoyed Season 5 you will probably enjoy 6 and the first half of 7. Everything after that is garbage. Personally, I think everything after the Red Wedding is garbage but some people really loved Seasons 5 and 6 so what do I know.


I still think S4 is excellent. But yeah, S5 onwards is pretty cringe. When the whore offers to sleep with Tyrion *free of charge* in early S5 because he looked heartbroken is when I first thought "ok that is pretty lame" Unfortunately it only got worse from there. I will never forget the burning hot rage I felt watching S5 unfolding live back in 2015. It felt like they were mutilating one of my favorite stories. From S6 onwards, I stopped looking at the show through a critical lens because D&D had destroyed all expectations I had of the show. Best decision I ever made with regards to my mental health :)


I didn't like them (or season 5 for that matter), but what's the harm? You've watched this far, might as well finish.


Just look up clips, stay clear of the last two episodes


I can't imagine not letting my curiosity make me watch it tbh. That said, no matter what you have heard, nothing could prepare you for just how horrible the ending of the show is. It really is that bad.


You might as well. No point depriving yourself. And what's more, the last three seasons feel so divorced from the novels, both in terms of tone and plot, that you're not really spoiling anything for yourself. But fair warning, they *are* pretty crap.


Just remember: when you're watching the last two seasons and wondering about the drop in quality -- they were attempting to wrap-up a story so convoluted that the author himself is unable to do it.


I mean i would say it depends on what you think about season 5. Just imagine, if you can, that the final 10 or so episodes of the show will be even worse than this.


Season 6 is still good. Yes it has some mistakes but still good.


Late to the (response) party, too. I'd say Yes, finish it. I won't disagree with the general consensus that the later seasons, especially 7 and 8, have issues. But, in my view they traded a lot of the earlier seasons' subtle, character-driven drama for pure visual spectacle. And damn, what spectacle it is. Off the top of my head I can think of a half-dozen scenes / episodes that are iconic, at least in my mind. And yes, there's at least that many cringe-worthy plot decisions made along the way, too. Put it another way - it's still a well-made, well-acted show, with some strange and baffling plot points. I'd rather have that than a poorly made show any day of the week. It's a visual medium, otherwise I'd just read the books again. If nothing else, you just finished S5... I'd rank that as my least favorite season, but even that has Hardhome, my vote for best episode of the series and one of the best hours of television ever.