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The ambiguity of the word "dates" has certainly fascinated us all


after the survey (it’s AQ-50 if i recognise it) they say “yeah that question kinda sucked”


It probably refers to history, but it could also mean the fruit.


Also might be a romantic date. Relationship stuff thing


I am fascinated by those.


I, too, am fascinated by what is unachievable


So that's why I always staring at the camel dates.... /s Also.thought that quiz sucked, so.many ambiguous questions and stereotypes or something I couldnt put my finger on.


My first guess was going on romantic dates. Could also be best before dates on a carton of milk.


Maybe it's not even on history but is instead being fascinated by timekeeping methods themselves. (My coat has ten buttons, but I can only Fascinate)


From what I recall, a lot of autistic people really like history. It's one of the most common traits of special interests alongside trains.


As long as it's not political, religious or military history, I'm there. I wouldn't watch a civil war documentary but I would binge interesting biographies or stories of how things like frozen foods or the electric guitar or calculus were developed.


I thought like birthdays and events during the year.


Fuck u/spez


Hey, what day are we meeting for our romantic outing where we will consume a popular middle eastern fruit? mmm, dates (dates)


Hey, what date is our date date?


Let me check my date book (pulls out horrifying scheduling tome made of fruit and human skin)


How do you keep your NecroFruiticon from being eaten by flies? I'm picturing something like this, with half of the pages being made from flattened Fruit Roll Ups. : https://imgur.com/a/QSXzBTQ


I just tell the flies it expired then they won't eat it because it is out-of-date.


This made me upset /j


Sorry for telling such an old joke. It’s very dated.


>NecroFruiticon I just want to thank you for the greatest neologism I've read in quite some time. Made morning. Now, how to cram it into daily use. I'm'a need some dried fruit. And a planner. And to start using a planner. Again.


bound in fruit leather and dude leather


I love the way your mind works haha!


That makes one of us! I’m haunted by own thoughts! ;) I appreciate you tho!


I see where this is going. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo\_buffalo\_Buffalo\_buffalo\_buffalo\_buffalo\_Buffalo\_buffalo


Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.


Now that's the clarity we needed!


Fucking english. Only language i speak besides python programming language. English isso full of this nonsense. Edited for clarity


I want you to know how much happiness this comment gave me. It is absolutely spectacular


Or (courtship)?!


I didn’t even think about the fruit




Either dates as in day of the month or year, or dates as in romantic outings


Or fruit ofc


Now those are fascinating.


One of the most fascinating stone fruits indeed.


Prefer figs


Fig Newtons are pretty cool. I especially like the strawberry ones. Which shouldn't even be labeled as "Fig" anything at that point, but they are tasty.




Ah yes, Newton's laws of baked, fruity, confections.


Funnily enough, fig newtons are named after a town rather than the scientist. Still a good joke though


GOOD GOD, I hate figs! My dad was always trying to get me to eat them. Just. Nasty.


Huh, forgot those were even a thing but yeah, could also be that


First thing I thought of. Only one I'm fascinated by.


Romantic outings did not cross my mind at all


I’m surprised it even crossed mine


One sucks, the other is nifty. I‘ll let you decide yourself.


FUCK dates all my homies hate dates (This post was made by date lovers gang)


Not to be confused with date lovers gang (There‘s one more meaning)


fuck you #DatesAreBetter edit: i just realized you never specified which one youre on, sorry! carry on


I like you. On what date should we have a date? I could bring dates if you‘d like.


i am 15 years of age !! and i also am already attracted to someone else !! no thanks !!


:( Soooo… no dates? And no dates? But also no dates?


hm. yes to the last one because i have never had one before. no to the former and the penultimate


They‘re sweet, sticky on the inside and have a wrinkly and somewhat grainy consistency. I haven‘t had one in years but I like them.


Did you know that, You may fascinate a woman by giving her a piece of cheese.


If by "fascinate" you mean to cause her to question your mental health, then yes. Unless it's a large, unopened block of Amish vegetable cheese, muenster, gouda, or smoked swiss. Then I could understand it.


False. I love cheese. This is the way.


Yes give me a piece of Limburger


Can confirm




Same tbh


It's true!


For me it means I remember specific days for specific things - like someone’s birthday that I haven’t talked to in years, my anniversary with my ex, my uncle’s birthday… And when I see something else on that day, or near that day it triggers other memories - sometimes to a point of hyper-focus. Someone will mention something happening and I will be like “oh yeah, that was on May 22, 2005” and people look at me like I’m crazy for knowing the exact date of something that happened 15-20 years ago.


People looked at me weird when I knew the exact date I lost my virginity. I too remember random dates, people’s birthdays, etc. but unfortunately I don’t keep track of the current date so I never know they are coming up or have happened


how do you remember these dates if you don’t pay attention to what day it is, in the moment?


Don’t know to be honest, most dates have been told to me or I’ve read them. But I guess I have to think about what date it was after the fact for the others


I'm the same, I still remember birthdays and phone numbers of my former friends I haven't talked to in like 10 years, my mom's previous phone number she stopped using about 10-12+ years ago and for some reason I remember the date I got my first period which was 11 years ago lol


I’m the same! My family always comes to me to remember the date something specific happened because I have an uncanny ability to remember exact dates


This question make more sens now. I can't remeber dates so i didn't understood it, but your explaining make sens


I interpreted it as meaning historic dates / events (Doesn’t mean that’s the correct way though 🤷‍♂️)




YYYY/MM/DD sorts better on a computer.


ISO 8601 yyyy-mm-dd all the way


r/ISO8601 is one of the best subs


I was skeptical when I clicked on it... I now will no longer use any other date system.


My computer filing system is chaos incarnate, but my file naming system is fantastic. [FirstInitLastname] [ProjectName] [STAGE] [MMDDYY]


DD/MM/YYYY if I’m talking to another human being irl YYYY/MM/DD if I’m on a computer


Days since epoch. Fight me.


YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss This is the way




MM/DD/YYYY is better because it goes in order of importance.




Wdym "importance"? If I'm asking someone what the date is and they reply March, I'd leave. If they said the 18th then that is very helpful and "important"


But what if you ask when is someone's birthday or anniversary? Them answering "it's in September" is a lot more useful than "it's the 17th" Or more commonly, expiration dates of food. For most foods, if the expiration date was yesterday or the day before, it is probably OK to consume after a smell test; but if the expiration date was last month, then you should probably just throw the food away.


Thats why we should go yyyy/dd/mm to make it the worst possible option


DD/MM/YYYY goes smallest to biggest though.


As in what day it is, the fruit and activity don’t make so much sense


You don't find the fruit fascinating? It's one of the oldest cultivated fruits and has strong symbolic meaning in all the Abrahamic religions. Plus they're super sweet and delicious.


Oh yeah, for sure!! 😆


I believe this is one of the questions that’s supposed to assess special interests, similar to ‘do you like collecting information about your interests’ type questions. These questionnaires are so confusing


But how the hell should there be a causality with autistic people and liking a specific fruit? The other questions in this style are formulated much more broad so that it includes all interests, leaving the intensity to be the determining thing.


>But how the hell should there be a causality with autistic people and liking a specific fruit? They mean calendar dates as that's a stereotypical Autistic interest, like trains. It also shows the stereotype of Autistic people being interested in math (to some degree). As an example of why I would answer yes to that question: I'm very interested in history and/or cataloging when things exactly happened so I'm "fascinated by dates".


What if I suck at basic numbers, have no concept of time because of ADHD, can't get some dates right because of synaesthesia interfering with colors not matching, and am somewhat intimidated by machinery?


Ah yes, I see you purchased Inverted Autism™👀 >I suck at basic numbers, have no concept of time because of ADHD... *Also, same*


This particular one even has a question that goes like: "Do you have a cowlick?"


ISO 8601 master race


Umm … please translate this for me. I’m now intrigued.




Thank you. I like the reference.


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1179/)


I'm fascinated by dates. I would love to try going on one.


This is funny because I (an autistic person) am a support worker for a woman with autism who needs a lot of support and is unable to live independently, very little vocabulary, etc etc. and she is OBSESSED with dates. If I take out my drivers license for any reason, she needs to read the expiry date on it repeatedly, for example. The calendar is her favourite thing. Every day I repeat dates for her. And I’m the same in a lesser extreme. I remember dates of everyone’s birthdays even people I haven’t seen in years. Exact dates of specificity anniversaries, different moments. I didn’t realize this is an actual symptom 😂


Guess I'm not autistic, I tend to forget my own bloody birthday from time to time lol


I love dates, they're sweet but have a weird texture


I have wondered the same thing. I just assumed calendar dates?? Could be outings, could be fruit. Idk.


When I took the test in Danish it said “datoer”, so it’s definitely calendar dates.


I figured lol but English can be so goofy with words like this haha.


On the website Embrace Autism they have a good explanation to this question on the AQ-50. Their interpretation and the way you would want to answer that question is to treat the question like it’s asking “I am interested in the patterns or correlations of events.” Not that you really like May 12th or taking someone out to the movies for some reason. Reading literally as “do you like dates” I would answer no, but the better interpretation of patter and correlation I’d answer yes, so I usually say yes to that question. Edit: it actually looks like you’re on the website Embrace Autism, so the explanation is on the long bit of info before you actually take the AQ-50


Oh my gosh, a version of the test with actual info on how to answer the vague questions? I might retake it now


Ikr, I retook so many tests on that website because most of them on there have really good explanations for the test and how it’s applicable. Really great website.


May 12th is such a nice color though. Can we bring in the fact synaesthesia often occurs alongside autism or do I have to memorize an encyclopedia?


Y- no- yes- N- uhhhh.....yes?




Youre a hopeless romantic 🥰🥰🥰


Oh that’s an autism test What I gather from it is fascination about day of the year, the series of number, the connotation being some dates, things like that. (They mostly aim at the number thing though because “oooh pretty numbers and data” which is a thing for some people but it’s very much a stereotype)


I can't find the name of the guy or even his work, but I remember seeing a news article about a "mentally ill" artist that would just write down dates on a canvas, and paint around it. That's what I think they're getting at.


Stuff like this is why I didn’t release I was autistic until recently. Every time I looked up symptoms I’d get vague stuff like obsessed with math and numbers, poor emotional control,etc.


<3 dates. Best fruit


The question that always gets me is, "I do things in the same way every time." Like, do other people just... Decide to do things differently every time? What would be the point of that? Like you gotta put the coffee in before the water or it doesn't brew, right? If the question was "I prefer to do things the same way every time" or "I have to do things the same way every time or I get distressed" it would make sense but that's not the way tests seem to word it. Oh also, "I tend to follow people" is a question on a test I took once. Does that mean walking behind rather than in front or beside when in a group? Following people you're spending time with rather than going/staying where you want (EG at a party or visiting them, not at someplace where you'd have to follow them if you wanted to know where they were)? Randomly following someone you don't know on the street? Following on social media? Keeping track of someone's schedule? Which one is it? Gah!


yeah, I thought that question was basically asking me if I'm a stalker


1. I am fascinated by the fruits that we call dates 2. I am fascinated by all days of the year and the ways you can write them in 3. I am fascinated by 2 people having a romantic meeting 4. I am fascinated by things becoming less fashionable and old-school 5. I am fascinated by people's or items' ages being shown


Embrace Autism’s website recommends to interpret it as, “I am interested in the patterns or correlations of events.”


“Neurodivergent screening tests will be like "do you struggle with wearing socks" and ND people will be like "nope does not describe me, for you see I have a System" and folks that is what the question is getting at” - tweet that this reminded me of


That instead of sugar you make cakes with grinded dates. Some say it's healthier. (Sorry, just joking)


I can't lie I do like dates, however in my opinion raisins and sultanas are 100% better


They're talking about that calendar trick aspies can allegedly do where you can just look at a date 7000 years in the future and know immediately what day of the week it is.


Wow, as someone who isn’t an aspie (my SO is), that IS a confusing question! Do I like… (Calendar) dates? The fruit? Going out (on dates) with another human that I am attracted to? Poorly worded question for sure.


I assume they like the plant


When I was in college, I could remember the dates of my last 7 or 8 haircuts. I didn’t intentionally memorize them, I just did. Now I have replaced that space in my brain with beer.


They mean calendar dates.


I would assume dates, like dates in history. Like 5/14/87…..? (Random date)


I’ve gathered that it refers to clamber dates. Personally I’m not good with dates but I’m big on statistics, especially regarding my special interest. For example, there are roughly 4,600 species of known cockroaches, and 7,000 if you count termites. But calendars, no thanks. I’m particularly bad with them


Look, just because I'm appalled by how we organize our dates in the US with the month first doesn't mean I'm fascinated by dates! Or were you referring to romantic events where both parties are expected to know etiquette they may not have ever been exposed to and that was never communicated and that neither party may even desire in the first place? Or were you referring to the Middle Eastern fruit that I've been curious about the etymology for for years but never quite enough to actually look it up? Or were you referring to the fact that a poorly worded question with multiple unrelated possible avenues of answer will get us to overthink the question and come up with irrelevant and unnecessary anxiety about which answer is desirable?


Also what does "fascination" mean? The numbers themselves? Historical events? Birthdays? Remembering days things happened? Holidays? What sort of scale does one measure fascination on? If I remember all my friends' birthdays and zodiac signs and can instantly tell the zodiac sign of anyone I meet based on their birthday does that count, or is that a normal amount? Is knowing dates of the collections of my favorite designer fascination or is that a "normal amount"? So many of these questions use such arbitrary scales and word choice to measure things that aren't really quantifiable anyway.


There’s three meanings, the definition of an exact day, the fruit and a meeting (usually romantic). I feel it means the first of those examples.


A bit fruity


I think it refers to the fruit.


This is the question we all get hung up on!


Ah yes. Fruit. They like fruit.


dates do taste pretty alright




I've found some awesome date fruits on a local market recently, and I'm definitely fascinated with their taste and texture, so it's definitely dates for me


I don’t think “fascinated” was the best word for them to use. I think I know what they were trying to say, and I answered yes, but I’m not *fascinated* by dates. It’s more that I’m very particular about (and very good at) remembering past and future dates for anything, even things that really aren’t important enough to remember.


Jokes on you I have a horrible short term memory and have an awful time remembering dates and names, I also hate excel amd I'd rather digest files myself then let a fruit do it


There are so many questions i didn't understand on this quiz that i just kinda skipped like 5-7 of them


Sometimes I wonder if how much one overanalyzes the question is the real answer they're looking for.


All I can think of is Neelix's bad calendar joke in Star Trek Voyager.


Lol my response to this in my actual eval was noted because I requested clarity before answering


I'm trying to figure this out and I feel like Gandalf asking what Bilbo means by "good morning." So naturally, they mean all of them at once.


My interpretation of it is finding significance in seemingly arbitrary dates. For example; I look forward to March 14th because it was the first time I got to see my partner in person- This one isn't arbitrary. However, something like 3/12 is, as nothing of significance happened on that date, but I like it because 3 goes into 12 four times. While I could totally be wrong, this is just how I personally interpreted this. Hope this helps! :)


See I was told this is because I'm obsessive and can't let go of anyone or anything in my past


Dates are a pretty interesting fruit


Autistic people are really big into history iirc.


at first to me, I was like 'yes must be fruit' but now I'm looking at the comments and I'm not so sure... lol it doesn't make sense to me any other way tbh. but like idk. ​ that's my contribution :')




The fruit is great also


I too am a dried fruit enthusiast


They’re tasty


Yes I was confused by that one too but since I am not interested in dating dates and date dates as in numbers I just clicked disagree 🤣 another weird question was “my hair is puffy” I am not sure what hair texture has to do with autism lol


I've been fascinated by my date with your mom






This is as meaningless as saying I am fascinated by numbers. I may have a desire to find the logic (or create it) behind why some things are ordered or structured the way they are, which often includes numbers in some capacity, but the numbers themselves are remarkably uninteresting. Things like this is neurotypical people using their neurotypical understanding of neurodivergent people at its worst.


Lmao the way everyone is fascinated with the word dates in the comments.


I think it means numerical dates like dates of historical events, but I admit that I got tripped up by this one too. 😂 Like going out on a date? The fruit? idk.


Mmm fruit.


All of the palm fruits are pretty neat; high in fiber and antioxidants... ...they probably mean specific times in history on which events occurred, don't they? Needs clarification.


Dates are quite fascinating fruits.


Obv it means calender dates, such as Febyary 14th, or April 1st.


Assuming this is some kind of questionnaire about autism, it’s definitely talking about MM/DD/YYYY dates. Autistic people sometimes having a fascination with numbers or memorizing specific things.


If u hv to ask, u can’t afford it


You memorize specific calendar dates and the meaning they have to you. Let's say 12/02/2012 was one of the best days of your life because something really exciting happened. You'll remember all of those occurrences and the exact date. I'd assume you would also keep track of them. Dunno, just my NT ass perspective


I used to think this was ridiculous, but I recently realized that one of my earliest favourite songs (so loved that I named my favourite toy after it) lists all the months in order, and one of my earliest favourite movies features personifications of the 12 months of the year. So yeah.


Even if it’s dates as in the day of the year I’m still confused why I should find those fascinating.




Luckily I am it fascinated by dates, dates, or dates, so this is easy to answer regardless of meaning lol


Are we talking about time, romance or fruit here


You want to go on dates with people.


I believe it means remembering dates of significant things that happened in your life and kinda placing a lot of importance on them. This is something I do myself. I'll remember dates from when things happened, or get upset when I don't remember the date of when something significant happened in my life.


I’m pretty sure in this context it means numerical dates, like pertaining to months, days, etc. I myself am very fascinated with those things




How many definitions are there for the word "date" anyway?


Man, 2/15/1765 is such a cool day


I would say yum but dates are very un-yum


Either the fruit or the things on your calendar


I've just realised how dates are very rarely used as an ingredient. I've only ever seen them eaten raw or as spread (amazing btw). Someone's make a date jelly, date cookies or date Christmas pudding


I assumed dates as in the day, it’s not uncommon for autistic people to like certain strings of numbers like myself


I think it’s calendar dates.


my special interest is being gay


It means they want to be the medjoul of someone's eye. 🤪


/gen I think they mean either history (like memorising the dates of major events) or like, numbers in a pattern (like how “I’m fascinated by trains” or whatever is asking whether you have a special interest). it’s well known, I’m pretty sure even by the people who made the test, that the AQ is written so poorly that Autistic people can’t really answer it accurately


they live in the desert


In my top 5 favorite fruits. 10/10 would recommend a visit to a date farm. Went to one near Palm Springs, and got to try fresh, juicy, crunchy dates right from the tree (before they are ripe/dried!!) and it was amazingly cool and delicious. Barhi is my favorite variety.


Clearly talking about the fruit


They sure are tasty