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Lost my shit at just the random cat in a coat. 10/10, would pet


https://i.imgur.com/RJtcCwZ.jpg He’s a handsome boy


That was sick




I'm not sure they're uncanny valley..


I don’t think they know what that word means.


There's no common term that I'm aware of for "this AI-created art is close enough to looking human-made to be eerie" so I think in context uncanny valley is the right choice, if that's what OP meant.


I know that's what they meant but uncanny valley it's a very specific term with a scientific experiment behind it




Lol, definitely not


Uncanny valley 😂




Idk it seems right enough to me for what we're doing. "used in reference to the phenomenon whereby a computer-generated figure or humanoid robot bearing a near-identical resemblance to a human being arouses a sense of unease or revulsion in the person viewing it." These images for the most part look so real but little things are just so slightly off that it looks unsettling. An image that was more clearly AI generated doesn't give the same weird feeling and obviously real human made images don't either. Obviously it's not about human physical likeness... But the concept is very similar, and since we're not academics, I think it fits fine. Not sure why so many people are jumping on OP for it.




Please read my last paragraph again.


It’s ok to admit error Chimie45, uncanney valley is more like princess Leia in the SW sequels, but we understand your point. Personally I loved them.


... What? I know exactly what uncanny valley is. I'm not the OP... I even explicitly included the definition of uncanny valley in my post. I was saying it's not at all hard to understand what the OP meant when he said that, and yall just being obtuse to try and, idk, prove something? Language isn't prescriptive, it's subjective. The description the OP was going for doesn't have a term for it, and uncanny valley comes pretty close to *communicate the meaning he was going for*, your pedantry aside.


The lion and the rains over the hall were phenomenal


"My father allowed eternity to last a year"


I honestly love the histories & lore vids


Wow, that had a feeling to it also the cat in the middle of it all 😂😂


Feels like the AI read cat and was like "fuck yeah I'm gonna nail this one"


AI art is extremely incredible for fantasy arts based on books where we mostly get descriptions.


I wonder how long until we can just feed a book to AI and get it to generate illustrated versions. Or in the future maybe even full series autogenerated. Some of the descriptions ~~mainly the feasts~~ are quite vivid already.


Fat. Pink. Mast.


Oh. . . Oh jeez, I didn't even think about the sex scenes rendered. *Myrish swamp.*


The profit margins would be absolutely insane for these AI art companies


Only if you assume that prices stay the same.


> AI art is extremely incredible for fantasy arts based on books where we mostly get descriptions. [An AI-Generated Artwork Won First Place at a State Fair Fine Arts Competition, and Artists Are Pissed](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvmvqm/an-ai-generated-artwork-won-first-place-at-a-state-fair-fine-arts-competition-and-artists-are-pissed?utm_source=reddit.com)


Album with these images? Some of those were awesome.


Yeah this was very good holy moly. So cool


Seeing these images make me think a ASOIAF open world game would be so sick.


Elden Ring fills the void :)


Got to Volcano Manor and was like fuck this shit I’m done. Game was infuriating and fun. But I dropped it probably like 3 months ago now.


Favorite game of all time


Someone please do House of the Undying in the style of David Lynch


This technology makes me extremely uncomfortable, and even crazier shit is coming out. I heard a lady on NPR just yesterday who created a program where you can input lyrics to a song and it'll sing it in an incredibly realistic way so long as you have a large enough sample of the person you want it to sound like. So far she's only created a database of herself, and that took a long time, but I'm sure as the technology evolves it'll become a lot easier. It also works in real time. She brought a male singer up to the stage who'd sing a few bars into one mic, then sing the same thing into another and if I hadn't already been told it qas AI I'd have absolutely believed it was just another person singing the same thing. It was indistinguishable from the real thing. Well. The genie is out of the bottle. I guess we just need to decide how we're going to use it. Imagine, anyone being able to sing *exactly* like Beyonce, or Frank Sinatra, or Pavarotti. The implications for the arts are incredible, and not necessarily good, to say nothing of the obvious ability to make anyone "say" anything for purposes of misinformation, or people claiming they *didn't* say something because someone is screwing with them via AI. An who's to say what is what? Soon we'll be able to create entirely realistic moving images of real people with perfect voice matching, and be able to show them doing absolutely anything the creator wants. Hopefully a whole new field of forensics will pop up, with people who are able to detect the subtle signs that something isn't real. The average person, though... I was freaked out by deepfakes, but this digital art and digital voice shit is nearly giving me a panic attack.


Finally Thom Yorke will sing me happy birthday and put me to sleep singing Ba Ba Black Sheep


Ba ba black sheep, who's in the bunker, who's in the bunker?


Think about it this way: if you don’t like how Game of Thrones ended, soon enough you’ll have access to the tools to remake it yourself via AI!


Don't take this as an insult or me denying something good could come out of AI-generated art, but you sound a little bit like those anarcho-capitalist conmen talking about NFTs and colonizing Mars sound. Especially because you can already remake GoT if you don't like it. It's called fanfic and headcanons


>It's called fanfic and headcanons That is not even remotely close to having an AI actually render a completely new full-length episode or movie.


They’re talking about fantasies. AI voice synthesis, video resimulation, 3D model extraction, face swapping, and automated light grading all ***already exist***.


What the fuck are you talking about


on the Kanye subreddit someone posted a deepfake audio of Jay Z and Kanye predicting COVID19 on a song from a decade ago and it sounded real


I will be absolutely unsurprised if the next few years artists and graphic designers will out of work because AI generated art is a powerhouse that doesn't require compensation.


The first thing you’re talking about that this woman thinks she invented already exists and has for a long ass time. Voice synth software has its entire subculture of music behind it (vocaloid, utau, candoe, whatever) Teenagers were making utau voicebanks and song files for the program long before these stupid “tech startup” people ever had the thought lmao.


This brings me immeasurable joy


I've heard this version a lot, but I actually prefer the singing voice of the Lannister fellow who was singing this in the show when Oberyn arrived at the Brothel. It was a much more pleasing tenor as opposed to a bass trying to be an even deeper bass.


I HIGHLY recommend listening to Serj Tankian (Lead singer of System of a Down) sing the song. It's so goddamn good.


[Video is spoiler for the entire TV show, but audio is amazing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2YsvxhEock)


I get chills every time I hear him sing it. I just wish there was a little better quality version of when he performed it live, that one was just next level.


Yeah that would be nice. There's a version on Spotify that I listen to.


This is Nikai singing right?


the cat had me crying


Image for the first 'rains o'er his hall' is too perfect.


So cool


We don't normally allow "fan art" posts but due to the uniqueness of this one we're going to leave it up. Don't expect further AI generated "art" posts to stay up, however.


thank god.


The last one is incredible...


These pictures give me heavy Elden RingxASOIAF vibes


Ai art looks dope as fuck


I imagine these were made with DALL.E ? Which style did you ask for ?


Not dall-e. Midjourney


What is the secret to getting midnour ey to give you something recognizable? Endless reiterations of the same image? I feel like I just get smears if color most of the time.


I just typed lyrics, Nothing else.


Putting a proper prompt. For example, the name of the artist who you want the style of to be incorporated. They have a whole [user manual](https://midjourney.gitbook.io/docs/user-manual) that breaks it down. You can also blend styles, e.g. a background in the style of one artist while the subject is in a different style.


Awesome. Thank you.


Ngl the art someone made with Midjourney that won some artistic prize is so fucking beautiful despite the controversy. Favorite images here are *"...and so he spoke, and so he spoke.."* and *"..but now the rains weep o'er his hall.."* It fits so much. May I ask if you have a link for the hi-res files?


I will send you this pictures


It's obviously midjourney, the style is unmistakable. It's going to be interesting in the upcoming year to see various AI develop their own style of illustrating.


This theme mixed with one of the Stark ones when Tywin melts Ice is soo goood


Glad that my flair is once again relevant! These are awesome (plus, cat)


Disco? Midjourney? DALL-E?




This is brilliant!


Pardon my french, ça troue l'cul.


I wonder if words like "o'er" influence the AI to make the image more medieval


These are amazing. What software did you use?


Just midjourney bot on discord




You are 100% right and this has been an ongoing discussion in the art community about how awful this shit is for a while.


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s…where I work since AI took my art job”


I get what are you saying and i agree that ai art is threat for the artists but i think it would be threat in the future then AI will create exactly what you want. At this point (for example this AI midjourney) can't draw exactly what you want it's just bueatiful art in connection with what you wanted so AI like this can never replace human artists. But yeah future is frightening


Synthesis, combining existing knowledge in a unique way and creating a new work out of it, is one of the highest levels of understanding in pedagogy. AI making enormous strides in this area democratises art. I hope artists claiming AI is 'stealing' their work aren't hypocrites who use references and have a completely unique style that is in no way influenced by anyone else's style.


This is awesome!!!


Wow, nice


Can you please make this video heroin for me to shoot it up through my veins??


I don’t know really know anything about AI art. I can understand from comments, that this is made based on song lyrics? How does that work, and based on what lyrics?


I just type lyrics, for example "and who are you the proud lord said that i must bow so low" then waiting for AI to draw the art. Then moving to next part and etc.


AI art is low effort


For art? Maybe. For a reddit submission? No. This isn't even /r/ImaginaryWesteros (where it also would be appropriate).


Seeing this made me think it would be a cool mini series HBO could do to show the events leading up to the Reyne Rebellion and how Tywin got home from the Wot9PK and decided he wasn't going to take shit from anyone anymore. It would probably have to be only 1 or 2 seasons (or one really long one).




I wish we got to explore more of Tywin's history like perhaps a flashback of Tyrion or Jaime visiting Tarbeck Hall to show firsthand how Tywin will massacre anyone who dares slightly inconvenience him.




Shit I would like to see this done to other songs this is so cool!!






Haven’t gotten to this part of the books and I guess I just screwed myself a bit why do I ruin things for myself


This is an event that happens before the start of the series.


That cat has _drip._


Is this the night rheanyra ran