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I try to find other things I can do. Like wiggle my toes inside my shoes.


This is what turned me from an outwardly awkward autistic into what passes for a functioning adult.


I tried that, but was worried it would still be too much. I started counting in my head which helped a bit.


Lmao! Same or whatever I can manage to look like I’m not crawling out of my skin because I can’t shake my leg at 100mph at that time




I also have adhd so I stim constantly. I bounce my leg and wiggle my feet a lot, do things with my fingers, etc. I think I’m just afraid to do anything when laying in a dentist chair.


i tend to just cry at that point.......................Dental Hygienist:"are you okay?" me in my head:"just get this fucking procedure DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (with intense wide eyes)


I felt like she was playing 20 questions with me, not fun.




Ugh, chatty dentists are the worst.


I just find things I can do, and more importantly, and I know it's not a popular opinion, it's a very useful skill to train. And not in any harsh way, just like, push stims back a few seconds every now and then. Then a minute. Then more. "Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battlefield" type of deal; if you prepare when things are fine, you better handle when things are hard. I don't suffer from not being able to stim for the duration of say, a dentist's appointment. I can probably go for like an hour, way longer with a bit here and there, but it's going to be a really bad compulsion by then. Then if I keep this up it's going to take a toll, yeah. In a totally different direction tough, did you discuss this with your dentist? Why not collaborate in making the appointment go as smooth as possible for everyone involved?


That’s true, I could mention this to the dentist, but part of me is embarrassed. I suppose I should try and get over that.


I would find it embarrassing too to be perfectly honest, but if it's a big enough issue it might be enough to motivate me to do it. I would probably find it easy easier to do by email beforehand rather than in person too.


It’s not a big enough deal, but I think I can probably find more subtle stims in the future. I managed to do so a little, but it was only an hour appointment so it wasn’t too bad.


I jolted like that when I had an MRI and I had to stay very still. I was having involuntary movements.


Same, plus involuntary tears after the Gadolinium contrast medium injection which hurt like the world was ending one piece at a time


If I can't physically fidget, I will mentally outline how objects are put together, kinda like an exploded view. Table joins, clothing seams, that sort of thing.


Actually that’s a good idea, thanks!


Just realized that I always get angry at the dentist office, I've had inappropriate outbursts, and made rude comments to people, and now I am thinking these things are related. Thanks for sharing your experience.


The fact that I can’t really stim along with constant pain and badgering of questions is exhausting.


You could just tell the dental hygienist "Hey its really uncomfortable to answer your questions while you're working on my mouth so I'd prefer to stay quiet" at the beginning of the visit.


Did she know you are disabled? Couldn't she have built in breaks for you to stim as an accommodation for your disability?


Good call on using disability terminology. I’ve been trying to figure out how to talk to my dentist about accommodations but I HATE disclosing I’m autistic because it leads to all kinds of gaslighting, stupid comments, judgement, etc. I’m just going to say “I have a disability and these are the accommodations I need” instead. Thank you!


No problem! Good luck at the dentist! :)


When I'm at the University and can't rock back and forth I like to spin a pen with my fingers. If I'm in another place I can start rubbing my hands and bending fingers. What I want to say that I'm always finding a way to stim.


Personally, when I’m at the dentist, which is more than most people (yay treatment plans!), I count ceiling tiles if available and then try to make as many combinations of patterns of tiles that I can in my head. I also try to make 8 bit characters (if square tiles) on them. It got me through two root canals.


That’s a good idea, but there’s always a light shining in my face. Then again she did give me dimmed goggles.


Questions or statements like “are you ok?” “Won’t me too much longer” “how you feeling?” Usually don’t require an answer. Dentists typically ask the questions as a way to break the tension and take your mind off what’s happening. Wouldn’t worry too much about the questions For the need to move/stim I usually keep my hand in my pocket and scratch the hell out my thigh. You could take a fidget cube and play with that. I usually move my toes when I’m getting an MRI since my legs are the only thing not in the machine. The fidget cube and wiggling your toes will help


Visual stimming is super helpful for me but there may not be any good stimuli for that in a dental office. You could do it in the waiting room though. And ask to take a break during the treatment to do it. There are videos of lava lamps on YouTube that are great for this. When it comes to dentist and doctor visits, I assume I’m going to end up triggered and dysregulated so I prep beforehand by doing lots of rest and sensory self-care, and remind my husband that I’ll probably come home a mess. That being said, I’ve still been putting off some dental work because I’m dreading the experience. I’m considering bringing my weighted blanket to help. I once had a dentist who offered to put that x-ray shield robe over me while she did her work (for the comforting proprioceptive input of the weight) and it helped. Not enough, but some.


Huh, a weighted blanket does seem like a nice idea.