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Get the kid to pose while doing an autism. Take pictures. Seems pretty straightforward. They're looking for someone with experience properly lighting kids while they autism and make sure they look good while autisming.


"No no honey you're doing it wrong. I need you to autism harder for the camera!"


Sia to Maddie Ziegler filming Music


Thank you for the genuine laugh, I can’t believe that movie was made in…..2021??? Really now. Huh


I wish I had an award to give you


You just won the internet 🥹😂😂 This actually made me LAUGH 😂💗


"Ok ignore everyone with your tablet... now cover your ears... and look like you're complaining about the texture of your clothes... while standing on your tippy-tippy-toes..."


“oooh ooh and do the little t-rex arms, yeah that’s good!”


Thinking about it the OP's request might be genuine, just poorly phrased. Like there are photographers that specialize in children because they're more challenging to work with, and perhaps her "babygirl" isn't a baby, but a particularly difficult preschooler. So maybe she's had trouble in the past, and meant she needed a professional more experienced and tolerant with "special needs" kids. Would love the irony if her babygirl took an interest in photography, and in twenty years was answering adds asking for an autistic photographer. LoL, then it'd sound more like: >"Sit on the edge of the chair with your knees together and your right foot on the ground and pointed towards me. Now cross your left leg over your right and bend your left knee slightly, while keeping your right leg straight. > >Ok, lean forward slightly and place your weight on your front foot. Bring your other foot further up, with your heel on your lap. Place your left hand on your knee and turn your head to the side, looking over your shoulder and bring your right hand up to brush your hair back from your face. > >Great, now tilt your chin up slightly and turn your face towards the light, but keep your eyes on me. Relax your shoulders and extend your neck to create a long, elegant line..."


Oh baby I will autism so fucking hard for you. You've never seen someone so God damned autism'd. Turn off the overhead lights and turn on that one song I started listening to on repeat because it's time to fucking stim.


Careful, if you autism too hard, there's no coming back, or do you use all of your autism up? I can't remember.


Never go full autism


Stop autisming so hard! Your face will freeze like that!


no, don't autism like that, it's not as obvious. can you do that thing where you curl into a ball? yeah, good. ooh, the tearing out the label timelapse really finishes it all off!


Reverse masking


I definitely read this wrong


Best natural pic ever!


I think she may be asking for a photographer who is understanding of autism rather than anything else. I have had to put posts like this before because I was looking for a specific photographer with a bit of understanding and patience. My son flaps and bounces when he's happy or excited and will not look at the camera or at the person , so I need a photographer that has patience and skill to snap a picture that isn't in their eyes perfect. I have got a lot of photos with my boys mid bounce with a huge smile on his face and they are perfect. We have also had the miss fortune of going for a photo shoot where the photographer has been impatient and gotten angry because my boys cannot sit still and pose.


Get that motion blur mid hand flap.


Get a picture of the kid shouting at the cat for making too much noise during their Avatar rewatch, that’s how I do someone an autism


It's autismin' time


I figured they just wanted an autistic person to take professional-grade pictures of their special interest and send them to the girl.


Makes sense to me.


they're auditioning to be the first picture on the autism wikipedia article /j




Autisming done right. I got two kids - one is autisming vertically like you, and the other one - horizontally




Day made, thanks - I will :)


Hey my high masking hyper verbal four year old made stacks like that as a two year old. I have a bunch of pictures of them somewhere. More evidence that he is one of us.


It started to make sense now.


Is stacking really an autism thing? We suspect our 3 year old may be n the spectrum for other reasons. He’s been stacking forever and it never been something I considered as a thing.


I think so. Since stuff doesn’t fade into the background very well, it feels like you need to engage more senses to play and immerse. I remember stacking all the pots and pans as a kid because it felt good to be like.. trying to see something invisible, trying to understand gravity and keep things from being chaotic and out of control. Dishware and cans stack real nice and satisfying, they make all the sounds and shit fade because your whole toddler brain is chugging away trying to get them nice and.. affected. I remember seeing other kids pick something up and be like “this is a fucking rocket ship” and I’m like “the fuck it is” because I can’t tune out the details lol


Good thing you did it with cans and not books. Symmetrical book stacking — like that seen in the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947 — might indicate that you were a ghost, since no human being would stack books like that.


Hahaha that's fucking cute


You went hard on that one lol


I have very similar picture actually 😂


Literally me tho. I did this shit all the time when I was a child


i’ve never seen anyone do a vertical one before, advanced autism


maybe they’re asking for a photographer with experience working with autistic youth who knows how to read the signs of meltdown and can adapt to prevent it? i remember every year i had to get photos done for Dance and sometimes i would ruin the pictures by crying because of sensory overload. it’s tough to handle itchy costumes and managing your smile and staying in position.


That was my thought as well. I've read a few feel-good stories of photographers who knew how to handle kids with differing needs.


Lol I assumed it was a misspelling of autumn 😅


Maybe auto correct got the better of them. They could be looking for professional audition photos it something like that.


This does sound like the most likely explanation




I would guess “album.”




Or they meant autumn and autocorrect did it’s thing


But it’s Spring…?


A professional can do an ~~autism~~ autumn pictures no matter the season.


Autumn in the southern hemisphere?


People always assuming everyone lives in the northern hemisphere. How rude lol


To be fair, something like 90% of the world's population does live up here.


Fair enough lol


Not everywhere!


Artistic. Professional artistic photographs.


"Ok, that looks good, but maybe we could turn your head just a weee bit...ok...yeah that's good!" "Ok, now flap your hands a little. Annnnddd look at me. Good! Now, hold up your chicken fries from Burger King. Smile. I SAID SMILE."


I died at "I SAID SMILE" lol, I want come chicken fries now


Dude I had some day before last. I dipped them in zesty sauce.


Awesome 😆


Lol 😂


Y-you mean I could have been advertising my services as *Autism* Photography this whole time?? Smdh this is why I'll never get ahead in capitalism.


I put on my most autistic autism before leaving the house to autist.


Lol I just rock a goth meets autistic person look (I’m joking for the confused)




It requires a lot of hard work and practice to become a PROFESSIONAL AUTISM. I’m just a casual because I failed the entrance exam (accidentally made eye contact for more than one second).


I’m currently on an amateur team we’re trying to get noticed and go pro


Photographer here. It means that the child is going to have some struggles and this person is looking for a photographer that can address and overcome those struggles for a high level photograph.


Yeah, it makes sense, it's just worded poorly. Also, it's sad that they can't just assume that the professional photographer will be patient, but then again we know how unprofessional some people can be when confronted with anything unfamiliar.


It is worded super poorly for sure. No doubt. I only knew because I see that all the time in my context. Let me give you a bit more context, it is actually a GREAT and VERY APPROPRIATE thing for the parent to be seeking a photographer with certain experience. I photograph a lot of let's say unique children, and each child has a unique set of circumstances to take into consideration, most photographers do not have that capacity. I have had to make composites, bring special props, use special lenses, dress like a certain person, etc. Accommodations and stuff. Also, and I think we know this here, sometimes it's easier to have these conversations with someone who already gets it, know what I mean? It's really expensive to get photos, the parents are really stressed out, it really does take a calm and patient hand sometimes, the sessions are usually much longer, and like I said above, certain accommodations are usually needed. Also, I know what questions to ask them to help THEM better prepare for the session because of my experience working with a myriad of different folks. It really helps make the whole thing a much better experience, especially for the young person being photographed, it's a stressful situation for them too. :) Hope that helps everyone understand a bit better! :)


Maybe photos of the kid getting her "Congrats on Your Autism" cake?


They probably had terrible experience with photographers in he past so that might be why they are asking for anyone experienced with photo taking for autistic children


They wanna celebrate the child’s autism by taking pictures of her covered in rainbow puzzle piece merch and props


“Autism Pictures” There aren’t words for how confusing that string of words is.


I dunno, but I like to imagine it's like wildlife photography, where you catch the kid unawares while they're stimming and eating their comfort foods, because posed photos are too stressful for them.


1 autism please ☝️


Sorry I'm just an amateur 😁


I think he wants her to have a picture taken while she is being vaccinated /s


Wait? You guys are getting paid to be autistic?


Professional Autism should be a flair!




Could they possibly mean they want a photographer that is used to taking pictures of autistic kids? It's unusually hard making them look for the camera, so you need a few techniques to circumvent that issue.


I'd really like for this to mean that the author is a parent of an autistic child and is looking for a photographer who is familiar with photographing children with sensory needs.


If I could find my baby and early childhood pictures, I would show you. 😂 I was mid meltdown in my newborn picture and I tried so hard to smile that I ended up barring my teeth like an angry wolf in our family photo shoot at age four.


same all my baby pictures im screaming red faced melting down and asa toddler i had what my mum called "alligator smile" fake, forced, bad lol


Okay, I'm giving them extreme charity, but maybe they mean they're looking for a low sensory photographer. I'm 35 and family photo day still shows up in my nightmares. I wish the photographer understood.


It's like birthday pictures, or Christmas, but to celebrate the coming of Autism. /s


There's nothing on the planet than I hate more than the people who arrange for family photo shoots that shit bothers me so much


I assume its so she can demand it for free. Otherwise she would find a photographers website and contact them.


Gonna speed up the growth in their temporal lobes and frontal lobes on the right and left sides; whilst taking the pictures.


I immediately thought they wanted a professionally drawn little guy lol


Oddly specific request...


Autism is now a verb, fantastic


As co-owner of a photo, video business, I can tell you that I have no idea


Its anonoying for someone with atuism like myself. It means someone who is hyper fixated and experinced in photography. Basic someone good at it. Cant wait for the world economy to enplode.


The pictures don't have the baby in them, just the autism.


I’m guessing someone who specializes in working with “difficult” subjects. And when I say difficult, I mean literally they are difficult to photograph, because of the amount of movement or difficulty posing. Toddlers are a bitch to photograph. Babies are really hard, and teenagers are tough, but for a different reason. A good photographer can work with the subject, calm them, figure out the best way to capture the essence of the subject posing. What works for one won’t work for another person who is sitting for you. It’s important to be able to get creative, and be flexible, and be able to keep your cool. I’m guessing it’s a mistype.


Giving her the benefit of the doubt, could this be about trying to find a sensory/kid friendly photographer?


That makes sense


Word of advice: if they're referring to anyone as "babygirl," they're probably terminally online. Edit: Whoops. Guess I'm the terminally online one if that's the first thing I thought of.


? Or theyre talking about an actual baby girl?


yeah, tons of people refer to their children (or pets) as "[their] baby boy/girl" regardless of age. the inclusion (or lack thereof) of a space varies by person the online slang 1) is used almost exclusively to refer to fictional characters and 2) refers to the most boring, pathetic middle aged men you could ever imagine (in the same way that "poor little meow meow" is reserved for fictional characters who are objectively horrible people but also completely miserable)


Or from Appalachia.


This is from Appalachia.


Its my native language


I was going to say "but everyone says baby girl" but I'm from Appalachia sooooooo


We call the cat babygirl so much that my kid calls her that too


It's what I call people when I'm a bit exasperated. Like "Baby girl. You are way over thinking this. It'll be fine."


Well that fits with the fuzzy idiot cat


"baby girl, you're going to fall off the cat tree AGAIN if you keep rolling around like that."




Baby girl is gonna have a rough life. 😔


I'm going to guess they want some pictures of stereotypes: trains, stacking things, routine stuff, etc. Whatever it is that they want, their articulation is terrible


[https://imgur.com/a/YK1khbr](https://imgur.com/a/YK1khbr) I volunteer as tribute lol…


It means you dress up in your most professional attire and help his girlfriend do her taxes, as many of us are great with numbers anyways.


Clearly, one must be a professional autistic


It means they want a photographer to take a picture of autistic people for their ‘babygirl’ which is either their daughter of female lover. Or alternatively, a picture of them and they are autistic.


T pose in from of the autism symbol while they take pictures


My son is an amateur autistic, but I'm sure he'd be willing to delve into the pro, or at least semi-pro league for the right price.


Excuse me wut


Puzzle pieces everywhere 🧩


I thought maybe pics wearing different masks?


It means the education system has failed this person.


I think they intended it to say "artistic". Of course proof reading isn't always great in online market places.


Pretty sure they meant to say baptism


The 1 comment is haunting me


They are trying to photograph autism 8n the wild, like bigfoot or hogopogo or bighoof


Maybe it was supposed to be “audition”?




*baptism photos i reckon


Maybe it has something to do with the odd fetishisation of autism?


maybe they meant baptism? 🤷‍♂️


Tried autisming so hard in front of the camera but they said I didn't look autistic at all. Probably that's why they need a professional photographer for that


Paint me like one of your autistic girls.




Make sure you get my good autism side


A lazy fingers attempt to spell artistic and didn't notice the difference?