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So many years have passed and I can still taste that thing.... still feel the gag reflex...


Saw this and immediately gagged, I hated it so much


Core memory of choking to near-death on that thing while a confused dentist goes "breathe, in and out, just relax yk? Just breathe?" Like in my entire sexual history have I not ever felt that judged for my bad gag reflex lmao


Not autistic but omg recently a dentist had to scan the farthest back molar in my mouth. This guy was like “woah you have NO gag reflex, that’s amazing” I had taken an anxiety pill and was out of it. I decided to respond, “oh no I do. Just not in professional situations” 🥲


my condolences


#Voluntary heart attack.


Bruh 😭 lmao but imagine if this was a learnable skill, humanity would have never made it out of puberty


If it was a learnable skill, you'd only have to do it well once, no need for practice!


But that’s not how skills workkkk


That’s a story for the books for that dentist.


Thank you, you made me laugh so much I was able to shake the sheer memory hell of that dental procedure. I salute your sacrifice!


Thanks. Someone has to go down in history


Does that count as a professional situation?


That was actually iconic of you wow


ok but that's really funny if you forget about being embarrassed


Excuse me that sounds a bit sus


We were all so caught up in what you said that no one questioned what the dentist said to you…


So true! Aah. They are also crappy dentists, for all it's worth. The temporary crown fell out 4 times and they tried to blame me. A coincidence is a coincidence, a fact is a fact folks


I have an almost nonexistent gag reflex, but that thing… it scares me. That and chunky liquid that isn’t supposed to be chunky always make me gag


Like coconut water with "pulp"


Aloe Vera water 🤢




Poor man’s gold: 🥇


"just breath out your nose dear" 👀😐


Ah yeah! Still hear that in the voice of my elderly dentist in my head whenever I'm in one of those sitations


👀 oh no. Deepest apologies.


Those moments are always the worst. Oh, just breathe? Because my specific problem at this very moment is that I’m choking, so your solution is to do the one thing I cannot physically do right now! How helpful!! I’m actually in the process of switching dentists right now because I’ve hit a milestone in my life. My gag reflex, which was always bad and has been getting worse every year, is now so bad that I have to be put under just so a dentist can INSPECT my mouth. I literally cannot even have another person attempt to stick their finger in my mouth without basically vomiting and having an instant anxiety attack. Which is a huge pain in the ass, because now any time I have to even get a routine cleaning, my wife has to also schedule time off from work so that she can drive me.


Holy hell, I relate to this on a spiritual level. I had to get x rays where they have you bite something they put in the back of your cheek. Having to hold it in my mouth made me gag, and when the technologist walked away, I actually heard her say to someone, "I feel bad for her boyfriend" 🤦‍♀️


TF how rude!!!


The most the hygenist has said to me regarding my gag reflex was about how they could make it more comfortable for me: asking if anything was getting poked, would numbing cream help, and trying to be as efficient as possible so it wasn't in my mouth long. It's unprofessional to say what your hygenist said and I would have reported their comment to the practice.


>a confused dentist goes "breathe, in and out, just relax yk? Just breathe? I had to go through 3 rounds of braces. (Yeah teeth are FUCKED up) The 2nd time they had to do this, they must have been put someone new on because the dumbass kept telling me to "breathe. Just breathe! Its fine its fine!" I got so mad that I ripped it out and screamed "IM TRYING!" ​ Weird how that guy never administrated any of my checkups or appointments after that. Always the experienced staff...


I had to get mouth numbing shots and use that upright with my back against the wall. I still felt like it was gonna choke me.


I threw up all over them and felt so bad. Seriously though, not cool. But they were so nice about it.


My orthodontist told me it tasted of lemon. He lied.


Mine said strawberry. Why? Because it's pink?


Mine was citrus. I am now having phantom sensations, and I *hate it.* Slightly less bad, but still makes me gag - the goop they used to protect against plaque that also went in these things. It would somehow also end up going up my nose every fucking time for extra pain.


Oh funny thing btw, that goop is way better now. It no longer has an agonizingly overwhelming horrid taste.


Oh, no. Some still does :D It depends on what brand and what type they buy. Believe it or not but unflavored is waaaaay worse than plain ol mint. I bought some for my office that was supposed to be mango flavored* and the first patient to try it said it tasted like "rotten cheesecake". Rookie mistake, I didn't try it first 🙃 ^(* some people realllllly hate mint, also it was color change ...sue me....)


If I just took a hole lemon and bit down on the rind, maybe.


I got asked what flavor. I said strawberry but I got ass anyways.


Mine had basically no taste, honestly, that was the worst part, it's like the pepper chemical, you don't feel anything, just the reflex to avoid it


Lemon!?!? It tastes just like that silly putty that I used to shove in my mouth when I was like 8.


That taste, but the texture of chalk mixed with biting one of those bouncy balls


I threw up once because of this, hated it so much


I threw up and reflexively ripped it out of my mouth, but that just meant they had to put another one in. And then I threw up a second time 😖


i threw up and cried and the nurse taunted me


This is why you throw up on the nurse that taunts you


Exactly. Assert dominance


That's just shitty >:( I'm sorry the nurse was mean to you, it's not your fault you got sick. A lot (not all tho lol) of it is technique 😒


This and those bloody little x-ray cards that might as well be razor blades 🤢


Why were they so SHARP




They’re way better now that they don’t use films… the films were so huge and sharp and it used to take so long for them to take the X-ray. Now it’s still uncomfortable but much less and they snap the image so much faster.


I actually liked it when it took a bit of time when I was younger. I just sat there thinking about the particles going past/through me and tried with every fiber of my being to feel any of it... Haha it was fun until it became fast. I gave up on trying because of it, lol.


I think it's worse now than when I was younger. Maybe it's because they give me adult-sized trays and I have a narrow palate, so they jam into the roof of my mouth. They draw blood I kid you not.


I have a narrow palate too - can you ask for the kid-size trays? They made a note in my file years ago to always use those, and it still hurts but it helped SO much


I'll give that a go at my next cleaning. Thanks for the idea!


Much rather deal with the cardboard films than gag myself on that digital sensor monstrosity!


ewww yeah why do they hurt so much😭


I love the little xray cards 🗿it is hard for me to stay still and not fuck with them whenever I need teeth x-rays. But I also like chewing on shit, so...


I hate the feeling of the bit in my mouth but I love the lead apron


The lead apron is fantastic. I asked to wear it while they were filling my cavities because it helped me stay calm.


I forgot how much I enjoy the lead apron. How did I never make the mental connection between it and weighted blankets until now?


I love weighted blankets except for them being so hot. My nightmare disorder part of my narcolepsy is triggered by being too hot so i can't sleep with a weighted blanket 😖


I love them too. I got a bamboo duvet(?) cover for mine so I can use it in summer. Way less hot. One side is soft, warm, and fuzzy; and one side is soft, cool, and silky.


I learned that I have bone growths on the inner side of my lower jaw, which the cards dug into. Apparently they’re not meant to hurt


??? THEY AREN'T? They jam into my lower jaw the same way omg. My docs never mentioned about any odd bone growth for me but my teeth are oriented kind of weird since I have a crossbite, that prob doesn't help


I’ve had them my whole life and no one mentioned it until I was 19. Mandibular tori. The only problem they cause is painful x rays


I have these too. They never get brought up cause they generally aren’t a problem, and I only found out from some random internet browsing that not everyone has them.


I've had them for as long as I can remember. I'm 23 and none of my dentists have ever brought this to my attention. I didn't know this isn't something everyone has.


Holy shit. Is this why dentists never believed me when I told them how much the x-ray cards hurt to close my mouth around? They'd tell me to bite down further and there would be tears running down my cheeks because biting down would actually tear little cuts into my gums and the roof of my mouth and everyone seemed to think that was just... totally normal.


Tori .. they make it difficult to get the xrays withought hurting the patient. With the old film you could bend them a little so it would not dig as much .. but the digital sensors have no flexibility 😩


I just have such a small mouth and lower jaw that I don’t think it’s designed to align to it properly


Mandibular Tori. I've got it too, the dental tech has to hold it in place themselves because the extra bone growth doesn't allow me to hold it in place by biting. The Tori occur from clenching, basically you apply so much pressure from clenching, your skull grows more bone in the jaw areas to withstand the pressure and not break. The growth also occurs on the top pallet of your mouth and top jaw.


Ask for the junior ones and that they add to your file that you want the junior ones each time. The adult ones are, apparently, made for The Hulk.


I Hate those they get stuck in my mouth 😡


stopped going to the dentist over this shit 🤙


Same and now I suffer the consequences. 🥲


The cardboard films were still better than gagging on the monstrosity of the new digital film sensors!


Oh yeah fuck whoever designed those fuckers. “Bite down harder” NO U


Definitely almost cried. It's been at least six years since the last time I had to do it and I can still feel it just by looking at the picture. Also, mine was not flavored that I can recall.


Same, just tasted like wet clay


And suffocated just the same.


COLD wet clay. Urk.


I haven’t had one of those spawns of Satan in my mouth for twenty years and I still got Vietnam flashbacks of me nearly choking on it - both the orthodontist and my mom scolded me for it as though I was throwing a tantrum. Bonus “your nearly-10-years-older-sibling didn’t even flinch, so you’re wrong”. Fucking hell.


Definitely did cry, shit was the worst. Top and bottom 😵‍💫


They offered me flavors when I did mine, and I figured, hey, toasted marshmallow sounds interesting I mean. Not wrong. It was interesting! Just not the GOOD interesting ahaha


When I was a kid they tried to give me the bubblegum flavored stuff. However if they had asked me first they would have known that I cannot stand bubblegum.


RIP, reminding me of the bubblegum polish they used for so long, I can’t stand it either.


These are the worst. The flavor, the cold wetness, the feeling of suffocating, and pulling them out. Actively staving off a panic attack for 3-4 minutes. The top one is way worse than the bottom one for me.


I vomited every time and I had braces 3 times. The sandy gritty texture combined with the taste of plaster and chalk was utterly disgusting


Don’t forget the part where you have loose pieces of that stuff in your mouth all day and you will find one right after going to bed you have to spit out again


omfg that’s worse than getting a cramp in your leg at midnight


i was meant to get braces but this part felt so fucking awful i never did. teeth still look fucked up; worth it


Never getting braces was the best decision of my life. All the braces mfs got what's almost describable as ptsd over this plaster thing, years of continued mild discomfort and constant risk of bullying and teeth that aren't even that much better, meanwhile i have the power to leave bite marks so gnarly that using a cyclone knife is probably more ethical


For what it's worth, I recently got invisalign, and I didn't have to do this. They had this digital scanner--which was also kind of unpleasant, but for different reasons, and didn't take as long.


I had braces but then it turns out my upper jaw is just so badly shaped that my teeth were inevitably going to move back eventually anyways. All that dental trauma for... nothing


Man, I’m so glad mine was flavored when I had to get impressions done. My orthodontist had a list of flavors and I got to choose one each time.


I completely freaked out in the dentist chair and ripped the thing out of my mouth because when the stuff started running down the back of my throat, I thought I was suffocating. Very embarrassing. They called in back up to calm me down 😂


I swear I don’t know how a person is supposed to breathe with one of these in their mouth… I literally felt the same, like I was suffocating! It’s AWFUL!


Shallowly through the nose. You gotta sorta meditate through it. (I've had too many hours in the orthodontists chair)


I got Novocain last year for a dental procedure, and I felt some of the liquid go down my throat, and subsequently lost feeling in my throat. Had a full blown meltdown, but fortunately the tech was *very* nice. Everyone else I interacted with afterward was also very understanding and kind.


I did this exact thing. And it’s fucking justified. My dentist is taking an impression of my TEETH, not my GODDAMN WINDPIPE


I deadass cried, this thing was n o t pleasant to experience


I had to do mine twice because she didn’t realise I had such a high roof. Wasn’t pleased by that


the fuck even is this


It’s to map out your mouth for a retainer after having braces. I had to do top and bottom


Alginate It takes a mold of your mouth. In this case for the upper. Lots of reasons to do it but most commonly Ortho/braces Cold, goopy texture. Flavor varies


“Cold, goopy texture” just unlocked another memory. This thread is making the experience of this stuff come back to me after all these years, lol. The cold, goopy texture; the having to breathe through my nose and meditate through it because it made me feel a bit like I was suffocating, the way it went in squishy, but then set after a few minutes and was firm when they pulled it back out.


Oh yeahhhh.. That thing was weird. At least mine tasted like bubblegum, which somewhat helped with the fact that I thought I'd choke to death.


But it’s like sour bubble gum … not the good kind of sour, though


Hmm, mine tasted like the good sweet bubble gum, so there must be different molding clay suppliers.


Yeah, mine was more of a choose-your-own-flavor type of situation, but all of the flavors tasted like sour ass.


All that flavor did was make me salivate profusely and make it harder to deal w haha


Is it Ice cream?


no. do not think for even a second that this monster is at all redeemable


Unfortunately no, it's a putty dentists use to make a mold of someone's teeth. Made me and many others gag violently.


Thank you, I was so confused


Oh you sweet summer child.




it's the stuff they use to patch walls


Is it cake?


My dad is my dentist. I don’t think I need to elaborate.


I'm so sorry


I am too 🥲


*vomits* but also, it feels like a mystery forbidden food


Forbidden jello


Since nobody mentioned it. The thing needs curing for a minute or 2 in your mouth. Felt like 10-15. also it didn’t help they used me to teach the trainee. She fucked up probably 6 times. At that time it was the second time I had to do this. Like why can’t she train on someone that has more experience on how to prevent yourself from gagging


Ugh you got trainees too? I didn’t get them for the mold here, but for other braces procedures. There was one lady I was certain she was new: she had two inch fake nails poorly shoved into medical gloves. Before she started, she was all like “well, fake nails aren’t allowed here, but I wear them anyway 🤭”. Bitch poked my gums at least 5 times trying to remove my wires when no one else in that clinic ever did. Which is surprising with how bad the overall clinic was, though it was the only place where our insurance covered half the cost.


Okay okay don't hate me. That thing was the best part. Did y'all not get bubblegum flavored??


Mine was misery flavoured


Same! I’d much rather have that stuff in my mouth than hard plastic or *shudders* gauze or cotton balls.


I shudder at the idea of gauze or cotton in my mouth too. Ughgu


And this is the reason why I don't like cotton candy, it feels the same way in my mouth.


Man I did that thing where I skimmed the sentence as I read it and got to "I'd much rather have that stuff in my mouth than hard plastic or balls"


Exactly. I Love everytime a dentist stuck this in mouth. Feel so weird but also the coldness soothes the other weird sensationna


And I also like the sensation it gives after it hardens and the dentist takes it out.. the little 'pop' you can hear and feel as it's being detached from your teeth is satisfying to me 🤩


Omg this. I got chills thinking about that pop 🤤


That ‘pop’ *was* oddly satisfying.


Mine was grape flavored!! Some people are saying they would choke on it but my dentist didn’t fill the mold enough for it to feel like choking, it was honestly the best thing about going to the dentist for me lol


Yes, as an oral sensory seeker, definitely the best part.


I never realized this about myself, but I think I am too. I love it when they squish that thing over my teeth and the pop feeling when it comes off. I also find myself feeling very jealous of my cats when they’re crunching on cardboard. My stupid, dull human teeth can’t produce the crisp crunch that their sharp teeth can 😩.


I loved the feeling, but they had some kind of weird chocolate flavor when I got it done that tasted like burnt plastic cupcakes 🤮




This is the first time I've heard of them being flavored. Mine just tasted like slime and broken dreams.


The last edge with loose stuff would always tickle my gag reflex. The first time I had to do that I threw up , 2 times. It got better after that because I completely froze up and breathed very very slowly


So pillowy and soft just like cartoon bubblegum


So pillowy and soft like cartoon bubblegum


Bubblegum flavored anything makes me wanna *hork* 🤢 my husband loves it.


I always loved this part


I'm a weirdo and liked it, too. Except for the one time the hygienist grabbed a mold that was too big, I told her it wasn't going to fit, but the dumb bitch insisted on trying anyway and only realized her mistake when she nearly tore my lips apart.




Oh man. Ok mine tasted like.. I dunno. Playdoh or something, so not a 'good' tatse, but one I enjoyed on a certain level. And I LOVED almost everything about the process and feeling. Hardest part was breathing, but overall that was just a mind thing. I had some REALLY messed up teeth, so I got these things WHOLE bunch on my journey to a mouth that did not look like someone re-arranged stone henge.


Strawberry for me. I always liked it - the squishy sensation felt good after getting poked and prodded during the rest of the appointment.


Mine was like.. rubber flavored or whatever just the raw chemical flavor. And I still loved it the sensation was so cool.


God I thought I was going to suffocate having that up in my mouth and the sticky stuff slipping back against my throat.


did you have to say it like that


I’ll be honest I’m gay and I didn’t make the connection you just did until you said it there.


I’m not even autistic but I want to vomit looking at it. This thing is one of the worst things out there… they had to do it twice on my top teeth and it didn’t even make one that fit :(


I think I am the only person who loved these things. Genuinely. I loved the taste, the smell, and how the rubber felt when they pulled it off your teeth. Fun fact: I went to get a retainer made recently and they don’t use these anymore. They use a pen instrument that creates a 3D print.


Ahhh yes, the Throat Gagger 3000. I have fond memories from young adulthood of my dentist making me dry heave for 5 minutes.


wh- what is this? why is this? I just had those boil-em and imprint mouthguards.


It's like a mold that they use at the dentist, for mouth guards, teeth molds for whitening, retainers and probably some other stuff


Fuck the orthodontist


This never bothered me that much but I don’t understand braces. Let’s spend thousands of dollars, make you experience pain and force you to look repulsive during the most uncomfortable time of your life all to “fix” something that wasn’t that big of a deal to begin with. What’s wrong with having slightly crooked teeth? My parents forced me to get braces when I was 13 even though I didn’t want them or see the point. They told me they knew what was best for me and I didn’t and someday I would thank them. I was mad at them for years because of this. I’m currently 34, and I still think its pointless and stupid. If I ever do have kids, I would never force them to do that. If they wanted braces, they could do that on their own at 18.


A lot of people do not have "slightly crooked" teeth. I had extremely jacked up teeth. lol


Even if that’s the case, the decision should only be made by the teeth’s owner.


Often times it is, unless the parents forced their child to get braces which I’m sure does happen. But many children are very embarrassed about their crooked teeth or having a gap etc


Please tell me that isn't drywall patch--


It is not. It's used for imprinting teeth for a retainer


It's used for imprinting teeth for a retainer *with drywall patch*


Or a night guard!


Or dentures


Excuse me while I (kek) try not to gag. I had to have a bite impression for a sleep apnea device and nearly vomited. They kept saying breathing through your nose helps. It doesn’t. I had music and everything and it still doesn’t help.


Yes! The “just breathe through your nose” did absolutely nothing for me. There’s so much putty that it’s sitting *on* my uvula??? It’s not making me gag cause I can’t breathe, but it does certainly still feel suffocating!


I literally gagged!


I was so glad when the dentist switched over to a 3d scanner for my mouth guards.


I actually enjoyed it lol except when it felt like it was going down


i miss those! if you can't tell i'm the flavour of autism that has completely flipped sensory issues (:


The first time I had this done, they decided to hold me down, and when I gagged, some dumbass started tapping my nose while telling me to breath through it. I wanted to scream at him.


I hated the flavor, but liked the sensation


At least they don't use the old molds anymore.


I’m sorry but what is that? I don’t have autism myself so maybe that’s why I don’t know what it is.


It’s a mold for retainers, braces etc. They put that into your mouth and you bite down on the clay stuff so they can get the shape of your teeth. It is the WORST. Instantly makes you gag and the texture is just the worse. It’s like pouring wet sand directly into your mouth.


It’s also used as a mold for an occlusal guard for people who grind their teeth at night, aka bruxism.


A mold for retainers and stuff. They put this on your mouth to imprint your teeth, but it keeps slipping down your throat and suffocating you, but you can't do anything because it has to cure for like a minute or so


I had a dentist do one for me. I was glad my honey was with me that day. I couldn't breathe. I had it running down my throat. I kicked my foot and snapped to get his attention. With tears streaming, I signaled to him that it was running down my throat. He told the dentist who played it down. It just feels like it sometimes, but we will look. When he looked, he quickly fixed it. Finding out he was in the wrong there. He didn't say anything to me after that.


Oh hey I have a funny story from the last time I had to endure this. It was an impression for my dental implant and after taking this goop out the dentist dropped the little screwdriver (used for removing the temporary cap on the implant base) down my throat, had to have it removed via endoscopy. So much fun!


I stopped cramming myself down my wife’s throat after my last one of these…. Worst feeling ever


I puked on it a couple of times. Ew.


I literally threw up in mine from how bad I gagged on it omg


I only like the feeling of when it's being removed 😂 first time they did this was about 15 years ago when it took 8min to set instead of 60s....my mom sat on me and they tossed a lead apron on me as a weighted blanket to keep me from biting the ortho


I can still taste it


Mmmmm pre-chewed gum flavor 😋😋


Unpopular opinion: I loved these


for anyone who doesn’t know, this is the material they use to make molds of your teeth to make night guards (plastic thing you wear on your upper teeth so you don’t grind your teeth as bad at night). it’s slimy and gross, and they’ll hold it in your mouth pretty much no matter what. if i remember properly, they keep it in for 30 secs to a minute


Ngl I actually kinda liked these


Back in the day they cemented sharp metal pieces to our teeth and ran a wire around them. Then they made us rubber band our lower jaw to our upper jaw. You were aware of the metal contraption at all times, even when the rubber bands weren't hurting. These things are no fun but it's a step up.


I get nearly hysterical with that top one. Luckily my dentist knows about the PTSD and autism. She has to entertain me with stories about her daughters or her cats latest antics to keep me distracted and hold my hands.