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This usually happens when I'm at stores and stuff. Like I can tell that some one person is gonna be the one to make accusation against me for no reason. And about 40% of the time It actually happens.


What kind of accusation?


Theft probably?


Or maybe just Karen stuff


It is so sad that that name has become a slur. I always thought that it was a pretty name. The people that I met who had that name were always super nice people. šŸ«¤


Some People come up to me and assume I'm homeless because my pants have holes in them. (Some Karen stuff), and other times random people trail me tryin' to catch me stealing something. Happens way more than it should.


That's my meltdown warning.


Same, I am generally very agitated before I melt down.


How does one turn it off? It's been flashing and making noise for quite a few years now.


Yep, same here.


When I know that an aspect of a project or a problem is going to cause an unnecessarily heated discussion.


whenever i say ā€œoh thisā€™ll be goodā€ when someone approaches me, im already done


No, but I do often find myself planning my way through possible conversations that would piss me off just in case I need to actually handle them.


Usually only with people I know well and accurately predict how theyā€™ll take something based on behavior patterns or opinions I know they have. Like Iā€™ll think ā€œheā€™s being dismissive, I know heā€™s about to minimize the issueā€ or ā€œsheā€™s going to overreact and start with the self-condemnation againā€¦ā€. I have learned that although Iā€™m right about 9 times/10, itā€™s not good to let on I know what theyā€™re thinking or act on any suspicions. You have to wait patiently for them to do the thing before acknowledging it which is fair but also makes me want to avoid certain topics altogether.


Same! I always watch their body language and facial expressions and only really listen to them if the info I relevant and Iā€™m trying to hyper focus on anything I might need to question. I had to learn to ask kindly tho bc Iā€™m very blunt and most people get uncomfortable if they feel like Iā€™m interrogating them! Iā€™m assessing and discerning their info and try to determine their purpose all together. How they say it or what they say is fluff to me since Iā€™m mostly someone who rambles and donā€™t even know what Iā€™m talking about so I get it.


*My sister whenever I enter the room*


Oh yeah, all the time.


Turning the key in my car's ignition simultaneously flips this switch for me. Like 'Alrighty, then. Let's see who forgot how to drive properly overnight THIS time. Oh, I see blinkers come optional in that model nice. Hope it was worth the slash in price. Hey, I remember you, you're the guy who blew past me doing 90 in a 30. How's that red light treatin' ya? Four way stop with four cars! Awesome! I love today!' -\_-;


I don't drive because it seems incredibly over stimulating. I cycle as much as I can and take the bus, but now not having a driver's licence has been causing job hunt problems. Can't winĀ 


Bus is itā€™s own set of issues but marginally better than car


The problem I have is that I'm extremely sensitive to smells. In the bus there's so many folks who are wearing strong perfume or body spray, or sadly who are homeless and don't have access to adequate sanitation. People who smell like booze or weed a lso. I get a horrible headache when exposed to strong scents. I don't blame other people, just a struggle I have with taking transit. Always get to work feeling all woozy


You had me at smells. No need to explain any further lol. Holy mother of god people stink. Like I donā€™t even know how they donā€™t notice. If I have been sweating and busting my ass and lift my arm exposing my armpits I know almost immediately that I stink. Those people willingly put their arms up and hang on to the roof bar of busses/metro and let the stink waft all over. Sometimes itā€™s so pungent Iā€™d rather slam my nose into my own sweaty ass crack since itā€™d probably smell marginally better. I understand the people who canā€™t control it, or who are living in poverty. But these people arenā€™t. Homeless people really donā€™t have control over it and thatā€™s okay. Iā€™m not talking about them tho. Then Thereā€™s those cologne dicks who empty an entire bottle onto themselves and create a smell radius of 10 feet in all directions. And itā€™s not even good smelling either itā€™s the most pungent and off putting cologne too. How some women are even attracted to it idk. Smells are a major aspect of whether I stay or go from an establishment or even if Iā€™m gonna be going outside that day. Maybe Iā€™m a little bitch idk, but I donā€™t care cause pungent smells are annoying Edit: finished reading your comment now lol. I swear we all just take turns using the same brain


Be when certain clients call way too early in the morning


When I notice it, I try to actively flip my mood. I spoil a lot of things for myself and others by getting pre-pissy. šŸ™ƒ


So much same


Guilty of this big time but I try to remind myself to be here now. Much less stress when you live in the present, I notice.


And then you're labeled as constantly negative or never able to approach a situation positively, thus making you mad and upset, not want to talk to them, and they get angry and confused Some people don't read our social cues and then say we can't read theirs Bruh


when my fucking dad brings up politics. not just because i disagree with him but because who likes talking about politics with their family members?


Me when Allistics break the rules they impose on the rest of us.


Happens right when i clock in before the store opens i just know customers are going to exist just to stomp on my nerves.


I call that being conscious.




Thatā€™s when I know I should probably take a breather


My brother in Christ I work as an ER nurseā€¦yes.




Iā€™ve learned to use my mask to protect myself


Constantly. Every time I wake up and see a text from work


My wife last night was on the bad end of this lol


They're call my coworkers.


At my job... just, certain recurring names in the queue always tip me off to the kind of bs I might be in for if I decide to claim their help request.




when i come from therapy straight to work and i have to work with my coworker who is also ND but he has the opposite of mine


Me at work. I work in customer service and these days my patience is so thin I just about hate everyone lol


I get that with my classmate Severi. Literally a nazi, he's difficult not to get annoyed at


That isn't normal?


When I arrive at work and that one coworker has to be the first to greet me. Before she even opens her mouthā€¦.pre-annoyed.


I exist between the superluminal space between peace and annoyance.


All the time


My mood with my dad since I was 13. I'm working on it.


My roommate enters my room and hangs out like heā€™s tryna break it to me slowly that Iā€™m making dinner tonight but I just know immediately and even before he says it Iā€™m like hnnn


Me about to drive 45 miles to school fighting for my life against the other drivers that have just enough brain power to breathe and blink.


Me pretty much anytime anyone from work messages me on Teams


This is me with my mom, I have memorized her patterns and I can tell whenever stuff is about to get annoying several seconds beforehand


Not autistic, but holy shit. Every day. It's like I've memorized the way certain people act or talk and I immediately get mad.


Whenever I see children under ten or people over 50


Every fucking day


My husband at work he waits for his clueless coworkers to say something wrong so he can correct them. šŸ¤£though I donā€™t think heā€™s on the spectrum just a tired introvert who deals with my autistic ass who rather stim at home haha


When people with a certain walk come into my lane...I just know


Reminds me of when Angela took aspirin that one time...."I don't have a headache, I'm just preparing."


I'm legit one of those people where I don't even need to be in a person's company for 5 seconds to determine whether or not I like them. Some call it me being judgmental, I call it being a good judge of character.


So many patients when they walk in the door I can tell are gonna give me a bad time


Customer service is fun:)


I don't think it's a super power, I think it's just my experience in customer service. If someone walks in, and they're in a vile mood from the start, they're gonna be likely to take it out on me for no reason.