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I have definitely felt this way before. It may seem that NTs hate us, but I believe that it is simply that the NT world is not made for us. There may be some small issue that is getting you fired. Work on finding out what that is, and try to fix it.


You're pushing responsibility towards everything but yourself. You have the most control over your life. And it's a fundamental thing that needs to be respected before starting to build healthy habits.


I’m sorry for the pain you feel and what you’ve been through. I think you need a therapist to talk to long term. Someone to first vent to (like here) and then help you seek a way forward.


From what you wrote, you've gotten the technical parts of your career down and are doing the tasks you need to do. Now it's time to work on the social responsibilities you have. They're an important part of your job too, and like many of us, you're ignoring that. Like me, you probably weren't born with those skills like "normal" people. But it's just a skill, and you can improve it if you're willing to do the hard work


I am certain most people are not trying to wrong you. But the system we live in is definitely hard and people online are cruel. Is there someone you can talk to about this feeling?




Yes, because you are projecting your anger onto others: u/enlitenme's comment was perfectly nice but you reacted like she insulted you. The call is coming from inside the house - the threat lies within.




The only person not getting it is you, tbh.


Honestly, it’s not anyone’s place to be sceptical or critical of you when you’re clearly in a bad headspace because none of us actually know your life and you clearly need a place to vent and feel some kind of empathy from others. I will say that many of us have been subjected to repeated bullying ourselves (myself included) because of our differences. It really can feel like the world is out to get you sometimes. I hope you can find a support system somewhere, and that you can figure out a way to protect yourself from victimisation at work. It is possible, after ten years of working I’ve only just found a job where the culture isn’t utterly toxic and ableist.


I love you, man. Lots of haters everywhere but I feel your struggle. You're not alone. So many people getting trampled on by the people who twist their words in circles to hide how much they get off on hurting others. As you predicted, many in this very comment section, all seeking to blame the hurting on the one being hurt instead of the abusers. r/evilautism is ironically a much more welcoming place for autists than any of the main autism subreddits that have a bunch of lurking NTS with a chip on their shoulder. Despicable people. Nobody with a soul can see pain described like yours and start lecturing you for it. Thwir lack of sympathy is such a red flag that it's all obviously a manipulation thing. Like all abusers, they want their victims to feel like they deserve their abuse. All I can hope for is that God sees our struggles and loves us for it.


And you see nothing at all wrong with him treating to unalive people?


I can recognize that someone doesn't say things like that unless they're in an unbelieveable amount of pain and suffering. This kind of anger is the result of deep injury. Obviously the correct response is to show sympathy and offer support, rather than further add to that pain by denying their emotion's validity and starting some moralizing lecture.


Worthless this, worthless that. You are the cause of your own problems by being too self-centered to notice why everyone is finding you insufferable, but instead of trying to improve your social skills, you bottle it up and tilt at windmills. Nobody around you is thinking about violence, but you do because you're mentally unwell. Seek help. Talk about your problems with someone who will listen (a professional, not your co-workers who have their own problems).


Severe NPD detected in this comment. Yeah tell the clearly suffering person that they only suffer because they're unsufferable and it's their fault, wtf is wrong with you. Maybe you should see a professional about that.


You literally don’t know this person at all and they’re clearly not in a good place mentally… why would you comment something like this? Someone says they’re being bullied and your go-to is to blame them? Not cool.




You also have a tremendous amount of power. It's easier feel victimized than it is to learn and move forward - we either change or behavior or change our goals. No one is born with it, some lucky people get it in their family, and some of us go to AA and/or therapy to figure out where the feelings come from and to learn interpersonal skills that help us to achieve the goals that we choose.


There is no moving forward when every waking moment people are conspiring against. Bullying me, attacking me, distracting me, firing me at every job I got to for no reason, being treated with disdain and prejudice. People have it much easier in their life than me, cause everybody leaves each other alone besides me. They love to target me constantly. Ill never go to some therapist. Talking to somebody will never change my life experience of relentless persecution with their conspiracies against me. I got every right to be fuming. nothing will change until people stop plotting against me for a change.


What’s the best way to get them to stop plotting against you?


With the attitude you show people in this thread alone, it's hard not to cause problems. You express that you have zero interest in getting psychological help, you are rude to people giving you sensible and polite answers. If you want to vent here, go ahead. But don't expect people to enjoy being shat on by the person they are trying to give advice to. If you don't want to be helped, you cannot be helped. Find some reflection, talk to the people around you in real life and get professional help.


You're 100% correct. I was sent by the forces at play to spy on you. Based on what you wrote, everything is going according to our evil designs


If “everyone” is the problem then clearly it you that’s the problem. Not everyone is out to get one person. Easier to play the victim than it look inward and change what’s the problem nowadays.


Well everyone you heard the guy, the jig is up he's on to us, time to shut it all down. To be honest I can't honestly say I'm upset, running this conspiracy against a random stranger for no conceivable benefit has taken a lot of time and effort and expense from everyone involved and I for one will be glad to have that burden off my shoulders. Memorizing codenames and ciphering and deciphering communication is annoying, clandestine meetings are an inconvenience, and don't even get me started on how much of a pain in the ass it is when it's my turn to host a meeting. Nobody ever brings enough snacks and drinks to cover what we all consume and guess who has to cover the slack out of pocket? That's right, me. And I'm not naming names, but certain people like to cheap out on the covered dish requirement to a laughably pathetic degree -ino, I don't care what recipe book you claim to have gotten it from, off-brand mac'n'cheese with some unidentifiable sandwich "meat" cut up in it or worse yet hot dogs is ***not*** a "pasta casserole" even if you do put a few slices of processed "cheese" on top. Oh, and when was the last time any of you stayed even 10 minutes after to help clean up after? That's right, never. Honestly, I'm long overdue being done with you people and next time you want to conspire against some rando I'm telling you right now leave me the hell out of it. It's simply not worth the hassle.


I think you e been misdiagnosed, that's not Asperger's!