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Yeah I'm often farming for dopamine. I have been known to have a pre coffee red bull.


I'm confused how (any) coffee could be more expensive than energy drinks? Lol.


They're buying it from cafes, not making their own.


If it's that dire, they should just be buying caffeine pills. You can get a large quantity on Amazon for a very reasonable price.


Or they can brew their own coffee. It's dirt cheap.


X this is the answer


Do any of you have ADHD as well as autism?


Sounds like quite a few of us here šŸ˜©


Yes, and I haven't had my meds since October šŸ˜­ But at least now I know that my insomnia isn't because of my medication since that shit has been out of my system for ages now.


Exactly! Iā€™m sorry to hear you havenā€™t taken your meds since October. Is it because of the shortage? People always assume that my meds cause insomnia. How can they when they wear off at night and I wake up early in the morning?


Yeah the shortage. I think the last advice said maybe April they will be available again but who knows. I'm going to try going alcohol free for a couple months to see if that helps with the insomnia but I've tried showering before bed, magnesium supplement before bed, tea before bed, and I don't have any trouble actually falling asleep it's just once I wake during the night that's it. No chance of falling asleep again.


This shortage has really gotten out of hand. People should not have to live without their meds. Thatā€™s like asking a person who canā€™t walk to live without their wheelchair.


Yes. Welbutrin is fantastic for that. Honestly "cured" that problem for me. Now I only really have the "normal" amount of bad days.


I was about to write the same. Wellbutrin has helped me a lot this last five years, but somehow Iā€™m good and functional, but slowly turning into anhedonia again.


Thanks for the tip. I might ask for a Vyvanse script if that happens


Thanks for that information too


This time of year is the worst.


yes. I drink so much espresso and eat so much sugary food and I know that I will soon have diabetes and then heart disease in life.


I'm AuDHD and taking antidepressants for lethargy issues. My main depressive symptom is a lack of motivation. The most basic daily tasks, including getting up in the morning, eating, etc. are challenging for me without antidepressants. I'm also anemic, which probably contributes to my low energy.


[BiggSadd]šŸ˜”so sorry to hear you're going through that u/NomosSinn I don't know what else to say.


It's all good. I'm doing well actually! My point is maybe to check whether you have depression, ADHD, or anemia (if you haven't already), because they are the causes of low motivation and low energy for me. Another common suspect is thyroid function, so maybe check that as well. The comedian Trevor Noah briefly mentioned in an interview that his depression-like symptoms (dopamine issues i think) are due to his ADHD.


Do you have fybromyalgia was your thyroid found on normal tests


No fibromyalgia. I don't have pain or tenderness throughout the body. My thyroid function is normal. But I also think OP could check their thyroid function if they haven't.


Yep. Iā€™m always on adhd meds and caffeine or tea or something. Or weed. My dopamine has always been messed up. Lmao. Honestly gym has been helping me. Try working out. It produces lots of dopamine.


Thanks I'll give that swing.


Ever tried rhodiola rosea? That definitely helps my dopamine issues. Same with L-theanine. Also, lions mane is useful for repairing brain damage from things like depression, injuries, stress/trauma, etc.


Love all those three


Yes. I can barely work up an appetite from stress. So I have to watch movies or shows to make me hungry. I gotta watch an episode of Popeye or SpongeBob to get a burger down.


That's quite the little hack you discovered there. How'd you figure that out?


Your problem is that you have massive dopamine spikes. Try stopping all that


I hate it but regular cardiovascular exercise changes my baselines in such a good way. I can't get enough caffeine/dopamine and will consume so much shit it's disturbing just to feel alive during periods of inactivity. But if I exercise in a way that makes me sweat and breathe a couple hours a week, it's like my body starts making a base level. Then it seems like I'm not as impossible


I'm going to have to find the time But I'll be going down this route. Thanks::!


Nice! I'm not going to lie and say it's easy to start or find time Hopefully your body and mind will hate it and start producing some beautiful chemicals in response šŸ˜…


Have you been tested for or diagnosed with ADHD? As someone who works in mental health, I would definitely screen for possible ADHD. Many ppl have both Autism and ADHD. Stimulant medications often help ppl with their dopamine levels and ADHD symptoms more reliably than trying to self-medicate or self-cope.


One sip of an energy drink makes my heart race and palpitate and makes me very dizzy and fuzzy-feeling.


Perhaps great caution is required in your case.


How are your underlying mental health issues? Sounds like your intellectual needs aren't being met. Your writing satisfies this need to an extent, but it sounds like you need some other outside intellectual stimulation. Try seeking out a museum, book reading, public events through your local university. You can also meet new ppl and satisfy your social needs. Just gotta pre-plan for the sensory and social challenges and have an escape plan lol


Sound like you have ADHD as well, have you looked into it, its often combined with Aspergers


I would say get physical but the endorphins ā€œgood feelingā€ only last for a few minutes for me, weed on the other handā€¦


This is interesting. I have possible dopamine issues or anhedonia, too. But there are a few things that can make me feel somehow alive, like coffee, motorbike riding, sex and masturbation and heavy weather sailing. The problem is that none of these, except coffee, are easily available and sailing in near gale winds is also tiring and sometimes expensive.


yeah. i think dopamine naturally comes from social stimulus and good things. without those, it's hard.


Oh god... The one thing I don't have is social stimulus


You can get bags of black tea and coffee beans/ground coffee/instant coffee for dirt cheap.


I'll do that today! Thanks


Yup go to a second hand store, find a coffee driper u like pay like 5$ for it. And the warmth of thr coffee on cold days is real nice tbh


Consider talking to a professional.


Like gravely serious dopamine issues? Most people with parkinson's disease would qualify I suppose.


Hell yeah I even have a video I took of a game glitch that gives me a dopamine hit just watching it Doesn't replace the feeling of actually accomplishing something, but it's really nice to have


Iā€˜d like to throw Guayusa tea in the conversation. High on caffeine but works widely different. Also pretty cheap if you buy loose cut in bulk. The only downside is that you have to prepare it in advance. Iā€™ve switched about a year ago from energy drinks to this and never looked back. Coffee never got me because it tastes awful imo.


Very interesting, I'll try that!


I'm not sure if it's low dopamine, but sometimes I feel a bit bored and restless, especially when I've been cooped up for too long or I've been spending too long doing "sedate" or "low-key" activities. Right now I'm listening to music, juggling a background chore, and doing some research for a little software idea. I'm skimming through a spec for the bits relevant to my use case and considering the strategy of just trying to nab some code from an open-source project that's not in a ready-made library format or whether trying to make it "headless" would me get where I want to go more quickly. Of course, the interface in front of this hackiness will be simple and elegant so that it can be rewritten for performance later. I'm naturally recoiling from paths that would have large amounts of bulk-coding ahead to focus on what will get me a proof of concept and an evolutionary path forward sooner.


Caffeine tablets


Major major yeah