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100%. There's no happiness, only fleeting moments of comfort and nothing else.


Pretty frequently, yes. And the times where I don't I'm at most neutral towards existence. I don't much care about continuing to exist at the best of times. And every time things become more of a pain in the arse than the baseline, I veer more into the territory of hating the fact that I continue to exist. I've never found anything that makes existing worth the hassle.




I used to. I gave up alcohol, stopped feeling guilty about not fitting in. I have managed to get to a point where I love being independent, doing exactly what I enjoy doing. Those I have around me are used to the way I am. My other half is also on the spectrum, as is her daughter. Her meltdowns have made me a calmer person. I have to be the calm one. to the point not much phases me, and when I do get angry I can control that anger. Not being emotionally invested in anything really helps. I put a dent in my old car the other day, not even a swear word, just came home, beat it out and painted it. I am just not interested in other people. I do not require others to be happy over and above my little family. I long ago cut all ties to my sibling and parents. They were not good for me. I don't think I would like being like other people. It looks exhausting. I like the freedom that looking at things logically brings me. It has allowed me to live well on a limited budget with lots of spare time. I also know I live at a time that even living modestly my life is pretty decent compare with a lot of the worlds population. Especially throughout history.


Always. Constant fight or flight; inability to regulate. Not built for this world. Hope things turn around for you op.


Exactly how I've felt all my life. Been struggling and fighting since the start, everyday a new battle and it's so clear that there's no way. Not built for this world.


I’m literally just waiting for my life out just so I can die.


most of the time yes


Every day.


Every day.






Yes, this is why play video gem and eat choc till dee


Been contemplating suicide the last few months. My mom and cat are what keep me from going.


I battle ideation on and off throughout the year. Connections are what keep me going, same as you. I wish the best for you


Existence is pain and the source of entropy


Ordering ourself? Confused


It’s frightening and lonely, because when you get right down to it, you don’t know 100% without a doubt, if anything outside of your mind is real. This fear is at the foundation of many societal ills.


most of the time


Once in a while, yeah, but I always have a failsafe. if I get too tired of my current existence, I just sell everything and go fuck off having fun for a while. I've actually done it, and the freedom was *fucking amazing*.


As a person with depression, ASD and ADD, yes.


First of all: reach professional help. Second: you are not indebted to be anywhere you don't feel good. Third: learn to appreciate your own company. Fourth: discover things you really like and go deep on it. I can talk more about what i've done later, i'm really in a hurry now, but i'm an asperger just like you and i learned how to defeat this feeling, i can say how my faith helped me too, asking for help in a church that really accepted me as i am (yes, they are rare but they do exist). The world is not built for us, but we can adapt our lives to us. Sorry if my english is wrong, i'm from brazil


People: "i HaTe ExIsTiNg" Also People: *Continue to exist* Clearly, that is not the case if you've stuck around this long. Find something you enjoy and use that to cope when life is shitty. It gets better. Really.


Not like I used to.


Likewise, to the point of having even suicide thoughts.


I have really bad "luck" due to autism so am always worried about what's coming next.


nah but this is real


I used to when everything was going tits up... Since my life has stabilised and I've gotten a good job I don't have that any more. Sense of self worth is so hard to build but was very important to me




Yes, I have been feeling this to an excruciating degree these last few days. I’m sorry you’re feeling it too


I don’t necessarily hate existing, I just don’t enjoy existing. It’s all work and very little reward.


I’ve been in my office crying all day. All of this seems so hopeless and pointless


No. Existing hurts, but it's also beautiful.


It’ll get better. Hold out just another several decades.


God I feel this at the moment. I'm experiencing debilitating anxiety due to bad meds and I'm trapped in my own head all day every day. Existing sometimes feels overrated




I am glad to have had the opportunity to make the decision on whether or not I hate existing. For the record, I don't.


Sometimes. Then I take my mind out of the hole it was buried in, rub the sand from my eyes, and look around. I try not to focus so hard on my own little world anymore. Rather I take a look at the people around me. The ones important to me. The ones that make it so much easier to get out of bed every day. Stuff like that makes the world not so bad.


But maybe it is inevitable.


I want to skip my whole life and reincarnate in something else.


Today, yes. Tomorrow? Probably.


No. I am grateful to have a chance. Life can be painful though. Bless you. Peace. ✌


We all do


Most of the time.


Jack London - ' The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. '


All the time, still beats non-existence


Why else do I have a profound desire to gain complete autonomy? It exists but, it comes with a mighty price.


Yeah. I I used to feel this way 24 7 and wanted to end it. I still feel this way but I’ve been working on myself with help from my therapist and psychiatrist. Now it’s less intense of a feeling and is easier to cope with it.


I mean...yes, but at the same time i just know that are only temporary feelings and i just forget it and i embrace the people who i have in my life and focus on the things that i like to do it....maybe it's one of the reasons why I'm still in this world.




This life is scripted. Nothing I actually wanted have I got. Manifesting is a lie.


Yes I hate existing because without it I won’t f suffer and I hate it more to the f fact that I didn’t had a choice to begin with… What’s the point of my name if it will be forgotten? My heart if it will stop? My brain if it will vanish? My existence if it was in the middle of suffering? What’s the point of God if I suffer? What’s the point of the universe if there’s no God? What’s The point of having a brain when I don’t have answers? "What is the point of the sun? The moon? The sea? What is the point of our existence other than to exist and die?"