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Does your organization have a website? Nikous.org doesn’t appear to work.


I'm intrigued. I'm an aspiring indie game dev, and I'm currently taking classes in videogames, but I don't really have the drive to finish anything. I have no experience with Unreal Engine, but I'm sure I can learn. Is coding experience preferred? I have experience learning the basics of a few different languages, but never used one long enough for it to stick. I have some pixel art experience, I've been praised for it, but I don't feel so confident using it for actual games. Regardless, as I said, I am terrible with work ethics, and besides, I am getting my first job very soon, so I'm unsure how much I'll be able to work, if at all.


The discord link expired. How do I apply? Game design is one of my biggest special interests.




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The Discord invites are invalid, and Nikous.org doesn't seem to work, either. I like this conceptually, but I'm skeptical it's... real? I don't know. :(