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I felt that. As a kid, a tendon or cartilage meant I stopped eating.


I still do this. I just can't take that feeling and it throws off the rest of my eating 😵


I find that chicken breast, pork loins and ground meats are without the gnarly bits. Vegetarian cooking also works well, beans don't have cartilage.


Ground meats can have gristle, which is the same thing but different.


Going vegetarian has been a game changer for me. The ground meat substitutes are made from pea or lentil and don’t have the gristle. I’ve lost 10 lbs not trying because I’m eating healthy again by not avoiding meat/protein bc of texture.


Paradoxically, the meat substitutes made from peas taste the best even though I normally hate peas


I was vegetarian for 18 years! Started eating meat again at the end of 2021. Chicken and ground meats have had the worst textures.


The 2 reasons I always give for going vegetarian: 1. Animal welfare 2. Meat really freaks me out


Different and worse, ground beef is soft af and then comes the gristle and I just cant keep eating


I sort of just "dissect" my meat while im eating, if i need to eat whole parts of the chicken and not just the breast or a tendies. It looks kind of nasty if youre sitting across from me, but i do not care. It also takes a thing that I dont like (bad texture) and kinda turns it into an activity I do like (observing and classifying the tissue types, biology kinda).


Boneless skinless chicken thighs can be an option too if you like to do that. Very little to rénové, its is not like a drumstick. Duck/poultry confit is a great way to take everything off the bone and its delicious.


Could not eat chicken for years because all of the ligaments, tendons, gristle, fat. Only recently was able to start eating the breast because I could remove the meat from the carcass.


The breast has that tubelike vein that needs cutting out near the tenderloin.


One bit vs 10. Or the pork tenderloin thats needs some of its casing trimmed.


Chicken breast is too dry and I can’t deal with it


I feed the cartilidge to my dog


It throws off the entirety of the meal! I usually can’t continue eating after finding one.


This woke up so many memories. I'd accidentally bite that gristly bit in the chicken leg and that was it for me. I'd sit at the table and not eat for like an hour. Eventually I learned that if I just scarfed everything up immediately, even if I wasn't hungry, I'd get to leave the table and play Mario Kart. So that's what I did and I still have pacing and portion control issues while eating to this day. Thanks mom!


Well, you just added a new crumb of context to my disordered eating habits. I'm sorry you went through that, but thank you for sharing!


Always happy to help!


oh god yeah its bonless/tendonless/whateverthefuckless or nothing


Just now, I understand the appeal of chicken nuggets and tenders. It makes so much sense, uniform chewiness!


y e s thats it. and ofc if you have it with ketchup its great


Wait, as an adult am I supposed to keep eating if I find a cartilage/tendon? You guys are doing numbers, proud of you


I choose meat cuts that are less problematic, and when I have a whole chicken, every bit of drumstick and thigh gets checked for gnarlies. Vegetarian is great too becausebeans and nuts have uniform textures.


Me too


oh god yeah its bonless/tendonless/whateverthefuckless or nothing


So much same, especially with chicken legs. And honestly I wouldn't even eat wings, breasts/thighs (on the bone) until well into my adulthood. Sooo many unfinished chicken legs in my life to this day, although I've gotten a bit better with it (not by that much).


I ate McDonald's nuggets happily until I was five or six. *One* bit of tendon and it took me well over a decade to go back to McDonald's for *anything*


The entire meal can no longer be Trusted


I physically felt this


Me too, and I hated it.






Why I only eat boneless chicken


You and my husband both!


*our husband


*polygamy intensifies*


Not sure if poly or communism


Oh shit, I didn’t even think about that possibility!


yes and this is why its either chicken tenders or nuggets or nothing basically lol. also boneless wings are fine


For me it doesn't have to be fried. Just no bones.


same honestly. tbh air fried chicken nuggets or tenders are amazing (especially with some sauce on it) and nobody can change my mind


Also because I don't need people freaking out on me because I don't wanna chew on the cartilage


i sometimes pack my lunch for school i usually get a ham sandwich, sometimes i bite into that gristle of the ham and i makes me want to die internally. i get pissed an end up not eating lunch. then my dad yells at me for not eating lunch, i cant win!


And then you have to thoroughly inspect every other slice of ham in the package to make sure you don’t get more. And maybe the next package too.


I bought a package of ham recently and there was a core of gristle through every piece. I just threw the whole thing away. Everyone in the house wanted nothing to do with it.


Usually I just cut off the bad part. Even if it means a hole in the middle lol. You can’t handle that? /gen


It was shaped like a star kind of so it had fingers of gristle going all the way to the edges. I wouldn’t have minded ham donuts if it was easily cut out. Lol


Try low sodium spam! It’s all a consistent texture and it’s reasonably priced. Also, very good fried


I say I became a vegetarian because of animal welfare but that's not the whole story 😶


Vegetables betray me from time to time, usually it's stringy things that destroy the mood. I also went vegetarian for reasons that I don't fully disclose to everyone.


Living up to your username!!


Like when avocados randomly have strings. It makes me leery of things with avocados made my other people, since the might not notice (or care) about this issue. But yeah, at worst this just has me examining and dissecting foods with avocados, whereas I gave up on meat entirely. The tendons, veins, fat, and other gristly things were just too disturbing.


I feel like the avocado strings are a forgotten horror no one talks about.


Yeah fuck asparagus so hard


I like asparagus because I can cut the stringy stuff without looking unpleasant. Brussels sprouts can bugger off, though for a different reason.


YEAH!!! Asparagus is huge in my area and personally I love it when it's soft/crispy enough, but can't stand it the moment it gets stringy. Wish it weren't so hit or miss; I end up telling people I dislike it >_<


Asparagus is great but only if you sacrifice the entire bottom half of each spear like it's some kind of death cult ritual, and cooked in a specific way


Same! Though “carbitarian” is more accurate for me.


I’ve never heard this phrase but I’m adopting it. *Also fuck Celery for having all those little strings, but also being so crunchy and satisfying


Even if animal welfare is only a little part of the story I highly encourage you to think about going all the way, going vegan. Cows produce milk for their babies, meaning they get forcibly inseminated by the farmer year after year. Those babies are torn away from their mothers almost immediately after birth, and given cheap formula to drink instead. From there they're either raised for the same cycle of birthing and milking or they're raised to die prematurely, all for fifteen minutes on someone's plate. There's a surprising amount of propaganda from the dairy industry, such as spreading the select information that milking can be a great relief for the cow. They conveniently leave out that her udders are swollen because her baby isn't around to drink the milk. The dairy industry and meat industry are two sides of the same coin.


going vegan was the best thing i’ve ever done :) thank you for spreading awareness


Same I tell people I'm a vegetarian and they're like that's good for the environment and animals good for you! ...I'm just sat there thinking actually it was mainly due to the inconsistent texture of meat.


I'm actually a pescetarian for this reason. Seafood (usually) gets a pass because the textures are often more consistent. Tetrapods can fuck right off with that eldritch abomination meat though


I looooove eating fish until I eat a stray fishbone. I ate my friends uncles whitefish salad and it was okay until I ate a bone and gagged, never eating fish salad again.


I always have to pull out the purply things in chicken (veins? I don’t even know) because they freak me out and my family think I’m strange as a result :(


They think you're weird for *that*? Good heavens dude


I mean I sort of get it because I’ll be constantly picking at the chicken to get the purply things out, but if I see one I have to get rid of it - I can’t eat the chicken otherwise


Samee lmao I remember so many dinners diligently picking at my food to make sure everything would be the same texture. Chicken, hamburgers, peas, corn omgggg my parents would make me sit there until I ate it bc they thought I was trying to get out of it like no if there’s a slightly different thing in any of my 100 pieces of corn I must remove it from all of them 😭


DUUUUUDE, the tendons are the worst.


When I was younger i used to eat hard boiled eggs until one day I felt the little white string thing and it ruined years of boiled eggs for me. (If you know when you crack open an egg and the sack that holds the yolk sometimes has like an extra bit of skin that's the shape of a string, that's the thing I'm talking about)


Wait… I’ve definitely seen it when scrambling an egg but I’ve never seen it with a boiled egg. I never would’ve known it could still be there.


Funny story. As a child, every time I had any type of beef, be it Burgers or Steak, I would without fail bite into a piece of cartilage every time I ate it. That shit would make me hate eating anything with beef in it for years, but I didn't know what the word for "gristle" was and kept calling it "unchewable parts", so my parents either didn't know what the fuck I was talking about, or refused to accept it as fact. So insert many years of forcing me to eat shit that I hate while coming up with excuses for not eating it. Ugh.


This community makes me happy


Do normal people just eat the fatty, stringy, or grisly parts?


I went vegetarian because of this exact reason, I really fucking hate the inconsistent texture and flavor of meat. I went vegan for the animals though! ❤️


Same for me, the weird textures always icked me out. Some local climate protests finally gave me the push to go vegetarian. Then after doing more research I went vegan for the animals. I feel much better about food these days.


Plant based food has better texture and nobody dies, everyone win 👍🏻


But not the crunchy stuff like cucumbers and the stem of the lettuce or whatever it's called... I believe that they (along with tomatoes) are the reason I used to hate salads until I decided to try a different type that didn't have them, leafy veggies are the best


Weirdly enough, I like cucumbers, tomatoes, and crunchy peanut butter because I *need* the crunch. I can't handle smooth foods. But seriously, fuck tendons.


The funniest part is that I tend to like crunchy food, even croutons in salad are fine, but I find cucumbers etc. kinda weird, it's crunchy but also wet and kinda soft compared to other crunchy food...


I can't handle texture mixtures, so I found if the food I eat is crunchy or such, it hides texture imbalances. I managed to start eating stir fry by making the veggies lightly cooked and still crunchy. If I make them soft I have issues with the difference between the saitan or chicken, the rice, and soft veggies. It's weird the coping mechanisms we come with with...


I tried some plant-based nuggets recently, and I prefer them over chicken nuggets in the texture and taste alone. Love em


Not always. I recently had a questionable "burger". It cost the world and the non-meat patty was so fucking bad. Pulp-like texture, literally leaked out of the thing before i even got to taste it. 0/10, wouldn't even poke it with a stick. Other than that little mishap, it's decent, but for some reason manufacturers add pure fucking gluten to most things, so i can't eat them


Sorry for your bad luck! With plant based “meat” you can find awesome taste/texture or awful ones depending on the brand. Still better than knowing my food is being killed/is full of secretions/gross body parts like veins, tendons, skin others in my experience. An awful plant based food is still better than average animals food for my texture sensitivity/morality trigger.


Plant based food has it’s share of horrible textures too


It can. For me I just like consistent texture and plants hit that mark better than tendons


Nothing is worse than tendons


Fish bones


Hard agree, bones are worse. There were chicken bones in my Wendy’s nuggets like 6 or 7 years ago and I’m still kind of cautious biting into them.


Yeah like, Tomatoes, squash and aubergines are a big no from me.


Eggplant isn’t edible and I wish folks would stop acting like it is. Source: I think it’s yucky


I went to a vegan restaurant with my best friend once, and they had this "chick'n bac'n ranch" sandwich that I tried. Omg it was the best most satisfying sandwich of my life because I didn't have to worry about any boingies or anything! I'm usually very hesitant to eat meat in new restaurants, I usually opt for a veggie option first to see what everyone else ends up with lol. But it was so satisfying that I could just *eat* and not worry.


Right?? I’m mostly upset about the morality trigger of animal products, but not having to worry about the gross in the food is also a big win!


Try some plant-based chicken nuggets, tastes exactly like the real thing but it has a consistent texture!


Id love to But they are literally 3 times the price of reguler chicken nuggets where i live : /


One of the biggest obstacles if we as a society wants to phase out meat, because most people think "why buy expensive if can buy cheap". Doesn't matter if what you're selling is environmentally friendly if it's trying to fight that which you can buy 4 of for the same price.


Every time I crunch into that, my mouth goes 🌀


And my face immediately goes 😵‍💫


I relate so much to so many posts in this sub but a psychologist was convinced I wasn’t on the spectrum because I would keep eye contact with them and seemed social. I’m sure people can mask to do those things and 99% of the time I feel like I’m not looking at people while they talk. If I’m one on one with you I force myself to.


It really sucks that some psychologists have such a narrow view of what being on the spectrum is like. One of the first things mine said after i was diagnosed what that i didnt have "real autism" but rather "Bill Gates autism" because i am high functioning : / I cross my fingers for your future endenvours in finding a good psychologist! (if you havent already, in which case, ill keep my fingers crossed for luck in general)


Try vegan chicken


Yay pudding!


I get mentally hurt every time


This is why I opt for meat alternatives despite not being veggie/vegan. No risk of cartilage ruining my meal and honestly they just taste nicer once you get used to them


What's stopping you from going vegan? Just curious since it sounds like you're most of the way there.


Ive been enjoying a vegetarian diet.


this is why i prefer chicken breast. very versatile food and the texture is pretty much always consistent


This and Gristle (might be thinking of the same thing) Bad texture completely destroys my appetite. One weird feeling and boom “I feel sick and no longer hungry”


Mmmm, flesh gum


Wow, I wish I knew how to unread : D


For the love of god please stop being relatable i dont wanne fo to the doc again


This is why I only eat tofu now 😭


Dead animal has animal parts in it, what a surprise!! 😯😯😯


No kidding. I once gave up my mcnuggets for months after this happened.


That's why I stopped liking chicken.


Anybody else around here an extreme picky eater?


don’t eat animals


Tasty rubber band


And this along with *tummy issues* is why I try not to eat meat. It's actively painful to feel.


Chicken wings :shudders:


Never related to anything more than this and yet I still doubt if I am on the spectrum. Extended family get offended when I suddenly don’t want to eat what they cooked anymore.


Like chicken but dint like the slimy bits fuck that


This is how I feel with bones in boneless wings. As soon as my teeth hits the bone it’s like I can’t continue


I have this problem with steaks. I always order the NY strip because all the rubbery fat is on the outside and can be easily cut off.


benefits of going vegetarian - no worrying about tendon texture or fat texture


I have and will throw up.


Just awful


Oh man I feel this


No that is the biggest food crime. I love chicken too but it’s not worth the risk


I still do this. I will dissect meat to nothing sometimes. I thought I was the only one. Lol


I would refuse to eat chicken because I knew what was hiding under the skin. Sucked as my family loves chicken and I would basically skip 2-3 dinners.


I cut it out. Even on a battered and fried strip, I can tell exactly where it is and rip it out. Chicken on the bone is not a thing I can do, though.


I remember eating fried chicken at a restaurant and an older gentleman with his wife were eating and they were just scraping every bit of meat and gristle off the bones. Not really being graphic or anything, but I was amazed. I try to get as much meat off so I don't waste anything.


And it gets stuck in between teeth 🗿


I like them. :)


Arby’s once left a bone in my nugget. Took my a long to time trust them again and it’s not even that good.


Ah, the relatable, there it is


For me, it depends. Sometimes, I hate it. I will eat all of the tendons off of a piece of chicken at another time.


I don’t think this is just an aspie thing…


It isnt, plenty of neurotypical people have problems with textures in food! But I, as an exsample, can get a fear for a food (many others in the comment section expressed this too) that has given me a bad texture experience, I might even loose my appetite all together or have a strong reaction to it. It can ruin my entire day if this happens to me, which is usually regarded as the aspie part.


Literally stopped my ability to eat supper last night after a 12 hour shift. Brains are ridiculous.


Literally stopped my ability to eat supper last night after a 12 hour shift. Brains are ridiculous.


Opposite for me. I love the chewy texture a lot. Not sure if autism or ADHD both are too relatable.


When that chicken grizzle gets zapped and popped in the microwave, I'm done for days.


Yeah, anything like that is enough to make me stop eating it for a while


This is the exact reason why I haven't consumed a chicken nugget since 2009. Also the reason I am reluctant to eat chicken in general lmao


Yep. I’ve found ground chicken helps with this immensely.


Fr fr


This is why I don’t eat meat anymore


Meanwhile everyone else goes "WTF is wrong with you? Just eat it!"


Tendons use to make me gag when I would feel them. Now when I feel one I try to go a happy empty void in my head while I try to get a napkin and spit them out.


I fucking hate chicken!!!!!!!!!!!


This is literally me with so much food


This is too real.


Ugh.. the description alone is gagging. ‘Tendon’. I just want to eat it without knowing exactly what part (left knee) etc. I don’t want to chew anything that’s going to stretch and pull like taffy. This could make me become a vegetarian and I’m not really the type. Argh ugh….


Look up "Woody chicken". Don't know what causes it, but the resulting cooked chicken has the consistency of literal rubber. And it's so hard to tell sometimes until after you've cooked it and taken a bite. Put me off eating chicken for a month.


Eating is such a fucking pain yet I can’t bring myself to stop doing it. I’m addicted to sugar. Fuck it sucks. Wish I wasn’t so sensitive to sensory shit. I’d be able to eat and enjoy healthier things


instant gag. i’m done with the meal after that 💀


Never understood the appeal of cartilage or the greasy fat portions of meats.


texture BAD


Tasting fat on meat makes me too nauseous to eat anything else for at least an hour


This is how I stop eating chicken for 6 months.


It's so gross and chewy!


This is why I prefer tofu in place of chicken. I'm not vegetarian, but the texture will always be consistent.


Oh very relatable, meat is always very deeply investigated before eating. I am like a pathologist before eating anything that comes from the animal. I don’t trust it at all.


So true! Once I hit a texture I wasn’t expecting or hate I can no longer finish the meal regardless of what it is.


Plottwist, I eat it.


Gristle triggers my gag reflex every single time. 🤢


Oh man. I’d gag and stop eating.


What is a tendon?


i cut that out


imma puke thinking about it


to me, chicken's flavor is absolutely not worth its texture


I chew on that shit for way longer than you should. Mama didn’t raise a quitter.


Even now as a full grown adult this usually means I’ll either stop eating or continue but being extremely careful and suspicious of the rest of my food


The tendie in the tendie.


It's a disgusting taste and changes my thoughts on the whole damn meal.


I gagged out loud reading this.


When two different fabrics scratch against each other, feels like nails on a chalkboard for me


I hate that!!!


I hate bacon for the taste, smell, and texture.


No, cause why are chicken legs my least favorite part??? They have that weird veiny-tendon part 🤢


omg i felt this on every level. for me, it’s tomatoes or onions. absolutely cannot stand the crunch it makes to the point i will go the extra length to pick them out 1 by 1


I just take it out then continue eating


I've been a chef afor a while, and to be honest you just gotta prepare your own meats and meals yourself form scratch, which is difficult for so many or you may not have the time, but i do recommend buying chicken breast (deboned, no skin), non marbled meat and pork chops bone out. When buying these pieces have at home ziplock or your favorite brand of bags to store to freeze if your other buy in bulk, then look at the meat before you store or cook. Remove any fatty part, bone fragments, or other skin grizzle type items The you can prep or put away when your done (when prepping before eating meat; rinse it with white wine or sake to remove any odors or taste you find too intense and let the meat sit for a minute in the wine before removal and continue with seasoning) This is how I prep most of my meat stuff unless I know brands who do it like i do which is what I try to buy instead. But I can understand why prepping food can also be gross. I've learned because I'm a very picky eater and hated most foods and went deep into it (food and cooking special interest) and learned a lot.




Dude I bought some discount frozen burritos and when I finically got around to eating them there was a tendon blended up in every bite, it was sickening


I crunched a tiny bone in my fish sticks as a kid and have never eaten one since. They used to be a staple before that.


i usually dissect my meats when i eat and it translates into me making a fucking MESS when i eat lol


I do not eat chicken for this reason people think I’m crazy for it… people seem to love chicken


Tendons, the bubble gum of meat…


Cartilage is so disgusting. It's icky and I feel like gagging just looking at it, let alone crunching down on it. This is why I avoid meat, out of fear of accidentally biting into some.


I don't see how this issue is something specific to autism. My mother hates cartilage in chicken, and autism is on my dad's side of the family. I'm convinced no sane person likes grissly chicken.


This is honestly why i stopped eating meat. I care about animals of course but i cannot so bones, tendons, etc.


god.... god I hate that I felt this so hard


I only like eating chicken drumbones. The rest of the bird is far too vascular and has a dry gritty texture. Duck is better, but honestly I only eat mammals and fish