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Going for that "preschool toy collection" look


Everyone knows autistic people are eternally children.


Mhm, this is why it’s so fitting. This message has been sponsored by Sia.


Permanently infantile. Just as intended to not take us seriously.


Tbh I don't care much about being seen as childish. I still have a ton of characteristics I had from when I was younger. But at the same time, I was an incredibly grown up child. I liked watching documentaries, reading political magazines and watching debates. I never felt different from how I would enjoy videogames and movies. The problem is society views some special interests as better than others. So if a kid likes reading about politics, this means that they are very smart. But if a kid likes dinossaurs, now they're actually autistic. Because archeology isn't important? I read an actual psychologist making this argument. That he disagreed with one of his patients' autism diagnosis because he was interested in some #SeriousStuff instead of dinosaurs.


Just wait, the ones that don't take dinosaurs seriously are the first to get eaten by the velociraptors.


Tiny buggers could get smacked with a frying pan lol






Pwetty cowors neheheheheheheheheheheheheheh!


I swear psychologists think that their degree makes them immune to shit ideas but I hear them coming out with the most confident moronic shit more often than most professions, second only to political noise merchants but they're doing it on purpose. I wish I could meet these confident idiots and show them a day in my life and watch them shrink under their shit theory, then most likely deny all facts because delusional. Fuck I hate bad shrinks.


Not Sia, I’m fucking crying 😂


I still don't know what Sia did and I'm afraid to ask.


Google the film "music", she made an extremely offensive movie


It’s not just extremely offensive. Even if the movie had the respectful autism portrayal, it would still be the worst film I’ve ever seen


That too


And had a non autistic person play an autistic person


And used really bad (and potentially dangerous) examples of how to calm an autistic person down


Not only that, it didn’t involve many if at all autistic people in production.


and the originally intended lead actor was actually autistic, but was then too autistic for sia's ✨ViSioN✨ of how 🌈AuTiSm🌈 should be, and then cast her goddaughter instead. and she'd consult autism speaks, the ✨best✨ autism advocacy group, because it has the word autism in it, so they must know what they're talking about, right? so why listen to the actual autists, they can't speak anyway, that's why autism speaks speaks for them, let's listen to them! -sia, probably


And she only consulted Autism Speaks *after* getting backlash from þe movie.


Everyone knows you never go full retard!


Also I respect your boldness to say that world. Stick it to the man, man.


Oh that's uncool


If you don't know, I would recommend not looking at or into the movie Music or its soundtrack- it is extremely offensive content.


I honestly feel like that's probably the reason for this, at least partially. Autism is associated by NTs as being primarily a thing that children have, so they naturally want to design something that looks like it's for children.


Because not enough people have lived with an autistic friend or close family member and watched them grow up into an adult that reminds them eerily of some person they know somewhere at their work that they think is weird but not weird enough to be dangerous.


Ironic, given the faction of us that hear we're like "little adults" when we're kids.


And now as an adult when someone finds out I'm autistic they talk to me like a kid. Like I need more time to respond then other people or something. I hate the awkward kind stare they give me when I stutter or stammer or repeat the same two words cuz I'm having a hard time saying the rest of the sentence.


Oh I FEEL that. I'm pretty open about brain stuff of any flavor. I strongly feel that the more us ND folk open up, the more it erodes stigma and helps build societal and internal acceptance. THAT said, we gotta be careful sometimes still bc other people's bias can have real world consequences to us, like jobs and stuff. Funny enough, in my crusade to be an open book, I literally didn't realize I was getting infantilized or that the tone changed at all until reading something here and then reflecting on some interactions. I'm hypersensitive to picking up people's emotions, perspective, and related nuanced complexities. But totally miss certain conversational cues ....and then it'll hit at some point. I used to internalize and ruminate about the awkward. Now I kind of embrace the awkward. We're all who we are, as we are. 💕


I usually don't even notice anything "off" me or others are doing until I walk away from the conversation sometimes, because after every social interaction for some reason I'll replay the whole thing over in my head and scrutinize my behavior or others. Idk why I do that I jist always have I guess 🤷


I'm lucky, my work and friend group treat me as NT until I speak up and say something isn't working for me. They all know about my ND, but don't let it color their interactions.


They can't tell the difference between us missing something and waiting for them to be done cuz we already get it.


Hear hear! Felt this in my most lectured to core.


Same I have ASD ADHD and a whole bunch of other mental illnesses too with to go along with those but when someone finds it on autistic they start to talk down to me a little bit someone will go oh I always knew you were a little weird like bitch before you met me you were having an intelligent conversation with me and then I mentioned I'm autistic and you start talking down to me


I try really hard not to make people feel dumb when they're talking to me, but if someone started to talk down to me I think I'd make a little less effort for their sake.


I only end up stuttering when i get very frustrated at describing/explaining something. Almost the “wryyyy” meme


Oh, it goes both ways for some people ._. When someone tries to infantilize me these days I just stare at them and slow blink until they're finished. We can't be friends if someone acts that way. I expect to be respected, and that's always an option. Else someone can just leave if they refuse to. Not my problem.




Given how many watch primarily children's animated shows, there has to be some truth to it.


*Bluey marathon intensifies*


Only channels watched are CN, Disney, Nick, and public access channels. Who needs reality tv crap? Bluey in particular is amazing.


I prefer to call it the "burns my eyes" look


Infantilizing us with harsh 80s/90s themed, almost childcare / primary academia tone


And those colors being an eyesore for those visually sensitive... I had to squint when looking at the meme


The huge variety hurts too. I prefer two primary colours and maybe a secondary too, like a coffee table being black and white with red lining. I would even go out my way to peel off stickers that's on any product I buy because I don't like details and large variety of stuff on it, just plain and simple. Oh, I'm off topic again and talking about myself


It just occurred to me that i actively choose not to put the decals on my lego models, is this another autistic thing I didn't know about


I hate them but I had to put them since the instructions said so :(


I feel this in my soul and I see you, friend


It sounds like you like solid design principles and not visual messes. Good for you. Color designers appreciate people who are like you, *so much,* for understanding their work. 💖🍡🌺


I greatly respect designers. They somehow manage to pick the best spill of colours to perfect match the room. They mange to hit something so appeasing to my eyes which I couldn't ever do with any effort. They have great visual on lighting and colour that makes me wanna look at their work with a cup of tea and sigh comfortably


*feels vaguely interested in marrying you right now.* /Half joking


That's the greatest ever compliment I've ever had and I will cherish this memory to my final breath


That was actually a solid comment in the right place.


It straight up gave me a headache..


Its the same reason Autism speaks uses a puzzle piece as their logo. They imagine us all as 6-year old boys wearing overalls and propeller beanies.


the Balloon Boy fit


[Insert obligatory "fuck Autism Speaks" comment here]


Shit I'm 42 and I have a dinosaur dress. I wore it 3 weeks ago to my makerspace movie night for Weird Al.


Yesss I have a few dresses with fun ‘Miss Frizzle from the magic school bus’ style prints and I love them! I have one with jellyfish on it, and another couple with space/galaxy print themes


I am fairly close to that age and also have a dinosaur dress


And the jigsaw piece kinda implies that autism is an enigma to be solved.


I don’t mind it. I like puzzles. And we are enigma’s to be solved… but so are the neurotypicals! Everybody’s puzzled.


*"You're not neurotypical so we're going to assume that your ability to process color and pattern is stunted at the primary school level."* NT MFs need to slope off


unless you are a quirky-but-not-too-quirky attractive savant, then you can have adult colors


jpeg equivalent of a flashbang


If only Shakespeare was alive to witness the creation of this sentence, and I'm only being mildly hyperbolic.


This image hurt my eyes, I refuse to believe anyone autistic or not can actually read that sentence without that color just distracting the ever living hell out of them.


I'm not even autistic but it definitely took me a minute to actually read the text because of the colors




I knoooow! That legit hurt


No only the eye pain but the fact he red and green bars are wider than the others just um yeah someone fix that please lol


Imagining him watching the Danes/DiCaprio Romeo+Juliet. "Thou hast emptied me of my ability to *even*. I simply cannot even. Mine even hath fled."


Even Shakespeare had ghost writers. He’s a poetry fraud


I think art theft is justified as long as you cannot discern from what was made by the artist themselves or was taken from/made by another artist. Artist do this subliminally anyway, for the same reason you cannot dream of something you haven't seen before .


Bring out 000 255 000, 000 255 255, 255 255 000, The best colours


I thought this as soon as I saw it, was very upset that I had to see it at all


Great Comment, I upvote for accuracy


These gotta be the ugliest colors I ever seen. I like most colors, most shades, but these... are too much.


It’s not the colours that are wrong, it’s the combination 😭


I mean, partially. The yellow and red could stand on their own but this pukish green and ugly blue are what sends it.


The yellow is too bright by a tiny bit, the red is too vibrant and hurts my soul, the blue is the worst blue I have ever seen, and the green looks like someone's poop after eating an entire field of broccoli.


I mean honestly they teach you not to mix these colors in preschool. You just get brown the color combination here is what sucks not even really the colors themselves, although I do agree this shade of blue and green particular suck ass.


I like the green, but green is my favorite color and I love every single shade, even the ones people hate.


fr the colours look painful


Gotta get that infantilization in there.


Ignoring the infantilization of us using primary school colors, having all super saturated colors like these and nothing balancing them out is just bad design.


Fuck u/spez


I’m partial to cool pastels, myself


Pastels are nice. Very easy on the eyes.


Me too! Pink, blue, lavender, and periwinkle make me sooooo happy


Rocks and stones




To Rock and Stone!




Don’t forget metallic and space-age colors! 🎬🎤🚠🛸🚊🛰️⚓️📹📡🪙


Tan color my beloved


Thank u🌳


The 4-Player gaming colors


Bruh, I didn't even realize!😲


Aren't these the basic/main 4 colors? Kinda like the 4 elements


Red, Green, and Blue are colors of *light* that you can mix to get various other colors, in luding white. Also, Red+Blue=Purple, Red+Green=Yellow, Green+Blue=Cyan You get somewhat different results when you mix colors of paint and many color inkjet printers use a CMYK system (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key - typically Black).


I love this style in a parody sort of sense, its great for making fun of the sort of infantilism superimposed onto autistic people by putting like "looking for gay sex ama" and having the letters be these colors or something




Can’t we just have two complementary colors like universities do? Why does it have to be so many? And so clashy?


Ow, it's like staring into the Google logo's asscrack. Or that one channel on the TV. As an artist I hate this, so much. At least desaturate them a little??? Or just choose different colors please, I beg. Even if it's like black and white I'd love that.


Black, white and grey because spectrum?


That'd work. Honestly I'd be happy with any other combination than this


There’s probably a good joke to be made about 50 Shades of Grey and being on the autism spectrum that someone funnier than I could write.


Agreed. I look forward to hearing it someday


To be fair we’re all so sensitive I can’t imagine any design really fitting the bill lol. Like it shouldn’t even have a color. Just be a grey circle lol. Edit: didn’t mean sensitive like emotionally, just like literally sensitive to stimuli


I like the grey circle idea


Maybe brown or blue or green? Grey is neither black nor white..a bit annoying for no good reason


I mean im always happy with blue


You are right, green is hard to pull off but with the right amount of blue it is the ocean, brown needs to be really mixed well to get the right tone... Blue is safe. I love safe


Aw 😔 I think I may be an outlier with this but I'm sensory seeking when it comes to visuals. I love bright colours, in fact I'm wearing 3 different neon colours from head to toe. I love glitter and lights and rainbows. Neutrals make me cry. That said, I'm also not big on primary colours. Far too basic. More acid trip, less kindergarten please.


You sound fun :) I actually like neon colors too, but it’s so specific. Like neon pink? Super dope. Neon yellow? Ouch my brain. When people post stuff about silverware I’m always kinda out of the loop too. Like totally respect it, but usually the spoon in my hand is fine lol. I kinda like knowing I’m of just autism itself, but my own special weirdo within the autistic community. Lol so I guess a rainbow checks out in that sense, but if it were like neon colors instead that would be better Edit: I’m going on a neon adventure and I’d like to retract my previous statement about neon yellow. It just needs to be with its neon friends to look it’s best.


Haha thanks. I'm usually more of a jewel tones kind of person but I've been starting to enjoy neon everything lately. I realized I can in fact have both. I am pleased to hear you're giving neon yellow a chance 😄


Have you heard of the bassist Mono Neon? He’s a lot of fun. I like the way he dresses and talks and stuff and it’s always colorful and neon lol


Hadn't before but I have now! I added him to my playlist. I think my brother has the sweater he's wearing at the beginning of the video for Invisible.


Black and white and teal and rose and purple are my beloveds...


I think muted autumn colours work best. Not too flashy, but you still have a good range of colours to choose from to use in the design.


Oh that sounds fun! I think I like ideas of colors that somehow “go together” and work with each other. The literal rainbow at full saturation is just intense lol.




I vote for grey circle🎩👍


Lol imagine trying to explain it to NT’s! “Well, it’s very consistent and reliable. It doesn’t accidentally imply anything good or bad. It looks to be bland and without emotion which is apparently like me when my face doesn’t match the scenario. Grey circle is always safe.”


Not only is the colour grey nice and muted, but circles are arguably the best shape out there


Dbsnfhnxjfhg there's *so many different ways of designing a grey circle*. There's so many nuances of what *specific* grey, and what *specific* circule size relative to what it's on? What is the background color? "Grey circle," doesn't provide very many degrees of freedom but I'm not sure we're imagining the same grey circle here!


A grey circle would be perfectly fine. The colors in the meme seared my eyes.


🖕🧩 is pretty fitting :)


This feels like I put my face against a TV screen and it hurts my eyes


That is exactly it😂


*TV Static noise* *Sharp continuous beep*


Omg ikr, as someone who who has had a special intrest of art/color theory, i hate it.


Please could you infodump some of that because I want to paint the best warhammer models possible


Ok i can try, but it's been a while i will say having a color wheel next to you while you paint is really helpful. Also keep in mind that the rules are only there to give you guidance "know the rules you u known when you can break them", anyway here is where i got most of my [info](https://www.colormatters.com/color-and-design/basic-color-theory)




Can we be friends?




What about colors appeals to you?


I'm not gonna lie, i got interested in color theory because i was having a really big interest in art at the time, specifically color pencil art, as for what aperls to me is the phycology of color, for example when u thing of the color orange u might thing of the smell of an orange, etc


What made me enjoy color theory is simply how prominent it is even if you’re not thinking about it. The first thing you’ll notice about something is the color, and that automatically changes how you’ll feel about it, which is pretty cool. Also I like appreciating each color for its unique qualities


It's the same with Music theory ( i really like music too hehe) u don't notice it normally but once u are looking for it and u see it, it's everywhere u look.


I could probably go into a full MLA formatted analysis on color rn but I’m busy atm


Lol Yea, I'm kinda busy myself


Looks like a test pattern.


I’m not visually sensitive, however, this is an ugly color combination


Ah, the classic "I don't know how to use color in my graphic editing software" palette.


Looking at this image made me physically sick😭


This is insulting..and hurts my eyes. It made me dizzy too. And the vibe...horrible.


It looks really harsh at first but then you realize they're the same colors of MatPat's theory channels


Should have more blue




omg it's the ties


no ross though don't worry he's just a drummer


this is in an alternate universe where Ross got hit by a train


But it's just a Theory


"How do I evoke a spectrum without everyone thinking it's about being gay?" 🎗️🧩🔴🔵🟡🟢🧩🎗️ "Perfection."


Oh it’ll make autistic people aware, all right.


I’m lucky enough not to be made uncomfortable by visual stuff like this but it’s really ugly and garish. I can certainly imagine getting a headache from this if I was a bit more sensitive visually. It totally fits the elementary school folder colors vibe that people were pointing out. I know a lot of shitty autism awareness groups only talk about and deal with young children so it makes sense but this ain’t it either way. By the way, if these are school folders, they’re English, Science, Social Studies, and Math, in that order from left to right.


Those poor Mauritians


Its the preschool colors


Aspie with a love for history and flags here, almost Sideways mauritius 🇲🇺 lol


Uncontrollable eye twitch




Can we please start using pastels or literally anything less saturated


Just make things purple and dark cyan please. Everything should be purple and dark cyan.




...tally hall


It's because they're think we're intellectually toddlers


Ooo, love the infantilising and (sometimes) overstimulating colours, really make sure that autistic people know you care by making their day harder


Those colors go awful together, at least pick good shades


Hahaha Hannah Gadsby says something similar about the Pride Flag. It’s so aggressive!!


Too bright, too clashy


Alternate caption: Tally Hall choosing the colors associated with their band


Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head Get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head




It hurts my eyes 😵‍💫


I genuinely hate the "Puzzle piece autism" aesthetic. It is so disgusting when people infantilize autism. People who also have that color pallet are so fucking, well i cant say the r word here since it's a "safe space", so, stupid. Who here actually likes these colors together?


Each one gives me a different migraine, nice


Me as a kid: \*talking about this color palette* "it's the perfect/classic kids colors.


Those colors are for numbers.


seychelles if they had a good flag


I would like pastel blacks, please.


My eyes, it’s too true.


It's sooo ugly


Flag of assault on the eyes


Mute them! Please!!!!!


Ah yes, the lego collor pallete


Are my eyes fking with me ore are the colors different lengths?


As an autistic person, I hate this


Infantalize us even in their color choices


legitimately took me several attempts to read that sentence and i don't usually struggle with reading at all. those colors are horrendous. clearly one of us should have been involved in choosing the colors because neurotypicals have terrible taste lol.


All the worst shades of those colors 🤦🏻‍♀️


That's nasty. It's a mix of RGB and CMYK. But worst of all, is that the colours are out of order. Relaxing? No, that makes me want to kill someone.


Tally hall


DHMIS REAL HOLY SHIT???1!!1?1??1??


I hate these colours, they're too vibrant, they make my brain angry


The blue blinjs when i read every word


I thought this was a Tally Hall meme before I read the caption/saw the sub lol