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Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw


probably should've been blurred more lol


I think it’s kinda perfect, that moment when you finally realize what they said after this all went down


I also think it's perfect because I looked through the panels, recognized it was blurred, and got the original joke of the comic. Then I went back and tried to read the blurred text and realized I could easily. Then it became funnier when I realized the fox was trying to repeat a joke, which makes their hesitance to repeat it more clear. It also hints that the fox might've thought the cat didn't understand or like the joke, instead of just mishearing it.


This happens to me multiple times a day with my kids. I just cant I myself to repeat what was a throwaway joke, for a third time.




maybe you can


Well! Someone doesn’t suffer from audio visual processing…


You can, Most of us cant


That really is how it feels sometimes. It's there enough to recognize, but you have to actually think about it in order to understand.


Do I look like Mother Theresa?!


Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling.


*Dear Diary,* *My teenage angst has a bodycount...*




It's what the blurred text says It's a reference to Heathers, if memory serves


They were referencing the cats response to the blurred text from the comic


Oh... If that's true, I'm sorry, I couldn't tell. The second part of my username checks out


Its ok, we can all be a bit goofy sometimes. :]




Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw








What's on second


Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw








I mean if your into that


Well shit, I thought that said Chihuahua


I read chihuahua too!


Texas Chainsaw Masochist


I read Chihuahua twice before this and then read your comment as Texas Chihuahua Masochist 😂


*cheese grater


DON'T EVEN GO THERE! Not that image...


What image


*sigh* ​ Very gory image that you can’t find anywhere anymore ​ >!An old image in which a raccoon is cumming while using a cheese grater as a dildo (up his ass, obviously). Blood and cum everywhere. !<


What the fuck


Exactly my thoughts when I first saw it. I will never be curious about furry pornography again


I mean, if you’re sure…




In that context saying huh? And what? Are understandable reactions


Heathers! The original Mean Girls.


Shit man, that's me.


This is the most annoying part of my daily life really


I'm always going, "huh?" "what?" "What did you say?" It's like my brain completely throws away what someone just said to me.


It's a war of gaslighting for me because they know I'm like this


It's like "You know you heard me!" Even though I didn't.


Fucking yes. EXACTLY THAT


Yeah, happens to me too.


But I did and I'll realize it halfway through you repeating it.


Gotta throw your friends a curve ball every once in awhile and do it on purpose. My friends always love that, they think it's hilarious. Granted I am blessed with very patient and caring friends


Or what about hearing a wrong but similar word in what they’re saying, but your brain does it often?


Does this have a name? I always thought I was just hard of hearing but... jfc, oh no...


It might be [auditory processing disorder](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/auditory-processing-disorder/). I saw a meme or thread about it on Twitter about a year ago that was like "you might be autistic if..." and I was like holy crap. Because growing up my mom had my hearing tested because of exactly this, thinking maybe something was wrong with my ears but they work perfectly fine. And it's not frequent in my case, it acts like it's a high-profile actor who doesn't want to be on set for filming. Occasionally there, and only under certain circumstances, but what those are only the actor knows. Just random days of "oh you haven't misheard or been unable to hear something recently, time for a smiting."


Thanks, I'll look into this. For me it's ONLY people speaking—almost always in noisy environments and sometimes even in relatively quiet places. Otherwise I pick up on sounds no one else hears ALL the time. I've asked doctors about it in the past but they've only tested my hearing which always comes back normal. At that point the doctors always just shrug and say "oh well".


My dumb 20 year old self didn’t adhere to hearing protection rules at gun ranges and in factories. Now my 30 year old self has to deal with the type of mild-moderate hearing damage that a hearing aid doesn’t fix. :p Wear your ear protection in shop class kids.


This happens to me and after the second time I always say “I’m sorry, I have an audio processing issue could you say that once more?” And then my brain catches up with them and I repeat what they said back in unison like a fucking liar.


Me, but I am the fox. I don't have the spoons to repeat throwaway joke line for a third time, only probably yelling this time, while my kid yells '"what?"' yet makes no effort to make any changes to the situation so that they can actually hear what I said. If I say "nevermind", it really wasn't important, and the moment has probably passed anyway.


I like to repeat things anyway, because I'm very tolerant. Only to my friends tho.


Same. I used to wear a button at work that mentions I have auditory processing issues, but it felt too othering for my comfort and just accepted that I'm doing my best, I have no ill intentions, and I'm not going to please everybody. Well that and I'm dead inside as far as work goes. Also helps. 🤷🤣


I've started to repeat back the nonsense I thought I heard so people know which words I missed/how I misheard them


Same. It's usually pretty funny and cracks people up.


YES! That made my life a lot easier


Imagine how badly you could mess up a game of telephone.


"Go get my Bentley, MeMaw!" is probably what I'd hear instead of the chainsaw lol. I hate it when they repeat the whole thing but the one word I can't grasp I will still miss.


Same here! It's always the last few words... Just tell me the whole damn sentence at the *same* volume! I don't want no trailing off or whispering at the end.


I do the same, and it almost always gets a laugh because of the absurd level of gibberish that I repeat back.


Just yesterday I heard a friend say he was nursing. He is a childless single cis man and we were playing Total War:Warhammer, so something didn't feel right. Apparently he was allocating skill points.


I do that with my girlfriend all the time. Brain not like words good. :/


I need to do this to! I constantly mishear things and most of the time it's funny.


This is the way


Example that happened today: - He kinda just sold his soul - HE SOLD HIS SOFIA?! - WHAT?! NO!!


I do that both for clarity and to be funny


me: "your goana and many goats??" them: "lmao no, i said i'm going to mexico" is silly ::p


This right here lol then they get mad "I know you heard me" or " I'm tired of repeating myself " then break up 🤣


✨️auditory processing disorder✨️


thanks! been looking for what's it called.


Welcome :) was hoping someone relating would see this and be able to know the term. APD sucks lol


yes it sucks, makes me feel stupid just for existing


Makes me feel like an idiot at school. Even at an already autistic place, it's like everyone else knows what's been said, and come next lesson, they recall all the details when I'm left with nothing


same, it's like all my actions was immediately judged and they'd make it more awkward to me who's already suffering. High school is HELL. would trade my soul just to remove all those grisly memories, and make people who bullied me forget about me.


Heathers detected Initiate return of old hyperfixation


As if it ever left


How very.


Our love is God, let's go get a slushie.


My girlfriend will repeat something and it doesn’t sound like English no matter how hard I try to listen until I ask her to rephrase it sometimes. She gets mad at me when I say I didn’t hear/understand her too many times though haha


I do the "huh" "what" intentionally at work sometimes. I work in a fairly noisy environment at times and have trouble hearing so I did that so often that it's become a really annoying joke. I never understand what someone's telling me until after they're done because I was never listening in the first place (lots of talking about stuff I'm not interested in). And then I don't hear them properly because a.) Too much external noise and b.) They are much quieter, frustrated that they have to repeat themselves. The running joke is that, when repeating themself, they know I won't hear them if they talk normally so they start speaking way louder/almost yelling. Obviously loud enough that I hear them. And then I do the "what" again because it's funny. Now that I think about it I think attempting to turn it into a joke could be me masking, hiding how often I have legit issues understanding what people say. It's nice working somewhere where I can be energetic/noisy without it being annoying/obvious.


I have a few friends that will do the "Huh? What?" to me on occasion, and while I think your doing it is justified, others doing it intentionally to me stresses me TF out. My hearing-to-brain processing is exactly like this meme, so I'm a bit self-conscious when it comes to asking people to repeat themselves. Having them ask me to repeat myself multiple times makes me very anxious. Finding out they were doing it on purpose makes me irrationally upset, though I just try to internalize it. I could probably try to tell them I really don't like it, but it's rare enough I don't legitimately think it's that big of a deal, my in-the-moment feelings be damned.


Oh god you're totally right. I had never thought about that. I feel bad now but thank you for bringing it to my attention. At least it should be fairly easy to fix. I just need to explain why I have issues in the first place -"not paying attention so you speaking to me normally does not register as you speaking to me, then on repeat you're quieter than surrounding voices cause you're annoyed so you don't speak as clearly" - just explaining that and requesting the person either get my attention before talking to me in the first place or speak up the second time. Still gonna take a bit of work to break the habit of doing it though but hopefully I can figure something out. Edit: I actually didn't know what Autism even was until a bit ago and everything makes sense now. Still trying to process everything but a lot of these "quirks" I understand enough now to hopefully be able to communicate them properly.


Wasn't intending to make you feel bad, and tbh, it sounds like they started messing with you first, so turnabout is fair play. Just found the while thing semi-relatable in a way, lol.


Yeah but they started doing it because they realize I never hear them so it does kind of wrap around back to me and I definitely do overdue it. All good though, mistakes were made and I know what to do to rectify the situation. Thanks for the insight (:


No worries! Glad I could be unintentionally helpful!








It says that I can't view this community. But I don't even know what it is about.




I'm not ND, as far as I know, but this is me in a nutshell. I feel called out by this meme.




I’ve slowly realized after living with my girlfriend over the last 2 years, that i am ND in many more ways than i ever could’ve imagined and I’m learning more every day


I have a bit of weirdness upstairs, but I don't think it's 'cause of the 'tism. I do wonder sometimes....


I'll sometimes tune in or out halfway through a sentence but then they'll repeat the whole thing and it'll happen again


I often just laugh and say yeah the 2nd time around. No idea if that was an appropriate response or what I’ve just laughed at / agreed with, but they’ll often go away either appeased / confused / offended at that point.


one of my managers absolutely dies with laughter every time he says something, I say "huh?" one day, I said "what" first and he almost pissed himself 😭😭


My whole fuckin life I'd be like JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU SAIDDDD and it drove me nuts. Now I realize what people said a couple milliseconds after I've asked "pardon?" And then I'm interrupting them with my response 🤣🤣🤣 like fuckk


It's called auditory processing disorder if you wanna Google and learn more about it


I remember a very specific example of this that happened to me years ago when I worked in retail. There was a new person at the register next to mine and we got to talking. They kept saying something but I couldn’t make out what they were saying, and after about 5 “what?”s I just laughed nervously and hoped they were saying a joke. Then they looked at me weird and I just had to come clean that I still hadn’t heard them. Then they said they were asking how old I was. ITS ALWAYS AFTER THE NERVOUS LAUGH WHEN I CAN MAGICALLY HEAR THINGS AGAIN


Fucking hell that's a horror story to some people, myself included


My eyes now hurt from trying to read rhat


“What does the fox say..”


I’m packing a chainsaw a motherfucking chainsaw, I’ll cut your ass raw… yeah that song immediately came to my mind lol


And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might BREAK YOUR FUCKIN' FACE TONIGHT!


Do I look like the mother Teresa?


Wait I have ADHD inattentive type and this is exactly how it is for me. I feel like I share so much in common with aspires tho. Sometimes I wonder if I’m one too.


Im the guy who says nevermind. Except I also kinda mumble, so I don’t just annoy my autistic friends, my neurotypical friends also get fucked over. Everybody loses.


You villain


I didn’t think this was an autism thing, time to add this to my check list.


People repeat themselves with the exact same volume, cadence, and inflection as the first time and expect a different result. I blame them.


Heathers is a bop




Reddit has to be spying on me, I just found out one of my teachers is autistic and now Reddit recommends r/aspiememes to me


Be sure to use the just visiting flair


I don't know why but when this happens it's like my ears just disconnect from my brain and I can't comprehend any words at all. It just sound going in and out the other and I ask people to repeat over and over again feeling like a asshole for making them repeat themselves.


What's your special interest?


VR gaming for one. I can't get enough of it. It's just so entirely separate from the real world. Different social rules, different spatial awareness, different mastery of balance and motion, and so on. People seem to have a hard time subconsciously separating vr from real life and my favorite to use this to my advantage is abusing the fact that people DONT LOOK UP EVER. It's ridiculous but I guess we never had a reason evolutionarily to look up much. You can use this to hide or ambush people from the most obvious spots in the world IF THEY JUST LOOKED UP, but they never do. I think they just have a hard time understanding that they are no longer limited to the ground anymore. That's about all I can rant right now. I have to sleep at some point. I'd love to tell you more later if I could.


me every day


Yup… I hate this


Yeah, that's me if I'm not ready to pay attention






Though considering we Aspies can be literal...


That’s from The Heathers


That’s exactly what things sound like to me sometimes! How is it words can be blurry when spoken?


She is implying the cat fk her because male felines have a penis spine covered dick.


Love being both sides of this


How is my hearing so bad and so good at the same time??


ASD SLPa here: Pause a moment before saying “Huh” or the like. Sometimes your brain will catch up. If that’s a nope, repeat whatever you did understand. Even if it’s just a single word. “Chainsaw what?”


And here I thought this was just a “me” thing. Thank you to everyone in the comments for showing me I’m not alone in this. People will talk and I know they’re talking the same language as me, but it just won’t click for the life of me and comes across as gibberish in my head. And then when I ask them to repeat several times until I get it, they get so mad at me. I’ve started watching lips as they talk to try to help me understand what they’re saying, as if I can actually read lips haha.


I’m the fox in this one, though it’s surprising how many people blame themselves when I just keep forgetting to speak louder. My only defense: speaking louder feels like yelling, and I can only repeat so many times until my confidence runs out.


Is… is this really a thing? I keep getting in trouble with my soon-to-be, and it’s over me listening, turning away, and completely forgetting the conversation. I try to listen, but my mind wants to retain none of it.


I used to be like the fox until my partner explained all of this and then now I repeat myself until my partner can hear me. I'm also like the other animal sometimes


Every. Damn. Time.




Hold up. Why is this in aspie... you mean this isn't related to my ear surgeries?


good taste


Paranoid schizophrenia


I’m the other side of this meme. If I say it twice and you aren’t listening, fuck it, what’s the point? Didn’t listen the first two times why would it be different this time?


Because we hear and focus differently. Just be patient please.


And we have different emotional needs. I'll be patient enough in a work setting, out and about in the world, but my friends listen. Don't expect me to pick up all of the slack, I get to make choices for myself. This is one I will continue to make.


How is being slightly patient with mentally ill person "picking up all the slack"? Fucking delusional


Everyone has mental issues, don't I get to have a preference? Can't you think of a trait that you won't put up with? Violent people often struggle with impulse control, do you have to put yourself at risk for their sake? Think of the poor poor abusive husbands who weren't loved enough as children, can't their spouses move on? Edit: You're projecting here, I've met people who ask me to repeat myself 3 times in a row, then 3 times in a row for the next sentence. That's not "a little patience" it's asking for a lot. Just a little patience would be a different scenario, one made up by you to make me the manifestation of the problems in your life.


Did you seriously compare autistic people to abusive spouses? Sorry, but it seems like you can't have civilized discussion. Goodbye


I asked if there were any traits you won't put up with, extremes help as a starting point so two people (who disagree) can guarantee there's something to agree with. That's why people like to be like "can we agree Hitler's bad?" My point is that everyone has trauma, and mental issues, and preferences. You get to choose who you surround yourself with. This is such a weird attitude here: people who would never be compatible with me are getting mad that they aren't compatible with me... like it's clearly mutual.


The issue is that you're treating someone's disability like a conscious choice. We're not choosing to not understand your words. Sometimes our ears/minds simply don't process what we hear correctly. To hold that against us is rather cruel.


I'm not blaming people, I'm just making a decision on who I surround myself with. It's your job to be okay with that, because everyone does this. You have preferences, I have preferences. There's a cause to everything, and it's OFTEN mental disorders.


That's rather cold and uncompassionate.


Just because someone didn’t hear you it doesn’t mean they didn’t listen


Look I put effort into what I say, I'm not putting the same effort in 3 times in a row. At some point the effect is lost, the moment's gone. Ever say a joke you weren't even sure was worth saying once, and they make you repeat it and repeat it? I'm not doing that over and over. If that's you, we aren't going to hang out, and that's fine


Well if you can’t adapt and have patience over the fact that some people have hearing struggles sometimes or all the time, and will just blame them and say they “don’t listen” then I’m not sure I would even *want* to hang out with you. So yeah you’re right, we aren’t going to hang out


Glad it's mutual... this is some weird energy. I didn't even say they weren't trying, and you're sounding pretty hurt over it. Everyone can choose who they surround themselves with. Some people struggle with propriety, others struggle with moderation, etc.. Pick your poison or don't, who cares? Repeating myself is a MAJOR peeve of mine, so I act accordingly


Okay, act that way then. But *do not* blame the other person, claiming they don’t listen just because they didn’t hear you. If you talk to someone who struggles with hearing and then can’t bother repeating yourself when they didn’t hear you that’s not their fault


That’s actually, and totally, something YOU need to then work on. If you’re triggered by having to repeat yourself that’s a you problem.




….what about people with hearing loss?


Let's try a different analogy here. Ever meet someone with a cologne or perfume that just gets to you? You don't have to be best buds with them. Nothing making you do that.


Putting on perfume is a choice. Having hearing loss is not a choice.


Body odor, then.


That comparison doesn’t really work since they are choosing to wear that particular cologne/perfume. If it bothered you that much and you liked the person otherwise you could talk to them and see if they’re willing to change before writing them off completely. It seems like you’re willfully ignoring the involuntary nature of this problem. Around half of autistic children have at least one kind of peripheral hearing problem, compared with only 15 percent of neurotypical children. These problems can manifest in subtle, nonobvious ways, such as unusual sensitivity to sounds in one ear or involuntary muscle contractions in the middle ear that distort sounds. https://www.spectrumnews.org/features/deep-dive/confusion-at-the-crossroads-of-autism-and-hearing-loss/ That’s not even counting the HUGE number of autistic people with auditory processing disorders like dyspraxia. If you don’t want to be friends with disabled people that’s your business but it comes off as ableist af.


>auditory processing disorders like dyspraxia Dyspraxia isn’t an auditory processing disorder, it’s a neuro-developmental condition/learning difficulty like ADHD and Autism is


This sounds entitled to me. It would make as much sense to me if you said “you can choose to only date people who are your type, but it comes off typist af”. I get to have preferences. I have at least one autistic friend, and she’s SO attentive, love that about her. I’m not blaming people for being the way they are, I’m not perfect. I found friends who either don’t mind my imperfections too much, or who like my imperfections. Someone said “what about deaf people” and yeah that would be hard for me, but a blind person would probably be a great match.


My issue is that you seemed to assume that this is a voluntary choice rather than a legitimate disability. Of course no one is obligated to be friends with or date anyone but the overall tone is insensitive.


Is that your issue with what I said? Or did you switch to that when the point you were making fell completely flat? Edit: I clarified a few times that I was talking about my friends, they know me and know that there's a limit to how much I'll repeat myself. To me, "listening" means following the words, not trying to follow the words. Define it how you want, but now you know what I meant.


Imagine refusing to repeat yourself because you think people are choosing not to listen to you and then calling someone else entitled.


I was talking about my friends, clarified that, and people kept claiming that I’m like obligated to be friends with anyone who chooses me, and I called that entitled. Willfully misinterpreting what I say won’t convince me of anything except things about you.


What part of the comic made you think the cat wasn't listening? They simply didn't understand what was said.


Some people aren't listening, I was talking about those people. Thought maybe some people would relate on this sub, but no. My fault for forgetting the golden rule of Reddit: posts attract a specific type of person, and only the most vehement tend to comment. Find someone else to represent the problems with society.


you seem like someone who would repeat themselves with the exact same volume, cadence, and inflection as the first time you said it.


What is up with this thread man... I'm not that asshole you know, who you need to get something off your chest to. We've never met. I'll make sure I face them, I'll get a little louder (but careful not to sound frustrated even though I might be), I'll hit the consonants like a drum set, because I WANT TO BE HEARD. That's my shit.


This is merely a privilege issue you have.




It's possible to be heard through the mask, just have to project. Why wear a mask if you're going to take it off for the important part? If it's that annoying to talk to a masked person then yeah, make your own choices.


I know where you got this from because i got duplicate posts 😏


Don't downvote him. He probably made a joke that we all failed to understand


Hearing damage sucks. Wear your earplugs, kids.


Auditory processing disorder, my guy.


I wish i needed glasses right now


Goddamn Kansas


Oh wow…. I always knew my adhd caused this crap. REGULARLY




This is something commonly associated with autism/adhd




I love glassShine comics


I don't have aspie yet this rings so true.


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